Pool Boy Ch. 31


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It was all quiet in the house and we laid there cuddling. I was about to get out of bed to go to the bathroom when the unmistakable sounds of passionate sex came from Dee's room next door. She started a constant moan. That sound was rhythmically but abruptly interrupted by what was obviously Jarrod's rhythmic thrusts. Dee's moan increased in pitch until she screamed out loudly, "OH FUCK. CUM WITH ME. OH SHIT. I'M CUMMINGGG."

Alexis giggled and yelled loud enough for Dee to hear her through the wall, "YEAH. NO SHIT." There was a moment of silence from Dee's room and then Dee and Jarrod started laughing.

Then Dee yelled out, "Now look what you did. You distracted Jarrod and he lost his orgasm. You'd better get in here and finish him off. We can't leave him like this."

Alexis giggled and said, "I'll be right there. Hold on." She started to roll away from me but she didn't get off the bed before Emma yelled from the hallway.

Emma yelled, "Alexis. Stay where you are. I've got this. I can't stand to listen to you two girls having all the fun."

We heard Dee's bedroom door open and then Dee said, "Mom, give him one of your throat-jobs. He says you're the best." We listened to Jarrod groan constantly for another several minutes before he yelled out that he was cumming. All was pretty quiet after that.

Alexis and I took a shower together. We were too tired to engage in our favorite shower sex. If we were still in the little apartment, we wouldn't have wasted the opportunity. The shower in our "Palace" was twice the size of this one. I washed her, paying particular attention to her tits and pussy and she did the same with a soapy hand jerking up and down my shaft. We did our sink stuff and made our way down stairs. We could hear the shower on in Dee's bathroom as we walked past. Emma was in her robe in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I made a cup of coffee for Alexis and me and we sat down at the breakfast nook table. Emma told us when her Thanksgiving dinner was scheduled and it would give us plenty of time to visit at my family's meal. We would have to be back by 7:00 PM for dinner.

Alexis and I showed up at my folk's house before noon. Dad and Thia were arguing like always. Mom met us at the door and asked me to break them up and smooth things over. That was a tough task but I gave it a shot. Thanksgiving Day was an important holiday for Mom. She valued family more than anything in the world and Thanksgiving Day, for her, was a celebration of family. She was distressed to have Dad and Thia fighting. Alexis went to the kitchen to help Mom and try to calm her down. I got between Dad and Thia and in fifteen minutes it was over. I think they just agreed to disagree, which was acceptable to me.

Thanksgiving lunch was contentious and the center of it was Thia. Something was going on with her. She was on edge and ready to blow at the slightest provocation. We made it through the traditional turkey dinner with Thia in a slow simmer. Alexis was a soothing presence for Mom.

After lunch was a different matter. Thia was no longer content to be left alone so as not to set her off. She went looking for trouble and this time it was me that apparently set her off. She started ranting, "Hunter is the golden child. He always was. He still is. Dad sits here all day watching him play the same football game over and over again. I bet he can do the sports announcer verbatim. I was always the problem child. I married a guy Dad hated. Then it turns out he's right."

We were just looking at each other trying to stay out of her line of fire. Mom went back to her safe-place, her kitchen. Alexis went with her. That left Dad and me to absorb her ire. I was up for it. Dad wasn't. He drifted away to his safe-place, the garage.

Thia had burst into tears and was throwing her hands in the air. I took a chance and moved in close and wrapped her up in my arms. She protested for a moment but I stayed with her. Then she started sobbing and wrapped her arms around my neck and hung on like I was a life preserver, which in a sense, I was. She cried hard and Mom and Alexis came to the door to see what was going on. I mouthed the words, "its okay. I have her." Mom wrung her hands on her ever present apron and returned to the kitchen. Alexis stayed in the doorway and mouthed the words, "What's going on?" I shrugged my shoulders lifting Thia's head.

Thia stopped sobbing and she whimpered, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Well, I kind of do but I can't talk to anybody about it; not you guys anyway. When I'm at home everything is great. When I'm here, I'm a cat on a hot tin roof." I thought, 'Yeah, tell me about it.'

I said, "If you can't talk to any of us, how about Alexis? She's a very sensitive, compassionate person. She may be able to be a sounding board for you and it sounds like that's what you're looking for. If not; talk to someone professionally."

Thia pulled herself back from me and turned to Alexis still standing in the doorway. She said, "Alexis, can we go for a walk; just the two of us?"

Alexis grinned at Thia and nodded her head. They grabbed their sweaters off the coat rack hanging by the front door and headed out the front door. Mom appeared from the kitchen with a hopeful look on her face. I told her what Thia had said to me and about her request for Alexis to go for a walk. Mom crushed me in a bear hug and said, "If anyone can help her it's you guys. We lost her a long time ago." She pulled back from me and showed me her crossed fingers and returned to the kitchen.

I went out to the garage and explained what had just happened to Dad. Tears formed in his eyes and he hid his face from me as he pretended to be working on some project. It wasn't a usual thing I'd do with my dad. In fact I had never done it before. I walked up behind my dad and put my arms around him and held him. He did something he had never done before either. He burst into tears. He didn't turn around. He stayed right there with his back to me. He quickly gathered himself and wiped the tears off his cheeks and from his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. I whispered, "Everything is going to be okay. I promise. Alexis will find out what's going on with her and we will fix it. Okay?" He nodded and I released him. He went back to his fake project and I returned to the house.

Alexis and Thia hadn't actually gone for a walk. They had gone to the backyard and sat on the swings of the backyard gym that Dad had put up fifteen years ago. As I headed back to the house, I spotted them swinging in slow circles with their feet plowing dirt into furrows beneath them. They were talking. Thia looked so sad. Whatever was troubling her it was hitting her hard. I stood and watched for a long time. They didn't know I was there. The wind kicked up at one point and blew their discussion toward me. I couldn't hear much but I heard Alexis say, "Really. It's no big deal. Not today."

Thia replied, "I just can't. I can't risk it." The wind changed and that was all I heard.

I went back in the house and two hours later Alexis and Thia walked in the front door blowing on their cold hands. Alexis looked over at me and motioned me toward my bedroom. I did as requested and sat down on my bed. Alexis and Thia came in behind me and closed the door. I said, "What's up?"

Thia looked at Alexis and motioned for her to start as she looked to the floor. Alexis said, "Thia's Gay," and shrugged her shoulders. Thia glanced up at me and then returned her gaze to the floor. Alexis continued, "That's it. Thia says she's Gay and she is terrified that your mom and dad will reject her if she tells them."

I was thunderstruck into silence. Not because of the revelation but because she had torn herself near in half in fear of what I knew had a zero percent chance of happening. Thia took my silence the wrong way and started crying again. Alexis hugged her and Thia hugged her back. I stood up and wrapped my arms around both of them. Alexis slipped out of the embrace leaving brother and sister to ourselves. I lifted her chin and kissed her lips. She kissed me back. I said, "Thia this is great news. I was afraid it was something bad."

Thia sulked and said, "Mom and Dad will think it's something bad." I lifted her chin again and shook my head at her.

I said, "Mom and Dad love you unconditionally. I know this for a fact. Tell them. They are both torn up by your unhappiness. All they want is for you to be happy."

Thia shook her head and said, "I've tried a hundred times to tell them. All my shrinks tell me I need to just tell them and deal with reality and not supposition. Will you tell them? Alexis thought maybe we could tell them together if you just say the words that I can't."

I grinned at Thia and said, "Well if that's what Dr. Alexis prescribes, let's do it." Alexis' face reddened with embarrassment and she smiled. I'll collect Mom and Dad and you come out when you're ready. I'll break the news and you can jump in as you feel comfortable. I promise you that you will wonder why you put yourself through so much pain."

I left my room and closed the door behind me. I went out to the garage and asked Dad to come in. He promptly followed along behind. He took his seat in his chair. I went to the kitchen and asked Mom to come into the living room. She sat on the sofa and was wringing her hands on her apron. Alexis was standing in the hall and I saw her motion for Thia to come out. She sat at the other end of the sofa from Mom and stared at the floor. She looked like she was going to puke any moment. Alexis stood at the intersection of the hallway and the living room and motioned for me to go.

"Mom, Dad. Thia and Alexis had a long talk about what is going on with her that she is terrified to tell you. She will talk about it but she has asked me to start the conversation." I had their attention, "Thia is Gay. Thia is a lesbian." Thia looked like she was waiting for a truck to run over her. Mom looked up at me like she didn't get the joke. Dad looked confused and Thia glanced up from the floor to gauge their initial reactions. There was silence in the room and I prayed that I hadn't made a huge mistake pushing Thia into this.

Mom and Thia looked at each other. Thia was holding her breath. Then Mom said, "So? Who cares?"

Dad smiled at Mom's comment and added, "So you like girls; so what; so do I." I exploded into laughter and a reluctant smile creased Thia's face. Leave it to Dad the pragmatist. Thia looked up at me like she didn't understand that her parents had just fully accepted what she was so frightened they wouldn't. She grinned at me and then at Mom and finally at Dad who did something else I'd never seen. He slid out of his chair and went on his knees to Thia, sitting on the sofa, and hugged her to him and kissed her cheek. Thia burst out crying again but they were tears of joy. She kissed Dad and hugged her arms around his neck and held him as hard as he held her.

Mom didn't want to be left out of this so she moved over beside Thia and threw her arms tightly around the both of them. Alexis came into the room and stood beside me. She had tears streaming down her face. I sat down on a foot-stool and pulled Alexis down in my lap. I smiled at the scene. It was all the sweeter because of how it had all started. Thia peered through the heads and grinned at Alexis and mouthed the words, "Thank you." Things settled down after that and Mom, Dad and Thia talked matter-of-factly about when she knew? Is she with anyone now? Is that why her marriage broke up and a myriad of other questions. Thia answered what she was comfortable with and declined to discuss others if she wasn't. Alexis had already got the full scoop and we had to go back to Emma's for another full Thanksgiving Dinner. We excused ourselves and promised we'd be back tomorrow. This was a time for them anyway.

On the way to Emma's house I asked Alexis how Thia had come to confess that she was a lesbian.

Alexis said, "She talked around it for a long time. I was getting the jist of her problem and then she just blurted out, "I like having sex with women." I giggled and said, "Yeah? So do I." She looked at me like I had two heads and said, "But you and Hunter. You seem so perfect for each other." I told her that I loved you dearly and that you're a fantastic lover but I also like having sex with women." She was quiet for a while as she contemplated that. She talked about her extremely bad sexual experiences with men from high school to her failed marriage to men that came along after. She said she has never once had a satisfying sexual experience with a man and she never fails to have one with women. I'm not sure the definition of Lesbian that she has applied to herself really applies. She still has sexual interest in men but it's like the 'Pavlov's Dog' thing. She has conditioned herself to avoid men. So, now she defines herself as a Lesbian.

I said, "Did she say anything more about that night in the bathroom? I told you the story from my point of view. Knowing you, you poked around in that, I'm sure."

Alexis giggled and said, "Well, I did ask but it was only in the context of her poor sexual experiences with men. I was trying to find out if that night was one of them. She talked about that night with a smile on her face. She remembers that fondly. It was her first experience. In my opinion, she may have laughed off her comment about you being the cause of her failed marriage, but deep inside she's decided now that that night was her high point with men. The ones that came after never compared. She turned that night in the bathroom into the pivot point of her life and she didn't even realize it until she started talking about it today.

I said, "Well, I don't get it. Nothing much happened that night as I told you. We didn't have sex or anything. I was scared shitless and she fled the room so quickly after. We never talked about it after and nothing happened again."

Alexis said, "I think that's the point. She talked like she regretted not going further that night. She said that she knew it was wrong and never acted on it. In some strange way she has compared her sexual experiences with every other man since that night with what she fantasized it would have been with you if she'd just had the guts to find out."

When we pulled into Emma's driveway, there were a couple more cars there than when we left. I didn't recognize them but they were pretty swanky high-end luxury cars. Alexis didn't recognize them either. We came in through the foyer and followed the voices to the study. The two new cars belonged to Olivia and Sophia and they both nearly knocked each other over trying to get to Alexis and me. They were both as gorgeous as ever and Olivia jammed her huge tits into my stomach and hugged me tight. She stretched up for a kiss and pushed her tongue into my mouth when I bent down to kiss her. Sophia was kissing and hugging Alexis with the same vigor. We were really happy to see them. It had been months.

Emma walked by heading for the kitchen and whispered to Olivia, "Down girl there will time for all that later." Olivia giggled and followed Emma out of the study to help with dinner in any way she could. Sophia dragged Alexis into the study and they sat down together hand in hand.

Dee looked at me and said, "Dinner should be on in ten or fifteen minutes." I groaned and grabbed my stomach indicating that I was already full from lunch. Jarrod came back in from the kitchen with a beer for him and one for me. I needed it after today.

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Clancy31015Clancy31015over 6 years ago
Can't Wait for More!!!

Imagine if Thia, Hunter, Alexis, Dee, Emma, Sophia, Olivia, Rachel, the College "Smoking Hot Five", Jarrod, and possibly Michelle all got it on together at Rachel's residence? This story is awesome and with a few additional things, it could supersede "Threads: The Island" by JimmyJammy and "The Novelist" by Nicequip. They have so many good things and if they developed a home like in "Billionaire and the Sisters" by SteveWallace, it would be a perfect story series and would probably break Literotica's website with the number of readers reading it, especially if the whole series is combined into one file instead of individual chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great stuff.

Maybe Hunter, Jarrod and Dean could run a train on Thia. She's attracted to men, but never had a good experience. They could change that.

Tron4122Tron4122over 6 years ago
Another good chapter

Love the twist and turns. Left it at a good cliff hanger as to what will happen next. Can't wait till next chapter.

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