Photographic Folly

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Was his wife cheating?
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A little 'loving wives story, which I hope you find amusing.

Sorry no sex scenes and no murderous revenge, so if you crave this please move on.

Always like to hear what you think of my stories, so please let me know.

Please read on.


"Hey Dave," called my co-worker Harry. "Come and look at this."

"Get on with your work Harry," I replied, knowing his habit of looking up porn on the Internet when he should be working.

"No Dave, honestly, come and see what I've found."

"I'm not interested Harry," I growled at him. It's not that I wasn't interested in pictures of pretty young ladies with no clothes on or anything, but we had work to get finished. Besides, Harry's choice of porn was normally much harder than I would ever go for.

"Dave," he carried on insistently, "Seriously; You'd want to see this."

I looked over at him, wondering why I bothered.

"What is it then?" I asked at last, well cheesed off with his ways.

"There's a girl here that looks just like your Jill," he informed me.

"I bet," I answered without a great deal of interest. Harry was always claiming he'd found pictures of various girls we knew, and I'd never known him to be even close.

"Seriously Dave," he droned on, beginning to irritate me. "She looks just like your Missus. Even got long blonde hair and big tits like her."

Controlling my temper at the bloody cheek of the guy, I rose from my desk and strolled over, knowing I'd get no peace till I placated him. When I got there I found him looking at Voyeur web, a sort of self posting site for guys to stick sexy pictures of their wives and girlfriends on, that I'd actually looked at myself a number of times in the past. At least it wasn't the hard porn I'd expected.

"How the hell can you say that it looks like Jill?" I demanded looking at the picture up on the screen showing the rather attractive bare ass of some blonde.

What a pratt that Harry was!

""Look at this one then," he responded, scrolling down to put up another picture of the girl, facing the camera and showing her rather pleasing and not unsubstantial breasts off.


Bloody hell, it did look like my wife Jill, just as he'd said. Slim build, pretty face and long blonde hair, which Harry would certainly recognise, and a lovely pair of bare C cup breasts that he most certainly would not.

"Does look a bit like Jill," I conceded reluctantly, wondering not for the first time how the husbands persuaded their wives and girlfriends to pose so publicly like that.

The most Jill had ever allowed me to do was take some snaps of her topless on the beach or our back garden. Trouble was that I was hopeless at photography, no idea at all, and the pictures had been so poor that both of us had been disappointed. Despite my protestations, she'd never allowed me to take any more.

End of fantasy!

"Want to see some more Dave?" Harry smiled at me.

I nodded my approval, now quite interested to see what the girl actually looked like, and he scrolled down a bit more.


These pictures got hotter and hotter.

By the time we got down to the sixth and last one, the girl was smiling at the camera with only her high heels left on, her hands on her hips and one foot up on a chair.

The resulting view was .... Well let's say interesting.


She was showing everything she had, breasts pussy, the whole bloody lot.

Double strewth! It really, really did look like Jill, and I chuckled thinking of how many times I had dreamed of being able to 'accidentally' show off some pictures of her in the nude to some of my friends.

No chance!

"I don't suppose Jill has a tattoo like that does she Dave," Harry commented.

I looked a bit closer, and sure enough this girl had a little tattoo of a rose slap bang on her shaven pussy.

"Of course not," I told him.

"She could have had it done," Harry suggested weaving his head back and forward to get the best view.

"Don't be stupid Harry!"

"Maybe it's just a transfer," Harry carried on. "She could have stuck it on and it would be easy to take it off after the photos were taken."

"Why on earth would that girl want to do that?" I demanded.

"Well if it really had been Jill, then she might have done it, in case you got to see the photos."

"And you think that's likely?" I asked

"Not really," he admitted reluctantly. "Does look like her though."

I suggested he got back on with his work and went back over to my desk.

Sitting down, my stomach gave a lurch and I fought to stop myself being sick.

You see it might be easy to stick on and peel back off a stick-on tattoo, but when it's a real one, then there's not a lot you can do about it, is there?

Jill had got the tattoo done about six months before as a surprise for me, and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that the naked girl on the web site, showing her body off to the world, was indeed my wife of eight years, Jill.

When I first realised that the girl in the pictures really was my wife, then I got an instant hard on, but the question now racking my brain and causing me such pain, was who the hell had taken those photos, because it sure as hell wasn't me.

Oh God, what did that mean?

There could be a simple explanation, but I couldn't think of one, and the only explanation that immediately came to mind wasn't exactly making me best pleased.

Try to work.


Think of something else.


All I could think about was who the hell had taken those photographs of my wife in the nude, and what else was going on while they were doing them.

What other guy was my lovely young wife taking her clothes off for behind my back?

There really only seemed to be one possibility, and I'm not the sort of guy who would take that lying down.

Fuck the cow!

Small wonder that I felt like vomiting.

Much as I loved her, and I truly did, if she was messing around behind my back then she'd be out on her ear without further ado.



There was no point in staying at work any longer, so making some excuse that I was off to see some client or other, I half stumbled out of the offices in what was working up to be a blind rage.

How could she do this to me?

Jill and I had been not only husband and wife all that time, but we were also best mates.

I loved her so much that sometimes it just hurt, and till that afternoon I always thought that she felt the same way about me.


As soon as I entered the house I switched the computor on and clicked away till the voyeur web site came up.

It only took me a few moments to find the pictures of Jill, as she was featured in Igor's choice, the section which selected the prettiest girls and the best photos.

Five stars already!

A quick look at the comments section in the vague hope that it might give me some clue about what was going on, but that led me nowhere at all.

The comments varied from saying how beautiful and sexy she was, to stating how much they'd like to fuck her and do nasty things with her.

A couple of hours ago that would have been laughable, amusing even, but now that I knew what I knew ------ Well for Christ's sake what could I say?

I studied each photograph closely, some thing that I could hardly have done in front of Harry. I had another minor turn when I recognised the earrings that I had bought her for her last birthday.

It was my birthday in a few days time, and this was some bloody awful present for me, wasn't it?

I groaned as I saw her wedding ring. Whoever the bastard was this was no one-time affair in order to get her to strip off for photos like that. Maybe it was someone she knew from work. I just didn't know.

The next thing to do was to think if she'd been acting strangely lately. Any clues to her apparent infidelity.

Bloody hell, I thought, as I realised that we had been making love at least five or six times a week recently. Was that a sign?

Not really I realised, acknowledging that we'd been doing that just about our entire married life.

Had I heard any strange phone calls?

Had anyone rung off on me when I picked up the phone?

Had Jill started to dress any differently lately?

The answer to all these questions was ----- No!


I sat there for the next two hours trying to make sense of it all, trying to work out why my loving wife would feel the need to cheat on me.

Would I really throw her out on her ass just like that?

I didn't know if I really could, but the likelihood of me finding out was by then looming close.

Oh Jill my love, why were you doing this to us? Why did you decide to break my heart?

I'm no super sleuth, and knew that Jill and I knew one another so well, that I couldn't keep my heartbreak locked up for more than a few minutes, so I decide that as soon as she came in, that I'd have it out with her.

Find out the truth however much it hurt me, though I couldn't feel much worse than I already did, as I fought to keep the tears back, seeing my marriage going down the pan.


"Oh ---- Hi honey," Jill greeted me as she walked in the door, a huge smile spreading over her pretty face as she saw me.

Well that wouldn't be lasting long would it?

"What are you doing home so early Dave?"

"Haven't you got any idea Jill?" I demanded, and the smile faded somewhat when she saw the thunderous look on my face.

"No honey," she replied quietly. "No idea at all. What's up?"

"Got nothing you feel you want to tell me Jill?" I went on. "Nothing you need to talk to me about."

This time her face took on a more serious look as she stared at me, no doubt wondering how much I knew about what she'd been up to behind my back.

I guess I had her on the hook, and she didn't know what to say in case it was the wrong thing. After all, I could have been angry about all sorts of things, couldn't I?

"I'm not sure what you are so upset about honey," she tried at last, choosing not to show her hand.

"Who is it Jill," I almost sobbed in distress. "Why?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Dave," Jill replied, sounding a little angry, trying to take the upper hand. "If you're going to keep talking such rubbish Dave, then I'm going up for a shower."

A shower?

Did Jill always take a shower when she came home from work?

Oh God!

Had she been with him, whoever the bastard was, earlier that day?

Sounded as if it was someone she worked with?

"You will do no such thing Jill!" I shouted at her, standing up and confronting her. "There's something you had better see."

Jill leapt back in surprise and put her hand to her mouth. I had never spoken to her that way before, but it seemed that all that was going to change.

So much was about to change!

Taking her by the arm, I firmly walked her into my office and sat her roughly down in front of the computor screen. The screen saver had of course taken over the screen and it was ironic that it was one of Jill and I on the beach in Spain the previous year.

Oh, happy memories!

Blipping the space bar, the website shot back onto the screen, and my no good wife was confronted with a picture of herself totally naked.

"Oh my God!" Jill cried out, recognising the picture, and the website for that matter.

I looked at her, and she'd gone a deathly white, all the colour having left her face.

That was damning! Any last hope that I was wrong went down the drain when I saw her reaction.

"Who took these photos of you Jill," I demanded forcibly. "Who is the bastard and how long have you been fucking him!"

"Fucking him?" Jill repeated in confusion, and knowing that I'd get to the bottom of the matter while she was still in shock, I pushed on. "Who is it Jill? How long has it being going on for?" Do you love him?"

"Love him?" she mumbled almost incoherently. "No, of course I don't love him."

Here we go I thought.

'It's not love, it's just sex'

'You're the only one I love'

'Please give me another chance'

All the standard phrases used by cheating wives when they got caught. I stood there staring angrily at her, wondering which one she would chose.

"It's not what you think Dave," she whined at me, the first tear running down her pretty little cheek.

There you go! Hadn't thought of that one, but what difference did it make by then. It was obvious that she was guilty as hell.

"Who is it?" I screamed at her again. "Who took those damn photos."?

"John did," Jill sobbed in answer to my question. "Your friend John Hanes."

I was struck dumb!

John --- John Hanes, my best friend.

How many times had he been round our house for dinner?

How many times had I helped him sort out his computor or his car?

How long had we been friends?

How long had him and Jill been screwing one another and laughing at me behind my back?

It was obvious now wasn't it? John was the typical good-looking bachelor type, who unlike me still changed his women every week or so. Seldom was he seen out without some tasty young girl on his arm, and his stories of how many he had bedded were legend.

The bastard!

Now he'd added my wife Jill to the notches on his bedpost had he?

He'd live to regret that!

"Honestly Dave, it's not what you think," Jill repeated. "He was just helping me out."

"Helping himself to my bloody wife you mean damn you," I shot back at her.

"Oh damn you Dave," she shouted back at me, turned on her heels and fled upstairs.

I sat there with my head in my hands, heartbroken beyond belief. It was even worse than I had thought possible. My best friend and my wife!

Why oh why had this happened to me?


"You'd better open this Dave."

I looked up and saw my beautiful wife stood there, having come back downstairs, tears streaming down her face.

"What is it?" I demanded roughly.

"Your birthday present Dave," she informed me. "It's a couple of days early but I think you ought to open it now."

"Stuff your present," I told her.

"Dave," she went on, her voice suddenly lower and gentle. "Please open it, as I'm frightened of loosing you. This might just save our marriage."

I looked at her, shook my head in disbelief, but took the small package from her, roughly tearing it open, and finding a book of some sort inside.

I held it, looking at it in distain. How could a bloody book save a broken marriage?

"Please open it Dave," Jill pleaded. "Please."

So I opened it.

What I found inside surprised me, but I still couldn't see how it would save my marriage.

"Are you taunting me Jill," I asked her calmly. "Do you hate me that much to give me an album of photos of you naked taken by your fucking lover?"

"John's not my lover Dave, she pleaded with me gazing desperately straight into my eyes. "It's your special birthday present from me, just like you've always fantasized about. You know John's a semi professional photographer, and I asked him to help me to give you something special."


Oh shit!

Did I get that right?

Did I understand what she had just said?

"Do you mean you posed in front of John with no clothes on Jill?" I asked her. "Is that what you're telling me?"

"Well yes, I did do that Dave," she admitted. "I wasn't easy standing there in the nude in front of a friend of ours, and in fact I was shaking with fright at the beginning. But he was so professional about it all, and I swear that he didn't try to touch me or anything."

Warmth and honey, sugar and spice, love and the singing of birds, flooded back into my life.

We fell into one another's arms professing our love and devotion, and apologising to one another profusely.

All was fine and dandy!



"How did those photos end up on the internet then Jill?" I asked when our emotional level had returned more to normal.

"Well Dave," she replied. "I was wondering about that myself."

"You don't think that John ...... " The appalling thought prevented me from finishing my sentence.

"The bloody bastard must have sent them to that site Dave," Jill concluded. "How could he do that? He promised me faithfully that nobody else would ever see them."

"Some friend John's turned out to be," I said.

We stood there pondering what to do about it, made our mind up, and a few minutes later we were on our way over to John's place to confront the bugger.

"Hi you two," the bugger greeted us when he answered the door. I was about to start remonstrating with him when Jill brushed past me, shoved him in the chest, and started to berate him, calling him everything under the sun and using words that I didn't even know she knew.

John retreated, looking at us in surprise --- shock even.

"What are you on about? What have I done?" He cried in his defence.

"You put those damn pictures of me on the internet," Jill screamed at him.

"No I didn't," John claimed. "I would never have done that."

"Then how come they're on Voyeur web?" I demanded.

"Voyeur web," he repeated, looking worried. "I couldn't have. I can't have done---- Oh shit!"

With that he rushed into his office, started up his computor and googled Voyeur web just like I had done, a few hours before.

"Oh God no!" John cried out in alarm when the pictures of my wife appeared there before him. "I've downloaded the wrong bloody pictures. They were supposed to be of Trinie, not you Jill."

John played about with the computor a bit and ten minutes later stood back looking a little more pleased with himself.

"That's it," John announced. "I've deleted it from the site and I'll put the ones of Trinie up later."

I took note of what he'd said, as Trinie was his current girlfriend, and a right little cracker. I made a mental note to check the site in a couple of days.

"Crikey you two, I'm so sorry," John said to us looking really upset. "I don't know what I can do to make it up to you."

"That's OK John," I reassured him. "Mistakes happen I guess."

But Jill butted in telling me to hang on a bit. It was her nudity that had been displayed after all.

"How does Trinie feel about you showing pictures of her in public. I suppose they are with no clothes on?"

"Yes Jill," he explained. "But she's disguised a bit with a different coloured wig, so none of her family or friends would know it's her, except the ones she wishes to tell."

Jill stood there staring at John, then me, deep in thought.

"You got those wigs here now John," she asked at last.

"Of course," he confirmed. "They're upstairs in my studio."

"Come on then," she instructed the two of us, starting to unbutton her blouse. "John, you get to pay us back for your mistake, and you honey, get another fantasy for your birthday."

We followed dutifully in her wake, and by the time she got to the foot of the stairs she was quite naked yet again. Following her up the steps with her naked ass a few feet in front of us two was quite an experience, I can tell you.


"Cor blimey Dave," Harry called over to me several days later. "Come and look at this red head on this site."

This time, somewhat more willingly, I made my way over to his desk.

"What a little beauty she is, isn't she," Harry commented lustfully. "Look at those tits."

Bloody marvellous," I agreed.

"Just look at those legs, and bloody hell what a sweet little pussy she's got."

"Well for once I fully agree with you Harry," I consented. "That redhead is absolutely stunning."

"Can you imagine going to bed with a beautiful girl like that Dave?" He asked me. "Can you imagine what it must be like to fuck a girl like that?"

"Yes I think I can Harry," I replied smugly. "I really think I can."

What a laugh!


Well we all have our fantasies don't we.

Maybe, just maybe, this would be one of mine?

Hope you enjoyed it!

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

That one rubbed me the wrong way. Why get an acquaintance to take nude photos? Why take the photos in the first place? Keep that fun to yourselves. Make the birthday gift a camera, tripod, lights and a set of lingerie (maybe even a sex toy) for her to wear for him as his private model.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What fool would be ok with his friend taking nude pictures of his wife? 🤣

B3ndoverB3ndoverabout 1 year ago

His wife posed for his friend and got posted by accident. Yeah right. I’m calling my lawyer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow the commenters who think he should torch the wife for giving him a sexy gift are either messed up, repressed, moronic, or trolls. Lighten up Francis!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I agree bad story. The only ending is to divorce her and take out a civil claim on him for releasing the photos. She is stupid, at worst she should have had a chaperone with her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oh, good grief, guys, lighten up. It's a fantasy, says so right there. All right, so Jill's not the sharpest tool in the shed. She might not have picked the best way of giving hubby his fantasy, but she did try, and it's not completely her fault it got all bollixed up. All you manly men never had a birthday present go tits up on you, I'm sure. Yeah, right.

john_67_SWEjohn_67_SWEabout 2 years ago

Rewrite the ending and make Dave kick the bitch out and beat up the ex friend (John) and you will get 5* , as the story is? 0*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

wimpy 1*

lbeachamlbeachamover 2 years ago

Lame! Never would happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She posed for pics with his best friend who is known to play fast and loose with his girlfriends?

Ha bloody ha! John deleted the pics did he?

Too late now that the likes of Harry has seen them and too late because they will have already been downloaded or screen captured many times since being posted as they made the top list on the site.

Those pics will be reposted by others now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really stupid story! Best friend taking naked pics? Oh sure that dog hunts. "He never touched me" bullshit! Husband is a moronic sap and wife is a whore that fucked his best friend! Story sucked 1 star!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why couldn't the wife give him a gift of photography lessons. Once he got good they could get a better camera and have the husband take the pics.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

FWIW, I believe, or am willing to believe that she wasn't fucking John. What I find harder to believe is that John didn't know what files he was uploading. And even assuming that she wasn't aware of "boudoir photographers," how in the hell could she get naked in front of someone they knew?


Didn't Harry recognize the tattoo?

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

One word,rubbish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This story rates no better than average. But it does raise a few questions for me. What would you do if you found naked or topless pictures of your sisters on the internet. What is even worse is the fact that I have 4 pictures of me having sex with an ex-boyfriend. At least I know who to blame for those pictures being put out there for anyone to see. But I know one ex-boyfriend who has over a dozen pictures and a couple of videos of us having sex. far as I know...he has never put them on the internet or sent them to others who could, conceivably, put them out there. I may go see him and "thank" him for respecting my privacy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just another heartless cheating CUNT and a complete LOSER sissy husband POS. Pathetic crap!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That was a waste..

Of my time....

OBSunSeekerOBSunSeekerover 3 years ago
There was no “Humor” in the story.

The author told us there was humor in the story. I read it twice and couldn’t find it. Dave was betrayed by his wife (Jill) and his best friend (John.) The outcome should have been divorce and the end of John taking advantage of “friends.” I agree with many of the comments to include the real difference between a nude beach and a bachelor’s apartment. I do know this is fiction - story is well written - there is no homor in a cheating wife and death of a friendship.

I did have a real experience of a friend’s wife asking me to take pictures of her with “toys” for her husband. Her husband was a no-nonsense military special agent and carried a gun. I knew he would never put up with it and it could cause all of us problems with our clearances. I told her “Hell No!” then told her she had 24 hours to tell her husband. I then told her I would be talking to her husband either way the next evening. She told him, they went to counselling and worked it out (I was told no pictures were ever taken.) Years later he is still my friend and she still usually will leave the room whenever I come over.

What kind of wife thinks it OK to pose nude in front of his best friend? We saw how Dave reacted in the beginning of the story and he DID NOT APPROVE of Jill having nude pictures. He had to cover it up and tell his co-worker that it wasn’t his wife. Dave learned that his best friend took the pictures . . . what kind of “Best Friend” was John? He should have said “Hell No! You either tell Dave what you asked me to do or I will. You have 24 hours then I am going to tell him. Get the hell out of here.” Everyone knows that once something it posted to the Internet it lives forever. I have an app that monitors a couple of sites and pages I am interested are automatically downloaded for me when there are changes.

When Jill told Dave, she did nothing with John. Dave should have said OK . . . “Prove it.” “Until you do, I’ll being filling separation papers with divorce to follow. If you can prove you did nothing then you and I are going to marriage counselling, in the meantime pack your bag and find someplace else to sleep." A “man” does not need a incompetent unprofessional best friend like John. Dave should have taken care of his “friend” such that he would never take pictures again or do anything with someone else’s wife.

The end of the story was just garbage . . . when more pictures were taken. “If” Dave and Jill had agreed on the front end and if Dave had been present then the story would have been OK.”

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Sorry Anon but after "He thought I was having sex with more men than I actually our marriage ended after barely two years" whether it was more or less than he thought, you deserved having your ass kicked to the curb. He deserved better, hopefully he found it.

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