Punky's Diary, 4/29/07


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I really didn't expect Charlie to just nod, but she did!

For the next four hours—or whenever we stopped for dinner—the two of them completely and totally ravaged me to bits and pieces. And they shared equally with Claire taking my left half and Charlie my right, neither of them crossing the 'line.' Hours and hours of being kissed all over and touched and stroked and caressed until I wanted to scream, and then both of them tonguing my cunt at the same time, doing an incredible French kiss—but inside me—and then stopping to torture me some more with kisses and caresses to my sides and legs and feet before turning me over and them switching sides so everything would be 'even.'

Even. That's what they said as they got around me on the bed.

But then the backs of my shoulders and arms and torso and hips and ass were given that same, achingly slow treatment and I wound up clawing at the sheets in total orgasmic agony as they slowly worked their way down the backs of my legs.

I was simply melted by the time they were done. I figured that after I passed out they'd get back to what they really wanted—enjoying each other—but when I did pass out and then woke up a little while later, they were still on 'the correct side' of me, gently rubbing my back and hands, watching me.

"I thought you two would be doing the wild thing," I mumbled against the pillow.

"We are, stupid," Claire laughed. "Come to find out Wild Thing is this cute Punk Girl Charlie picked up in some grungy bar...." Then they were kissing my shoulders and turning me over and kissing my nipples, and all of a sudden, just laying there squirming in pleasure, I didn't feel like such a useless dorkette that nobody wanted and who had to just satisfy herself with being a voyeur.

They licked and kissed my body up and down till the knot in my groin finally uncoiled in an explosion, and even while I was trying to catch my breath afterwards, I was still the center of everything they did.

God, they so fucked me!

* * *

We finally linked up with The Twins that next day. We were all downstairs in the kitchen having coffee and more (fresh) pastries and suddenly there they were, dressed in kimono looking robes, walking barefoot into the kitchen with us.

But they way they were walking! They both were hunched over slightly and it was obvious they were having some difficulty. Charlie got up right away and helped them to the table, and I went and got some hot water going for their tea.

I couldn't understand a single word they said but there weren't a lot of words so I figured it couldn't be too bad.

Claire listened to what they were saying and just cracked up laughing. Charlie too, since she knew the language, but then Claire got hold of herself and told me what was going on.

"Well," she said, still chuckling. "Apparently these two were on a fuck binge for the last few days; yesterday being the worst. They had intercourse uh..." She turned and asked Keiko, the male-to-female twin, got the answer. "Oh fuck; they fucked forty-two separate times in the space of ten hours or something. Geez. Anyhow, Cute Chick here says she's all sore and achy inside and out, her bung-hole is raw, her pussy is the same, and Cute Guy over there says he'd cum and nothing would shoot out anymore. They both got scared that they'd angered their ancestors or something. Keiko though—talk about test driving your new shit, huh?"

Then I started to laugh. I really tried not to. I covered my mouth but it still burst out around my hand and then Charlie was cracking up and Claire, well, she was just worthless. The Twins didn't think it was funny though.

And instead of that Freshly Fucked look on their faces, they both looked worn out and totally haggard.

Then the tea water was hot and I made them some and they just sat there—carefully—sipping and chatting together.

So cute!

I did feel sorry for them though. I mean my inner thighs and back and shoulders and thighs felt like I'd been lifting weights or something. I'd been bent and curled and twisted every which way and the stupid thing of it was, I wanted more.

I think the Twins would be taking a little break though.

After tea, coffee and more pastries, we all went for a nice soak in the hot tub. This time none of us got lovey-dovey and it was really odd seeing the Twins just sitting there, soaking. Usually after twenty minutes they would've been feeling each other up, but nope, they just sat there enjoying the heat.

Then there was another storm coming toward us and Charlie called the servants' house and asked for a nice breakfast to be brought up before it hit. We went out on the veranda to watch the show, and after the food arrived we ate a leisurely meal while we watched and listened to the rain fall. There was no lightning and thunder so it was cool.

After breakfast the Twins went off to rest, and Charlie, me and Claire stayed out on the veranda watching the storm. It had a real calming affect on me, that's for sure. I mean, sure, I'd get a flash of leg or a glance at a pointing foot now and then, but it just made me think of the beauty of that leg or foot or face or arm without wanting to go over and do stuff to it. I started to doze off a little bit and woke up to hear Charlie's voice.

She was squatting beside me when I opened my eyes.

"Claire tells me that she and the Twins are going to be heading off this afternoon," she said, and my heart fell for just a moment. "She's got this whole tour planned for them, but not really for money, since she has more than enough, you know?"

I nodded.

"They're just used to being together like that," she went on, "being onstage, doing what they do and being who they are. Claire's just going to provide the venues for them since she knows so many people in the business...."

Then Claire came over and squatted on the other side of my sun chair.

"You most likely have no fucking clue how much I'm gonna miss you, babe," she whispered. Then her eyes got all watery, and she simply kissed my cheek, stood, and then went in to collect the Twins. I watched her go and then turned back to Charlie.

"Just you and I now, Punky." she said. "I hope I'm enough for you after all this...." I reached out and grabbed her to me.

"Shut up, stupid," I told her. "You're too much for me as it is!"

Then we laughed, but I don't know if she was convinced.

* * *

We went to the airport with Claire and the Twins, watched them take off and then got back in the limo. On the drive back I slid over next to Charlie and curled up against her. She put an arm around me and held me close.

"...god, you're so special," she whispered. "...and you don't even know how special...."

When we got back there was a voice message waiting for Charlie. She listened to it, hung the phone up and came over to where I was in my favorite sun chair, watching the late afternoon drizzle.

"Well, I guess we're going to be off too," she said. I looked at her. "Do you like snow?" I nodded, and she smiled, and took a chair next to me. We held hands and watched the rain until the sun went down, went in to enjoy the hot tub one last time (since we were leaving first thing in the morning), and then made love for almost five hours in the Sun Room.

It was as if Claire and the Twins had never been there.


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