Put a Leash on Her


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"Private Time. Maybe the girls can stay in town with me over night if I haven't found some rich old movie star to drag around the bedroom."


"Don't worry, I won't get in the way. But it sounded like you were really happy and into holiday mode on the phone. I remember how that felt with Dad. God he had a good-"


"Well he did. And it appears young Rodney keeps you well organised when you have some time alone."

"Oh god..." If she only knew, but that's not stuff you tell your mother is it?

"Eric and I had a few lovely holiday friends up the North Coast we visited from time to time too. Now, they could tell you some stories... You should see some of the polaroids. Ooh... Makes me, er blush."

"What are you saying, Mum? You and Dad were swingers or something? Gross."

"Not quite, but we had some very, VERY, close friends."


She laughed at me and set about cleaning up my 'already quite tidy thank you' van. I took my fuddled overshared mind down to the beach to watch my darling hubby and my two pretty daughters frolic in the surf. My whole world was right there in that moment. All the people I cared about most. Everything was good.

Despite the naughty ache in my groin.

The following day, Saturday we spent reconnecting as a family. We took the girls to the coca-cola lake. They loved the warm tannin stained lake and its calm waters. That afternoon we all enjoyed ice-creams on the foreshore and watched the beach darken. The normality of family life swallowed us whole and I loved every minute of it. I'd missed my two little crotch goblins.

That evening as the girls slept down their end of the van on bunks, I loved every minute of the slow sensual love making, Ron and I shared. It spoke of deep connections and great love and was profoundly contrasting to the wild 'fucking' of the previous evening. I was grateful for the way it defined our experience and helped me put things into boxes in my mind that made sense to me in a daft way.

The following day Mum breezed in around lunch time and told us she was taking the girls shopping in Lismore for back to school shoes and some bits and pieces. The girls were very excited and I had to remind them not to nag and to 'say thank you to Nan'. They promised and no sooner than Mum's little white hatchback hit the second speed bump on the way out of the park, I had my little yellow dress on and an evil glint in my eye.

Rod was waiting in the car already with the backpack and a grin that matched mine. "Thanks Mum." I thought and giggled at my silly hubby and his 'toot toot' on the horn.

"Come on woman." He winked.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach all the way up the winding goat track to the lookout and the rainforest path. Would I have the courage to invite a man to join us? Could I be, like 'really' be that bitch in heat that my fantasies circle around of late. Would Rod allow it? Would the opportunity even present itself?

For Rod's part he was cool, calm and I suspected 'calculating'. He was playing the part of 'just another day at the beach' quite well and I think to build the suspense and naughty delight for me. His shorts despite his best attempts to hide them from my view with the backpack were ridiculously tented. Game on. I wore nothing under my little yellow dress and knew my thighs betrayed me with a mixture of sweat and arousal.

"God, I can smell you already." He hissed as he helped me down a steeper portion of the track. I blushed but felt no shame. My little bum bag patted the top of my mound with every step down the track, bouncing my arousal higher with every jolted movement.

"Here?" He asked and pointed to our usual place.

"Maybe down..." I pointed to where Tracey and Larry usually set up.

"Okay. Let's see if they're here. I thought they were heading home today, but you never know."

They weren't in their usual spot and we quickly claimed it. A massive pandanus palm gave a lovely shaded spot on the white sand and we ate a hasty late lunch then sunbaked nervously for a while. I think we were both building up courage to do what we knew we were going to but as usual Rod didn't want to pressure me into it and I ended up with all the pressure of taking the initiative.

When I'm nervous, I get smelly. My sweat works overtime and well, 'pew'.

"Come on hubby. Swim now, hey?" Maybe the cold and sudden submersion would jolt me out of my anxious expectation.

We played in the shallows, splashing each other and having a little gropy game then swam out a way and floated in the gentle low-tide waves.


"Hmm." I asked with my breasts floating pointed up at the clear blue sky.

"We can just go home if you want."

"Shut-up. No more talking now. Come on." Time to get this band-aid off and proper.

I ran up the beach to our towels, laughing at his attempts to run with an erection. Imagine a stampeding elephant with a botoxed trunk. Ridiculous. When I was dry, I snapped the little bum bag around my naked waist and held out a hand to my hunky hubster.

"Ready?" I smiled and strangely all the nerves were gone. This was just fun and games.

"God..." He was nervous, so I took his hand and led him back among the trees. I saw in my peripherals two or three men rise from towels and watch our ingress.

"Three." Rob whispered excitedly.

"Shh. Silly." I grabbed his cock and led him deeper.

"Four, a woman. Five, her boyfriend too."

In the end I had to shut the excited pup up with my lips. A kiss didn't quite work as he kept trying to say things, so I dropped lower and that was the ticket. As I worked him in my mouth, I glanced about and watched people gather. Rod's head was thrown back in the moment and I smiled around his dick. I felt so fucking powerful. I thought I was finally that bitch in heat.

They were here to watch me and stroke themselves and wish they were Rod. They wanted me, each and all of them. Perhaps not her. She smiled at me but was intent on Rod's cock pumping in and out of my mouth. I pulled him down to mount me.

"Oh fuck yeah, lucky cunt." One surfy looking young man said. He had an odd banana shaped dick. Long and slender, it bent up and came to a pointy sort of knob. He jacked it furiously and never found my eyes but roamed over my tits and where Rod speared into my pussy.

I don't know what it was; usually Rod is good for maybe two to his one before he blows, but maybe he was just as worked up as me. As I thundered closer to my second orgasm, he suddenly crunched down low on me and bucked inside me, spurting hot and hard against me.

"Fucking. Fuck. Sorry, just... fuck." He grumbled on my back.

The chick beside us dropped to her knees and sucked her boyfriend's cock in and brought him off as I waited on the edge of my promised orgasm and Rod rocked slowly deflating behind me.

"Shit, hon." He mumbled and fell away to sit and scrabble in the bum bag for something. "Here."

I looked and he was holding something leather. He snapped it around my neck and it made sudden and glorious sense when he attached a leash to it.

"Ladies choice." He told me. "Be my little bitch in heat, hon."

Breathing raggedly, my whole body shook with nervous tension. Was I really going to do this thi-

"Him." I hissed and held out my hand to the banana dicked kid. He looked around and seemingly had no idea what I meant.

"Go. She wants you to join in somehow." Urged the girl.

Nervously, he approached, eyeing Rod suspiciously the whole time.

"Here." I heard Rod say sternly, "Nothing rough, no anal and wear this. Go on. Fuck my bitch."

"Really? No joke, hey?" He was shaking his head and peeling open the wrapper. "Fucking hell..."

Then he was in me. "Hnnngh..." He humped in hard. The bend of his cock pressed hard against my opening and clit and the head of him traced along the rear of me to nudge at the back of my cervix. The sensation was deep and fucking incredible.

Fucking incredible! I was close to cumming on his first stroke. "Hnnggh!" He pressed hard into me unmoving and then he was gone. A filled condom dropped beside me in the sand and the assembled, including Rod, chased him from the clearing with their chuckles.

What a fucking mess. In the dictionary next to 'anti-climax' is a description of this exact-

"Oh fucking..." I gasp as Rod drives back into me. I'd seen he'd hardened watching the man mate with me but god damn I wasn't ready for him to pick back up so quickly. I was laughing still but quietened as did everyone else.

"Go on mate, show them how it's done." The woman said to Rod. She smiled and pushed her boyfriend down between her legs to lap at her. I watched her guide him with her hand clenched in his hair and recognised her as the girl from the other day that fed her man people's cum. The boy was someone else though. And I couldn't give a fuck about it as Rod tore me apart.

Perhaps it was seeing the stranger fuck into me and cum so quickly or perhaps it was wanting much better for me, but whatever inspired him, he pile-drove me mercilessly. The slaps of our bodies meeting echoed in the little clearing and my cries of pleasure mocked me. I looked around at men jerking themselves and the girl pleasuring herself with her man's face, intent on watching Rod drive into me and I let my inner bitch loose.

A howl tore from my lungs as I came that time. The spastic contractions in my well fucked, sloppy mess applauded on Rod's still driving cock and I tipped headlong into a series of orgasms. The ones I was almost on earlier but denied. And as Rod kept driving into me I did it. I looked up and reached for someone random.

I couldn't even see his face properly or his dick I just knew I needed it in my mouth. I wanted that second dog humping my fucking head while my Rod humped me hard through this tsunami. He kneeled down and thrust his cock at me. It was not quite hard.

Pushing the foreskin back, I reeled at the strong odour. Not unpleasant, not sick or festered but strong, concentrated in that sheath. Then between thrusting lurches I casually inspected his cock for anything to suggest the odour was other than sweaty man and natural oils and satisfied, I took him deep in my mouth. As my Rod served me hard from behind, I rocked on and off his cock with my tongue and lips in synchronicity.

Rod, still hard, withdrew and stood bobbing in the breeze with lust crazed eyes, watching me service the man's hard cock. His hand held out a condom questioningly. He wagged it to me like a treat to a dog and I took it and spat the man's cock out.

"Here." I handed it to him, "Nothing-" I huffed breathless.

"Nothing rough, no anal and wear the glove. Got it doll-face. You sure are one hot bitch." He held my face and smiled deep into my eyes before knee walking around behind me. I watched Rod smiling down at me and this time I felt my partner slide his cock along my wet mess then centre it and press steadily in until seated fully. He took a moment to rub and massage my shoulders.

"Thanks lady. You're really fucking something. I'm gonna remember this for a long time."

His movements were pressed and precise. Rhythmic and deep. Long stroking luxury that told me he was savouring every slithering inch into my body. And so was I. Rod was stroking his cock and smiling down. This was what he had imagined. This was what I had expected. And here it was happening. Really happening.

This man I'd never met and will never see again, found a cadence with me. Our bodies joined in motion and need, and like that bitch in heat and that insistent dog we filled each other. In the moment, at some primal level our bodies just knew. And they did what bodies have done since the beginning of time. They fucked. Hard.

I was lost in it. I can't tell you how long it lasted because I was just so involved in the moment. My husband's loving eyes smiling down at me approving of this inner fucking slut I'd become and loving me just the same. There was some wonder there back in his deep brown eyes. But I couldn't think any further than this little patch of sand and the smells and sounds and my body racing through another fucking wrenched out orgasm while people watched and commented like the customers in that McDonalds so long ago, watching those stray dogs.

Then I was lying on my side. Rod was holding my hand and smiling. The man was rubbing my elbow and saying something. There was a spent condom lying just inches from my face in the sand.

"...fucking gorgeous. ...for years... Never like. Thank you both." I'm sure there was more he said but all I knew was that he kissed my cheek and stood and shook Rod's hand and then vanished with the others.

I lay there for a long time. Rod sat with me and played with my hair. It was a strange place, but I was safe and warm in it.

"The collar. The leash." I said when I was finally sitting and breathing normally. "Where? When?"

He held my shaking head and tipped my chin up to look in his eyes. "Just a silly thing I thought of when I was in town. Was it too much? I worried you'd feel a bit degraded."

"Fucking perfect. Almost like my... fantasy." I blushed hard. I'd never meant to admit to him about this thing I've been obsessed with.

"You can tell me on the walk home. How are your legs, hon?"

He helped me up and they seemed fine.

"Hey guys." I hear and look up to see Larry and Tracey smiling on. "We missed most of it. Just got to see the end. You did great." Tracey told me. "I'm very proud."

"Our last afternoon here. We're heading home in a moment. Great end to the trip." Larry kissed me on the cheek and shook Rod's hand. "See you next week for fishing."

We watched them walk away and when Rod reached for the little collar to remove it, I shook my head and frowned at him. "Take the leash off. I like the collar. Leave it for now."

Shrugging, he did as instructed and we wandered back toward our towels where we sat silently for a long time digesting what had happened. Although we both stunk of sex and sweat in the balmy afternoon sun, it was a long time before we looked at each other and wordlessly agreed to a quick swim.

"This fantasy." He prodded as we struggled back up the steep path. "Is it something you feel okay sharing? Something I could help make real for you, or is it just a thing to keep in your head?"

"Er..." The thing is it's just not a total scenario, it's just a collection of emotions and pictures and imagined acts centred around those stray dogs in the carpark and the extrapolation my psych mixed in with it. Ultimately about being 'in heat' and just giving my body to all-comers, but it's not clear enough to explain or possibly even safe enough to explore.

"Oh well. Just think on it. I'm all ears if you want to share. A bit curious now actually." He smiles and squeezes my hand. "Just remember, we leave in a few more days so if it's something that we can take advantage of within this... ah... new thing we found, then if I can help you with it, take the opportunity. Things have turned out really well so far."

Nodding is about as much as I can communicate after the hectic afternoon, we've just had. For god sake, two more men fucked me and I loved every fucking minute of it.

"Ha." I chuff out loud. Well, every 'second' of it when it came to banana boy.


"Banana dick man." I'm giggling.

"Yeah. Poor bastard." He chuckles and helps me over a rough spot in the track.

Mum and the girls were at the van when we returned. She greeted me with a knowing look. I must have looked as well shagged out as I felt. The girls fussed and blustered over their new shoes and backpacks and bubbled about all the things they saw.

Later when they were in bed, we sat with Mum and made plans for Tuesday, when we had agreed to travel up and spend the day fishing with Larry and Tracey.

Monday, we explored with the kids. There's a book shop in Bangalow that we all love and a waterslide in Ballina that filled our afternoon with screams of joy. Neither Rod nor I mentioned fucking those men and I wasn't sure if it was because we didn't feel we needed to or if we were still getting our heads around it.

For my part, I had pretty much put it to bed in my brain as a wild moment that we'll look back on and laugh about. Maybe even something we'll use to keep the bedroom fires burning. I caught him looking at me a few times and wondered if he was still turning it over in his head and just doing that thing where he makes me take the initiative.

Mostly, I was just enjoying my little family and the distraction of the day. So on the drive home when the girls were both passed out exhausted in the back seat after their full day and full tummies from the fish and chip shop, I was a little side swiped when he just unloaded on me.

"Jilly, I love the fuck out of you. What happened the last few days hasn't changed that a single fucking bit except... except perhaps to make that love stronger, more mature somehow love. It's like I finally see you as your own truly sexual creature and not just my wife who should be having sex with me because that's normal when people are attracted to each other. I see you as... this powerful creature with drives and urges, thoughts and fantasies just like me."

He seemed to stop and think for a moment, "You know, when I watched you fucking those people, Larry, those strangers, sucking them too, when I, when we were fucking and they were watching even... It felt so damn normal. Like we should be enjoying our bodies. Sharing our bodies. I'm not sure what I mean..."

He rubbed his forehead, "Look, ultimately, we as a couple are not diminished by this. In fact, we are more and better. You know all those long courses and escort duties and things that keep me away for days?"

"Hmm." I'm encouraging him to keep communicating by rubbing his leg and showing him a simple smiling acceptance.

"I always felt suspicious. It was stupid of me and you did nothing to deserve it. Just there are so many stories of other coppers wives fucking around on them when they're out of town. I know you never did. Well, I hope you never did and I trust you but only you know for certain."

I'm shaking my head and smiling still, "Never, Rod babe."

"I know. Shh... Just now... with this. I see it all differently. Our bodies aren't our hearts. We aren't giving our hearts away. This can't harm our relationship unless we let some shit we don't express fester and change our hearts. And you know what? I think were better for it. People who never get to ah... play around safely with their partner's knowledge and approval, I think now that they are probably more likely to be the ones who really fuck things up because they don't have an outlet for... urges..."

It seems about the same train my own brain took the last day or so but it's important to let him finish so I wait before offering opinions or questions. He's a man and just as limited as other men when it comes to communicating emotion and relationship things.

"Anyway. I just want basically, for you to know that I'm alright. Also, I want you to know that I still have you up here on that pedestal I've always had you on. I think no less of you because it felt good for us to fuck like dogs in heat with strangers. I loved it. I hope you did. I really hope you don't have a moment's shame. I feel none for you. It was hot as fuck."

"So?" he asked.

"So what?"

"Well, anything you want to... get out?"

"I love you."

"I know."

"Oh, and you're going to love my fantasy then." Even if we never bring into reality, he's earned my trust with his long-winded confession of acceptance and maybe we can share a laugh about it.

"Later. When the kids are down, though. I've been feeling neglected and you're going to fix that while I tell you it."


"Well, it probably sounds dumb, but ever since we let some other men put their dicks in me you haven't gone down on me. I feel like you think I'm dirty down there now." It's the one thing that I've felt ridiculously ashamed of.
