Queen Bee Pt. 01

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Queen of a bee monster hive finds a human male.
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"Ah yes...Yes that's a good girl," The queen moaned and spread her thighs further apart. The servant woman between her legs smiled from the praise and kept eagerly licking her mistress.

"Is she doing well, your majesty?" Her dear advisor leaned close to her and left small kisses on her neck. Her closest advisor, Sage, was quite the voyeur and never left her side when she was being pleased by her servants. She would seek out the eager servants that were the best to bring to her queen daily.

"Very well indeed," She hummed, relaxing under the women's kisses.

The girl between her legs licked and sucked on her pussy, savoring her sweet nectar while touching herself. The sight was so erotic, the queen could feel that tense coil in her belly winding tighter. Close, so close....

A knock on her chamber doors. "My queen, we've apprehended an intruder from our honey reserves and would like to know your orders!"

She rolled her eyes, "God damn it." She stopped the girl between her legs and leaned down to kiss her sticky lips, "You've done wonderful, my girl. Our time will have to be postponed for now. You're dismissed."

The poor girl looked so disappointed, but bowed her head, "Yes, my queen." Then, flapping her little wings, she made her way out of the room, buzzing past the guards.

"An intruder? How in the world did something manage to make its way in here?" Advisor thought out loud, "Perhaps it's something much smaller, an ant monster maybe?"

"Whatever it is, it had better be good," The queen grumbled and readjusted her gown around her breasts. "Ruining a good time with this nonsense."

"It is quite frustrating," She agreed. "Let's go see what this is then, shall we?"

Queen Honey beat her wings quickly, lifting herself out of her comfy flower bed to address her guests. Her royal guards bowed, "Please forgive the interruption, your majesty. It's just...a strange intruder. We have it waiting in our dungeons right now but we are unsure what to do with it."

"Strange how?" Advisor hovered beside her, worry written on her face.

"It's very large, and it's bulky looking." one guard said, "And kinda squishy?"

"A slime?"

"Oh no, it has a solid form, and it kind of resembles us, but is missing a bunch of stuff. Like, it doesn't have wings, or antennae."

"No wings? How in the world did it get in here then?"

The guards looked at each other nervously, their antennae drooped a bit, "We're...not sure, madam advisor."

"Hmm...that sounds familiar somehow," the queen thought out loud. Out in the domain of monsters there were many strange creatures, but the honey bees kept to themselves and rarely left their part of the forests. Most creatures knew better than to mess with a bee hive. Even the occasional stupid intruder would be something that could easily climb or fly. She had no idea how something without wings could make it up such a large tree to reach her hive. "Whatever it is, it's either very crafty or incredibly unlucky. We should take caution dealing with it. Please bring it to the audience chamber at once."

"Yes, my queen." They bowed and buzzed off to the dungeons to fetch the prisoner.

Honey flew to the throne room with her advisor close behind. Once inside, she lowered herself onto the golden hexagonal seat at the top of the dais. Sage seated herself in the smaller golden seat next to her, sitting straight and proper. "Bring him forward." Queen commanded.

The doors to her room were flung open and two of her guards entered, flanking a rather large, terrified looking creature. "It was found stealing from our honey reserves, your majesty." The queen eyed it cautiously. She'd never seen an intruder like this before. It looked vaguely like them, but...squishier, like the guard said. It had the same basic shape, a head, two arms, two legs and a torso, but had no chitin on its limbs. The entire body looked to be soft pale flesh, and was only covered by thin fabric. No wings, no fuzz except on its head. It was also much bigger than even her largest guard, by at least a foot, probably two in the case of the Queen. Its eyes also looked quite strange, having white around a circle of a brownish color. They darted around, and seeing them move in its skull was a tad unnerving. She had only heard of this creature before, but never thought she'd see one in person.

"What do you suppose it is, your majesty?" Her advisor leaned over and whispered to her, not taking her eyes off of it.

The queen smiled, "This is a human male."

She sat up straight in shock, "A human? And a male one?" She flew out of her seat and hovered around the human, cautious to not get too close, but too curious to back away. He seemed distressed, shaking from the sound of the buzzing around his head.

"A human? Out here?" "How is he still alive? There's so many monsters!" "How did he get up here?" There were murmurs buzzing around in the throne room among her guards. None of them have seen one of these rare creatures, let alone an alive one in their hive.

The queen was certainly interested in him. Human males were quite the luxury out here. For one, human meat is tasty (so she's heard), but she wasn't interested in that. She'd heard from other monsters that human males were always in their mating season and produce large amounts of semen. They also didn't die after mating if you were careful with them. She also made note of how large he was compared to her. Wanton feelings started swirling in her belly. How lucky she was to have such a luxury fall into her lap!

"Human or not, he's still an intruder in our hive. Bring him forward." The queen commanded and the others in the room snapped back to attention. Her guards presented the male to the queen, kicking him down to his knees in front of her. The male looked up at her, terror in his eyes, "Stealing from our honey reserves? How in the world did you think this would play out for you, human?" She sneered down at him from her dais.

"I-I uh..." He averted her gaze, clearly unnerved by her hard, black stare.

"You will meet my eyes when you address me, human!" She snapped at him. He obeyed and looked back up at her.

"Please forgive me!" He blurted, "I'm...sorry."

"Save your pleading and answer her. And you will address her as, 'your majesty'." Sage crossed her arms and glared down at the man.

He nodded quickly, "Y-yes, your majesty. Please, forgive me. I have been banished from the human village for two months and was close to starving out here. I didn't mean any harm by it."

"Throwing their undesirables at monsters again are they?" Her advisor to her left spoke, rolling her eyes.

The queen nodded in agreement. It wasn't a new thing to hear of humans being tossed out here as some sort of punishment. It's almost always a death sentence, lots of monsters found humans to be a delicacy and easily tricked. While common to hear them throwing one of their own out, it was very rare to find one alive. Such a cruel punishment; promising open arms if one can survive among monsters. They knew such a thing was nearly impossible.

"And just how long have you been in the domain of monsters, human?"

"I'm unsure, I think it's been about two weeks, your majesty. Please, I just ask you spare my life. If I can live long enough they say they'll let me back." He looked up at her, pleading, "I'll do anything. I'm a hard worker, perhaps I can exchange my labor for protection? Surely your heart is as sweet as your hive?"

"Protection? You want to stay here, among monsters?" Her advisor scoffed. The queen raised her eyebrow, curious.

"I-I have nothing against monsters! I...I was actually banished for healing one that came to me," He admitted and hung his head. "I mean no harm, honestly."

"A human that's sweet to monsters? What a strange man you are," She smirked at him. He had no idea how much of a boon he was going to be for her. "It's your lucky day, human. Guards, you are dismissed." She shooed them away and they obediently took their leave, closing the doors to the audience chamber behind them. The man remained on his knees at the bottom the dais, nervous but hopeful.

"I see what your mind is thinking, my queen." Her advisor smiled and bit her lip, "Shall we accept his offer of anything?"

"Anything indeed, my dear," The queen laughed. "Human. Our hive isn't made to house more than our own, and it will be quite taxing to have you stay here. You'll have to make yourself quite useful for me to find this arrangement to my liking."

He nodded and smiled hopefully, "Yes! I'll do anything! I just need to make it two months, your majesty! I'll go home as soon as I can, and I promise to make myself useful in the meantime."

"We'll see how useful you are, human. Approach." He obeyed, slowly making his way up the dais to her. He stopped and towered over her, but she refused to be intimidated by his size. "Now kneel."

He was a little confused and hesitant but ultimately listened, kneeling down in front of her. Even on his knees he was at eye level with her. She leaned back in her throne and spread her thighs wide, "Now, let's see how well you can please your queen."

A strange red color spread across his face. His expression was just delightful, moving from confused to embarrassed in such a pitiful way. "Please you? U-Um...How should I...?"

She reached up and grabbed a fistful of his hair, "You'll use your mouth, silly human," She teased, guiding him between her plump thighs.

He looked at her pussy and bit his lip. Nervously, he leaned down and gave a slow, broad lick. Upon tasting her, his face relaxed and his eyes rolled back. He moaned and his large mouth covered her pussy, licking and sucking on her like he couldn't get enough.

"Ooohhh so eager," She sighed. She couldn't help spreading her legs further to offer more of herself, "That's a good boy."

"Eager indeed, my queen," Her advisor watched with lust in her eyes as their new human devoured Honey.

"You're so sweet...I've never tasted anything like this before..." He moaned between kisses.

"Sweeter than any honey," Sage agreed and leaned down to kiss her queen. Honey accepted it, enjoying her advisor's sweet lips while she guided the human's tongue by his hair. Large hands grabbed her around her hips and his tongue found that sweet spot, lapping at it as if he hadn't eaten in days. She squirmed in his grip, the pleasurable tension building in her belly more intense than she was expecting. He held her tight to keep her from moving and kept sucking on her hungrily. Honey moaned like a pervert into Sage's mouth, trying hard to rock her hips against the human's wide tongue. The movement was welcomed by the greedy human, and he moved his mouth against her in the same steady rhythm.

She broke the kiss, panting and whining loudly, "Oohh! I'm so close! That's it..!" She looked down to meet his lusty gaze from between her thighs. He looked so right, his face buried in her thighs, licking and savoring her like a meal. She couldn't take it anymore, "Ohhh!! Oh gods!" Her back arched as the pleasure tore through her body, so intense her thighs clamped down around his head. It wasn't enough for him; he continued eating her like nothing was happening, adding to the overly intense feeling of her orgasm. "Oh human! Human wait, s-slow down!!" She begged, unable to decide if she should shove him away or hold him closer to her throbbing pussy.

He didn't listen, lapping at every last drop of honey she gave him, moaning like a pervert. Since she couldn't decide on what to do with him, he decided that he would keep licking for her. She was too weak to stop it all, whimpering with her hips gyrating against his warm wet tongue.

"If I may, your majesty?" Sage whispered to her, hovering behind the throne and grabbing the queen's legs, lifting them far up and apart. Her thighs as far apart as they could be, the human was free to greedily suck and lick her to his content. He looked up at her as he slowly worked one of his soft fingers into her pussy. He groaned as he felt the tight wet heat of her and kept his rhythm deep and steady. She loved feeling so full, but in the back of her mind she wondered if her plan to breed with him would even work. His finger already felt like so much, would his cock even fit?

"Yes...Yes just like that...fuck you're so good. It's like you belong here," She couldn't help but praise him as she felt another orgasm building. His hand movements kept steady and he licked her clit relentlessly. Her legs shook and she tried closing her legs to the intense build up, but her advisor kept them spread apart.

"Let him devour you the way you deserve, my queen," She cooed to her, leaning over to intently watch the human, "Look at him worshiping your beautiful pussy. He can't get enough."

Her thighs trembled as the overwhelming feeling of her second orgasm grew, "Oh Sage!! Human!" She panted. Being held so tightly by them both, she was unable to move away from the intense pleasure that was building. She felt so much, she wasn't able to think, too much...too much!!

She screamed out, her orgasm tearing through her shaking body. She jerked and twisted trying hard to escape the intensity, while enjoying the pleasure of it all. She couldn't think straight, she wasn't sure what she wanted.

The waves of pleasure slowly subsided with time, despite the human's actions. "H-Human..."She panted as he kept licking, "I need you to stop. It's too much...Sage, please..." She could barely put together sentences. Luckily, her dear advisor knew what she meant and released her legs.

"Yes, my queen." She said, hovering to the front of the throne and pulling the human's head away from her. He looked dazed, like he wasn't sure what was going on, "Human, when the queen tells you to do something, you must obey right away. She seems pleased with your abilities, however," She smiled at the panting shivering woman, "So we'll let your disobedience slide this once."

"Y-Yes, ma'am. My apologies," he looked up at her from the ground. His face red and filled with lust, his cock painfully hard and throbbing under his pants. She could even see precum wetting the front of them, just from tasting her. She was so tempted to take him now, alas...

"Excellent work, human. I might be tempted to keep you forever," The queen teased through her panting and pulled herself up to sit properly. "Sage, my dear, I ask that you have a room arranged for our human guest. I have some details to iron out with him."

"Absolutely, my queen. Human." the advisor bows to her and flies out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

"Are you aware that human males are quite desirable in the domain of monsters?" The queen asked him, "You have assets that can be quite useful for us."

"I was unaware." he admitted, "What kind of assets are we talking about..? You'll promise to keep me alive, yes?"

"Human males are said to be very fertile. Many other types of monsters would give nearly anything for some human semen." The queen smirked at his expression, "We need you alive for that, human. Be assured, if you give us what we want, we'll keep you safe and comfortable."

"What in the world could they use it for?" he asked, bewildered.

"Some monsters eat it, some use it for trade, some can even be used as medicine, if rumors are to believed." she waved her hand, "However, most are interested in it for it's breeding capabilities. Monsters and humans are compatible, if you can get close enough to one without dying. Human males are particularly fertile, hence your numbers. Succubi and female only monsters especially want it."

He blinked at her, bewildered. "All of that from semen? Why don't monsters just keep human farms?" He wondered out loud then his eyes widened. She laughed as the horror of what he just said washed over him.

"Why indeed," She teased, "Sadly, most mindless monsters don't hesitate to eat any human they see, even if they are worth more alive. Hard to keep a group of humans together without them being killed. You're quite fragile, despite how tenacious your kind tend to be." She eyed him. "And you know, I hear that human meat is quite tasty. I don't eat meat myself, but I know of those who do who would pay a pretty penny," She let the implication hang in the air.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, "I-I....I can provide the assets you need." He looked away with that strange red color on his face, "As long as I'm alive."

"Glad we can come to an understanding, human." The queen sat back, looking quite pleased with herself. "In exchange, you'll have quite the pleasant stay here."

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Archangel_MArchangel_M4 months ago

Excellent setup!

kigyokigyo9 months ago

Hope there is more coming. Love your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Due to the evidence here, you could have your protagonist be a monster girl "doctor", (since he got treated like shit by his people for showing kindness to a monster girl) when he is not engaged in using his sperm, and since these monster girls are bees, you could say that these are the legendary '''Killer Bees''', which is the reason NO ONE wants to get near due to the danger they present to other humans and even to other monster girls. What do you think would happen IF this guy decided to suggest to the queen bee that his former village was a threat to the bee colony as a act of revenge?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Interesting. Since it has been stated that his people had thrown him out for healing a monster, he could be, when he is'nt providing semen, he could be some kind of healer for these creatures, especially for the "worker caste" of bees, since they nearly destroy themselves working in one or more capacities, some other monster attacks them. Look up bees on the 'net, @ the library, and you will see what bees go through to get food, protect the hive, etc. Given the facts concerning honeybees, this scenario could prove real interesting. A good twist is that your bees could be the really dangerous '''killer bees''' of legend.

Apexrogue99Apexrogue9910 months ago

5 stars... Please continue this this was an amazing read and I hope to see more.

Ravenfan1Ravenfan110 months ago

Very good story! Great plot, greatly erotic!!!

Let's wait for the next chapters!!!

Thanks and please go on....

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