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We regained cognizance in about fifteen minutes, and just stroked each other while expressing our mutual gratitude for the next half hour. Then she decided that it was time for another round, sucked my cock hard in less than a minute, and mounted me.

The woman was a fucking contortionist. She actually spun between cowgirl and reverse cowgirl five or six times without my cock leaving her pussy, and most of the time while still bouncing up and down on me. Another colossal mutual orgasm shortly followed, and we again drifted out of consciousness in each other's arms.

When we awoke it was after six o'clock. "Oh shit," Gina giggled. "I'm supposed to meet Jerry at a restaurant at six thirty, and I need to get dressed up."

"Is this the Jerry who stood you up this weekend," I asked, gently holding her chin as I stared into her eyes. "I want you more than he does. I need to find out if the best sex of my life was due to you, or Percocet," I said grinning.

Gina planted a fat kiss on me. "I'd love to, but I can't," she moaned, with a tone that made me believe her.

"Tell you what," I continued, not willing to give up until I won the sex trifecta. "I have a burner phone that doesn't display a number on Caller I. D., just 'Private'. Give me Jerry's number and I'll call him and pretend to be Detective Ormond. I guarantee that this will work."

She frowned, then sighed, and when I pinched a nipple playfully slapped my hand and then said "OK," and gave me his cell number.

I didn't call Jerry's regular cell - the number she gave me - but the burner cell he bought only for communications with me. He would definitely answer that phone and would know that it was me and play along.

"Hello, Mr. Williams. This is Detective Ormond from the 4th precinct...No this is not a call for a contribution to the Police Boys Club. Your wife, Mrs. Gina Williams, asked me to call you...No she's not hurt or in trouble. The reason for my call is that there was an incident at a place she was visiting today, and she is a material witness and giving us a statement...I expect her to be done in about an hour or hour and a half...Yes, she has her own car at the station, but she says that she can't make it to dinner but will meet you at home...Yes, I assure you that she's fine and is being a big help in our investigation, a true patriotic citizen...Yes, I'll give her your best."

Of course the entire conversation Jerry wasn't really saying much except "She's there and you're fucking her, aren't you! Hot Damn!" and stuff like that.

When I hung up I gave Gina a big smile. My cock gave her a salute.

"Wow, you're a silver tongued devil, aren't you," she giggled.

"Let me show you what my tongue is best at," I snickered, then pinned her to the mattress as she fake protested. I started tonguing and sucking on her clit while fingering her already cum-filled pussy. I wanted her coming back for more in the days to come so I brought her through two intense orgasms before I turned her on her hands and knees, shoved my cock into her well-lubricated and perfectly dimensioned pussy, and fucked us both to yet another over-the-top climax.

As she left, completely disheveled, about ninety minutes after I had called Jerry, I gave her a passionate kiss. "That sex was so much better than any other in my life that it was a different experience," I gushed. Not only did I have a straight face, I really meant it.

"It was precious," she replied, a tear forming in her right eye.

I wiped the tear away. "When can I see you again?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it after exercise tomorrow, hero," she replied. She gave me another quick peck on the lips and was gone. I looked down and saw that my cock saluting again. "Get some rest, cock," I said, "you did a great job today, but you're going to be needed to try even harder in the future." I took a shower, actually sad to wash our mutual cum and sweat off of my body. I ate a handful of nuts, lay naked on the cum-stained sheets of my bed, and instantly fell asleep, even though it was only about 8:30.


I was really pleased the next day when Gina expressed no regret or apprehension about the future. "I don't see giving up sex with you, Brett. I no longer love my husband and am angling as to how to best divorce him. However, it is extremely important that he not find out about us. Can you be completely discrete? I require it to proceed."

"Hell yes! I'd do anything for you, but that's no problem at all since keeping mum is what I'm famous for," I seriously replied.

So began the best sexual course of my life. I gave up all other pussy - which at that time was mostly just Michele. I broke up with her on the best terms possible. She wasn't in love with me, she just loved sex with me, but I told her that I'd be back in the saddle with her in a few months if she was still willing.

Gina and I were able to get together for an average of four sexcapades, usually multiple orgasms each time, a week for the next two months. I played down my success in my reports to Jerry. I told him that I had nailed her a couple of times, but that I wanted some good photographic proof. I kept sending him poor to mediocre photographs to mollify him. I didn't want to bring things to a conclusion because - though I thought this impossible after my first experience with her - the sex with Gina actually got better. She gave herself completely to me, and me to her.

Finally it got to the point where I needed to conclude matters if I wanted my $50,000 bonus. I did a little Photo-Shopping of the final photos I sent to Jerry and met with him and his attorney. He said that he was going to file the divorce papers - and a request to enforce the morality clause of the pre-nup - the next Monday. My final liaison with Gina would be Sunday. I was determined to make it special, and asked Jerry to get called away on business that day so that I could "wind things up." He readily agreed, obviously so that he could fuck Ginny Marlowe.

That Sunday I took Gina to the closest Four Star resort. We went swimming, got couples massages, took a nature hike - and fucked each other's brains out. We fell asleep in each other's arms completely and utterly sated!

Gina called me in a panic Monday night. "Brett, late this afternoon Jerry served me with divorce papers, and he's invoking the morality clause of the pre-nup. You haven't told anyone about us, have you?"

"What! He did that, the asshole! No, I haven't told anyone. I swear that I don't remember being followed either, or any suspicious activity when we had our liaisons. Do the papers provide any details?" I responded, pretending to be shocked and flustered.

"No, but the papers do refer to my paramour by the initials B. S. He must know about you," she shrieked.

"Have you had intercourse with anyone else while married to him?" I asked, feeling guilty about asking it and knowing that she hadn't but doing so to hide my role.

"Hell no!" she screamed. "Do you even have to ask me that after the way that we've bonded and what we've meant to each other?"

"No, of course not; I was just talking about before we met because I know that you were unhappy with him for a long time before we got intimate," I calmly replied.

We had a further discussion, culminating with Gina saying "Brett, I think that we should cool it until this blows over."

"I agree, Gina. No more contact except perhaps a status call from you or your attorney to me once in a while. Do you have a good attorney?"

"He's a fucking shark," was her ardent reply.

I got his name from her, and we signed off.


I met with Jerry's attorney again a few days after my last conversation with Gina. I told him that I had fucked her on six different occasions - it was closer to sixty, but there was no reason for him and Jerry to know that. I gave him times and places for the six liaisons, and photos. "You know, these photos aren't as clear as I'd like," he told me.

"I didn't want her to be suspicious," I replied. "Jerry can tell that it's her, can't he?"

"Jerry says that he clearly can - I just would like a slam dunk," he mumbled.

It was hard on me giving Gina up. I truly missed her; not just the fabulous sex, but the person too. Fortunately, I was able to hook up with Nasty-Nipple Michele again. While I certainly enjoyed fucking that fine piece of ass, it just wasn't the same. I had kind of an empty feeling, and a malaise that I couldn't explain. Michele even asked me about it once. I had a quick reply.

"It probably is just because you haven't asked me to fuck your ass since we got back together," I pouted.

Michele looked perplexed, then laughed, then said "Well get out the lube then big boy, and get to work!" I really pretended to find that ass-fucking the best sex ever, but once she fell asleep afterwards I lay awake staring at the ceiling.

I did have another motive besides sex in getting back with Michele. I got some valuable information from her.

I sent Jerry two emails asking "When do I get my $50,000 bonus for my testimony?" In each case he replied "After I hear it in Court or a deposition, not before!"

I guess when you have money and influence like Jerry Williams does you can grease the wheels of justice. An evidentiary hearing was scheduled for a mere ten weeks after Gina had been served. I met with Jerry's attorney two days before the hearing.

"I'm surprised that they never took your deposition, Brett. I had to identify you as the paramour. I think that was bad strategy on their part," he told me.

"I'll bet that her attorney got an anonymous call telling him that it was in his client's best interests not to take my deposition," I chuckled to myself.

"Did you take Gina's deposition?" I asked Jerry's attorney.

"Yeah; her attorney was clever in that one," he chuckled.

"How so?" I inquired.

"Well, since adultery is technically still a crime in this State, although no one has been prosecuted for it for decades, and in the couple of other prosecutions in recent years in other states the law has been found unconstitutional, the newly elected District Attorney is a religious freak, and he wouldn't agree to give Gina immunity. So in her deposition she was able to plead the 5th Amendment provision against self-incrimination."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that we have to prove our case without help from her. I'm sure that she won't take the stand in Court because if she does she'll have to waive her 5th Amendment rights and testify truthfully. But it means that unless we put on a prima facie case we won't prevail."

"Is there any problem with a prima facie case?" I asked.

"Not really. With your testimony and the photos it should be easy," he replied while shrugging his shoulders.

When I was called to the stand at the hearing I saw Gina for the first time since our phone conversation - I never did speak with her or her attorney about status, or anything else, since then. Even though she knew that I was being called as a witness, I saw her start to quietly sob as I was asked by the Clerk of the Court "Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and the whole truth, so help you God?"

"I do," I confidently replied; I don't believe in God.

Mr. Justice - a good name for Jerry's attorney, don't you think - enthusiastically started his examination of me. The salient inquiry went like this, as the Court Reporter transcribed it. "J" is Mr. Justice, "S" is me.


J: Do you know Mrs. Gina Williams, Mr. Saunders?

S: Yes. She and I are good friends.

J: How did you meet?

S: We met at a charity that we both volunteered for, one for battered women.

J: Did you ever go out to eat, or to events, with Mrs. Williams.

S: Many times, mostly when her husband, Jerry Williams, was away on business.

J: Did you and she ever establish a sexual relationship?

S: What do you mean by that?

J: Well, did you ever have sexual intercourse, oral or vaginal?

S: No; but we did platonically kiss a few times.

J: What do you mean, "No?" Just in my office two days ago didn't you tell me that you had sexual intercourse with her on six occasions?

S: Yes, I did say that to you but only because I had been offered $50,000 by Jerry Williams to lie about it. But now that I'm in Court, and have taken that oath, I realize that I can't go through with the lies he wanted me to tell. It would be criminal and my conscience would bother me the rest of my life.

J: Do you have any proof, aside from your word, about such an offer from Mr. Williams?

S: Yes, I do. [witness reaches into sport coat interior pocket and pulls out two sheets of paper] These are emails between Mr. Williams and me about it.

J: Your honor, I object. These documents...

Judge Pratt: Mr. Justice, this is your own witness - you can't object.

J: I want him treated as a hostile witness.

Judge Pratt: He may be hostile, but I'll see his documents. Bailiff, bring Mr. Saunders' documents to me.


Judge Pratt: These emails printed here are between you and Mr. Jerry Williams, Mr. Saunders?

S: Yes, your honor.

Judge Pratt: I'll receive them into evidence; your objection is noted Mr. Justice.

J: Are you sure that you didn't just make those emails up? Why for heaven's sake would Mr. Williams possibly want you to do that?

S: Because he wanted out of his marriage so that he could marry Ms. Virginia Marlowe, who he was has been having an affair with for at least the last several months.

J: Your honor, I object...

Judge Pratt: There you go again, counselor. If you ask the questions he's going to answer, and I'm going to take his answers into account.


J: Well what about these numerous photos, Plaintiff's exhibits 12-26, that you gave me showing you being sexually intimate with Mrs. Williams.

S: Per Mr. Williams' instructions I Photo-Shopped them. They really are of a prostitute named Tiffany, who was the prostitute I located on the Internet who looked most like Mrs. Williams. The photos were all taken on the same night in different rooms of her establishment when I was in Nevada - where prostitution is legal, I might add. I Photo-Shopped the pictures to remove her tattoos and make her hair, face, and buttocks look more like Mrs. Williams, but I chose Tiffany initially because she already had an uncanny resemblance to Mrs. Williams.

J: Why that's preposterous...

Judge Pratt: Now you're going to try and impeach your own witness Mr. Justice?


At that point, not transcribed by the Court Reporter, red-faced Jerry Williams jumped to his feet and screamed "You fucking little shitty liar, Saunders, I'll have your ass for this!"

The bailiff fortunately moved to restrain Jerry. The Judge called a recess and asked to see the parties and their attorneys in his chambers. As they walked toward the Judge's chambers Gina and her attorney had big smiles on their faces, and Gina winked at me.

I stayed on the stand - not having been told by anyone that I was excused. The parties, attorneys, and Judge came back in about a half an hour. Then Judge Pratt spoke.

"I'm recessing the trial so that the parties can work out a settlement. Mr. Saunders you are not to talk to the parties or their attorneys unless a settlement is concluded, or we resume this hearing within a month. Is that clear?"

"Yes, your honor," I humbly replied.

"Mr. Saunders you may step down," the Judge continued.

"Your honor - one more thing. In view of Mr. Williams' reaction to my testimony I would like a protective order requiring that neither he, nor anyone on his behalf, come within 500 feet of me, or try to contact me in any way," I pleaded.

After a pause for contemplation Judge Pratt spoke again. "I'm ordering that neither party, nor anyone on their behalf, contact Mr. Saunders or approach him in anyway until this matter is concluded. Mr. Williams, in view of your outburst in Court rest assured that if any harm befalls Mr. Saunders that I'll turn the dogs loose on you. Is that clear?"

After another pause, Williams sneered, "Yes, your honor, I'll leave the weasel alone."

"I mean it Mr. Williams," Judge Pratt said, pointing his gavel at Williams.

"He understands, your honor," attorney Justice replied.


I didn't really have a way of keeping track of what happened next since nobody was allowed to contact me, or me them, about the case. I spent the next month looking for another job. I eventually got one, a little better than the one that I had with Williams Securities, LLC.

About ten weeks after my testimony on a Friday night I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at my door. I hadn't been laid in a week since Michele was reconciling with her husband and had cut me off, and I was too unmotivated to scrounge up some more pussy. Also, my standards had been raised so high as a result of my relationship with Gina that I was no longer interested in anything less than a Michele.

"Hi, Brett," said a smiling Gina when I opened the door. She was holding up a piece of paper.

"Hi, Gina," I smiled back.

"Here's my final divorce decree so now I can talk to you - or do some other four letter thing that ends in 'k,' with you," she giggled.

"How did you make out in the divorce?" I stammered.

"I got half of everything the asshole had - I'll never have to work for pay another day in my life, thanks to you, but I am going to work hard setting up a new charity," Gina gushed.

"Great! I'm happy for you," I replied.

"You should be happy for 'us,' dude, because you're coming along. Tonight I plan on getting back to where we left off, and then proceed on from there," she snickered. She was dressed only in a raincoat. She opened it up to reveal her consummate naked body underneath. My cock instantly saluted, and within three minutes flat was buried in my favorite place on earth!

Monday morning, after a weekend in bed with my new fiance, I called my office and quit my new job!

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 3 years ago

Good one - innovative and funny as hell. 5*

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

with one who tilts your windmills salary and perks are optional.. TK U MLJ LV NV

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Very good

A great little story, one emblematic of those that.made me hapless fan.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
Glad to see some redemption on the part of the protagonist

This was almost a humor story, especially the courtroom scene. My dad always said, "never underestimate the power of a woman," and it seems that Gina illustrated the truth of this saying. I liked the story - five stars.

LVGirlLVGirlover 8 years ago
Nice Turnabout

Loved the main character - a dumb blond who's a guy!

telboy17telboy17over 8 years ago
Great Story

A very enjoyable and light hearted read.

I was expecting Brett to turn but after it looked like he was staying on script I was having doubts. The lateness of the twist was well executed.

To the BnB's out there - smell the coffee.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago

He was still in the condo and still driving the car because in order to take them away someone from Mr. Williams would need to "contact or approach" him which would make the judge most unhappy, as well as violating the law.

Making that judge unhappy = very bad idea.

Violating the law while making the (kind of hard-ass) judge in your divorce unhappy ?

That is a special kind of stupid.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
What's the rush ?.

Good overall idea, but with so much time and action happening in a mere three pages , the story ran a mile wide and an inch deep. Things really went into warp drive and the cliches started piling up after the successful seduction of Gina. I especially expected and hoped that event to be more of a challenge.

This was the best story in the past couple days and one of the few meriting a review in my eyes. The score thus far of 4.2 seems fair, so I'll abstain from voting. But when imhapless is fully on his game _ he's a slamdunk 5 star writer..

MitchFraellMitchFraellabout 10 years ago
Good story

Almost believable with just a little doubt. How long will Gina stay with Brett after she finds out his true nature based on the opening paragraphs?

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 10 years ago
Good play of Characters Morals

Good story and plot.

I do believe there needed to be a little more sex in the sex scenes not just that sex happen. Also so of the characters needed a little more depth.

This is all minor really as it was a good read.

connoisseur29connoisseur29about 10 years ago

Brett, you back stabbing little shit! YOU GO, BRO! Enjoyed the story and the twist near the end. Kinda wish I had the money and the woman instead of my charming good looks. LOL! Cheers!

ILienBagbyILienBagbyabout 10 years ago
Wonderful story, and funny too.

A 5 without doubt. A great telling of a story whose ending might have been telegraphed a little bit and might have been a bit too quick to close (a confrontation among and between Gina, Brett and Jerry might have provided a happy and satisfying finale), but an enjoyable read for absolute certain!

Tim413413Tim413413about 10 years ago
Really liked this one! 5 stars!

Our "hero" has changed in the space of three pages and a few months. There were a few of holes in the story. For example: Why is he still in the "loaner" condo ten weeks after his testimony? Has "his" Corvette been "repossessed"? Does he tell Gina the truth about his deal with her husband? (If she is smart, she should have figured that out during/after his testimony. Maybe that made her love him more?) I got the impression, that while she received ten times more in the divorce settlement because infidelity was not proved, the amount was still much less than half of his assets.

hansbwlhansbwlabout 10 years ago
Smart enough!

Brett was smarter than the writer gave him credit for.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago
Not a One?

Not one decent character in this whole story? Horrible view of the world.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

All characters in this tale were low-lives. Gina wasn't at first but she because a cheating asshole like everyone else. Hopefully everyone involved catches a nasty std, just for fucks sake. Still an interesting read.

zed0zed0about 10 years ago
Heck of a Good Story

Not quite predictable, with an interesting twist at the end.

A fun read from beginning to end. Probably your best story yet.

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