Prisoners of War


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"Oh Paul, maybe this was a bad idea. I'm sorry."

A moment later, Paul sat up and looked over to Corinne, "It's okay Corinne. You just filled my mouth faster than I could swallow. If you can hold back between, um, you know, I think I can do it."


That night, Paul had to take a crap, but remembering how horrible it was, he quietly used the pipe without waking Corinne. He hoped that Corinne would forget the idea.

However, the next morning as they both lay awake on the mat, Corinne looked at Paul, "Paul, I have to pee."

Paul laid on his back on the mat as they had done so many times already as Corinne squatted over his face and gave him her water. However, this time, she moved back and sat on his chest giving him a sheepish look, "Paul, I also have to, you know, ready to try again?"

Paul hid his dismay saying, "Sure Corinne, let's try again."

Like the day before, she sat on his face more forward that she did when she peed. The mounds of her pussy pressed down against his eyes. Feeling with his tongue, the dry leathery skin of her anus was directly over his mouth. As he probed, the dimple of her anus throbbed and puckered. Suddenly, just like the day before it opened and a slimy mass of bitter tasting goop of the consistency of thick pudding erupted from it, filling his mouth. This time, he was prepared for the experience, and didn't let it make him gag as it oozed down to the back of his mouth. He swallowed quickly and was ready when the second emerged. The third caught him by surprise, but he endured, as it wasn't as large as the first two.

Corinne then got off his face and looked down at him with a worried look. "Paul! You okay?"

Paul couldn't answer. He swallowed her third turd, while fighting the urge to vomit. He took a few slow breaths, and the urge to vomit slowly vanished. "I guess I'll live."

Paul didn't have to do it again until after their next meal the following week. If she wondered why he didn't seem to have to do it that week, she didn't say anything to him about it. But during the next week, he had to do it during the day and he couldn't spare her as she insisted on being on the receiving end when he moved toward the pipe.

As when they started sharing their water, this too became a routine and accepted part of daily life.

One time, when the guard came to hose them down. Corinne acted on a sudden impulse and rushed the guard and knocked him down. "Corinne, what are you doing?" Paul said in a panic.

"C'mon, Paul," urged Corinne, "while the guard's out!"

They didn't get far, for as soon as they entered into the corridor, several other guards were on them. Several more guards appeared carrying various leather straps. The guards made Corinne stand in front of Paul with her back to his chest. The guards then strapped their right wrists tightly together, then their left wrists, then their left ankles together, then their right ankles. The guards then tied a strap to their left wrist strap pulling their left arms around Corinne's waist, they pulled the strap around Paul's back and back to the right wrist strap which was also pulled around Corinne's waist, leaving them in a tight hugging position.

The guards then pulled them, awkwardly down the corridor like this. "Oh Paul, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have tried that!"

"Silence!" shouted the guards.

The guards led them down some stairs and out into the courtyard. They were then led over to one wall of the courtyard where two sets of ropes were hanging down from above. Looking up, the two sets of ropes were hanging from two pulleys from two overhanging beams about two feet apart. The guards untied Paul and Corinne from each other. And then tied their wrists back together again, only facing each other this time -- Paul's right wrist to Corinne's left wrist, and visa versa, but leaving their ankles free. The guards then lifted Paul and Corinne's arms into the air, and then they then tied one of the ropes to their left wrist strap, and then a rope from the other pulley to their right wrist strap.

The guards then grabbed onto the remaining rope ends and pulled. Paul and Corinne were slowly lofted high into the air, hanging by both their wrists, their bodies pressing against each other's.

The guards finally tied their rope ends to a turnbuckle at the base of the wall, and left them hanging by their wrists 30 feet in the air.

"Oh Paul, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have tried something so stupid! Forgive me!"

"Of course I forgive you Corinne. I, er..."

"What Paul?"

"If this is it. If they're going to leave us hanging here to die, Corinne, I want you to know that I, um, well, love you."

"Oh Paul. I. I don't know what to say."

She pressed her mouth to his and, hanging there by their wrists, their lips met and they kissed continuously.

They were left hanging overnight and were brought back down the next day. As the guard shoved them back into their cell, he told them, "Next time you do stupid thing, you hang for week!"

They didn't try any more escape attempts after that, and their life returned to its previous routine. Life went on much like this for weeks, then months -- surviving physically by recycling their body wastes and emotionally by making love.


Paul continued to tell her that he loved her. Despite their erotic life together in the prison, she just couldn't bring herself to betray her husband by telling Paul that she loved him in return, though she often wanted to.

After living in this cell with Paul for nearly a year, their feeding and hosing schedule had become second nature to Corinne. That is why she was especially startled when, one morning, loud pounding started coming from their door.

"Paul! Wake up!"

"Yeah Corinne. I'm awake! Someone's pounding on our door..."

The door suddenly split apart down the center as several soldiers carrying rifles and axes burst into the room. Corinne and Paul grabbed each other and screamed.

"Hey! It's okay," shouted one of the soldiers, "we're U.S. Marines! You're outta here!"

Taking a closer look at them, it was true. These soldiers were indeed U.S. Marines. Paul and Corinne were rushed out of the building to a waiting helicopter where they were wrapped in blankets and flown some distance to an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean.

America, it seems had defeated the Chinese invasion in the early weeks after the invasion, but it had taken nearly a year to search China and find all the Americans held hostage in their labor camps.

- END -

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