Put a Leash on Her


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"Sure. Sorry, bit of a mess." I glanced around.

"Nonsense. Here." She handed me a plate of homemade shortbread cookies and I set them on the table.

"Coffee?" I asked.

"Tea?" She replied.

Then hours later it was nearing dark, we had switched to wine and they were staying for Rod's fish on the barbecue. I couldn't stop laughing. Neither could Rod or our visitors. It was like every moment was uniquely ironic and it was only Tracey's hushed admission that let us in on the joke.

"Something a little extra in the biscuits. Got them from the Nimbin markets."

"Jesus." Laughed Rod thankfully, "Good thing I'm not fucking working."

Much later we sat around the little table in the van and ate the fish. It was fresh and Rod cooks it nicely in a crumbed shallow fry on the hot plate. We spoke of it as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"So, Rod tells us you're thinking about taking the next step with your dogging." Tracey said to me between mouthfuls.


"You know... In the dunes. You guys are the dogs and the people watching the pervs."

"Oh..." I hadn't thought to name what we were doing but it made sense. It was just like those bloody dogs in the carpark with their audience. "What step?"

"Involving others. Another man. That blowy you gave Larry was just a baby step. I know where you're headed. We..." She smiled at Larry, "Followed the same path years ago. Just not lately. One man got a bit rough one day and when Larry pushed him away it got a little frightening. He's not a fit young fella like your Rod anymore, so we only go there with people we really trust now."

"So other men?" I asked quietly and watched as they all nodded. There must have been quite the conversation between them.

"Yes and we'd like to help." She smiled and patted my hand.

"Help?" I blame the 'special cookies' but I was really slow in keeping up.

"We volunteered to show you how we used to do it if you like and then you can decide how you both feel."

"You mean..."

"Yeah, sweety. Larry is going to give me to Rod and you can see how you feel about seeing it and then if you're not both too uncomfortable, maybe Rod will give you to Larry if you feel like it. No pressure. Say no and it will be respected. This is just an offer to help you guys through this moment. God, I wish there'd been someone to help us years ago."

"Rod?" I swallowed a lump, "You want to fuck her?"

He nodded. I could see why. She was an older woman, but not quite as old as Larry. She was really well groomed and in fantastic shape for someone near sixty. She was also one of those women who simply 'oozed' sex.

"Only if it's okay with you. Any time you feel uncomfortable, say stop and we will. Say no now if you like and we'll just finish dinner and that will be that."

I sat dumbfounded for a while. No one noticed. They chatted like this was the most normal thing in the world. Larry and Rod actually started talking about the upcoming Bathurst race. Tracey giggled along with me talking about the first time she fucked another man and he came so quick it was over before either of them really had the opportunity to worry about it.

"Okay." I cleared my throat and said it louder, "Okay. I hate feeling like I have a hang up about this. Let's band-aid it. Tear it off and see how we feel when it settles down. Worst case scenario, I won't like it, or Rod won't like it and we'll have to talk about it all later. You're lovely friends, I feel like I trust you. I hope this turns out."

Then they're all laughing and I'm really embarrassed. Was this a bad joke or something? Are they gonna call me a slut and shame me now?

"Shh, sweety." Tracey hugs me, "Rod told us you'd think and frown and then blurt out an answer in your own time. You guys are so damn cute together. You remind me of Larry and I thirty years ago."

Then everything got surreally 'normal'. Tracey refused to let me clean table and stacked the dishwasher. Rod and Larry went outside to share a glass of port around the firepit, which they didn't even bother to light. And Tracey chattered like we weren't about to swap spouses. Like I wasn't going to fuck her sixty-two-year-old husband's giant cock and she wasn't going to fuck my gorgeous fit young man in front of me.

"I'm quite excited. It's been quite a while since I've had a man as young as Rod. Larry tries hard to keep up. He has some pills, but... Oh..." She must have seen my confused look. "Go and get your man and take a moment alone with him. Don't let our excitement steamroll you. Go on now. I'll finish this up."

"Can we take a walk?" I asked him.

"That's actually a good idea." Larry said. "Like I said Rod, always check for consent and desire. Don't make her do something just for you."

"Are you sure?" I asked him. We were sitting at a picnic table. "Like you said, we can't just-"

"Un-fuck someone? Yeah, I am. If this turns out to be a complete mistake, you can blame me for it and we'll put it behind us. But it feels right. Like it might be a good thing but we just won't know-"

"Suck it and see." I laughed far too hard at my own joke.

When we returned hand in hand to our van, Larry was fucking Tracey on our bed. They were naked and I was really impressed at her older female body. Her breasts sagged a little but were full and she obviously took good care of herself. He was behind her, thrusting that massive organ into her like it was nothing special and she appeared to be climbing the walls to an orgasm.

I felt Rods hands at my blouse and then it fell away. My bra followed and then my leggings and undies. Tracey watched spell bound as I returned suit. Slowly, I uncovered my husband for her. We kissed and in it, it seemed an understanding passed between us. Permission was given. I was going to allow him to take this other woman. And then...

My sex clenched in little spasms with just the thought of that organ. My other two lovers had been smaller than Rod. Rod filled me to perfection. What was that thing going to do to me?

Larry pulled Tracey back hard by the hair and lurched into her. Tracey bowed and put her head down on the bed as her husband emptied himself inside her. I watched in awe as these lovely friends shared the truth and beauty of this private moment with us. Rod was likewise rapt. He didn't even feel my hand snake out and start rubbing his hard cock.

Larry eventually sat up from lying on Tracey's back and riding out his cum. His eyes found mine and smiled. He took a deep breath and pulled out of her body. I could hear and smell the combination of their sex and then he stood beside the bed and Tracey whispered to him.

"Him. That one." And she reached for Rod.

Larry nodded and took a condom from somewhere and held it out to Rod. "Go on. Nothing rough. No anal and wear this."

It looked like slow motion, but it was probably just how intense this moment was. Maybe the cookies a little too. Rod turned to me and I felt my head nodding. His eyes searched mine and then he turned and I pressed his back forward in approval. I was giving my husband to this older woman.

When Rod reached the bed and took the condom, I didn't see him put it on. I only saw Larry move between them and me, and smile.

"I could use a beer and another cookie, love. What about you?" It all seemed so normal and ordinary.

He sat beside me at the little table and we opened beers and ate another cookie each. All the time our eyes were glued at the couple on the bed. I remember feeling very proud of my husband's body and moreso, proud that he was trying to at least make it about Tracey just a little bit.

He lay beside her kissing her and fondling those lovely breasts until each squeeze brought some needy moan from her.

"In the dunes it's not like this." Larry frightened me with his voice so close to me. "Generally, they just hop on, get in, get off and leave. Don't expect any foreplay. This is beautiful, don't you think."

And 'yes' god damn it. I did. I wanted to hate it. I wanted to scream and yell and tell my husband to leave that bloody woman alone, but it was beautiful not to watch. I imagined that it may be how we would look to others if we let them into our bedroom, not just out on the dunes.

Nodding seemed to satisfy Larry and shut him up. The exact moment when Rod pushed Tracey back with his lips on hers and thrust himself inside her is another one of those mental pictures that remains with me always. A small voice inside of my yelled, 'Yass!'. I stared, silently sipping and dripping on my couch. I didn't notice Larry's friendly arm around my shoulders.

He wasn't molesting me, just holding me close and sharing this wonderful unfolding moment.

"The first time she decided to select a lover from the pervs, it caught me a little off guard. I was quite jealous but allowed it. It took me days to stop running the mental film in my head. He was young and fit and part of me thought she liked him better than me."

I nodded again and continued watching my husband do all those things he did so well to me in bed to another woman. I watched as she arched off the bed in orgasm, clawing at his back as she came.

"Oh wow. That's a big one." Larry said beside me. "How are you coping."

In answer I simply took his big clumsy hand and put it directly on my saturated sex. That seemed to be all the answer he needed. At that very moment, while Tracey shivered and shook underneath my husband, he looked up and into my eyes and knew what Larry was doing. He smiled and I knew this would all be alright. We were going to work. It was going to be... Well, whatever it was going to be and at the very least, "Something to tell our grandkids."

My own orgasm at the mercy of Larry's fingers surprised me at about the same time I saw Rod buck and pump into Tracey. Fuck, the condom. Did he use it? Why was it so important to me? She was clearly past childbearing age. Was I just being possessive?

"I saw him put it on." Larry told my wide eyes. "I feel the same way. I don't like sloppy seconds and I don't want anyone else's cum in her. It's just a thing. She's the same with me. She'd fucking kill me if I did it bare with anyone. That would probably be the end of all this... whatever it is."

They kissed and cuddled a while, whispering to each other.

"That's so damn... You just can't take the risk to let it be so intimate in the dunes. But that is fucking beautiful. She's an angel of a woman. I love her to bits."

My own thoughts could not be put into words, but my pride at my husband's performance and tenderness in that moment, if anything, made me love him even more. So? So, what if he had just fucked someone else. He did it well and was lovely about it. It was as Larry said, really fucking beautiful. I had forgotten to be nervous about what was about to happen next.

Larry stood and held out his hand for me. I looked at it. Comprehension defied me until my own lovely man took mine and gave it to Larry's.

"Here mate." He handed him a condom. "No fucking anal. You's tear her apart. Wear that. Be respectful."

Then he leaned in and kissed me hard. "Go on, hon. I'm fine. We're fine. Enjoy."

Larry walked me to the bed that my husband had just fucked his wife on and I watched the two of them lost in friendly banter over my shoulder as they got beers and cookies and took a seat to watch us now.

To watch... To watch Larry lift my lips to his as if in promise of gentility. I was surprised to find both my hands already wrapped around his very hard and very large cock.

He misread my surprise and whispered, "Cialis. Helps an old man when he's worried about pleasing a gorgeous, much younger, very beautiful woman."

I was also surprised when I could not help the sudden need to have him in my mouth. It was only my gag reflex that made my eyes blink away from what I was totally immersed in. Glancing back to my husband I saw Tracey stroking his renewed erection and my beautiful Rod nod and wink at me. His eyes forgave my lust.

His own lust told me that he was in this moment, as proud of me as I had been of him moments earlier and so, I gave myself to this man who was not my husband.

Larry moved lower to put his lips gently on my nipples and drew such fire up my belly with his licks and nips. The 'strange' of him being 'not' Rod combined with having just watched my husband fuck his wife already had me teetering on the edge of another orgasm. His fingers earlier knew me well wet and ready, but again they plunged into my absolutely squelching core.

Through gasped breaths and stolen glances at my husband who smiled on into my blushing face, I felt Larry work three fingers into me and I came hard around them. I almost came again a few moments later when he worked a fourth in beside them but the stinging at my stretched lips held me off.

Somewhere far away, I hear Tracey saying, "Oh god, I forgot how young men can be so ready."

When I opened my eyes I saw Rod had her bent over the table and was fucking her anew while his eyes burned into mine and roamed my body to take in the whole show unfolding as Larry rose to his knees and spread my legs. I looked down and in the instant I saw it, I almost tapped out. I could have said 'no' and I knew these people would just stop but I just had to know. I had to know how something like that would feel inside me.

"Wait." Larry's eyes found mine. "Wait." He said again like he was talking to himself not me.

"You had best do this. I'm a little worked up Jill. I'd hurt you, I know it. Here." Then he rolled to his side and pulled me over him. I landed with my vagina directly split by his massive tool. My wetness smeared along him almost autonomously. Grinding down on him, I measured his length and thickness and wondered how the fuck I could do this thing.

"Girl, you got two babies out." I told myself silently and reached between us, lust driven. His bulbous knob pressed at the place the girls came from and I pushed like I had pushed back then.

"Fuck me." I looked up at Rod's exclamation and found his eye's glued to where I welcomed Larry into my body. Just Larry's head was in me and I was stretched to stinging. Watching Rod with dark challenge in my eyes, I began to work Larry into me.

"Stop me." My eyes burned into his. "I dare you." I didn't say the words, but my dark frown and concentration spoke them for me.

"Jesus." Rod whispered as I sat down hard on Larry's crotch. He was sheathed so deeply in me that I dared not move. I teetered on the edge of pain and fullness and pleasure. If I never did this again, if Rod decided this was not for us, if it was just this one time, then I was glad I had it. Larry's massive cock was a novelty that I'd be forever thankful for. And maybe just a little afraid of repeating.

Rod was paused not moving over Tracey. Tracey strained her neck to see what was holding him thrall. Larry rubbed gently at my face and spoke quietly, "Wait girly. Wait. When you're ready, love."

"That's so... fucking... hot..." Rod told me staring directly into my challenging eyes.

"Gently, sweety." Tracey added, "That's eight and a half inches. I've measured it. I remember the first time. It hurt so good. Now gently, when you're ready. It gets a whole lot better."

It's only when Rod starts thrusting into Tracey again that I really remember what I'm here for. The stretching is less pained. There is an ache in my guts that hints at pain and I don't so much pull him out of me as just rock my hips and grind my clit on him. That's all it took. These sheets are wrecked.

Places inside of me that I've not really explored are stimulated and pressed and that simple movement spat piss or fluid or something out as I came in great clenching contractions that would not, could not get this thing out of me. Nor did I want them too.

As I rode this massive orgasm out, I found myself sliding him through me. I could feel my inner lips dragged along his cock, then forced back into me as I pushed him home. His eyes were watching me whenever I found them. They looked worried and happy and he kept rubbing my face.

"Easy, darling."

Fuck that. I lifted my chin and locked eyes with my husband who was allowing all this to happen. Bracing myself against Larry's chest I rode him with the vigour of a Valkyrie as I watched Rod fuck his wife. I have no idea how many times, nor can I describe how it felt when I came but when Larry finally held me still to pump into his condom and the hot splashes painted me inside, I was still watching Rod and he was smiling.

And so was fucking I.

"How are you feeling this morning, honey?" I can smell coffee. My eyes aren't really co-operating yet.

"What fucking time is it, Rod?" It can't be morning yet.

"Ten Jilly. I let you sleep."

Fucking hell. I'm not hungover but I feel like my body has been turned inside out. There's an ache deep in my vagina that reminds me I let Larry do me twice more and then after the lovely couple left, I took my man back. I fucked him hard too, just so he knew he was fucking mine.

Jesus, I still smell of sex even. We showered together last night and cleaned each other up but god-damn it must be in my hair or something... The box of condoms is half empty and that's how I feel. I need coffee, stat. And vegemite toast. And maybe some vaginal reconstruction, I laugh.

"What's so funny, honey?"

"I think he broke my box, babe."

"Felt alright to me last night. I can't believe... Just holy crap. What a night. And you. Wow. Here."

The gorgeous man has been into Byron already and brought me proper coffee and croissants. There seemed to be nothing to talk about. Clearly, we both felt good about it. I didn't feel jealous. He didn't have much to say, except to recount some of the wildest parts of the night.

"I can't believe Larry let me fuck her in the arse."

"There's no way he'd get his thing up there and she did seem quite insistent." I shrug.

"So, are we good?" He says quite seriously after a long silent moment. I was just appreciating the coffee. Maybe he felt I was troubled.

"Yeah, I... That was an experience, I bet a lot of people never get. Thankyou. I don't regret it. I hope you don't."

"Not a bit. You're okay with things then? The 'other men' thing."

"On my terms, okay. Don't be pushy."

"No. Never."

"And other women?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Not likely to happen. Last night will probably be a one off. Thanks, though. If it ever does come up, then it's up to you as well. Your terms. I won't be pushy."

"Love you, dickhead."

"You're alright too, you size queen."

"Jesus that thing was fucking too much. I mean good but only as a novelty. I couldn't. It's... Just the one... Well maybe now and then."

"I've created a monster."

Mum arrived early. We were sitting there that afternoon in our 'altogether' inside the van enjoying a couple of beers and I was reading my book and using that little vibe to massage my poor sore pussy when we heard a 'beep beep' outside then the sound of the girls running and giggling. After a mad dash for clothes and such, the girls and Mum found us reading the paper together.

"Yeah right!" Mum laughed at us. "If I took that paper off you, could you answer a single question about any of the stories in there?"

We both laughed and the girls begged their Dad to take them for a swim.

"God, you look so... radiant." Mum said when it was just the two of us there. "Looks like you've been 'reconnecting' quite well." She winked.

"Gross Mum..." I laughed and blushed.

"What? You think I don't miss your father? Anyway. I'm not going to cramp your style but..."

"But what Mum." Jesus she's done something and-

"I've got a motel in town for the week. Going to visit the pub and play pokies and come down here now and then to give you two some PT."

"PT?" The last thing I need is training.
