Punky's Diary, 4/29/07


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"...me neither." I said, and it was hard to talk. My throat felt thick and filled with emotion.

"...and look what happened to me," she smiled, and her eyes fell to her front and then further. I followed that glance and saw how soft and limp her cock was. It was glistening with cum, and I saw that there were matching smears of the same stuff on her calves and ankles. There was even some on the top of her feet.

"You didn't!"

"It just happened," she said gently. "I swear, it's not my fault though...."

Hearing her say that, even so gently and quietly—it made me mentally jerk. I nearly gasped when I heard that phrase, my own favorite phrase, and when I thought of the only other person I knew who used it—

"...Charlie...?" I breathed.

"—She's fine, believe me...."


"Oh...that's right...."

I sat back from Charlie, my Charlie who was talking about some 'other' Charlie."

"Don't worry sweetie," this 'second' Charlie said, and I was frickin scared now. "Your Charlie'll be right back or my name ain't—"


Charlie nodded, except now I wasn't so sure who was who. I glanced down at the soft dick laying limp from the pretty crotch and knew I wasn't dreaming.

Or mental.

Then she sighed—this Charlie who was Claire—and kissed my forehead. She sat back a little and I sat back on my ankles.

"...The first time this happened was Tibet," she whispered. "...but it doesn't happen that much. It was scary the first time; I mean, fuck, to suddenly realize you're across the room, or the frickin world, from your body?"

"...yah, no shit," I said. But then I couldn't, or didn't want to, get it. "Wait now...."

"It happens at the height of release I guess," she said. "Not always, but sometimes. I was just laying in bed at home like a month ago and I'm sleeping and suddenly I'm there with this cute chick in some dump of a biker bar and I'm looking up her leg and she's pissing down her leg and into my shot glass! That was some hot fucking shit I can tell ya. But then I'm suddenly back in my own body back home and it's like a dream. Except...that was you, wasn't it?"

I nod, then shake my head.

"Wait but...."

"I dunno why or how it happens," Claire-in-Charlie said. "This time though, I wanted to give her a gift like she'd never frickin forget. Like...shit; a favor for a favor, like she done for me with you."

I shivered. It was chilly now, and Claire stood in Charlie's body, padded silently to the bed, stooped down to pick up the bedspread that was on the floor and brought it back over. She covered me with it and then turned toward the bathroom.

"I'm gonna run the tub for you, doll-face," she said, and then she walked off into the bathroom. I got up shakily and wandered to the bed, sat down beside Claire and looked at her.

Her legs moved restlessly as before, but she was sound asleep and looking so peaceful and beautiful I wished she would wake up so I could do everything to her all over again. I put my hand on her knee and suddenly had the urge to kiss it—to kiss it and her thigh and crotch, and then just bury my face in her pussy.

I heard the water being run in the tub and then Claire-in-Charlie strode out smiling.

"...maybe five, ten minutes," she said, and came over and sat on the bed with me. I saw her look lovingly at the woman on the bed. She reached out and also stroked one of the senseless legs.

"...gotta shave my legs, damn it." she whispered, and then she turned to me. "As soon as she wakes, we'll switch back, though sometimes we can sorta 'hold' ourselves in each other for longer. It's frickin weird I know, but...it's just something we have in common; like our spirits or souls or whatever the fuck, switch back and forth at times. Anyhow...what I'm saying is, which physical body would you like to be with in the tub?"

"Well," I said, and I was frowning probably. "She'll be awake, we'll be awake; how 'bout all three of us."

"No silly," she said. "I know you and Charlie are like one person or some such shit—which I can really understand now—but, well, you want her with a cunt or a dick is the easiest way to say it I guess."

"Just like she normally is," I said, and Claire gave me this huge grin that I thought was gonna make the top of her head fall back or something!

A little while later the woman on the bed opened her eyes. She turned her head, blinked, and then sat up. She looked directly at me and grinned and somehow, by the look in her eyes I knew things had 'switched' back.

"Damn but you can throw a mean fuck, woman!" Claire, now back in her own body, laughed, and then a hand slid over my shoulder from behind. I turned and Charlie was beaming at me. We kissed, and then she turned and glared at Claire.

"You are such a cunt, you know that?" she said sternly at Claire.

"Well, I did ask you know," Claire laughed, and then Charlie chuckled. "I mean, if you want this cunt then we'll just switch again. But I left it up to baby-doll over here."

I snuggled up against Charlie, and a little while later, we all got up and went to soak.

* * *

After things happened in the huge sunken tub—namely the three of us sitting in a circle masturbating each other underwater—we got up and went to bed. I didn't get up till almost noon, and that only happened because we were having a fucking earthquake or something.

I was on my side all curled up and happened to be facing the 'earthquake' as it turns out. I sneaked my eyes open and there they were, Charlie and Claire, just humping away like maniacs. It wasn't their fault though. I could tell by the looks on their faces that things just happened and now it was making the whole bed rock and frickin roll.

Claire was on her back and Charlie was on top of her, like a guy on a chick, and Charlie was just pounding Claire to bits. It made my insides get all twisty and warm and tense just seeing it. I mean...it was like the Japanese Twins, only sexier in a way.

I watched and watched, and I have to admit I did reach down to diddle myself inconspicuously while I looked because it was just such a sexy sight, you know?

Then the ultimate thing happened and Charlie arched back and gasped and Claire gasped and moaned and they both froze, and I came right then and there—with them both!

After a few more short thrusts it was over and they both looked over at me.

"Good morning Punkin'" Charlie almost laughed.

"Yes, the world says Jell-O!" Claire laughed too.

They both stayed like that for another long moment, and I knew exactly how that felt.

Well, maybe just on Claire's side. I wondered what it felt like for Charlie, and I was thinking maybe I should go visit Tibet too.

But then they both turned and swarmed all over me, covering me with kisses and warm tongues and then—who would'a guessed—fingers going into certain places.

They uh...took turns drinking my pussy-juice when it started to spurt out.

So anyway...we stayed in bed most of the day. We all helped changing the bedding, but there was this one point where I was carrying the pee-scented sheets out and down the hall, that the smell just made my mind drift away. Claire had all the similar smelling blankets and Charlie was bringing up the rear with the pillow cases and bedspread, but I was just padding along spacing out. We got to the laundry room—which was a huge fucker, almost like those commercial places—and the piss smell just got to me. I remembered all that peeing and gasping and moaning and the double-headed dildo getting a high pressure wash, and my legs dripping and well, my insides got all knotted up. I didn't say anything though and we all loaded the washers and got that going, took a little detour to the hot tub room, found that the twins were already there, humping slowly and sensuously in the water, turned and padded back toward the kitchen.

I guess even in big houses and mansions, the place where the fridge is, is always the gathering place.

Then a little bit after the coffee maker was done gurgling and we had our first cups (and some fresh donuts which someone must've delivered), the sky got dark outside. A little while after that it started to rain, and then it turned into a complete fucking deluge where you think that Noah guy'll come floating by on that boat. I mean just frickin hammering down with winds blowing leaves sideways and lightening and all that shit.

We just sat there watching the storm from the safety of our nice cozy kitchen, munching donuts and drinking coffee, and it was just...totally beautiful. But I mean mostly the company, because I'd seen storms like this before.

I looked over at Charlie and Claire and just had to smile. It was like that first morning after they'd gotten together, but different. Better in lots of ways I didn't really understand at first. But when they both turned and looked right at me, I started to get a clue.

"...she is a total Fuck Bunny," Charlie laughed.


"No you are, Punky." Claire chuckled. Then they both got up and came around the table, and they had these evil fucking faces on them.

"...hey stop!" I told them. I held up my coffee cup in defense. "See, wait, I'm drinking coffee and shit! I'll get burned and then you guys'll feel guilty!" I started laughing when Claire took my cup away and was still laughing when they both picked me up and carried me to the sink and sat me down in the stainless steel basin on the right side; it was huge and I fit almost all the way in there. But then Charlie ran the faucet and Claire took the rinse-sprayer and when the water started spraying all over me, I was laughing and giggling so hard I thought I was going to pee.

I stopped laughing when they poured Dawn dish soap on me and started to lather me up, and when I was covered and smeared with bubbles and they just kept rubbing me and rubbing me, I melted back and just let it happen.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Then olive oil, garlic. I felt like a turkey being prepared for the oven. Then raspberry jam on my boobs, ketchup on my feet, mayonnaise on my legs. I was cumming by that time—like it was my fault, right?

Then I saw a cucumber and panicked.

"Too big," Charlie told Claire.

"Oh, yeah, you're right." Claire said, and moments later olive oil (Extra Virgin, which never seemed funny until right then) got poured down between my thighs, smeared all over a smaller cuke and right after that something cold and big was being pushed into my cunt.

"...god, will you just look at her pussy swallowing that!" Claire said, and then she fucked me nice and slow with the thing while Charlie went on massaging salad dressing, mayo, and even a little soy sauce into every pore of my skin.

When it was over I was droopy and sagging in that basin, totally wiped out and smelling like a salad. I just lay there, my butt still on the bottom of the sink, my legs over the lip with my feet in the other sink, and my arms draped limply every which way. My tormentors were just grinning down at me, looking proud at what they'd done and I wanted to just punch them both. I mean here I was, a total mess, cummed completely out and unable to move and they were all smiley faced and shit!

Charlie started to run the water nice and warm again and was just about to start rinsing me down when the sun suddenly peeked through the clouds. I hadn't really been aware that the storm had lessened (I hadn't even been aware of what my name was, actually), but though it was still drizzling and the hills in the distance were still shadowy with fast moving clouds, the electrical part of the storm had moved on. I remembered the time Charlie and I had taken a stroll through that soaked lawn and wound up in her wet nurse's home—soaking wet—but then I was being lifted up and out of the sink and carried out of the kitchen and out the back doors to the veranda.

Claire and Charlie laid me down in the soft, wet grass right at the foot of the stairs, and then Claire went running back inside to fetch the soap, and for the next half hour or so the two of them cleaned up the mess they'd made (me into!) using the liquid Dawn and the warm rain which was still falling. At one point they stood me up between them as they went on lathering and rinsing me down, and when they turned me, my crotch came right into eye-level view of Claire, who happened to be kneeling.

She ran her fingers over my scraggly bush, wiping the foam down off it. She looked up at me.

"I wasn't going to say it, Punk," she said, squinting up at me. "But...your crotch has this shape to it, this sorta...proportion to it, that...that I think it looks better without the mustache is what I'm saying. I mean, cudos for growing it back, since obviously that's what you're doing, but...uh, Charlie, what do you think?"

Charlie was standing behind me, rinsing my hair. She stopped and leaned around to look.

"Cute either way," she said. "Maybe not a V-shape though. More like...maybe just a thin up-and-down line. Yes, that would be sexy."

"I'll trim it for you, baby," Claire said, and I suddenly just wanted to spread my legs and smear my pussy all over that smirking face of hers!

But she'd like that too much.

So anyway, my outdoors bath finished up with no further incidents, though since she repeated the offer, I did let Claire (with Charlie advising) shave my bush till it was just a pretty line from top to bottom. I did get a nick from the razor though, and that was my end.

"You know how you lick your finger when you get a cut?" Charlie asked me, and I was going 'what the fuck are you talking about?' because I hadn't seen the nick yet. I looked down when she did, and before I could laugh or yell for help or call 911, Charlie leaned in and licked my nick. Then she licked where my crotch joins my thighs, and then Claire's tongue was doing the same on the other joint, and then their tongues were licking my nick even though it had stopped bleeding, and then—they were both licking my clit.

Good thing I was sitting in an armchair being dry-shaved at the time because I would've fallen backward and hurt myself. As it was, my legs got pushed up on the arms of the chair and I was totally tongued to butter over that next hour or so.

* * *

Other than little 'incidents' like that one, it was pretty relaxing for me because I got to just lay or sit there and watch Charlie and Claire making out and making love all up close and personal. I mean, just imagine the most beautiful, feminine, high fashion model around (or just your favorite model or actress), and then imagine her twin right there, put a small cock on the first one, and then imagine them making out. That's what it was like and I had front row tickets for every performance.

I mean, okay, there were lots of times when I was involved, but it started to be where the two of them would get everything started between them and not start of with me as the 'go between,' you know?

And that was wonderful. Not that I didn't want to be with them or have Charlie screwing my ass while Claire did my cunt with the strap-on, but...it was almost sexier seeing them on the sofa or out on the porch swing, kissing and petting and fondling, and then just go off into sixty-nine or straight into one banging the other.

This one time Claire made Charlie spurt just by spending half an hour gently caressing her balls and pubic area with just the very tips of her fingers. She brushed her fingers up the underside of that prong and then--splurrrrt! right straight up into thin air.

And then Charlie bringing Claire off by doing that same feathery, brushy caressing on her legs and boobs and ass, and Claire just undulating as she came.

God I knew that feeling.

Hours went by that way, a day, then two.

But like I said, the sexiest part was just being able to watch these two beautiful women making love over and over again, in all these different ways, going from the radical, 'sweat pouring out everywhere dick in cunt' balling to just curling up together and caressing each other.

One good thing for me at least: Even though Charlie and Claire aren't as identical as Kioshi and Keiko are, they totally pass for twins. Even up close. And that means that whenever I did join in (after things started or even as they were starting), I had twice the normal number of things to play with and enjoy. Like four beautiful, long legs—that I really couldn't tell apart—four pretty feet to smear my face against, and twenty cute toes to suck on whenever I wanted. I mean there they'd be, screwing in whichever position and there'd always be a foot or leg sticking up and that I could feast on.

And knowing me, that was pretty frickin awesome.

Certain times though—damn. I'd look at these two chicks and go 'what the fuck do they need me around for? I got no tits to speak of, I'm not as curvy, they're both taller, got terrific legs. I mean it's like The Tomboy and the Beauty Queens or some such shit. They got it all going for them and here I am, Dorkette 2007, watching them going at each other like mad.

So...okay, that's maybe not jealousy, but...envy maybe. Or just feeling left out; like this ugly little voyeur who nobody really needs around them.

But then Charlie got a call to meet with some of her managers and it was just me and Claire, and I was going 'Oh, we can just wait for her to get back. No big deal and stuff,' except we went to the hot tub (no Twins around—what a shock!), started to soak, and then Claire gets all kissy with me and pretty soon we're making out all hot and heavy—to the point where we have to get out before we faint from the heat of the water.

Then we're in the Sun Room and I'm draped like wet spaghetti on an armchair while Claire kneels in front of me, sucking and licking my pussy dry. She made me squirt over and over again (and swallowed it all), and then, after I rested and came back to normal, she painstakingly went over every square inch of my body with her tongue.

I hadn't come that much since that first night with the soul-body switching thingie that happened.

But I was figuring 'okay, she's just missing Charlie and I'm available so she's fucking me—which is okay because I'm game anyhow—and as soon as Charlie gets back it'll be just she and her and I'll be just a watcher again.'

And then Charlie got back and saw me and just swept me up in her arms and kissed the living fuck out of me.

"God I missed you Punky!" she was saying. "I kept thinking about you and thinking about you, and there was this one waitress at this one hotel restaurant that reminded me of you and I was looking at her and she was smiling back at me, and..."

"...you went to bed with her?"

"Oh no," Charlie laughed. "But...she reminded me so much of you I had to go to the bathroom and do myself."

"Okay, TMA!" Claire laughed.

"It's true though," Charlie said, and she set me down on my feet and held me close. "And all I could see was Punky, all naked, showing me her pretty pussy, and then me just sucking her dry every time she gushed...."

"...hey, wait now," Claire said.

"Huh?" Charlie said.

"Uh...nuthing," Claire answered.

Then she was kissing my face and neck and then she was undoing my robe and then I was standing there with nothing on because I hadn't had time to dress after my shower due to the fact that Claire had come barging in with the news of Charlie's arrival.

Which of course had to me being right here—just bare.



Then Charlie, still all dressed in her business clothes, rubbed her face on my chest and inhaled. I guess she must've loved my freshly-washed fragrance or something because she leaned back and looked at me with that look that just says Girl, I need to fuck you!

Claire knew that look too and she started giggling and shit and then she made it worse by offering to take me up to bed and 'get things warmed up' while Charlie got cleaned up.