Queen of Heaven Ch. 10


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"Yeah, of course. Besides, we haven't been together nearly long enough to make that decision. We need time together and time in close proximity. Learn each others habits and quirks and annoyances."

"And you know, of course, that she's going to want to sleep with Jo again, right?"

"I'm shocked, Mother! How could you think such a thing?! I mean, our little Michelle would never violate the sanctity of the holy bond between man and girlfriend and other girlfriend and maybe an ex-girlfriend and possibly the old guy across the street." I grinned. "But, seriously, yes, I know that she's feeling the attraction to Joann. I'm not sure she knows, yet, that she is hoping to sleep with her, though. If you asked her, she'd probably say no. But, I think they clearly have a connection. And besides, one of Michelle's charms is that she wants everyone to feel good and to feel good with everyone. I couldn't imagine a world in which she only ever wanted to sleep with me."

"I don't know. I think I could picture that world. But, I don't think it will be any time soon. She's full of love and life. She's got a wide range of needs and is probably not interested in having just one experience."

"Oh, yeah. I get that. You'll remember how our little arrangement started up. It wasn't that long ago. Unless, your age is starting to catch up with your memory," I cracked. She flipped me off, but I continued. "Besides, I think we're all recognizing the value of expanding our notion of relationships right now, aren't we?"

"I guess that's right, isn't it. Mother-son talks didn't used to be like this, did they?"

"No. Definitely not. As I recall, you wanted to ask me embarrassing questions and I blushed and ran into the other room."

"The joys of adolescence."

"And of intrusive Mothers asking awkward questions."

"Yeah, that too."

I took another sip of coffee and said, "I was serious about you guys moving in."

Anna replied, "I know. And, I think it would be fun."

"The thing is that Joann is setting up the job role I'm in as permanent. And I'll have to apply, but if I get it I think I want to try to get a longer lease on this place. So, we could set up something a little less transitory, right?"

"Well, yeah. But, I think you're probably thinking about it wrong."

"You don't want to move in? Don't think Michelle wants to move in?" I asked a little nervously.

"No, of course not sweetheart," she said in that Mom-comfort voice. "You're a totally hot piece of ass and I want to keep right on using you for your sexual prowess."

"I feel so seen, Mother."

"I'm saying that you've got the wrong idea about leasing. I think we should pitch in together and try to buy the place. It will be more or less the same a monthly expense -- which you'll be splitting at least two ways- and you'll be building equity."

"I hadn't thought of that."

"Naturally. You're young and you haven't done this before." She slurped a bit of coffee. "But, I'm old and wily and financially savvy-"

"And as sexy as you are smart."

"And as sexy as I am smart. So, I think that if we wanted to we could make the owners a decent offer and that would give you some stability while building a financial history that will benefit you later."

"Hmm. Well, yeah, we could look into that. But, why didn't you buy? Why the apartment?"

"Well, your dad got the house, and I wanted to be a bit lighter on the earth. The apartment was close enough to things I wanted to do and didn't include a long-term obligation in case I decided that I wanted to do something wild and crazy. Like leave the country. Or fuck a 25 year old."


"Look, you contact the home owners -- maybe feel out Don and Jan to see if they think that their friends would be open to it. I'll take a look at comps in the area and talk to my realtor friend. No big rush on it, but we can think about it."

"Meanwhile, you'll at least move over some of your things, yes?"

"Oh yes. Especially if you'll keep cooking for me and let me borrow your girlfriend from time to time," Anna grinned. She stood up and walked to my chair for a slightly awkward coffee-shifting kiss.

"No promises, but I think she'll be okay with that," I whispered.

"Good. I want her thoroughly under my spell before Joann works her magic."

"I'm pretty sure that Joann won't steal Michelle away, Mom."

"Oh, I know. I just figure that I need to thoroughly mesmerize Mike so that she'll think it's her idea when I make a move on Jo."

"Of course you do," I sighed.

"Planning my conquests in advance, young man. The secret to my success," she chuckled.

"So," I countered, "How far ahead were you planning to seduce me?"

"Ah. Yeah. Well, that was a pleasant surprise."

"At least it was pleasant," I said.

"It was definitely that. But, I was a little surprised by everything between us... well, happening. And seeming so natural. You're not freaked out, are you? I know you can get that way without saying so."

"No, Mom. I'm oddly enough, as happy as I've ever been. Two beautiful women that I'm in love with. No shame. Just wanting to avoid scandalizing anyone... much."

"I suppose that's healthy," Anna answered. "I mean, I'm all about scandalizing people- I have tenure now. But, it's not for the young. Except for-"




"Good talk. Now, let's get a second cup of coffee and wake up the sleepy head. I want to go over to my place and pack a few more things to bring over here. I know you've laid in the guest supplies, but it would be nice to set up some of my work stuff over here. You've got more space and I could set up a desk so that I could work during the week on some afternoons."

"That sounds nice, actually."

"And maybe I'll get Mikey to pack some extra things to settle herself in."

"That's sweet of you," I said.

"Oh yeah. Especially since I'm thinking of this really cool vibe she keeps in her bedside table. It's pink and shaped like some sort of Euro cartoon character, but it is super powerful."

"Ah, yes. My mother the thoughtful roomie."

"That's me. Now, coffee. Wakey. And errands."

"And how do you know about the fancy sex toy in her drawer and I don't?" I asked a little confused.

"I think she's usually playing with your sex toy when you're there, so maybe she doesn't feel the need to show you the competition. Besides, coffee, wakey, and errands."

"Yes, Ma'am."


Once we had everyone up and showered, the girls headed out for the day. I knew they'd go by Mom's place and then over to Michelle's. After that there was talk of a trip to the gym for a group fitness class that they both apparently liked. Then, as far as I could tell there would be lunch and getting nails done. I mean, it seemed like a full day, but very little of it was designed with me in mind. Which was fine. I could use the time for a little recharge.

It's true that I loved having the girls in my life, but it was nice to have a little alone time as well. I did a quick skim of the pool. I know that my pool service takes care of the chemicals, but I hardly put the cover on the thing lately. We spend so much time it that covering it seems a bit much. And of course, that means leaves in the water. So, I gave it a skim.

Then I sat down with my laptop to take a look at my application materials. They were pretty up to date, of course. Doing the contractor thing means that I'm always on the lookout for a new gig. Even though I think I have a solid chance because of Joann, I also want to be sure that my resume, references, letters, and such are ready to go with the most recent info.

When it looked right, I texted Joann to say, "Thx 4 bringing Kate. We had a ball. Always welcome here."

She must have been holding her phone, because it pinged back right away, "Kate says she likes your thingie."

"LOL. I'm guessing she said not to say that. Also, I like her and her many charms as well."

"Charms=Tiddies right? That's what I'll tell her anyway."

"You're a good daughter."


"If you two want to swim this weekend, text or stop by. Michelle and Anna are out most of today, but back tonight. No plans tomorrow. Buttering you up for work."

"Mmm, butter."

"OK Marlon. Go apologize to Kate 4 all the rude things you're going to tell her that I said. Cya."

I plugged the phone in to charge for a few minutes while I found my shoes. I needed a few things from the store and thought I'd take advantage of the alone time. Michelle can't be trusted around public produce. Anna can't be trusted around Michelle while she is being Michelle in public. Around produce.

Shoes on, I grabbed my fridge list and looked it over. Nothing too pressing, but things we need. I poked my head in the pantry and checked supplies, made a few notes, and grabbed my tote bags. Phone unplugged -- it hardly seems worth it but at least when it's plugged in I know where to find it- I headed to my car.

As the garage door opened, I could see that Don was trimming up the shrubbery in his front yard and Jan was sweeping the grass clippings from off the sidewalk. Bless 'em. That's not a scene of domesticity that I think I'll be seeing Michelle and I engaged in, but they seemed very sweet together. I backed out and hit the button on the garage remote. Rolling down my window I called out, "You guys be careful out here. I think it's supposed to get warm."

"Oh, we will, hon. But, thank you for looking out for us," Jan said.

"I'll bring that cake plate back to you this afternoon if you like. It was delicious."

"You're sweet to say, but you don't have to bring it by unless it's convenient. It's not a rush."

Don called out from closer to the house, "She's just trying to wrangle an invitation to swim, the old schemer."

"Donald, you hush. I am not. I'm just telling the boy that he doesn't have to rush to return a silly old plate. Behave."

"Well, Jan, you are welcome to come by and swim if you like. We'll probably be out most of the day, but I'm sure that we'll all be back tonight. Or, if you want, then feel free to walk over and use the pool while we're gone. Gates open."

"That's too sweet, Gil," she said. "I don't know that we'd impose but it's nice of you to offer."

"It's no imposition. You know the pool better than I do, I'd bet. It's just neighborly," I said realizing that things might get crowded. "Oh, I did invite our friends Kate and Joann to use it if they want to. So, they might be back there tonight or tomorrow, but everyone else you'll recognize."

"Unless those girls put some clothes on, sweetie," she stage whispered.

"Well, that's pretty unlikely. So, as long as that doesn't shock you come by anytime."

Jan walked over and leaned down to my window to say, "Thank you, babe. We might take you up on that." Then gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm off to the store. See you around."

Jan stood up and gave me a smile, Don a little wave, and I pulled slowly away. Sweet folks. A little naughty, but sweet. Sort of grandparently. Lecherous grandparently. But grandparently. Wonder if they'll come by. Wonder, more importantly, if I can keep from being too obvious that I'm sleeping with my mother. Particularly since she's likely to move in. Oh hell, nobody's business and if they figure it out... well, everyone is old enough to know who they should sleep with and the dangers of prying into other folks' personal lives.

Embrace the goddess nature, I guess. Not that I have that. I have a couple of goddesses in my life but embracing them might be what gets us into trouble. Still, it's worth the risk.


When I got back from the store, I pulled into the garage. I left the door up, because the light in there isn't what it should be. I accidentally left a banana in my trunk one day while unloading groceries. Trunk bananas are really not a thing you want to be familiar with on day 10. I mean, probably not on day 3, but I was driving around for a while wondering what that smell was. My garage started smelling rough. My car was worse. It took a serious inspection in full daylight to find that banana wedged into a dark spot in the trunk. Never again, I say.

The girls weren't back yet, but I didn't really have very much to load into the house so it wasn't a problem to do it on my own.

"Let me give you a hand," I heard from behind me. Don had walked over. I noticed that his yard looked all tidied up and so I complemented him on his handiwork.

"Oh, that's nice of you, but it's not all that complicated nowadays," he said grabbing a couple of bags out of my car. We walked towards the kitchen door, and I unlocked it to step in.

"Well, you're 100% better at that sort of thing than me. I just don't have the talent. Or the patience. I don't mind the exercise, but at the end of the day I end up sweaty, tired, and annoyed at the outcome," I explained placing bags on the kitchen island.

"Oh, it's a hobby. Keeps me busy and out of trouble."

"Not too much out of trouble I hope," I said stepping into the garage again.

"Oh, definitely not too much. Just enough."

Don and I split the remaining bags and I nudged the trunk shut. Stepping into the kitchen we laid the groceries on the kitchen island and I opened the fridge offering our neighbor a beer.

"That's nice of you. I suppose I could today, and Jan won't complain too much," he smiled.

I twisted the top off the bottle and handed it over. For women and folks my age, I would offer a glass. But I learned a while back that for men of a certain age, there's a protocol for Guys-Being-Guys that prefers a certain rugged Dudeness.

"Thank you, son. I knew there was reason to like you," he said raising his bottle in a toast of sorts as I opened my own bottle.

"I always appreciate a little help around the house. Don, I meant to ask you- You know the homeowners, yes?"

"Sure, the Johnsons are good folks, why?"

"Well, I wondered how they were feeling about their new place? If you talk to them much?"

"Now and then. Something wrong with the house?" he asked a bit concerned.

"Not at thing, actually. That's what I wondered about. See, my contract at work may go permanent -- well, as permanent as work gets in this market. Anyway, when it does, I was thinking that this is such a nice place and while I wasn't sure I wanted to buy a house earlier. In this case, well, I just wondered if the Johnsons might be interested in a different arrangement."

"Well, I don't know, personally. I think they're happy at the new house. They sure brag about it enough. I could ask around if you want?"

"Wouldn't want to put you in an awkward position, Don. Just a thought that crossed our minds recently and figured you might know if they were dead set against a sale. If so, we'd just keep renting for now, until we got more serious about buying."

"We, huh? Thinking of settling down with one of those pretty ladies?"

"Uh, well, I mean-"

"Oh, don't worry about me, young man. I am not going to be telling you all about how you need to get married and start having kids. Your generation is different than mine. Besides, none of my business at all. I poke my nose into my kids' lives plenty for everyone," he smiled.

"Well, I do think I won't be alone over here most of the time. So there's that," I chuckled.

"And that can be a good thing. Don't tell Jan, but I've loved every minute of our marriage. I give her a hard time, but she's the best thing to happen to me. Not everyone has that kind of relationship, but if you do don't be embarrassed about it. If it's one, or hell, both of those women -- just be proud and do them right."

"You know, Don, I couldn't agree more," I said.

"But be sure that whoever you find yourself in a long term relationship with that they are fun. I've got to say, laughing and playing are what last. Tight bellies and firm titties come and go, but a woman who makes you laugh and ... well, is fun in all aspects of your life... that, my friend, is worth hanging onto." Don drained the beer and putting it down on the counter said, "And that's all the old geezer advice you get from me. I keep my old guy intervention to one drink's worth. I find it makes life more bearable for the kids. And apparently my young neighbors," he smiled.

I replied, "Well, I appreciate every word. I don't know much, but I do know that the women in my life make me smile. And laugh. And occasionally blush."

"Damned right, my Janie-"

Don and I were interrupted by the sound of a splash in the pool. We walked to the patio door and through the glass saw the waves forming out from the deep end of the pool, as a head popped up and smiled at us.

"What? I thought you boys were swimming without me. Now, I couldn't have that. Besides, I need to get the cake carrier back from our handsome young neighbor," Jan said as she treaded water in my pool.

I laughed a bit and opened the door fully to step out back. "I told you to come by anytime Jan. Glad you took me up on it."

"Beautiful day, two handsome men all to myself, and a pool to swim in- how could I resist?" she asked.

Don said, "Now, Janie, don't embarrass the boy by being a hussy on your first visit."

"Some of my best friends are hussies," I said. "We have a pro-hussy stance in this yard, Don."

"I stand corrected," he replied.

"I'm going to put the groceries away, you too. Why don't you swim for a bit and I'll bring out some towels and drinks?" I asked.

Jan said, "Sounds great, but don't forget to bring your own swim suit when you come back out."

"Uh, I --"

Don elbowed me, and said, "I told you, hussy." He nodded towards his wife who had just swum up to the pool side and climbed up the ladder. Naked as the day she was born many years ago. Lovely, wet, curvy, and confidant. Well, they had warned me they hadn't owned swim suits since the seventies.

"Yes, ma'am. It won't be as fine as yours, but I'll bring what I've got," I grinned.

"All I ask, sweetie. All I ask," she said and then dove head first back into the water. Don said, "need a hand with the groceries?"

"Oh, no. I've got it. Join your wife. I'll take care of this."

As I stepped into the kitchen, I heard them chattering and laughing. It was sweet. I hoped I'd be partnered with someone as sexy and sassy and fun at that age and for that long.

I put my phone in the charging stand and connected to the Bluetooth speakers. I gave them a little Miles Davis out back. Don't know if they're Jazz fans, but Summertime from Porgy and Bess seemed a decent place to start.

As I put away the groceries and stowed the bags, I closed the garage door. The cake carrier went on the kitchen counter for return to Jan. And I went to the towel closet -- hell at this rate I was definitely going to need more towels- and grabbed an armload. As I walked back through the kitchen I heard a car door shut, which I figured must be the girls returning.

Elbowing the back door open, I saw that Don had joined in and was cuddling Jan as they floated together. They were whispering with quiet giggles. Giggling older folks. That made me happy. I put the towels down on the poolside table, when I heard the back gate open. I turned around a little surprised that the girls didn't just come in through the front. I was more surprised to find that it wasn't the girls. Kate and Joann had decided to rejoin us. Well, the more the merrier.

"Hey! Welcome!" I said, and walked over to greet them. I hugged Joann and then Kate in turn. "Did you guys come for a swim?"

"Well, we thought we might after your sweet offer," Kate said.

Joann said, "Kate wants to see your thingie again" in the most deadpan way, that I actually guffawed. Kate blushed six shades of red and hit Joann in the shoulder.

"Joann Louise. You are awful!"

"Kate, I know about Joann. And you're welcome to swim with us," I said. "If you happen to catch a stray glance of my thingie, I won't tell if you don't." I gave her a peck on the cheek.
