Prowling Ch. 02


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"Ya suh!" she said, smiling gratefully at him.

"I've been preparing for your coming here. I have to go on an errand but I have a special place where you'll wait for me. It'll begin our evening." he said, taking her by the hand and leading her to his back yard.

Off in the distance, she saw what looked like a ladder sticking out of the ground. They halted by what proved to be a large, deep hole.

"Massa Dave?" she said, frightened now, and knowing that she had no power at all to refuse him anything by now.

"Don't you worry, Nessa," he said soothingly, "This is the way that I want it, and I'll go down first."

"Ya, suh," she said, watching him descend the ladder and then getting on the ladder herself, climbing down into the hole.

He stopped her, as she got down the ladder far enough to be opposite his face. He put his hands on her panty covered ass and squeezed.

"Nessa, you are the most beautiful of the beautiful, exotic, alive, sexy, sensual and so accommodating," he said with appreciate, leaning to her then and biting her ass cheek through her panties, causing her to 'yip' with pleasure.

She climbed down off the ladder then and looked around at the large hole they were in.

"Here's where you'll wait for me," he said.

"Why, Massa Dave? Cin I ask?" she said softly.

"Of course, girl, because it's what I want," he answered.

"Ya, suh," she said, determined to not be a or cause a problem.

"Give me your clothes now," he said.

"Clothes?" she repeated.

"Oh, don't make me start to slap you so early in what can be a lovely, exciting evening!" he said with some exasperation.

It put Nessa, wholly into whatever he was demanding of her by then, into action quickly. She had the belt off and handed to him, then the blouse and her bra, followed by her skirt and her thigh highs, shoes and panties. He left her with no clothes on at all.

"Who are you now, Nessa," he demanded, "Tell me."

"I'se dis naked nigger gal, goan wait in dis hole in da ground for my Massa Dave' goan wait and not cause dem damn problems, suh! Not at all. Jes goan wait here naked and content."

He leaned to her and said: "Good girl!" Then he surprised her and kissed her.

Nessa loved it. In a quick mental turn around the kiss, lovely and long, pushed her Nessa into the background and Vanessa clung to him, following the kiss.

"Oh, I liked that!" she said, looking at him with appreciation, "Vanessa liked that."

"Wait for me!" he said and was gone up the ladder.

Dave and the ladder were both gone; he'd pulled a kind of a screen covering over the top of the hole, and left her there.

Vanessa sat, naked in the dark hole and let the fear wash over her but was surprised that it was only temporary. After a bit she realized that she was humming.

"What you got to hum about, girl?" she said to herself severely.

"He's comin' back!" was the answer that she gave to her self imposed inquiry.

"Yes, and he's gonna beat your black ass," was the next accusation.

"Well," she reasoned with herself, "After that parting shot from the last time, I guess I deserve that."

The very mention of the 'last time' renewed in Vanessa the sense of sexual heat that was, for her, underlying the whole adventure to this point. She gave herself over to reverie then. She let her mind wander over the years, when she was brave enough to go out 'prowling', as she called it, to track down this fantasy. She had to admit that most of it was small time, furtive blow jobs given to grateful white men, who became scarce, as soon as they stopped cumming in her mouth. It wasn't what she was after, it wasn't the fantasy at all.

She knew that she was looking for attitude and that was rarely there. She also knew that the danger of doing what she was doing was one of the things that drove her crazy with these 'prowls' of hers. One incident was burned into her memory, and it had stopped her forays for almost two years.

It was a kind of road house, she was leery of it but the fantasy was heavily on her mind and she went, telling herself that it would only be for a drink. She met a group of young guys in the parking lot, and never did get to the road house at all. They seemed to be having a good time and asked them to come with them. She took the chance. Off into the woods they went to a clearing. It was close enough to the road house to be lit from street lights there.

She no sooner went into the clearing with them than they became a bit uglier. They had her stripped naked in no time, and she was giving blow jobs almost immediately. It was as close to her fantasy realization that she'd ever really come on any of these ventures, and she went along with everything, got fucked by all of them. But they continued to drink and announced after a bit that they were going to get their rifles from the trucks and do some 'target practice with the nigger!' The guy set to watch her was drunk enough that he went off by the bushes to piss and Vanessa had gone in the other direction, getting away but was really scared.

It's this kind of thing that made her hate the fantasy so much, even though she pursued it. She hated the danger of it, just hated it. She could deal with the pervasive fantasy, that had dogged her all of her adult life. She certainly had her sessions, when she was so angry about the humiliation and degradation that she actually sought out that she would go into rages for a week at a time.

These were the thoughts that were moving through her mind in that dark hole, where she sat naked.

And she could admit now, admit to herself, most importantly of all, that this situation with Dave, and his friends, of course, was different. It was, for her, the fantasy without the danger. She knew at that point that she wanted to explore that.

She continued to hum to herself, surprised at the kind of calm that came over her with those reveries. She found that she loved the clarity of her thoughts, looking around and with a smile, blessing the hole he'd put her in that led her to the thinking that she'd done.

She leaned back, hummed and waited. Mentally, she'd put the sexual heat of the evening on hold, but, she realized, only for a time period. She felt it was necessary to talk to him, explain it to him, tell him. She hoped he'd understand.

She heard, after a while, the screen rattle at the top of the hole and then the ladder appeared, with him coming down. She spoke to him then, and he recognized the difference in her immediately. It was Vanessa that he was dealing with there.

"Dave," she said to him, once he was down to the bottom of the ladder, "I need to talk to you."

"Vanessa?" he asked softly.

"Yes, Dave," she answered, leaning to him to kiss his lips briefly. "What I have to say is important. Please know, first of all, that I have no intention of not going through with this delicious evening and being what you want, demand, and I love. But I have to explain something."

"Well, here we are in my office," he said with a smile, "So make yourself comfortable and we'll talk. It might just be delicious. I mean, you still naked and me clothed.

"Oh, I like that too," she said moving in for another, longer, more sensuous kiss.

They did indeed sit and she explained it to him: her pursuit of the fantasy of being a black slave, nigger slave to white cock. She talked about all of the furtive times, when it didn't work, although, with a laugh, she admitted to enjoying giving those blow jobs. She spoke to him of the near miss with a potentially dangerous evening with the guys near the road house and her getting away. Then she spoke of their previous encounter and her sense that she was, in fact, taken care of, while the fantasy roamed free, and she could give in to it, give herself to it, emotions and all.

"Dave, I want you to know how much I appreciate that, the sense of safety that exists here. It's a kind of safety that lets me, and I should blush to admit it, be as slutty as I want. I don't know if this fits with what you want but I need to tell it to you from my point of view. That's important to me, especially since you showed up at the office and have been so attentive and nice."

"Wow!" he said, "Haven't you turned out to be the sexiest, loveliest, most practical gal around! Thank you for sharing that with me. It gives some really important perspective for me." He hugged her as he said it, and they broke the hug only to enjoy another kiss.

He thought a moment and then went on: "I think that we need to re-direct this evening. Why don't we get up out of my 'office', get you dressed and we'll go out to dinner to celebrate?"

She'd thought of this possibility, while she was alone in the hole and she went to her knees and spoke. The transformation that she showed him was swift and brought a grin to his face:

"Massa Dave," she drawled, looking up at him from her kneeling position. "Dis black gal, dis nigger, yo' monkey girl used her mouf in a awful, awful way and spoke on you that shit about killin' and she so sorry, so sorry. She love to go out wid her man, her Massa Dave but she want to take what comin' to her for using those hateful, nasty words. Cin you do dat for yo' Nessa, can you, honey?"

Dave laughed and said: "You won't like my solution at all!"

"Goan' ta deserve what I gets, Massa Dave!" she said quietly and surprised him then by beginning to lick at the top of his shoes. He laughed and she looked up at him and said:

"Dis what dis gal knows to do for her Massa Dave! She knows dis, she does, and so she do it fa him! Dat she do!"

"You are a surprise at every turn!" he said with joy clearly in his tone. "But come on, we have this one order of business to take care of and then we'll get you all ready for a dinner out."

They went up the ladder then. He urged her to go up in front of him, stopping her half way to bite her in the ass.

"Eeeeeeee!" she wailed.

"I like that sound from my Nessa," he said. "Maybe I should try this again."

"Gonna bite dis monkey's ass agin, Massa Dave?" she asked with a smile on her face.

He answered by biting the other ass cheek and was rewarded with another loud shriek from her.

When they got up to the top of the hole, Dave covered it over again and said to her: "You come with me; we have this little score to settle."

"Yes, Massa," she said, "Dis nigger gal got one big mouf and she sure sorry to use it on you so!"

"We'll make it right now," he said, leading her out back of the house, where she saw a kind of frame was sitting.

When they got to the wooden frame, he took her by the wrist and said: "Now you just behave and this won't be too bad; you give me trouble and I'll turn your black ass red."

"Yes, Massa," she said meekly, the fear creeping up on her now.

He attached her wrists with duct tape to the frame. Then he put a spanner bar between her ankles. It kept her legs stretched a good three feet apart. He, finally, pulled on her hips and had her bending over a bit. Her position gave him access to her body totally.

She looked at him and said: "I'se sorry, Massa Dave!"

"I know," He said, "But, Nessa, we're going to do this and you'll remember not to talk to me that way."

"Surely will, Massa!" she said then, as he went in the direction of the house, leaving her there with her fear and anxiety.

He was back with a long wood looking switch in his hand. As soon as she saw it, Vanessa began to sob:

"Sorry, Massa Dave," she said through the sobs.

"Now, Nessa, you say it; you say it again to me right now!" he ordered.

Barely able to get it out because of her crying, she said:

"Hit me now, hit me now, white boy, and I promise you on the grave of my Momma that I will come for you and I will kill you."

His first stroke with the long cane was exactly where her athlete like thighs meet the swell of her ass cheeks.

"AAAAAAAAIIIIIEEE!" she screamed into the night.

"Say it again!" he ordered.

She was crying full out by this time but she managed it: "Hit me now, hit me now, white boy, and I promise you on the grave of my Momma that I will come for you and I will kill you."

The second was directly on her ass cheeks, getting a similar scream from her. She became almost incoherent with her crying at that point.

"Why are you crying?" he insisted on asking.

"Because I'm so wicked!" she said without hesitation.

"Be wicked," he said, "Say it again!"

It was garbled because she was crying so hard but she managed it one more time: "Hit me now, hit me now, white boy, and I promise you on the grave of my Momma that I will come for you and I will kill you."

Directly on the ass, was his next target; she shrieked.

"Again!" he demanded.

"Can't and won't, Massa," she said, "I don't talk to you dat way; not no more; sorry, sorry, sorry, can't and won't! You hit dis Nessa but can't and won't."

"Fine then," he said. "I think one more."

"Yes, Massa Dave, one more fa dis nasty, wicked girl! One more fa yo girl!"

He was in front of her and his last target was her nipples. The switch landed on her nipples and her knees gave way, letting her sag on the frame, and she pissed herself.

He went to her immediately, and grabbed her from behind.

"Sorry, Massa Dave," she said, softly, "Bad girl here pissed herself; stinky now, jes stinky."

"I've got you," he said, releasing her from the frame and the leg spreader. He walked her slowly toward the house, half way there was a dirt pile.

"You wait right here," he said, when he was close to the house.

He fetched the hose then and brought it toward her.

"Oh," she said softly, "Gonna make mud pies now, Massa?"

"Going to clean of Nessa now," he answered and turned the hose on, spraying her with the cold water.

She began to shriek and dance around, more than half of her noise was all out laughter. He joined in the laughing, as he continued to spray her off, until she was all washed off. He went to her then and took off the thin jacket he was wearing and put it around her.

She looked at him with a smile as he led her back toward the frame.

"Oh, again?" she asked, as they neared the frame.

"You'll just see," was his comment, as he attached Nessa to the frame again.

Once he had her in place and bent over he stepped up behind her. She was looking at him nervously over her shoulder, and shuddered, when he began to stroke the inside of her thighs.

"Ohhhh," she cooed, "I likes dat; dis Nessa likes dat for sure!"

"I thought you might, girl!" he said, "Pretty wet!"

"Been played wid so nice," she said, "Little beatin', little rinsing and now little playin' and all good from da Massa."

"Vanessa," he said to her, as he fit himself to the entrance of her vagina from behind, "You're such a treat!"

"So are you! So is this! All of it!" she said, in her normal tone of voice. Then her words simply melded into a soft wail, as he sunk his erection home into her pussy.

"Feel it!" he said through clenched teeth, "Feel it, Nessa! Feel it!"

"Doin' me now!" she announced to the whole world, it seemed. "My Massa Dave is jes doin' me now! Doin me fine! Doin' me nice! Jes like downtown! Doin' me!"

He reached around, as she bent in front of him, and grasped a nippled and played with it.

"Oh, yes, this is it, just it!" Vanessa crooned, as he hurried his movement and began to cum. He pulled out at the last moment and came all over her back and her ass.

"Oh, yesssssss," she crooned to him, when they were done. "Need to be hosed off again!" she said, grinning.

He released her and began to walk toward the house again.

"Kidding! Kidding," she wailed, "Just kidding!"

"Quiet!" He ordered and then he deposited her in the dirt pile and got the hose.

"Oh, Massa!" she wailed as he turned on the hose, wetting her down and creating a mud puddle all at the same time. Eventually she sat there and looked at him, a smile split her face. He laughed out loud.

"There she is, sitting in a mud puddle!"

"Dat's what dis dirty gal needs," she said, and, as he watched and laughed, she actually rolled around in the mud, covering herself with the mud in the process.

"That's it," he said.

"Yes, Massa?" she asked. "Cin you hose dis gal off again?"

"No," he said, "Nessa we're going to go and play. I'll call the guys and take you to where you can be of use."

"Ya, suh," she said, "Dis black gal gets to be dat entertainment."

"We'll make it a surprise," he said.

"Do I gets to clean masef?" she asked.

"Of course not," was his reply. "You just get up and come with me."

He was already on the phone, calling his friends from the last encounter with Vanessa. He told them that he was done with his work and would stop over for a drink, since they were all together.

He took Nessa by the wrist and walked her toward the truck.

"But, Massa," she said, "I'se so dirty and muddy."

"I have just the answer for that," he said, showing her, once he got to the truck, that he had, in fact, a rather large cage in the back of his pickup truck.

"Cage?" she said surprised.

"Cage," he said.

"Ya, suh," she said, grinning, "Put dis wicked black gal in date cage and take her as an entertainment gift."

"Exactly," he said, opening the cage for her and letting her crawl inside.

They were in fact sitting on the patio at the back of the house, when he arrived. He backed into the drive way, so that the back of his truck was close to the patio entrance. They hailed him, as he arrived and walked out to see him.

"Hey, Dave," his host said, "What's up?"

"Brought some wild life," he said.

"Where?" he was asked.

"Right here in the back of the truck," he said, standing by the back fender, as they approached.

"Son of a bitch," someone said,"Look at that!"

"Fuck!" another offered, "Can't believe it."

"It's that fuckin' Nessa, monkey!" a third voice said.

"Evenin', Massas!" she said politely.

"Fucking woman is muddy!" the host said then.

Dave laughed, "Yeah, she got that way over at my place; but we'll just hose her off and then everyone gets his cock sucked and everyone gets laid. Our afro-Ameican business woman gets to be the black cock sucking slut again tonight." He turned to her and said:

"Right, Nessa?"

"Yes, Massa Dave," she said. "Whatever you wants for yo Nessa."

Dave laughed and the others joined him. Then they opened the door of the cage and let the naked woman crawl out.

On the way to the house, where the men were, Nessa was once again humming to herself. The small voice had said to her: "Girl, you're plumb crazy!"

But her quick answer was: "This is the fantasy, this is just the fantasy, and we'll fight about it, maybe later. Right now I'm going to enjoy it."

They directed her to the back of the house and stood her in the grass, getting out the hose. The next scene was again one with her squealing and jumping around in the spray of the cold water from the hose, until she was totally cleaned of the mud. She stood then and waited for them.

One of the leered at Nessa and said, with a laugh: "Fuckin' bitch came back for more." He moved in her direction and said: "This time, girl, we'll string your black ass up and beat it black and blue. We'll fuckin' tar and feather your black ass."

Vanessa looked around wildly and with obvious fear, as he leered at her. But then Dave spoke:

"Hey, Ford," he said, "You're a fucking Neanderthal! Back off!"

"Hey," Ford complained, "She's just a nigger; she'll be used to it!"

"She's my guest," Dave said, "And I'm sure that you don't want to fuck with me!"

Vanessa took a step toward Dave at that point.

"What the fuck do you mean, 'your guest'," the man said, obviously nervous about the potential of making Dave mad.

"Just what I said," Dave said, "She agreed to come here to give you guys some cheer and then you act like an ass hole."