Prisoners of War


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Several moments went by and nothing happened, he heard some talking among those people at the other end of the room, and then the soldiers began to lead the other men out of the room. When Paul started to walk out too, one of the soldiers said to him in a thick Chinese accent, "You stay!"Oh no! Paul thought.This is it! The firing squad! Well, at least it's the end of this misery!

Another soldier walked over to Paul and began to lead him over to the other end of the room. Paul bucked and kicked at the soldier, and started to run. But another soldier grabbed him and pressed a small gadget against his chest. He thought he heard a woman scream as his body was tortured by a painful tingling sensation just as he fell to the ground.

The world blacked out. When he came to, he was groggy and everything was blurry. Someone was holding his head. He looked up, and there were several faces staring down at him but his eyes were so teary and he was feeling so feverish that he couldn't make out any details. Someone was talking in a soothing voice, but he couldn't make out what.

After a moment, a name started to echo through his head.Corinne. Corinne? Oh, the pain! Corinne. Who's Corinne? Corinne. Oh, I knew an Corinne from work. Oh, please make me be dead and out of this misery! Corinne. Corinne. Yeah, she was nice. Too bad she was married, I liked her. But why am I thinking of her now?

Suddenly, he felt himself pulled up and propped up against the wall again. Some people were talking. Someone was talking to him. Someone slapped him. "Hey you!"

"Wha..." was all Paul could say.

"This woman, she want you for bedmate. No?"

Wha? I must be completely out of it, thought Paul. "Yeah, sure."

"Open eyes. Don't you want see body first?"

He tried to look, and he thought he could make out the shape of a nude woman standing there facing him, but everything was still a spinning blur. "Uh, huh," was all he could say.

Someone pushed him hard and he fell forward into something soft and fell down on top of it. When he hit the ground, he heard a high pitched scream right in his ear, and summarily passed out.


When the guard next appeared to give Corinne her weekly shower, Corinne asked him if she could be given a roommate. The guard merely grunted and left. But a few hours later, another soldier opened her door and led down the hallway into a large interrogation room.

This was the most luxury she had in weeks -- to sit on a old wooden bench on the dark end of a long decrepit room. Floodlights lit the other end of the room glaring onto the far wall. Soldiers escorted a small group of naked men into the room and ordered them to line up against the wall.

"Which one?" barked the soldier standing next to her. Corinne looked at them and gasped when she saw that Paul was among them. She didn't recognize any of the others. "Him!"

"Which one?" the soldier barked again

"That one," she replied, pointing to Paul.

"This one?"

"No! The one next to him! Yes. Him!"

The soldiers then began to usher the other men out of the room. She saw Paul start to follow, but one of the soldiers said to him, "you stay!"

What happened next happened so suddenly. A soldier started leading Paul toward her, but he kicked out at the soldier. The soldier struck him with some kind of electric shocker sending him to the floor in pain. Corinne screamed out at this, "No! Paul!"

"He okay," a soldier said to her.

The soldier who shocked him dragged him over to her and held him up to face her. "Look him over. This the man you want bed with?"

"Yes," she answered, "that's he, er, him!"

The soldier then dumped him on the Bench next to her. It took all her strength but she grabbed him to keep his limp body from falling off the Bench onto the floor again. Then she laid him on his back with his head in her lap. "Paul! Wake up Paul! It's me, Corinne. From the office! Remember me? Corinne!"

Paul began to twitch his eyes and moan. His eyes were glazed over and unfocused. He began to mutter, "Corinne..." in a barely audible voice. "Corinne..."

"Yes, Paul, I'm right here."


"Yes, I'm Corinne. We'll be okay. We'll take care of each other. Please wake up Paul."


"Enough!" shouted one of the soldiers. The soldier grabbed Paul out of her arms stood him up again. Then another soldier grabbed her and held her up, with her and Paul facing each other.

"Hey you!" shouted the soldier at Paul.

Paul just muttered, "Wha..."

"This woman, she want you for bedmate! No?"

Barely audible, Paul answered, "Yeah, sure."

"Open the eyes. Don you want see her body first!"

With that, Corinne suddenly became conscious of her own naked body being firmly held and displayed facing Paul for his approval.

Paul just wobbled his head for a moment without really seeming to notice her standing there in front of him, and replied, "Uh, huh."

The soldiers pushed them into each other and they both fell to the floor with Paul landing on top of her. She let out a screech of pain, and Paul seemed to pass out completely.

The soldier said, "you want him, you drag him." And then ushered her out the door. Not knowing what to do, she grabbed Paul by his ankles and dragged him out of the room. "Oh, I'm sorry to do this to you Paul."

Led by the soldier, she dragged his limp body down the corridor and back into her cell, where the soldier locked them in together.


Paul woke again that night in his cell, but something was strange. It was chilly, but there was warmth next to him. There was also some warm heavy soft object draped over his body. A couple of such objects, actually. He panicked at first, and fearfully reached out to feel them. The feeling was strangely familiar. Warm. Fleshy. Then it dawned on him that this was another person laying on the mat snuggled next to him with his or her arms and legs draped over his chest and hips.

Paul heard, "Oh, Paul, you're finally awake."

It was a woman's voice! "Uh, yeah, but -- where -- who..."

"Shhhh, we'll be okay now," she whispered in his ear.

Paul opened his eyes and looked into her eyes that were barely inches away from his own. He stared into her eyes for a few moments, "Corinne?"

She reached around and pulled him closer to her, "Yes, Paul. We'll survive now, so I've been told."

"What do you mean?"

"That's not so easy to explain. The woman in the next cell told me that we have to, uh, recycle our water"

Talking with his dry mouth was becoming painful, so he decided not to bother with what she was talking about, "Oh, okay."

With that, they fell back to sleep still in each other's arms. Paul was so hungry, thirsty, and totally sapped of strength, and yet so happy to just find a friend that it didn't even occur to him to make a pass to her despite the fact that they were both in each other's arms naked.

A couple of days later, they received their next bowl of rice and glass of water.

"What," Paul asked? "Don't we get two? One for each of us?"

"No, Paul, we have to share."

"Really? That's not fair, if they're making us share a cell, they should give us separate portions."

"They didn't make us," she told him. "I asked for a roommate."

"Really? Well, I'm sure glad for whatever fortune caused them to choose me for your roommate Corinne."

"They gave me a choice, Paul. I picked you. Remember?"

Paul didn't know what to say, so he just smiled back at her.

They ate their rice and drank their water together, carefully splitting the portion in half.

"That'll relieve our hunger and thirst for a few moments," Paul remarked.

They then just leaned back against the cool inner wall together, their shoulders slightly brushing against each other's.

Some time later, Paul spoke up, "Uhm, if you'll excuse me Corinne, I need to use the, er, pipe."

"Wait Paul! You know what we have to do, don't you?"

"No. But that's what I did in my other cell. I assume that's what that pipe's for."

"That's not what I mean. Remember what I said?"

"No, uh, what did you say?"

"We have to recycle our water, Paul! That's why I asked them to make you my roommate."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You know!" she insisted.

"No! I don't know! But just a second, could you just turn around and we'll continue this discussion in a minute?"

"No Paul! Stop!" she yelled.

Paul looked at Corinne with a puzzled expression on his face. "What? What's wrong Corinne?"

"Look, Paul, uh, there's no nice way to say it. We have to drink each other's piss."

Paul walked over to Corinne and put his arm around her. "Corinne, I think this heat's getting to you. Why don't you lie down on the mat for a while."

"Paul, I'm serious! The woman in the next cell told me that's what everyone else does to keep from dying of dehydration!"

"What? You are serious! But no way am I drinking piss!"

"Yes, Paul, please! Otherwise we'll die of dehydration. They only give us a cup of water a week. It's the only way to survive!"

Corinne knelt in front of Paul. "Please Paul, I'm so thirsty I want to die. Please give me your water! Don't just piss it away! Please!" She opened her mouth waiting for him.

"Well, I guess so, if you want to." As he approached her, his cock started to get hard. He straddled her kneeling legs and slipped his cock into her open mouth, and she closed her lips around it.

But when he tried to pee, he found his muscles were too tense and he couldn't let it flow. His heart was pounding at the sexual excitement of what he was doing. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly trying to relax. After several minutes, he was able to block out from his mind what was happening, and was able to let his pee flow.

After he had finished, he opened his eyes and looked down at Corinne. She looked back up at him, removed her mouth from his cock, and swallowed what last must have remained in her mouth.

Paul sat next to her and took her hand. "Well, how was it?"

"Well Paul, the taste was putrid, but it did quench my thirst. It's wonderful not to be thirsty right now! I'll get used to it."

"Yeah, but is it really going to help? I mean, I'm not going to be able to piss again until they give us another cup of water."

"But Paul, we have to recycle in both directions. You know what I mean?"

"I guess I know what you mean, but I don't know if I can do it..."

"But you have to! We both have to! Otherwise there's no point in doing it at all!"

"Well. Maybe. I am awful thirsty. Maybe I'll be able to do it. I don't know. Anyway, it's so damn hot, I just want to lie down."

Some time later as they were laying on the mat next to each other, Corinne spoke, "Paul, um, it's my turn now."

"Huh, what?"

"I have to, you know, pee. Are you..."

"I tell ya' Corinne, I'm so thirsty that I'll drink anything right now." He sat up and knelt facing her.

Corinne then stood and stepped up to Paul's face. "Paul, you have to bend your head back more, I pee straight down."

"Like this."

"Yeah, sort of like that, but lower, so I don't have to stand on my tip toes."

Paul leaned back more while Corinne tried to straddle his face.

"Oww, wait, Corinne! Wait. It's not going to work this way! We have to try another, uh, position. How about like this?" Paul laid flat on his back. "Now you squat over me."

Corinne squatted over Paul's face facing the top of his head. "Am I pointed over your mouth?"

"I don't know! How can I tell?"

Corinne lowered herself a bit more and Paul felt her pressing her pussy against his mouth. As she did so, he felt her seam spread open against his mouth and felt the moist inner flesh against his lips.

Corinne began to rub herself up and down Paul's face for a moment. With that, Paul felt himself grow a near instant erection. "Mmmmmpf," he tried to say. Looking up, Paul never saw a woman from this perspective before. Her hairy crotch was just a bare fraction of an inch in front of his eyes. Looking straight up along her body, he saw the undersides of her boobs seemingly just inches away, with her erect nipples pointed out and away. Through her cleavage, he saw the underside of her chin, then into her nostrils, which looked overly large from this angle.

She squirmed for several minutes before anything happened. Then suddenly, while savoring the view, his mouth was flooded with hot, rancid, and slightly salty tasting liquid.

She was filling his mouth quite fast and he had to gulp it down to keep up with her. At least, she was right -- the taste of liquid in his mouth was so refreshing that it overshadowed the squalid taste the liquid had. She finally finished pissing, and lifted herself off Paul's face, and sat down on the mat. Paul sat up next to her.

"Well, Paul. It wasn't so bad, was it?"

He smiled at her and said, "No, it wasn't so bad."

He was looking directly into her eyes that moment then studied the rest of her face.What a pretty woman! His caught himself staring at her lips, and looked up. She had done the same thing. He had also noticed that their legs and hands were brushing against each other's, and their faces were drifting together. Then she backed away, "Phew, your breath smells like piss!"

"Yours does too, Corinne."

Paul put his hand behind her head, pulled their mouths together, pulled them both down on the mat laying on their sides facing each other, and began a kiss which lasted for nearly an hour.

His erection was throbbing and ready to explode at the least stimulus at this point. He cautiously began exploring her body with his hands -- up and down her back, then ever to slowly up over her shoulders and down between her cleavage, but not too far down. She didn't seem to object, so he ever so gradually found her nipples, which were rock hard. Exploring further, he came to her navel, then down into her bush.

By this time, she was also rubbing his body with her hands - working her way down his chest, tickling his nipples and then tickling his navel.

She lifted her top leg, as though inviting his hand to go further. He reached down and spread her cunt lips with his fingers and began to lightly massage her pussy. He found the tiny lump that was her clit and began to very gently stroke it. Moments later she began to moan in pleasure.

At this point. He rolled her onto her back and climbed on top of her. She put her hands on his shoulders pressing down. "Oh! Wait Paul! Wait!"

"Don't you want me now, Corinne?"

"Oh yes, Paul! I want you to enter me! But we can't. You know. I don't have any protection, and we just can't take a chance on bringing a baby into this horrible place. They don't hardly feed us, and I'd die along with it! Look, there's other things we can do. We can do anything but that one thing. Okay?"

"Sure Corinne. But I'm ready to explode! Now!"

"Okay." And Corinne crawled around laying next to him 6-9 fashion. She took his cock into her mouth, while at the same time draping her upper leg over his neck and pushing his face into her crotch.

She began sliding her mouth up and down his shaft, and he immediately exploded into her mouth. "Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh," then "ah, ah, ah, ah." Fully spent, she seemed to have swallowed every drop of his cum.

Now he realized it was his turn to make her come. He began to lick the full length of her pussy back and forth, and then began to work on her clit. He gently licked her clit, licking it in various directions and then drawing around it in little circles. When she began to moan and quiver, he sucked on it, drawing it into his mouth between his lips. As her body quivered more and more, he sucked harder and harder, with as much strength as he could draw with his lungs. Suddenly, her body began shaking feverishly as she moaned, "Oh yes, Paul. I'm coming! I'm coming! Paul! Keep it up! Oh Paul!"

After her quaking had subsided, and Paul had become drained of energy, he let go of her clit. She lifted her leg from around his neck, and reached down and pulled him around to face her.

"Oh, Paul! You're wonderful!"

"Thank you, Corinne. But I enjoy giving pleasure as much as taking it! Really!"

"I can tell!"

Without answering, he intertwined his legs with hers. Then he kissed her gently on the lips and stroked and cuddled her long into the night until they fell to sleep in each other's arms.


One evening several weeks later after Paul had fallen asleep, Corinne crawled over to the door and called out, not too loudly, "Toby? Toby?"

"Yes? Is that you Corinne?"

"Yes, I don't hear much movement around this place as I used to when we first came here. Do you know where everyone is?"

"Corinne, most everybody who was brought here has died of dehydration within the first few weeks. We're the lucky ones, the ones who have roommates who are willing to do what has to be done to survive. But listen Corinne! Are you getting enough water?"

"Actually, no, we're both pissing less and less as the weeks go by, and the pain from hunger is still so terrible!"

"I was afraid that it might not be enough. Corinne, you and Paul have to go a step further, and recycle all your body wastes!"

"No! I can't do that!"

"I know it's not a pleasant thought. But it's the only way you can keep enough water between the two of you. And it'll reduce your hunger pains."

"C'mon, there can't be much nutritional value left in that!"

"Actually, Corinne, the human digestive process isn't very efficient. There's still quite a bit of nutritional value left in it. But there's more moisture. And it'll also reduce your hunger pains. You've been recycling your water to keep you alive longer than would have been possible otherwise, but you're still slowly dehydrating."

"But I can't ask Paul to do that!"

"But doing that's the only chance you have of balancing your water loss against what they give us. Listen, my roommate has refused to do that with me. And there's not much I can say to change her mind. So we're probably going to die in a few weeks anyway. But you got Paul to agree to the one thing. If you can get him to see the importance of the other, you might be able to survive."

"I don't know. I'll see."

Corinne crawled back to the mat, snuggled up to Paul and went to sleep.

After their next meal, Corinne approached Paul. "Uh, Paul."

Out of habit, Paul immediately lay on his back and opened his mouth.

Corinne sat next to Paul and looked down at him. "Paul. I was talking to Toby again. She made me realize that we're still slowly dehydrating. Each week, we have less piss to give each other..."

"Yes, I noticed that too. But what more can we do?"

"There is one more thing we can do."

Paul looked up at her for a moment before he seemed to realize what she meant. "Corinne! No! I can't do that!"

"But we have to Paul. Look around, this place is empty. The only people who are still alive are those of us who have done what we have been doing. But it's not enough! You can feel it! I know I can! We have to, Paul. We have to!"

Paul just lay there on his back looking up at her without answering.

"I won't do it unless you say so, Paul."

Paul closed his eyes for a minute, then said, "Okay."

The urge had been growing inside her since she broached the subject to Paul several minutes ago. Like their usual routine, she sat upon his face. But this time, she positioned herself so that her anus was over his mouth. Looking down, she had completely covered his face and all that was showing between her legs was the hair on his head.

She sucked in a breath, settled her weight on his face, and relaxed her sphincter. Immediately, she felt a long log slide out into his mouth. Just as immediately, she felt another pushing to get out. She strained to hold it in for a moment to give him a chance to swallow the first one. She held it in for a moment, then let the second slide out. As soon as she did, he began bucking and thrashing under her. Fortunately, that was all she had to do, so she got off him. He immediately ran over to the pipe and began puking madly.