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Powder and Steel

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Noir fiction. Strangers meet up in an alleyway.
3.1k words
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Chapter 1

* * * * * *

The frigid night air smacked her skin as she shoved through the doors. She instinctively pulled her coat tighter, and dug her hands in her pockets. Her intuition was off tonight.

She had a lovely conversation with a stranger at the bar. Casual, light - but genuine. She was a people watcher, though what she loved more was the open communication that only chance encounters could give. A brief window into another life, and then they're gone. Building stories in her head, she'd fill in the gaps later with hints and clues from the plot she was handed.

But tonight was different. The story was unsettling. It seemed innocent enough, on the surface. A casual gentleman who wanted some company, however small. She was happy to oblige, always eager to touch on humanity for a moment. A quiet talk over bourbon and wine. Pure intent and naivety sometimes acted as blinders for her, though, and there was something else - something darker that prickled the hair on her neck. She felt the guarded caution hidden behind the nonchalant tone. The careful eye that would slip her way when she would shift on the stool.

Her hand gripped the folded knife in her pocket tightly, til metal bit into skin. A subtle reminder of shrewd vigilance. She shook her head, tossing off the dark thoughts creeping slowly. It was silly - only her imagination.

She searched the deserted city streets quietly, pressing herself against the brick of the corner building. The cold was a warden tonight. Her hand released its grip, sighing heavily as she dug through her pocketbook, searching. There it was. Her numbing hands plucked a cigarette from the depths, and pinched it between her lips tightly as she fumbled with her lighter, flicking the wheel roughly with her thumb. The flint struck the metal, a tiny flame weakly flickering.

A steely wind slammed through suddenly, extinguishing the flame as it tore through her nylons. Her legs trembled, her feet shuffling to balance in her heels. Her body hunched, her eyes forgetting their watchful sentry on the street before her, and she turned her body toward the brick, using her back as a shield. Shit, shit. She struck her thumb desperately over the lighter, again and again. There it is. Her lips tugged on the cigarette, drawing the flame inward quickly. A trickle of smoke teased upward, lingering briefly before disappearing into the frigid night sky.

She spun deftly on the balls of her feet, pressing her back against the brick again, as she blew a thicker cloud of smoke outward, dropping her hands to her sides. She shoved her hand into her pocket again, fingers searching for her insurance. Her back stiffened as panic set in.

Gone. It was gone.

Her eyes darted around her anxiously as she thrust her hand into her pockets, purse, hidden compartments. She shoved the cigarette between her lips as she twisted around her, searching. How?

A soft crunch of gravel pricked her ears. Her body launched itself upright, back stiffening as she turned toward the sound.

The stranger.

He stood a few feet from her, his palm open. The knife. The blade was open, naked metal twinkling. Her eyes widened, breath hitching in her throat. She hand nervously snatched the cigarette from her mouth, a dark cloud of smoke hovering between them. Her hand dropped limply to her side as she pressed her back harder against the brick.

"Missing this?" His voice was low, firm. Darkly resonant, placidly composed. Malevolent sound dressed in a rich suit.

Her voice caught in her throat, eking out a plaintiff pitch, before nodding her head quietly.

"Quite a fine blade you have here. What's a lady doing with a ripper like this?" His mouth twitched a grin, as his eyes fixed on hers. Her muscles tensed, and she stood taller, straightening against the wall.

"A girl can never be too careful these days, y'know?" She giggled nervously, flipping her head to the side, tossing her hair coquettishly. "Thank you ever so much, sir. Won't you hand it back?" Her voice dipped into the disarming southern drawl of her youth, reserved for persuasion and mollification.

She watched him carefully, the façade of a smile fixed on her nervous lips. He stepped forward, his body looming closer, palm still open and outstretched. Her hand shook restlessly as she reached toward him, releasing the cigarette carelessly to the ground. Her eyes held his gaze steadily as her fingers touched the blade.

"Ah ah. What do you say?" His hand jerked back an inch, his mouth still twisted into a grin. A soft tsk.

"Thank you, sir." Her hand froze in place, hanging in midair, inches away from his. Her eyes held his, an invisible string pulling taut in her stomach. His every move pulled the string, nicking her nerves and curling her muscles.

"You're welcome, dear." His hand slipped beneath her outstretched fingers and pressed the cold blade into her flesh. His fingers wrapped around hers, constricting around her fist. His eyes steadily bore into her laconically for a moment longer, before releasing his hold. His eyes darkened as he stepped backward, the invisible string jerking her senses tightly with the growing space. "You take care now, y'hear?"

Her head nodded mechanically, hand still outstretched, clutching the blade in her palm. She stood unmoving, watching blankly as he withdrew, eyes snapping their contact, looming body spinning deftly and pressing into the night. Her body stood frozen, until his presence faded, his steady gait rounding the corner out of sight.

Gone. Her eyes snapped to focus, the tension breaking, string snapping and uncoiling from her knotted stomach. Her shoulders collapsed as she blew a long wind of air from her chest. Pupils dilated, lungs expanding, blood rushing to her cheeks. The cold smacked her again, suddenly aware of her surroundings.

She clutched the knife in her palm still, hand shaking, as she shoved her hand into her purse again, searching for keys. The plastic and metal clanked, and she jerked them out triumphantly.

Nervously watchful, she quickly pawed her way toward the lot where her car was parked. She twisted the knife in her hand, fingers pressing against the handle, as the other pressed the car unlocked. The lights flashed twice, and she launched herself toward the driver's door. Her hand wrapped around the handle, and her heart fluttered a sigh of relief. Safe.

"Not so fast." She froze, feet planted firmly on the ground, her mind teetering. Run? Jump? A click of steel. "Where are you off to?"

She flung her body backward, twisting to face him, pressing the knife outward. Her eyes flashed and her breath caught in her throat. A gun. The barrel stood level with her nose, the chamber winking darkly. The knife shook in her hand, pressing outward.

"Now, now. You know better than to bring a knife to a gun fight."

* * * * * *

Chapter 2

* * * * * *

Her eyes flicked rapidly between the man and the gun, her body recoiling tightly against the door of her car. Her lungs seemed to collapse, her hands shaking as she gripped the knife with whitening knuckles. She felt herself getting smaller, shrinking into her fear. Then, suddenly, a snap. Her body lurched, and she pulled herself upward, stretching her stance, feet pressing into the ground determinedly, shoulders rolled, back straight, chin tipping upward in defiance. Her eyes moved steadily from the gun to the man, piercing his gaze.

Her eyes flickered defiantly as she stood silently, knife still in hand. She maintained her steady gaze, refusing to break contact - a bestial display of power, intimidation. The first to break away evinced submission. They remained frozen in subjugation for a blue-breathed eternity, weapons drawn, eyes piercing, muscled coiled and ready.

Finally, a break. His gun lowered with a sigh, and his hand reached to his brow as he cast his eyes downward, rubbing his furrowed brow. She remained still and watchful, muscles tightly wound to spring. He looked upward again, but a worried cloud hung in his expression, a softer darkness lingering in his eyes.

"You shouldn't be here." He stepped toward her, his free hand held out, palm upward. Her body tensed, pressing harder into the car, the knife drawn tighter against her instinctively. He stepped back, slipping the gun quickly beneath his coat, tossing his hands up in capitulation. "Woah, there, Nelly. Easy." He threw his hands outward, palms up, in a sign of peace.

Her hand shook as she lowered the blade to her side, and her shoulders slumped as tension slipped out in a haggard breath. She tipped her head, cautiously observant. She waited a moment, speeding through thought to catch up with the present moment. She opened her mouth to speak, tongue dry and swollen, and choked out a rough bark.

"What the fuck do you mean, I shouldn't be here?" She bent forward, hands waving animatedly, as anger set in, voice rising shrilly. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy? What is this?!" Her hand pointed wildly at his gun. "What kind of insane person runs around, shoving guns in people's faces?!" Her breath blew out in angry huffs, her chest puffing and falling, as she shook her head in disbelief. "I mean, what kind of crazy son of a bitch follows a girl out to her car with a fucking gun?!"

"You don't know who I am, do you?" He watched her with a mirthful glint in his eye, stifling a chuckle at her tantrum. He shoved his hands into his pockets casually, but withdrew them quickly as she recoiled again, her voice booming frantically louder.

"No, I don't know who you fucking are. I don't care who the fuck you are. You're insane. That's all I know. Insane." She punctuated the last word with a jab of her finger, shoving it at his chest, almost touching. His hand slipped deftly around her wrist and held her there, pulling her forcefully to him. Her body tensed again, hand still clenched in a fist, finger still jutting out accusingly. His eyes clouded, breath shallow, as he drew his face to hers, a fraction of space separating the two.

"You're right. I am insane," he whispered gravelly, his grip tightening on her wrist roughly. Her head tilted upward, shifting her gaze languidly between his eyes and his mouth, breath quick and shallow. His jaw ticked, a flash of gnashing teeth, as he pressed her backward against the car, holding her wrist tightly in one hand, slamming the other aggressively into the car's window, effectively boxing her in.

Her pulse quickened, chest heaving in fast, shallow breaths, eyes widening in stricken fear. Caught, like a rabbit in a trap. His head dipped lower, forehead pressing against her own. His breath was slow and steady, but a twinge of fire licked at his eyes, as his mouth hovered over hers, a teasing whisper as he inched closer, pressing his hips harder against her. Her mouth parted slightly, her own breath hitching, as her body melted into the car, eyes growing hazy. Her body pressed outward unconsciously, and her chin tipped upward, cloudy thoughts drifting dangerously to darkness.

"Fuck!" His hand slammed into the car, and he shoved away, turning his back to her, hands balled into fists at his side. She slumped against the car, shaking visibly, as the conscious present slammed into her.

"What do you want with me?" She asked quietly, a hint of a tremor slipping into her whispered control.

His back still turned, he shook his head, hands fisting and clenching at his sides, shoulders tensed, muscles bunched visibly through the fabric of his coat. She watched him, curiosity raging with fear. Her mind was screaming. Run! Run, you fool! But a lingering heat crept through her, trapping her feet where she stood. Her resolve slipped as she stood, watching him.

He stood there, back heaving and fists clenching, head bowed. His breath was visible, small humid clouds puffing into the cold air, as his lungs huffed forcefully. She sucked in her ow ragged breath as she anxiously watched him.

His breath grew louder, faster, as his fists clenched continuously. Suddenly, his body spun and he pressed his arms on either side of her, his face hovering over hers again. His jaw ticked as he lingered for a moment, and then, with a snap, his mouth slammed against hers, lips pressing hungrily, pillowy flesh tangling, teeth nipping, tongue forcing entrance, sucking, probing; swallowing, consuming. Her hands pressed into the car at her sides as her body lurched forward, a line of soft, hot sighs fumbling into his mouth, as her tongue fought weakly with his, lips parting submissively, wrestling and grappling for more, her hips and chest pressing into him.

His hands swung from the car to her shoulders, slamming her body against the glass, as he pressed his own weight back into hers, his throat pulsing a growl as his mouth pressed harder, his tongue driving harder into her own mouth aggressively. His hips pressed her harder against the car, as his hand slipped around her throat, his thumb digging into her chin as his fingers wrapped tightly on her neck, pressing and trapping her shallow breaths in a ball of agony as his mouth swallowed her continually, tongue and lips sucking greedily.

Her thoughts slipped into a dark void, swimming into a surreal darkness, as she opened her mouth desperately, sucking desperately for air, tongue, lips. His hand released its grip, and a surge of air ripped through her, mouth sucking harder, and his tongue drove harder, choking down her throat, swallowing her breaths. Her hands slipped upward shakily, clenched fists gripping his coat's lapels, as her feet tipped her upward, pressing harder into him.

Darkness pressed reason out, and need slipped in, as her thighs parted, relieving the moist ache pulsing through her. His hand clenched her throat again, squeezing, as he slipped the other savagely beneath her skirt, pressing upward and into her groin, gripping her harshly, almost lifting her. She felt her fists clench mechanically as her feet slipped apart, lips trembling mutely, as his tongue continually devoured hers. His fingers pressed into the cotton of her panties, dragging over the center and dipping into the hollow, moist center, teasing the cotton, as his fist clenched her throat tighter.

Suddenly, he ripped his mouth and hands from her, and her mouth quivered in supplication. His eyes darkened, chest heaving, and his breath grew tighter, watching her writhe against the car. A vulnerable mess of nerves and need. He gripped her arms and spun her, slamming her chest against the car, her cheek pressed tightly against the window's cold glass. Her chest heaved into the steel of the car door, hands reaching upward, steadying her footing, as his hand fumbled with his belt, the clinking of metal and pressing of fabric jarring her. His hands shoved her dress up and over the curve of her ass, fingers lingering to press harshly into the flesh, before jerking her panties down quickly, shoving them to her thighs.

She felt his knees press her legs as his feet planted firmly on either side of her, and his hand pressed into the front of her neck again, pulling her head back, as he guided his cock teasingly through the gap of her thighs and upward, sliding between her cheeks and down again. Her breath trembled, and his fist tightened on her throat as he bent down, dragging her body backward, back arching, and slamming upward, his cock slamming into her. He held her there, fist gripped and choking, her body held suspended in shaking limbo, as he slid out slowly. He rested there, releasing his grip on her throat, a wash of air pressing through her, expanding lungs and ribs, her feet slipping as her vision went white and dizzy.

Slam. His body thrust viciously against her again, this time harder, his fist tightening and choking round her throat. Pulling her neck back, her spine straining, ass pushed outward, legs shaking, as he drove his cock into her faster, forcibly hitting her aching muscles, clenching, wet, desperate. His hand released her throat and tangled into her hair, dragging her backward, forcing her arms to stretch against the car, as he fucked her, his breaths panting, an animal growl rising. He jerked her against his body as he drove harder, his cock spreading her, slamming viciously, bruising and painful. He bent down and whispered in her ear, as he reached with his other hand and gripped her throat once more, choking the air from her.

"Don't scream." His body slammed upward again, sending her careening forward, his hand jerking her head back harder, fist clenching tighter, pulling her to him. Her body spasmed round his cock, ecstasy peaking with pain and friction, and he grunted into her ear as his own twitched deeply inside of her, gooey cum flooding through her, as her orgasm spun out, drenching him. Her body suspended, hands pressed desperately against cold glass, muscles frozen, as he gripped her tighter. She felt him slip out of her, his hands releasing her suddenly, and she fell against the car, her skirt bunched and hanging loosely, the cold air frigid on her skin.

She heard the rustle of his belt fasten as she pressed her cheek against the car, panting doggedly, mind spinning to comprehend what had happened. She felt his hands pulling the fabric of her panties back in place and smooth her dress down again, as he whispered in her ear.

"I have to go." His voice seemed to shake unsteadily. But he was gone, suddenly, footsteps echoing distantly as he disappeared round the corner of the parking lot.

Her mind slipped into focus, and she forced herself upward. Fumbling with the keys, she found her way into the car, and started the engine. Her body slumped into the seat, head pressing into the cushion, eyes closed, as she struggled to make sense of it. He was there for something else. Her mind reeled. A pain throbbed between her thighs where he had been. She touched herself through the fabric of her dress in remembrance, cheeks flushing.

Surprised at the lack of regret, she paused. Rational thought crept in, and then out again. There was a sense of some outside force at play, lurking and moving chess pieces around carefully.

Her hand shifted the car in gear, and she turned the squelching tires onto the cobbled street. She pointed the car homeward without thought, navigating mechanically through the twists and turns of the city. Her thoughts consumed her, seeking reason.

She knew this wouldn't be the last she'd see of him. A soft twinge pulled her stomach. Cautionary sirens sounded in her head. She knew she'd be ready, next time.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was fucking amazing.

I've never commented before but I'm so glad i came online tonight. 😌

visioneervisioneerabout 8 years ago
Excellent work

The noir atmosphere is beautifully rendered and wholly envelopes the man and woman, never clearing to dispel the mystery. I especially enjoyed your disciplined use of a tight POV from her inner thoughts. This ratchets up the drama. And the raw spiral into their fucking at the end is one of the best scenes I've encountered on Lit.

Putting on my editor hat, I agree with one of the anon commenters: some well-placed nips and tucks would sharpen and tighten your prose.

Looking forward to reading more of your stories, privatedeviancies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The setting of the story is great. And your choice of the name Nelly just added to it.

privatedevianciesprivatedevianciesabout 8 years agoAuthor
How Many

Definitely just one guy. I thought that was implied.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
How many guys?

I really enjoyed this story, however I wasn't sure if there are 3 different men here, or if two of them are the same? What I mean is, there is a guy from the bar, one who stole her knife, and one who had a gun... are any of them the same man?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Your writing sets a mood quite well, but you might want to think about drastically cutting down on the adverbs. There's way too many, which results in unnessarily convoluted sentences. Some appear as though you don't know what they mean, e.g. " His eyes steadily bore into her LACONICALLY for a moment longer."(You also switched from past tense to present tense there)

There are also things like this: "Her hand released its grip, sighing heavily as she dug through her pocketbook, searching." You've made her hand sigh heavily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I want more, please?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love it

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. The style, word choice, and vision are all delicious. I really hope you release more. If this is a one shot let me know. Otherwise I will keep looking for more. This really spoke to me in a great way. Thank you for creating this piece.


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