Prowling Ch. 02


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"Hey, man!" Ford began but Dave cut across him:

"Fuck you, idiot!" he stared at the rest of them and they all looked sheepish at the fuss that Ford had started to make.

Dave turned then and took off his shirt and put it around her shoulders, as she huddled against him.

"Come one, sweetheart," he said, "We're leaving. You don't need this shit!"

"Hey, man, I was just . . ." Ford began but again Dave cut him off:

"Stuff it, Ford; you acted like an idiot and we're leaving."

The others just nodded. One of them walked up to Dave and said: "Hey, we'll talk."

Dave nodded and led Vanessa away to the truck. He opened the door for her, as she slid in.

She was looking at him with big eyes, getting the courage to set aside the fear that had been growing on her and speak to him.

He spoke first: "I'm sorry about that. I know how it was before; it was a wild thing but this is different. There was no need for that from him."

She leaned against him and said: "Thank you, Dave!" Then she sobbed her fear away against his shoulder, as he left the area.

They got back to Dave's and he helped her out of the truck.

"I'll get your clothes," he said softly but she put a restraining hand on his arm:

"Did he ruin it?" she asked simply and he smiled at her:

"Of course not; didn't ruin anything," was his smiling answer. "You have to work tomorrow, right?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"Time to turn into pumpkin then," he quipped.

"Gee, from slave to pumpkin in one night," she put her arms around his neck as she said this.

He kissed her neck, and she whispered to him: "The slave has one more thing in mind; may I please?" As she said this to him, she sank to her knees. His method of consent was to simply put his hands on her head, holding onto her softly, as she retrieved his cock from his trousers.

"Hmmm, soft man," she said to the cock. "We'll see if we can bring you out to play with Vanessa." When she said it, she began to lick his cock up and down, and then put the entire thing in her mouth to encourage it to grow, which it did readily.

His cock hard, she began to suck in in earnest. He had his eyes closed at the wonderful sensation. She took her mouth off of it and played with it, speaking to him:

"Cum how?" she asked politely.

"On you this time, I think," he said.

"Oh, decorate me!" she said with some enthusiasm.

"Yes, lovely Vanessa," he said to her, in an acknowledgement of what was going on and who was involved.

She went back to actively sucking his cock, her head bobbing up and down on it faster and faster, until he began to cum. She pulled it out of her mouth and let him cum in her face, on her head, and on her tits.Then she sat back and grinned at him.

"You wait and I'll wash you," he said to her.

"Ohhh, how nice," was her answer. She waited and he came back with a wash cloth and a towel, to clean her off.

She went to his arms again, before getting into her car. "Thank you again, Master Dave!" she said. He smiled at her, as she left.

There was less 'sturm und drang' for her that night. She was really tired but not railing against what had happened. There seemed to be some perspective to it somehow, that wasn't there before. She had to think about it, she realized, to decide if she liked that or not. She treated herself to a bath and a glass of wine, and thought.

She let her mind wander through the incidents of the day and the past, slowly. She realized that the fantasy, the urge, her willingness, eagerness to be seen as and act as a slave had not abated. What did, it seemed to her, was that the fantasy was now directed. She wasn't completely sure what the change meant but she acknowledged that the change was there.

As she thought about it, the impression that she got was that 'Nessa,' was purring.

"Maybe this is good," she said out loud, lounging in the water. "It's certainly safer," came the voice again to her, pushing her memory for an instant to that dark night, with her running away naked from the drunken group, who went to get their rifles.

"Yes," she answered consciously, "Certainly safer."

She let it all go and let her mind go blank and drift. Vanessa felt strangely at ease just then, and liked the drifting feeling.

"I think that I like this!" she said out loud, sipping the wine again, when the phone rang.

"Hello," Vanessa said softly.

"How are you, Vanessa?" Dave's voice asked.

"Relaxing," she said, "In the tub. Glass of wine and all just now."

"Sounds lovely," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, . . .uh, . . ." she stammered, realizing that she didn't know what to regularly call him.

"Dave," was all that he said. "When it's us."

"Yes," she said softly, "Dave, I am."

"Sorry that it got ugly," he said next.

"Ugly is where we began; ugly is the way it was supposed to be, the way it was supposed to feel," she said next.

"Yes, you're right about that," he admitted, sounding non-committal just then.

"And it was exciting, when it was ugly like that," Vanessa said.

"Yes," he agreed.

"But I hated it," she went on.

"I'm sure that you did," he affirmed.

"Tonight wasn't that way," she said next, "It's what I've been sitting here thinking about."

"Are you very sore?" he asked, concern in his voice now.

She laughed a tinkling laugh, "Oh, my stripes, you mean;"

"Yes," he said chuckling with her.

"Oh, I guess that I earned those, alright," she admitted. He laughed at that admission.

"Dave," she said then, almost whispering into the phone, "I liked it. The position, the fear of it coming, the pain, when it happened. I liked it . . .I mean, you doing it; I liked it. We can do that sometimes."

"Oh, yes," he said. "I only called to make sure that you were okay," he said then.

"Oh, I am, Dave," she said. "Call me soon?"

"Of course," was his answer and they exchanged phone kisses, before ringing off.

The next day was a busy one. Both Vanessa and Gail were piled up with work in the morning, although they worked well enough together that the load was getting done. Gail went for a sandwich for Vanessa's lunch, and she worked through the noon hour. She got a few minutes of rest, after the big push was done and the work taken cleared.

Gail buzzed her on the intercom and said: "Boss, it's Mr. David Ross for you."

"Oh," Vanessa said, "Send him in."

He came in smiling and she went, without hesitation into his arms.

"Oh, I like this!" he said, "Having Nessa around is a treat always but being greeted by you the professional woman, all in charge and all, is just the cat's meow."

She responded by kissing his neck and 'meowing' into his ear.

"How are you today?" she asked.

"Good," he said, "And how's the lovely, lovely Vanessa?"

"For a while, out of my mind with work but we have it under control; can you sit a bit?" she said.

"Actually, I have an ulterior motive for this visit," he said, as they sat in the sitting area. "I have tickets for the opera tomorrow night. It's 'the Magic Flute' and I was wondering."

Vanessa clapped her hands together in her joy and said: "Oh, I love Mozart! Are you asking me, Massa Dave?"

"Yes, I am, Vanessa," he said, smiling at her use of Nessa's title for him. "You are so bad, woman!"

"You makin' me dat way, Massa Dave!" she drawled.

"No, I'm just taking advantage of it," was his words. "I'll pick you up? Curtain is at 8 PM. Can I come at 7?"

"Lovely!" she said. "Dress?"

"I will be gussied up," he replied, "Black suit, white shirt, tie and all."

"Oh, I can dress up a little," she said then in almost a child's voice.

"That'll be a treat!" he said to her. "But I do have work to do, and had better get to it."

They hugged and kissed one more time, before he left. When he'd gone, Vanessa was all a twitter about what she'd wear. One thought struck her as a possibility and she smiled at the thought of it.

She looked lovely, almost regal in the form fitting, black floor length gown that she wore. It was a décolletage gown, allowing a nice amount of cleavage to show. It went to her ankles.

She answered the door, when he came for her at 7.

"Spectacularly beautiful!" he said to her. "I brought a gift."

He gave her a box that had a pearl necklace and pearl dangly earrings in it, for her pierced ears.

"Oh, beautiful!" she said, throwing her arms around him for a kiss.

They passed a mirror on the way out the door, and she quipped: "Well, aren't we a handsome couple, and I've got a secret."

"What's that?" he asked, leaning toward her as a conspirator would.

"It's about what I'm wearing under this dress!" she said, and he began by running his hands down her back and across her ass cheeks, and then around the front of her body.

She was grinning at him, when he said: "Well, nothing at all, I see."

"You right, Massa Dave!" she drawled and they both laughed, as he kissed her and squeezed her ass cheek.

The opera was wonderful, and they decided, afterwards to go out for a drink.

"Not 'Dave's Den' tonight!" he said.

She leaned her head against his shoulder then and whispered: "I like 'Dave's Den'."

"Some other time, love," he said, "I know just the place."

The place they went to was named 'Excaliber'. There were a number of people there in the darkened lounge dressed almost formally, as the two of them were. But there were also people in jeans. It was a mixed enough crowd that the dance floor had couples that were men and women dancing but also women dancing with women.

"Very eclectic!" she said to him, as they sipped drinks.

"Yes," he answered, "And you outshine them all in loveliness."

She took his hand and kissed it, when he said that.

"I also think that you have an admirer!" he said next.

"Really?" she asked. "Yes, at the bar, the gal in the jeans and leather jacket, has been staring at you for a while."

Vanessa turned her eyes toward the woman mentioned. When they made eye contact, the woman smiled. Vanessa did the same. It was apparently all that the woman needed by way of encouragement; she came toward them, across the dane floor.

The handsome young woman arrived a their table and smiled at Dave. She turned to Vanessa and asked: "I was hoping that you'd dance with me."

"Thank you for asking," Vanessa answered with a smile and continued: "But Dave makes all the decisions for us, for me."

"Does he?" the woman's eyebrows shot up, and Dave smiled.

"Yes, I do, Ms . . ."

"Rae," the woman answered, "Rae LaRue."

"Pleased to meet you, Rae," Dave said, "I'm Dave Ross and this is my companion Vanessa, but she prefers, I think, just 'Nessa'."

Rae looked down at Vanessa, who said simply: "Yes, just 'Nessa'."

Rae directed her question then to Dave: "Will you give me permission to dance with the lovely Nessa?"

"Of course," he said, "Nessa, dance with her."

"Yes, sir," Vanessa said with a smile in Dave's direction.

On the dance floor, Rae took Vanessa in her arms, as a man would and led her in the slow dance.

"You are beautiful," Rae said, "Exotic too; I love your shaved head!"

"Thank you," Vanessa said.

"Are you his?" Rae wanted to know.

"It certainly seems so," Vanessa answered.

"Happy about that?" Rae wondered.

"More and more all the time," Vanessa said, then Rae, who was holding Vanessa close changed the questions:

"What are you wearing beneath the dress? Or should I ask him?"

"I think we'll ask him," Vanessa said.

They went to the table, after the dance and Dave asked Rae to join them. When she brought her drink to the table, she spoke up. Rae excused herself first to go to the ladies.

At the table Vanessa spoke up to Dave:

"Please tell me what you want me to do. I need that."

"I know, love," he said, stroking her hand. "I want you to let her do what she wants, as long as it's in my presence. I'll make that plain."

"Thank you, " Vanessa said, feeling a quick jolt of thrill from the new possibilities for the evening.

When Rae came back to join them, she spoke up to Dave:

"I asked Nessa what she was wearing under the dress, and she told me that I needed to ask you."

Dave smiled at Vanessa, who returned the smile and he said simply: "Tell her, love."

"Nothing at all!" Vanessa said.

"Oh, I like that!" Rae said. "Another dance?"

Vanessa looked toward Dave, who nodded and said: "Dance with her as much as you like. I enjoy watching the two of you."

"Liberties?" Rae asked then.

Dave smiled and said: "Of course! But keep in mind that I will get to watch whatever might happen between the two of you, and she will always ask my permission."

"Yes, of course," Rae said then, "That is so delicious. You are terribly fortunate in your choice of companion."

"That I am," he said, smiling at Vanessa, as he said it. Then Rae, taking Vanessa by the hand, went to the dance floor again.

This time it was different. They danced well together, both of them were good dancers. They danced regularly for a bit and then Rae moved Vanessa so that she had her back to Rae, as they danced. Rae let her hands run down the sides of Vanessa's body, as they danced. The music ended and they went back to the table.

Rae said: "I'll be honest, I was hoping to be able to spirit her away from you and have her all to myself."

Dave laughed: "I don't blame you but I just don't think that's going to happen. You may ask her."

"Honey?" Rae said, hopefully.

"Dave makes the decisions for me," Vanessa said softly.

"I thought so," Rae said. "Well, another dance? And you don't mind?"

"No," Dave answered, "I like watching the two of you."

"This is a really laid back place," Rae said then to David, "May I expose her a bit?"

David laughed and said: "That would be wonderful."

It sent a jolt of thrill through Vanessa insides that they were talking in front of her, about her and not consulting her at all. It revved up the fantasy for her. She kissed David's hand, before she and Rae got up to dance.

"Good," Rae said, "Let's make this interesting for him."

"Lovely!" Vanessa said, as she went to the dance floor again with Rae.

They danced the relatively fast dance near the table where David was sitting, his eyes glued, as were many others, on the two women dancing. It began with Vanessa dancing with her back to Rae and Rae running her hands down Vanessa's hips. The attention of many in the club was drawn to the two of them, as Rae began to slowly creep Vanessa's long, black dress hem up her legs.

Moving sensuously to the music, Vanessa kept her eyes glued on David's as her dress hem move up and up, revealing her calves, then her knees, and then Rae slowed the movement down so that it went only barely inches at a time. She got the hem to the middle of Vanessa's thighs and whispered to her:

"Pussy or ass?"

"Ma'am," Vanessa said, breathing a little harder now with the effort of dancing and almost being stripped in public. "You must decide."

"The pussy I'll keep for myself, and your David," Rae said, licking at Vanessa's neck, "Turn around now and we're gonna moon the audience."

Vanessa blew David a kiss and giggled as she moved. Rae kept her hold on the material. As Vanessa moved, there were some audible sighs of disappointment.

"They're watching!" Rae said softly.

"Goodie!" Vanessa said them wiggling furiously in time to the music, as Rae pulled once again on the hem of the dress, only this time exposing to everyone that Vanessa wasn't wearing panties! Vanessa ended by wiggling her naked ass for the hole room. The audible sigh was there again but for a different reason.

"No panties, indeed, bad girl!" Rae said. "And you know what happens to bad girls?"

"They get spanked," Vanessa said, leaning to kiss Rae, as the music came to an end.

As they approached the table, they found that David was applauding for them. A slow tune came on and David said to Rae: "I'll take her out for one now."

He held out his hand and he and Vanessa went out to dance.

"Oh, thank you!" Vanessa whispered into his ear.

"Excited?" he asked.

"Almost shaking!" was her answer. "I'll do whatever you tell me to!"

"You already are. I think we should leave now, and ask her to go with us. I want to watch you do her."

"Yes, Master," Vanessa said, applying her lips to his neck.

"Tell me, Vanessa," he said, "Do you like this?"

"I love this; all my buttons are in your hands," she answered.

"Well put," he said, taking her by the hand and leading her from the floor.

To Rae, once they were back at the table, he said: "We're leaving; will you come with us? Follow us?"

"Love to," Rae said, "I was hoping that I wasn't finished with lovely Nessa."

"I don't believe that you are," David said, "But remember . . ."

"Yes, I know," Rae said, smiling, "You watch."

"Precisely!" he said and they left.

They were driving away and Vanessa said, almost breathlessly: "Oh, she's riding a motor cycle! That's exciting!"

He stroked Vanessa's face and said: "Really turned on?"

"Yes, sir," she said, lapsing easily into her subservient role with him.

"Want her?" he asked then.

"If you say that I can have her," she said softly. She turned to him and said: "Please don't think that I forget that."

"I know, love," he said.

"She asked me, when we were dancing if I would leave you to go with her," Vanessa said then.

"And?" he prompted.

"I told her that I wouldn't do that and if she asked again, I wouldn't dance with her," was her answer.

"My Vanessa," he said.

"So it seems," she said, smiling and kissing his hand. She then reached out and stroked his erection through his pants.

"Oh, nice!" she said. "That's what I want." Then lapsing quickly repeated:

"What dis Nessa wants so bad!"

He laughed, and she kept her hand on his cock all the way to his house.

They arrived at Dave's place with the motor cycle close behind.

Rae was with them in a minute. She looked around and said:

"Lovely, here?"

It was quiet and his rather large house was remote.

"Right here," he said.

With no hesitation at all, Rae stepped up to Vanessa and kissed her. As they kissed, Rae's hands wandered down Vanessa's back to rest on her ass cheeks, squeezing, pulling the cheeks apart and playing with them. They broke the kiss and Rae said:

"Can't wait! Now, girl!"

"Yes, Miz Rae," Nessa drawled, "Now it be."

"You do the work, girl!" Rae said.

"Yes, Miz Rae," Nessa said next, beginning by removing Rae's boots and socks.

When that was done, Vanessa slipped Rae's leather jacket off and her shirt, and then her bra, leaving the pants until last. When Rae's tits were exposed, Nessa licked each nipple and munched them with her lips.

She undid the belt buckle on Rae's jeans next and pulled the jeans down and off. Rae was wearing a pair of boy leg, red lace panties.

"No hands now," Rae said, and Nessa, smiling over at David, who was watching, repeated: "No hands for dis gal now!"

She struggled then, using her teeth to pull the panties down and eventually off, first one side and then the other, until the task was done.

"Bravo!" Dave said, when Nessa had finished pulling Rae's panties off.

When Nessa had the lovely biker gal naked, she undid her own dress and took it off, handing it to David, and then turned back to Rae.

"Now . . ." Rae said with great difficulty, as Nessa bent to her task.

Nessa reached behind Rae and framed the biker's ass cheeks with her hands as she licked her way through Rae's nest of pubic hair.

"Yes!" Rae said insistently, but then she moved so that Nessa was on the ground and ready for her. Rae placed herself so that she could eat Nessa, while being eaten herself.

David watched with a soft and satisfied smile, as the two lovely women entwined, a picture, a scene of black and white entwined together, eating each other, the contrast almost beyond the lovely, with Rae's flawless white skin next to Vanessa's dark brownish black skin. It all made him smile: the sight itself, the lovely wet noises they were making, the guttural throat noises that especially Nessa was making, as she ate and was eaten by Rae.