Pocket Full of Innocence Ch. 03


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It certainly wasn't a romantic gesture. If anything it was simply a subconscious and unplanned attempt at reassurance to Rochelle that she wasn't alone. When Rochelle scooted forward on her side and buried her head against his chest, Gavin could somehow feel the life starting to creep back into the woman's mangled body.

His right hand still resting on her hip, it took a few minutes but at some point Rochelle guided her left hand down, bringing Gavin's right with it, until both their hands were snug on top of Rochelle's breast bone.

"...What are you doing?" Gavin tried to ask with severe cottonmouth.

Rochelle's only response was to open Gavin's hand flat and place it down on her chest.

Gavin could immediately feel the vibrations of Rochelle's heart pounding like a drum inside her chest.

"She must just need the help calming herself down," Gavin said to himself, truly thinking that was all there was to it.

His own heart racing as well, Gavin flexed his five fingers across the center of Rochelle's chest for nearly a minute until he felt the palm of her soft hand close around the back of his.

Like a weary man scaling down the steep side of a sandy dune, each time Gavin thought he had a foothold with Rochelle's intentions, he'd suddenly find himself thrown off balance yet again. The warm, serene calm of mental exhaustion overtaking him, a paralysis of sorts gripped Gavin when the woman beside him did the unthinkable.

The cool metal chain linking the two bracelets tickling his wrist, Gavin was powerless to stop the older woman beside him when she closed her hand around his and started to lower it towards the soft swells of her breasts.

".....UUUHHHH...," Gavin choked, still unsure if Rochelle was even awake.

With Rochelle resting in the position on her side, Gavin could clearly feel the full weight of the woman's left tit between his fingers each time she exhaled. Too scared initially to move his grip at all on top of her breast, the silent, reassuring way she kept her hand lodged on top of his, Gavin finally bit his lip and began to gently massage the soft orb.

"WHHAAAHHH," Rochelle gasped softly, her voice distant as if she were trapped in some nether world between consciousness and sleep.

"God's the only witness out here," Gavin once again found himself thinking, and Judgement Day seemed an eternity away.

The awkward position of the cuffs made altering the angle he was fondling Rochelle at difficult, but from the way her fingers continuously kneaded at the back of his hand along with the tremors that were clearly racking through her body, Gavin had a good idea he was doing something right.

The married woman's nipples had grown to the size of plump cheeries inside her shirt and Gavin could feel Rochelle's knees and calves intertwining against his as her feet dug hard at the moist ground below. Time ceased to matter there in the dark, and Gavin had lost any semblence of how long he laid there patiently squeezing and churning his right hand around Rochelle's bosom as she crumpled and crawled ever closer to him.

At some point Gavin caught a whiff of the exact same scent he'd detected when he was helping Rochelle pull her pants down by the river. It suddenly didn't matter if he was her Son's best friend or not, a primal line had been tripped and there was no going back for either one.

There was a powerful urge welling inside Gavin to lean in and kiss Rochelle on the lips, after all that's what people did in the situation they'd found themselves in. There was however an immense fear on his part that one wrong move would shake Rochelle back to her senses and God knows what the implications would be. Instead, he allowed the momentum to build at its own natural pace. Groping his hand around the fleshiest part of Rochelle's tit, as if testing a ripe melon, Gavin could feel the woman's heated breath rush against his chest as she cuddled closer.

If the fog of the previous night had provided a surreal, almost dreamy backdrop to their interlude, laying there by the fire, doing what they were doing now created its own symbolic aura as well.

"Was what they were doing gonna leave them to burn in Hell?" Gavin couldn't help but wonder as the flames from the bonfire raged at their feet.

Scraping his thumb repeatedly across the bulging nub of Rochelle's left nipple, Gavin looked down and could see the woman's knees begin to part slowly, as if attached to some sort of magic pulley. His pupils narrowing and glazed over with single-minded intent, Gavin continued to pinch and tug at Rochelle's nipple until it had grown to the shape of a pointed bullet. Within a minute, Rochelle's thighs resembled the flared wings of a pale butterfly by the firelight, and even without the ability to put words to it, deep down in primal depths of his mind Gavin understood what was to come next.

Just as he'd been forced to fight the temptation to kiss Rochelle minutes earlier, now Gavin was faced with the aching and natural desire to unzip his pants, pull his more than willing cock free and fuck the woman right there in the dirt. Thankfully, he knew the logistics of such an endeavor would have been next to impossible considering their odd predicament. Instead he laid there beside her, content to ride the wave he'd been swept up by, watching as Rochelle led his right hand off her breast and down towards her waist.

Doing his best to keep his gaze steady, Gavin stared on in wide-eyed wonder until his hand came to rest dead center between the woman's fleshy thighs. Pressing his palm flat against the dingy material of Rochelle's filthy shorts, he could immediately feel the tell-tale warmth bubbling up through the fabric.

"AAAHHH," Rochelle cowered the instant she felt the weight of Gavin's hand come to rest on top of her screaming crotch.

"...Unzip it...," her voice trickled like smoke from her throat a few seconds later.

The blood rushing through Gavin's head nearly caused him to have a stroke before he could finally steady himself on his elbow and comply with Rochelle's whispered plea.

Gavin harkened back a couple hours earlier when he'd helped Rochelle pull her pants back up after peeing. He remembered zipping them back up but not snapping the button. Suddenly with his hand back in the very same spot, he somehow managed to clamp his trembling fingers around the tug of the zipper and pull it down on the very first try.

"HOLY FUCK," he thought to himself there in the dark, seeing the outline of Rochelle's ashen face in the dim firelight below.

All the years of thinking something like this was tantamount to a teenage pipedream, to actually have it happening before his eyes left Gavin feeling numb from head to toe. Knowing it all was a dream and that he'd wake up the instant he tried sneaking his hand inside her pants, the numbness in his body quickly gave way to fire when his fingertips grazed across the silky front panel of the woman's panties. Instantly feeling the moisture that had inundated the patch of fabric just inside the fly of her shorts, Gavin accepted what was about to happen was all too real.

It didn't matter anymore than she was a happily married mother of two, the mother of his best childhood friend in fact, and the longtime friend of his family. Her legs were open and her left hand was nudging his right past the point of no return. Gavin could even feel the coolness of the gold band of Rochelle's diamond studded wedding ring against the back of his fingers as she pressed his hand down on her swollen and syrupy pubic mound.

Gavin's heart bounced into his throat seeing the way Rochelle's breasts swayed inside her shirt when he began to dip his fingers inside her panties. Feeling the wispy trail of Rochelle's pubic hair against his fingertips as he inched them deeper, Gavin could see the woman's head tilt to the side as he surveyed the humid wetness of her crotch. Angling his wrist to get his hand where it needed to go, Gavin could feel Rochelle's left hand cupped over top of his right, as if guiding him to the very spot she needed.

Even though a day and a half earlier she might have been the most untouchable woman he knew, it startled Gavin to no end just how similar Rochelle's pussy felt to the limited few he'd had the pleasure of touching. Feeling the way Rochelle's entire body seemed to shudder and react to his advances empowered him as he sensed her implicit surrender.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH," an animalistic gasp shot from Rochelle's throat the instant Gavin shoved his middle finger between her distended labia and straight into her inflamed cunt.

Instinctively slipping his free arm behind Rochelle's neck to support her jerking head, Gavin could see that her eyes were still closed even though the rest of her was seemingly on fire. His index and middle fingers hooked inside Rochelle's boiling quim, Gavin could feel the woman's well trained vaginal muscles relentlessly pulling him deeper.

"I wonder what she's thinking about behind those closed eyes?" Gavin allowed himself to wonder, strangely comfortable with the notion that Rochelle's mind was elsewhere as she allowed him free reign over her body.

Darting his two embedded fingers like the duel heads of a hydra until the slippery lips of Rochelle's labia clung to his hand like two pink leeches, Gavin could see the woman's heels, including the sprained one, digging anxiously at the mud each time another of his vaginal jabs hit home.

"UUUUUHHHHHH," the married woman started to moan, the echoes of her steadily increasing guttural release rising from the river bank until it reverberated through the canopy of trees above.

The sound of Rochelle's screeching lust only served to intensify Gavin's efforts until he'd somehow corkscrewed his entire hand down the front of the older woman's pants. Watching the way she blindly rotated her hips, trying to work her shorts and panties down to provide Gavin clear access, Gavin held her tight with his left hand as he gouged her sex with his right.

"OHHHMYYYGAAWWDDDD...OOOOHHHHMMYYGGOODDDDDDDD," Rochelle's voice rattled from her lungs a few second later, making the young man's ears ring as he speared his fingertips into the spastic woman's G-spot.

Using that discovery to his advantage, Gavin repeatedly stabbed and spun his fingers through Rochelle's pussy until she was literally gushing all over both their joined hands.

Gavin knew he'd blown his load down Rochelle's throat in record time at the break of dawn. Part of him yearned to have that minute or two back just to show her he did had some semblance of self control. With the shoe on the other foot now, Gavin rested there on his elbow beside Rochelle, rapidly frigging her pussy with his right hand, remembering all the stories he'd heard over the years about how long it often took to get a woman off. Given that context, Gavin didn't know quite how to react when Rochelle began cumming less than three minutes after he'd slithered his fingers inside her.

It felt as if a balloon full of warm jasmine oil had burst all over Gavin's hand as Rochelle Stewart's vaginal juices sizzled and spewed forth. Even by the dim, orangish glow of the fire, Gavin was startled by the vividness of Rochelle's release. It appeared as if the older woman was in the throws of labor by the straining contortions ripping up and down her body, not to mention the ferocity of her cries as they drifted upwards towards the night sky. Unable to take his eyes off Rochelle's grimacing face, Gavin continued to pump his right arm like a well oiled machine into her cunt until the forest was on fire with the sound of her blood curdling, orgasmic wails.

Her forehead pressed against Gavin's shoulder, the 18 year old young man continued to spin his fingers through the married woman's cunt until Rochelle literally looked like she was deflating in front of him, as if everything that had been building inside her since their ordeal began left her body in that barbaric, orgasmic fit.

Pulling his hand from Rochelle's crotch a minute or so later with the same cool detachment she'd used when she allowed his dick to fall from her mouth hours earlier, the two proceeded to lay there in exhausted silence, each lost in their private delirium and doing all they could to avoid thinking about the inevitable consequences of their actions.


Their rescue came a little before 7 the next morning.

The first hint of their salvation came when they were awakened by the rumbling hum of a helicopter flying several hundred feet above their campsite. The authorities had picked up the ping of Rochelle's discarded cellphone and used that to narrow the scope of the search. After putting several small planes and choppers up, one of the helos spotted the smoke coming from a fire in a very remote location just after dawn. After dropping down far enough to get a good look, the pilots noticed two bodies laying beside the river below.

It wasn't long before a cavalry of ATV's and four wheel drives were rolling up the same deserted logging road Rochelle Stewart's Volvo had made the fateful trip two days earlier.


Sitting on the bank about fifty feet from the spot where the rescue workers had a blanket wrapped around Rochelle, Gavin counted his blessings that the she'd zipped her pants back up after their moment of shared weakness during the middle of the night. Wiping his right hand several times through the decaying layer of leaves to try and get the clingy scent of Rochelle's arousal from his fingers, Gavin then rubbed the same wrist with his left, thankful the rescue people had snipped the cuffs off a few minutes earlier with a pair of bolt cutters.

"She got the same smell on her left hand," Gavin thought with a mixture of trepidation and pride, knowing Rochelle's family, like his, were on their way to the scene.

Gavin knew full well there would be several layers of emotional fallout in the days, weeks and months to follow, but there was one extra burden of guilt only he'd have to endure. Just after freeing himself from the zip-ties in the backseat of Rochelle's Volvo, mere seconds before he initiated the plan that killed their abductor, Gavin had picked up something from the floorboard of the car and subtly snuck it into one of the rear pockets of his jeans.

The minutes and hours after killing Ernesto and surviving the crash had been such a whirlwind, Gavin had nearly forgot about the small oblong piece of metal in his back pocket until he tried putting his river soaked pants back on after their first night in the woods.

Extending his left hand behind his back to make sure the evidence of his moral indiscretion was still safely tucked away, Gavin closed his eyes, swallowed hard and bowed his head for a few seconds between his raised knees.

The key to the handcuffs had been there the whole time.



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Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sabout 5 years ago
Pretty good

This story needs one maybe two more chapters. One dealing with the aftermath and two of their continued affair after. I mean you had a paragraph of her having to suck off Ernesto and Gavin got the same and only was truly rewarded with getting to finger fuck her. Seems like Gavin should at least get to fuck her when they are home in a more conducive environment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
no sex????


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Follow up needed

We need to read a follow up of Rochelle's and Gavin's return to lust and handcuffs........ hope you write one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Lol. Damn that ending with the key was totally unexpected. With the whirlwind of events and emotions I did not think of that. Though with magic cuffs I thought there would be a trick release on them.

srgeeksrgeekalmost 15 years ago
A good story

This is a good story, too bad it was marred by pseudo psychoanalysis. You portrayed your narrator as being extremely well educated, yet you wrote him/her ignorantly using words are so wrong for the context that the sentence becomes nonsensical.


<I>-- srgeek --</I>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Don't Stop Now

Would love to see one or two more chapters bringing this to a grand conclusion. I think it could end here but would be interesting to read about the day or days after and the consequenses to Rochelle from unleashing herself with Gavin.

KOTKKOTKalmost 15 years ago
Great Series.

And very enjoyable. The last paragraph explains the title. I would love to know more about them. Maybe a new series, new encounters between them? Maybe remembering their "good time" they see each other again? Anyway, I enjoyed it & looking forward for more. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
A wonderful story

Absolutely one of the best stories I have read here.

Liked the little twist at the end.

Superbly written. Thank you for sharing with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Fascinating twist, there at the end of the story. But it shifts everything! Now, instead of two people thrown into a situation largely beyond their control, now we have Gavin as something of a pervert with the ability to mollify, at minimum, the severity of the circumstances; but made a choice to do otherwise, thus nullifying any degree of innocence he might have had. (And all this time, I was thinking that they should have just found two rocks and beat the chain between the handcuffs until they at least were separated.) Absolutely a great story otherwise, but a weird ending.

-- KK in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Very good

Very excellent writing and a great plot. I do wish they would have had wild sex. Hopefully you will continue to write in this genre.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Surprise ending

you devil!!!! You should consider a prologue for Rochelle and Gavin to get together to talk about their ordeal and see whee it goes from there. Great story and the finish was (as I said in the beginning) devilish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

i thought this was very good , hate to see it end as i could see this going so many directions, but still very enjoyable ride , thx nathan

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