Prude to Nude Ch. 05

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My holiday gets wetter.
3.3k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/04/2016
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This is the story of how I went from a prude, to nude and finally to rude. For those readers who expect a lot of immediate sexual activity, this may disappoint. Nudism did lead me to sexual awakenings, but it did not happen all that quickly. I recommend that you read my recollections from the beginning to understand better the context.


It was just after 8 a.m. and I was cozy in my sleeping bag listening to the birdsong fill the camping ground. This was the start of my third day at the naturist retreat and the morning sun had not yet warmed the air, nor woken any of the other eight campers - hardly surprising after the late night dancing they had all enjoyed evening before.

I reflected with a little amazement how quickly my first nudist experience had progressed. Only two days earlier I had first taken my clothes off outside (albeit alone as I was the only camper there at the time). Since then I had walked naked through the bush, swam in the pool, had my photo taken nude by the owner Dave, watched him photograph his wife Sabrina's ass, taken a photo of a guy named Greg and seen his spontaneous erection, shared a nude BBQ with 10 people, danced with them, and danced close with the aforementioned Greg and felt his erection press against me, and late in the night, was pretty sure I heard my neighbours in the next tent having threeway sex. Perhaps that all that was nothing too outrageous for a nudist camp, but for me it was all very new and challenging. Still, I thought to myself, I'd come here to change my life and build up my confidence in myself and my body, and it certainly was doing that. And everyone had been so laid-back, accepting and non-threatening that I felt welcome and safe - and I had the best part of a week still to enjoy.

I could have lazed in my cozy tent for hours yet, but nature called and I had to go to the ablutions block. I crawled through the zip door and momentarily pondered if it was cool enough to wear at least a t-shirt. The camp rules stated clearly that it was a nudist - not clothing optional - resort, but how far was that enforced, I wondered. Surely even naturists must cover up sometime; the weather was not always perfect. Then as I stretched, I realised how comfortable it really was to be naked. I liked the complete freedom of movement; even my breasts free of restriction and swaying to and fro seemed more comfortable and a part of me than they ever had before. In the end I reasoned that as I'd be soon naked in the shower anyway, why bother dressing for a 20 metre walk.

I grabbed my biggest towel and my toiletries and walked across the dew-damp grass to the main shower block. I could still smell some lingering smoke from the campfire the night before, and its mingling with the fresh smell of eucalypt was at once earthy and somehow fresh. From the other four tents strung in a row between mine and the ablutions block, not a sound could be heard.. The block was quite large: inside, three private toilet cubicles ranged along one wall, and opposite them, four showers. I noted that while two of the showers had doors, the other two were completely open to the public gaze. Along the end wall was a long large mirror, below which were four hand basins and some power outlets. As I went into one of the toilets, I realised one of the closed showers was running and a towel was draped over its door. Here was another issue I had to confront - bathroom privacy. All through my school years I had avoided communal showers and change rooms, and had always been acutely embarrassed to think that anyone might be able to hear me 'tinkle' while using a public toilet. Were nudists just as casual around bathrooms as they were elsewhere? To me, those things were still very intimate and private.

Nevertheless - nature called, and she called urgently. I used the toilet and then went into one of the closed shower cubicles. I gave my hair a badly needed wash (it smelt like campfire) and luxuriated in the hot water for quite a long time. All sense of coldness left me and I soon felt re-charged and ready for the day. I pondered putting on some make-up but decided I had no one to impress - sun block was all I needed.

When I came out of the shower and headed to the basins to brush my teeth, I discovered who the other early riser was. Standing by the wash basins was Daryl, the tall bald guy with the very large cock (and who I had heard having some kind of sex with the couple Bruce and Steph the night before in their tent).

"Oh, good morning," I said, taking up a spot at another basin. "Looks like another lovely day."

"Hey there," he smiled over his shoulder. "And all those other pikers are wasting it by sleeping in."

"I don't want to waste a single moment," I agreed. "The weather is too nice."

I got out my things and began to brush my teeth. Daryl had his things scattered all over the wash basin bench and was busy shaving. But his face was already smooth - he was shaving his tescticles! I'm sure my eyes must have widened at the sight of it; Daryl caught my reflection in the mirror and gave me a sort of apologetic smile.

"Just tidying up a bit," he said.

He had his scrotum lightly covered in shaving cream and was slowly running his razor blade over his balls from back to front. His other hand held his cock up and out of the way. He was sort of half bent over so he could see what he was doing and had an intense look of concentration on his face.

Barely able to look away I tried to act cool.

"Umm ... be careful," I said half jokingly. "You'll look funny if you cut yourself and have to wear a band-aid."

"Oh, I'm always careful," he replied and winked at me before going back to the task.

I continued to brush my teeth - slowly. Daryl had after all the biggest cock I had ever seen (Okay, I had only seen six, and all in the last two days). He held it kind of backhanded just below the glans; the glans that seemed almost twice the circumference of the thick shaft they surmounted, like the hat of a long flesh coloured mushroom. The skin was an even tone all over and seemed to have none of the ridges and veins that made Bruce's cock look so angry. I brushed and brushed and Daryl continued to ever so gently and slowly shave his balls - balls that to me looked too small for his thick and long (how long I wondered? Easily five inches completely flaccid ) cock. If he was gentle with his balls, he certainly did not take the same care with his cock. He gripped it like a baseball bat (the simile is apt) and tugged it this way and that to get it out of his way and I was somewhat amazed at how rough he was with it. Weren't cocks sensitive? I had always assumed that they were as delicate as the flesh of my own pussy, yet Daryl treated his like a piece of tough leather.

He caught me staring in the mirror and gave a little shrug. His cock grew noticeably thicker in his hand. It lengthened and fattened until even his large hand could barely hold it. In another moment I was sure he had a full erection. It was simply enormous! Three inches of shaft protruded from his fist, topped by the head that looked like rose coloured tennis ball. He continued to shave, but my toothbrush was frozen in my mouth - and I stood there like a dummy, unable to drag my eyes away from his cock.

"Err," I don't want to be rude," he said softly. "But if you go around staring like that at guys, they might often react like this."

"Oh god, I'm sorry."

"No need to apologise," he said. "But these things," here he nodded toward his cock, "have a mind of their own and seem to know when they are being watched."

"I really didn't mean to..."

"Yeah I know," he said. "Look, this is just a little friendly advice. Men are all horndogs and we are prone to think even a curious look from lady is an invitation for more. You're new to nudism I know, so I wouldn't want your first time here to be a bad experience. And by the way, it's I who should be apologising to you. An unwanted erection is not exactly acceptable here."

I looked down and saw that his cock had softened a lot as he spoke - it was almost flaccid once again.

"How did you do that?" I asked.


"You know, make it go all floppy again." Another aspect of my ignorance (and God only knows where I got the idea) was that men, once they had an erection, could only rid themselves of it by ejaculating. Now Daryl's cock had gone from soft to hard to soft again in just minute or two.

Daryl laughed - not unkindly though.

"Believe me," he said. "It takes a lot of control." (he was glancing at my boobs) "Usually I think about cricket, or my Auntie Ruth - that normally shuts me down."

He laughed a very self-conscious laugh. "Really," he said. "I'm very sorry about the erection. You are the last person I'd hit on here."

Perhaps it was meant as a reassurance, but the words struck me like a unexpected slap in the face. I suddenly felt embarrassed, insulted. Dumpy little Kasumi was not someone Daryl could ever seriously fancy? The two days of confidence building I had gone through unravelled and I saw myself in the mirror - mortified and , and . Saggy boobs, big butt, short legs - no man's ideal.

I grabbed all my stuff and mumbled that I had to go. Daryl tried to speak again but I was already walking as fast as I could back to my tent, my towel wrapped around me and tears threatening to burst out. I was thinking of getting dressed straight away and driving home. Home to the safety and comfort of my parents' house


Back in my tent I threw on a tank-top and crept into my sleeping bag. I didn't exactly break down and cry but I was on the verge of it for quite a while. I knew I was over-reacting, and that made it even worse. But as I lay there, I thought about what I had experienced and achieved since my arrival at the retreat, and I determined to stick it out. It must be said that there was a little of my mother in the decision too - after all, I had paid for my week in advance and she would be scandalised if I wasted that money.

A little while later I realised I was hungry and I left my tent and got to work with my little gas stove and made some breakfast. By then the other campers were all up and about: Stew and Barb were cleaning up after their own breakfast, John and Moira were sitting out the front of their own tent, sharing coffee with Greg and reading magazines, and Bruce and Steph were just across the way from me, lazing out the front of their sumptuous tent in large collapsible and comfy looking loungers - Daryl was in the third lounger - laying back with his eyes closed. Naturally, everyone was naked and began to feel silly in my tank-top. I peeled it off, poured another cup of tea for myself and sat in the warming morning sun; Bruce and Steph gave me a friendly good morning wave and I responded in kind.

The morning went by lazily, nobody seemed inclined to do much at all. Around 11 o'clock, bored with my novel and feeling the need for some form of activity, I took myself to the pool area and waded into the water. Despite growing up in Australia, where we are all supposed to be outdoor athletes, I was not a champion swimmer, and after a few half -hearted laps of the small pool, I contented myself with dog-paddling around and just enjoying the feeling of the cool water on my bare skin.

I was floating serenely when I heard a splash behind me. A man had just dove into the pool; the last man I felt like seeing just then - Daryl. I swam to the further end of the pool, but he followed me.

"Hey Kasumi," he said as he surfaced next to me. "Can we talk?"

"About?" I asked, gripping the tiled edge of the pool and hiding my body as much as I could from him,"

"Well," he began, moving closer to me. "This morning at the showers. I think I may have offended you - and I want to apologise."

"Offended me?"

"Yeah, you know," he nodded toward his crotch, "The erection."

"Is THAT why you think I was offended?" I was astounded at how dense men were.

"Uhh, yeah." he looked like he was replaying the morning in his head, searching for other misdemeanors.

"You really don't recall what you said to me?" I asked, turning from the edge of the pool to face him. We both now stood, face to face in the waist deep water,

"Erm," was all I got from him.

"Let me remind you, 'you are the last person I'd hit on.' That's what you said!"

Saying it out loud suddenly felt stupid. Hadn't I already decided that he was not my type? So.. so what if I wasn't his type? Why should I worry?

I slow dawning of realisation spread over his face.

"Oh no," he cried. "You didn't think...?"


"You didn't think I meant you aren't attractive?" he was waving his hands around in confusion and I must admit, I was watching the muscles of his shoulders rippling as he did so.

"No, no, no. " he protested. "Far from it. All I meant was; you are a newbie, and Dave gave us ALL a warning not to make you feel uncomfortable with any signs of 'attraction'. That's all I was trying to say. Believe me, you are very, very attractive."

Was I seeking approval? Right then I decided to ditch my incessant desire to examine my own motivations and for the first time in my life 'go with the flow'. Another part of me felt a little resentment once more about Dave and his over-protectiveness - owner of the resort or not, he was not my moral guardian, I thought. I looked into Daryl's face.

"Really?" I asked.


I smiled; he smiled. Whatever devil made me do it, I put my arms behind me and hauled myself up onto the edge of the pool, sitting there naked and dripping, my pussy inches from his face. At that moment I did not even think about "acceptable naturism" - I wanted him to look at me.

"I really look okay?" I asked.

"Oh my god," he said hoarsely, "Do you ever!"

The look in his eyes was one I will never forget. They were pleading, begging me. And somehow I sensed exactly what it was he wanted right then.

I opened my legs wide, and then even wider. My pussy was completely on view to him.

He looked over his shoulder once nervously, but there was nobody in sight, everyone was still occupied at their campsites.

"Jesus," he whispered.

I looked down at my pussy, there was still pool water trickling down from my boobs and tummy, wetting my pubic hair and making it a slick dark mop over my mons. I looked into the water and saw his cock, seeming bigger and harder than I had seen it that morning.

He let out a sort of moan and reached under the water to grab himself.

And that is when I think my life changed forever. At that moment I felt such an incredible rush. As if I had discovered some amazing secret, some super power that was mine alone - to do with as I wished.

Now it was my turn to look over toward the campground. I did not want to be caught doing what I did next.

I put my hand down to the bottom of my tummy, and with a finger each side of my mound, I subtly pulled upwards, exposing, as I knew it would, my clitoris.

"You like?" I asked coyly.

"It's perfect," he said. And right there in the pool, under the water but only inches from me, he was stroking his cock, tugging and twisting it, his eyes never leaving my pussy. The power I seemed to exert over him fired some switch in my brain. I grabbed my left breast and lifted it, pointing the nipple toward him.

"And these?"I asked. "You like them?"

"Oh my god," was all he could say.

His closed hand was pumping his cock furiously now under the water. He looked up into my eyes.

"Understand," he said. "I'd never try and push my luck. But you are the hottest thing I have ever seen here. I can't help..."

And her couldn't. At that moment, through the refraction of the pool water, I witnessed my first male orgasm. The tip of his cock, poking out from his curled fingers, shook and swelled and I saw ropes of white creamy liquid spurt from it. Five or six times the sperm erupted from him and floated away in streamers. They eddied on the pool current and drifted away toward the filter pump. His cock remained super hard and now the head of it looked even redder. As for me, it took all my willpower not to plunge at least one finger into my pussy or diddle my clit - I was on fire. But the real turn-on was knowing that I had turned him on so much that he had come - and come so quickly. I felt like a goddess.

"Oh wow, " he breathed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"Don't be sorry," I said, and I jumped back into the pool to stand next to him. "I've read about these things - after all, it's only natural, right?"

He was breathing heavily. I was, despite the cool water, burning down below and wondering if I should rub myself of , or even if he might do it for me.

He tentatively laid a hand on my shoulder. "You're amazing," he said.

I had an impulse that I could not resist. I wanted to reach down and grab his (still hard) cock. To finally find out just what a man felt like.

"Hey! You two!"

We both jumped guiltily at the voice. It was Moira, the junoesque woman from campsite three. She and her husband John were walking toward the pool. Daryl and I quickly moved apart from each other.

John and Moira drew closer to the pool and leant on the fence.

"Sorry, love," Moira smiled at me. "Got to drag Daryl away. It's bonfire night tonight and we need a big man like him to help stack the wood."

Her innuendos were obvious but said with such open friendliness that we all laughed. We dragged ourselves from the pool, Daryl trying to hide his wilting but still swollen cock as we did so by sheltering behind me.

A moment later we all four were walking across the lawn of the campground.

"So, tell me," I asked nobody in particular. "What exactly is bonfire night?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A cracking story beautifully told.

Shaglus_ZieglerShaglus_Zieglerover 1 year ago

Loved it. You are very sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It is a really good story as is :::: But needs to be expanded to tell How Kasumi grows with her quest. It seems that the author has sort of linked her with a man, expand on that trail. Let us know how Kasumi makes out with a possible relationship with a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More please

I absolutely love this series and eagerly await the next chapters ! - PLEASE ?

abadmirerabadmireralmost 5 years ago
Nice piece of writing

A very sensual tale. More please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Prude to Nude Kasumi & her love of being nude now.

When are more adventures for Kasumi coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great story. Can't wait for the next episode.

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69over 6 years ago
What's next?

I've enjoyed reading your experience and wish there many more chapters. Please consider writing more, you are very good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Further chapters?

I love your story. It is just right. How about this? The rest of the week passes uneventfully. But, Kasumi goes home a changed woman. With her newfound bravery, she meets her first serious boyfriend. They make love. Then, Kasumi brings him to the camp. He has never been to a nudist camp. (Tell this from Kasumi's point of view -- how she sees her boyfriend's experience of being at the camp for the first time.) They have adventures. Please continue to write.

NudeandmiddleagedNudeandmiddleagedalmost 7 years ago
Thank you

I have always wanted to encourage female friends to skinny dip and be naturally naked. You stories make me feel more comfortable in doing so. Please keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Its been getting better and better, then silence. Pease, will you write a few more to finish the series, your'e doing really well.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Encore, please

I've enjoyed the series, but you can't leave it just hanging there.

Deadeye_37Deadeye_37over 7 years ago
Loved it! A little sad I couldn't keep going!

I love stories about women who are brought up prudish or so sheltered...and then something happens that awakens them. I recently talked to an owner of a nudist camp and decided to try it next spring. This story made me want to go today! Nice job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice flow!

You've done a good job of building interest about the young lady. We're happy to see she's gaining confidence and power. Please keep the story moving in a respectful, exciting direction. ASAP please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapters - please fill us in on the rest of the adventure. Its a magic read

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
When will we see the next instalment?

You can't stop now, Kasumi, just when the story is getting interesting! :)

centauri4centauri4over 7 years ago
Ethics in (a nudist) society

We can of course be free and do what we like most of the time, but problems arise when we "think" nobody is watching and allow ourselves to set aside traditions and rules of etiquette. Could it be that someone is ALWAYS watching? Or in the case of Kasumi, always listening? In social nudism, the definitions of what is private and not only change slightly; we regard our bodies as good and requiring less privacy then is common in society, but ethically nudism is NOT a sexual "free for all". I have been involved in my instances of social nudity, from landed resorts (4 different ones) to camping events (3 different ones) and backyard (private) clothing free house parties, and in EVERY ONE OF THESE family oriented standards of behavior still remained in full effect and the adults I met were quite respectful. There are still proper places for other, more intimate activities, but nudists simply and honestly believe shated nudity is not breaching ANY of the highly respected, most necessary rules of respectful living.

blackeagle45040blackeagle45040over 7 years ago
This is getting hotter and hotter

This is getting hotter and hotter. I am looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More please

Kasumi...add more please...your stories truly qualify as erotica...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
please keep writing

These stories have been great.

Please keep writing, I am checking every day

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