Questioning Destiny Ch. 05-06


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The final match of the night was Jericho's match against RVD for the title. The match began with the two opponents grappling for dominance. RVD retook control and Jericho and RVD went toe-to-toe before RVD Monkey Flipped Jericho out of the corner. Van Dam went for a back heel kick after hitting a version of Rolling Thunder but Jericho countered it with a leg drop to the back of the head. RVD landed on his feet, though but Jericho dropped RVD face-first onto the arena floor with a bulldog! Chris dragged Rob Van Dam back into the ring, where Jericho clamped on the Walls of Jericho. However RVD managed to grab the bottom rope. After going back and forth for several minutes RVD's educated feet left Jericho lying on the mat. RVD hit him with a Five-Star Frog Splash to retain his title.

The Show ended with cameras showing Lila and Jeff, and Alex and Nikki being showed into the office of a very perturbed looking Vince McMahon.

Chapter 6

"What the hell were you thinking? Is this all for real or is it just an angle nobody told me about?" Vince's voice snapped.

"Which answer means we don't get fired?" Xander returned.

"I want to know who is behind the F-view thing. Is it really Bischohoff? But how did they get that tape?" Jeff asked.

"So this is real?" Vince asked. He ignored both males, directing his question to Willow and Nikki instead.

The girls exchanged looks before looking back at Vince sheepishly, and nodding meekly.

"Great, just great. Jeff Hardy is one of the biggest female draws of this company. How am I supposed to market not 1 but 2 married Hardys? They've already started with the 'Marry me Alex' signs." Vince ranted.

"I told you I saw some of those Xander. Willow's enthusiasm was squelched with a look from her boss.

"Willow and Nikki are well on the way to being as big as Lita and Trish. But no, now they are married ladies." Vince was just starting to rant when he was interrupted.

"As is Terri, Torrie, and Stephanie. Not to mention that being engaged to Joanie didn't adversely effect my or Joanie's career, or fan status. If you handle this right it won't adversely affect theirs either." Paul Levensque said from the doorway.

"He's right Vince I mean most people will assume that this is just a work anyway. So just let them think it. I mean after the Chuck and Billy thing, and its not like the WWE has never don't the drunken late night wedding angle before." Jeff added.

"Vince, we really have two main options. We do nothing and let the audience draw its own conclusion as to whether it's real or a work. Or we come back. We stage our own F-view. We mock up an annulment hearing...completely fake of course, and convince the audience, and our fellow wrestlers that it was simply a drunken mistake. The effects of a Kliq night out." Nikki spoke for the first time since entering Vince's temporary office.

"So you suggest letting the fans believe that you four are back on the market, and you can stay happily married with out it effecting the company's profits. I like it. Its tricky, its devious. Hell it's perfect. All of you out of here. I've gotta call ahead to Atlanta and get things set up. Go figure out what you're going to say in your interview. We'll have JR do it. That will give it more credibility." As every one stood to leave Vince stopped them. "Willow, weren't you with Xander?"

"No, I wasn't. We were just great friends." She left it at that and the foursome and Triple H made their way back to the Team Extreme locker room. "Umm Paul thanks for your help and all but were is Kevin, I was figuring that he'd be rushing to the rescue."

"Kevin is currently trying to find out who is really behind F-View, and how they got that VHS. He's a little pissed. I think he said something about beating it out of Bitchoff." Paul chuckled as they entered the locker room.

Linda handed Nikki her cell phone, "You're mom's been calling every five minutes since the show ended."

"Angel." Was all Amy said as she handed Willow her phone.

"An older gentleman with a British accent, for you Xand." PJ handed Xander his cell phone.

Matt took his phone away from his ear and handed it to Jeff. "Umm Dad wants to talk to you."

Nikki's Conversation:

"Momma, I know you told me not to drink momma. But momma I am old enough. I know momma...I'm never to old to get a beating. Yes ma'am. I won't. No momma it's not just a storyline. Yes momma I'm really married. Yes momma he is a white boy. I know, I know the aunts are gonna be pissed momma. Momma why can you say Pissed but I can't? I know yes, you're the momma." If Nikki had looked behind her she would have noticed Michael and Linda were laughing very hard at her side of the conversation. "Since when do you watch the show? Oh Eric called you and made you watch. His name is Alexander Lavelle Harris, but everybody calls him Xander. I'm not surprised you like the name; you have a brother with the same name. I agree that Xander is a better nickname than Alec. You'll like him I promise. He's funny. I'll bring him home soon. It won't just be him and me though...his best friend Willow and her Husband Jeff. Yes the other couple on the video. Yes she is pretty. Yes that is her real hair color. Yes I like her, you will too. You and she can talk about spells and mystical energies, I think she has a few of the same spell books like the ones I saw you had in the storage house. Okay Momma, and I'll never drink again. I promise. Momma? You had to call Mindy for the number didn't you? Pitiful, having to call one daughter for the other daughter's number. Just pitiful. I love you momma. Stall the aunts for me. Thanks. Bye." Closing her cell Nikki collapsed onto one of the benches in the room.

Willow's Conversation:

"Hi Angel. Yep. I know. Nope. Gonna keep him. I can too keep him. I can keep him if I want. Guess what? I'm not the same little Willow. Kevin was there; he was our witness. Yes Xander's keeping her. We will. I promise no more drinking. Drunk witch equals hung over witch...that's a bad, bad thing. Angel we are adults. We can get married if we want to. Hey in your day and age people got married with out ever having spent two minutes alone. Jeff, Angel...his name is Jeff. Her name is not the girl with the big puppies, there is more to Nikki than just great breasts. Yes Nikki. Tell Cordelia that that is a horrible thing to say. Xander will too live out the year; she will not kill him. Tell Gunn I'll make sure to let her know. I promise Angel. You will not do any such thing Angel. Okay Love you. You do too deserve it. Yes. Xander loves you too. He'd tell you but he's handling Giles right now. Yeah...don't know if Buffy knows or not but you can bet Spike does. He loves WWE. Whether or not he tells her will depend on how much she pissed him off. Gotta Run...Nikki is looking shell shocked...she just got off the phone with her mom. Don't know if Sheila and Ira even know where I am right now. No I'm fine. I'm perfectly happy. Yes I know if you ever loose your soul again my parents are goners. I can deal with that. Love you too. Bye." Willow got off and went to comfort Nikki.

Jeff's Conversation:

"Yes Dad she is pretty. No dad it's not a work. I know that that is not the ideal manner to get married. Maybe we will have a big grand affair later. Yes we're staying married. She's a great girl and she has great friends...his name is Xander and they've been best friends since the cradle. And he's married to this great girl named Nikki. Yes the new girl. Yes she's a black Goth. She's great though. Yes he is playing a Hardy. Yes I'll tell Jerry that you said to stop ogling your new niece. I know daddy. I know. I'll bring them all home with us as soon as I can. I think I heard Nikki promise her mom the same thing. Dad just cause I'm married doesn't mean I have to stop the ladder matches. Willow's a high flyer too. Oh yeah her real name is Willow Ann Rosenburg; no I don't know if she's going to keep her last name. Yes it probably is a good idea in the business. No-we are staging an annulment to make the audience think we aren't married anymore. Yeah that part is just an angle. Yes we'll still be getting all the 'Marry me Jeff' letters. I still say that there would have just been twice as many 'Marry me Matt" Letters. I told Vince to just have Xander's fan mail sent to our box. Amy got one set up with maintain the illusion. Yes Dad. Why don't you meet us in Atlanta, that way you can meet everybody. No she said her mom doesn't travel nothing's wrong with her, she's just a homebody. Yeah I know you said momma was one. So see you'll probably like Nikki's mom. And I know that you'll like Nikki and Willow and Xander. Yes Dad. Okay...Talk to you later. Love you too. Bye dad."

Xander's Conversation:

"Hey G-man. I know, I know don't call you G-Man. Yes. She's getting the yelling from Angel. Yes I guess Anya should have gotten me knackered...wait what does that mean? Oh British for drunk, so why didn't you just say drunk? Across the pond? God Giles what's next you gonna start calling us the colonies like that jerk Regal. Oh you know Regal...went to school with him...oh sorry. Well I didn't know he was your friend. You know after meeting Ethan and now Regal...I'm thinking you really need better school chums. You got tons better at choosing friends by the time you chose me and Wills. I know. Yes. I'm sure that you will like her. She'd a very nice girl. She and Willow get along great. Yes Jeff's a good guy. No I haven't threatened him yet...I'll think of something good. Yes Angel has a contact here who is looking out for us. Yeah, Kevin Nash, that really tall dude who was our witness. I know. I'm sure that Dead boy's already plotting his revenge for allowing this to happen. We're staying Married Giles. Yes. I know. No she's not a demon. No she's not a witch...well Willow thinks she could be but she's got nowhere near Will's power. Nope. Nope. Never heard of vampires, demons, etc other than those in the storybooks. Giles just cause she's a Goth doesn't mean that she wishes she were a vampire. I'll keep my eye out...but I don't think she could be like Riley in this business. They would assume those were track marks. And you can't pass the physical if you are anemic. I'll be careful. Yes. Yes we have. Look I promise to be careful, but I can't just stop slaying things that need to be slayed. I promise. Okay G-Man take care of yourself. I'll tell her. She'll call you tomorrow we've still got to hear from Sunnydale. Hey Giles, love ya man...take care of yourself." Xander hung up and joined his mates in comforting Nikki.

As Kevin enters the room, the seven footer, was hanging up his call. "Angel says I got strike one. Since ya'll are all happy with the results, he's not going to eviscerate me yet. That's big of him. Man that vamp needs to cut down to unleaded. Shit, Jeff, Nikki I don't want to be in your shoes when we get to LA, though on the upside of that we already have rooms out there."

"Why is he that determined not to like us?" Nikki asked. She had finally recovered from the exhausting conversation she'd had with her mother.

"No he's that determined to like you," was all Kevin replied.

At that instance Nikki's cell phone started to ring. Its shrill tone caused every one in the locker room to jump and turn and look at it.

"No...I'm not answering it and you can't make me." Nikki declared resolutely. Eventually the call was dumped into her voice mail. Only to have the line ring again moments later. "Shit, they won't stop until I answer. Oh lord...' Nikki pressed the button, and calmly answered. "Hey Auntie." The black girl just sighed and held the phone back from her ear.

"Nicole La Tonia, what the hell is going on? I just had all three of my teammates call me to tell me that you had gotten married and to a white boy. Please tell me they are wrong...that it's just something you had to do for that asinine job of yours. I still can't believe that you would give up the prestige of being the youngest person to ever pass the Bar, to become a pro-wrestler. I never should have let Eric allow you to watch that mess when you were younger."

Another voice could be heard on a second phone..."Garbage in garbage out you should have been reading instead of watching television."

Still a third voice in the background called out, "You know that you aren't to drink. You want that liver disease? And what's so wrong with this boy that you can't bring him home like a normal person?"

Nikki finally had to interject. She had planned to just let her aunts run out of steam but then Ursula had to start with the insults. "Xander is a wonderful guy and a great person. He's very nice. The only reason I didn't bring him home is cause I worried that if he met you guys he'd drop me like a bad habit cause insanity runs in my family. Oh yes it does. In the form of three maiden aunts still living in their parents' house driving the rest of the family insane with their overbearing, controlling ways." Xander grabbed the phone from her before she could say anything else damaging.

"She didn't mean that. She's just frustrated and angry. She's going to apologize right now." Xander put the phone back next to Nikki's ear and gave her a very stern look, one mirrored by Jeff and Willow.

"Fine I'm sorry Auntie, Ursi, you too, TiTi. I'm sorry. I apologized. See this is what I mean. Why can't you just ask normal questions? Like does he make me happy? Is he good to me? You know things that matter more than how much you dislike white people...or how bad I was for not following your plan for my life. Oh I'm serious. And I'm right. And you know it. You never start with the sputtering as long as you are right. But the second you know that you are wrong you start with the sputtering and the biblical quotes. Yeah well I go to church too so I've got one for you. 'Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.' And lets not forget that the only one to help the injured man was the Good Samaritan. God loves us all and if you can do the same well then I hope there really is ice water in hell, you'll need it. No I'm being really real here. You know the know that hate leads only to one place."

"Yes I love you too. I've gotta go. My husband is going nuts listening to my half of this conversation. No he's worried that I'll say something to make you guys irreparably mad at me and he knows how much you mean to me. You see he wants me happy. Yes one last pot shot. Okay. Ursi if you want to meet him that badly, why don't ya'll meet us in Atlanta. We'll be there day after tomorrow. Bring Momma with you...she won't like it if ya'll meet him first. Yes I know Auntie has classes...she's been teaching for like 25 years she can't take a day off. Fine see you then...yes. The big Marriott on Peachtree. Okay be safe. Bye." Nikki. Dissolved on the couch in the locker room and was sleep before anyone could question her.

"I have a feeling that could have gone better." Kevin said sarcastically.

Willow and Xander's phones started to ring simultaneously. As one the looked at the displays and groaned, "Oh shit...Sunnydale. That damned Spike."

"Hello Anya. Yes. We are staying married. Yes. No. Didn't really want to marry you. You hated Wills. Can't love someone who hates Wills. Yes it is that simple. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. Nope. They get along great. Yup. Jeff's a great guy, he's funny, and smart, and fun. Yes. I know that's very vampire like. Yup I'm bi now. No you didn't turn me gay. I've always liked guys...Well like Angel. No, Spike isn't better looking than Angel. There is no way in hell anyone with eyes in there head thinks that. No Matt isn't cuter than Jeff. When have you ever watched wrestling anyway? Oh. Well I still disagree. Yes I'm happy. No I don't think you can get vengeance now. You turned it down before remember. No I'm not going to have anyone wish any such thing. Yes its one of those group things. You don't thinks that's weird. Oh it was very acceptable when you were growing up. I can see that. Yes, I'm glad. I want you to be happy. Hey if you think Spike's so hot you could hook up with him...the whole demon thing has to be a great bonding thing. You know I thought you were going to be a whole lot madder about this. No I'm happy you're not. Okay take care. Seduce Spike again...try for an actual relationship this time. Yeah bye Ahn." Xander closed his phone with a relieved sigh.

At the same time Willow was talking to Buffy. "Hey Buff. Yup, it was real. I know. What about Oz? Left me after trying to kill me and the woman I loved. I like to think that Tara would want me to find happiness. Yes he gets along well with Xander. I'm sure. Yes I'm keeping him. Yes Xander's keeping Nikki. They are great together. God Buffy can we not do this right now. Just be happy for us. We need to Take Care of Nikks right now she kinda passed out after talking to her family." Willow hung up without saying goodbye. Though the long pauses in Her conversation left her on the phone as Xander swung his wife into his arms. Jeff gathered their bags, and the foursome made their way back to their suite.

Nikki slept all the way to the hotel. Xander never let her out of his arms. Willow and Jeff caressed her hair worriedly. It wasn't a good thing that she was sleeping this hard. It took all three of the awake members of the union to get Nikki undressed and into the shower. They filled the big shower, all of them needing the contact with the others. Jeff just needed to be sure that those he loved were okay, Xander needed to make sure that those he loved wouldn't change their minds in the face of adversity, and Willow just needed to be with those she loved. And Nikki was so scared that things were going to be over that she tried to sleep through the ending.

Xander leaned into the spray and kissed her full lips. "Wake up Nicole. You have to convince your lifemates that you are okay...and sticking with us." He kissed her again then held her up as first Jeff then Willow followed suit.

As their actions broke through to Nikki, she allowed herself to let loose of fear's hold. She started to awaken. "You mean you guys still want me? Really? Good." So saying Nikki pulls Xander back into a deep kiss. She felt Jeff and Willow move into a deeply loving embrace next to her, their hands traveled over each other and the duo next to them. The four lovers soaped and washed each other as questing hands both cleansed and aroused. They kissed and groped until the water ran cold.

Getting out Willow and Nikki wrapped towels around their wet hair. "Um guys just for the record...not to sound whiny, or bitchy or anything, but next time you put me in the shower, could you please put my hair away first. A black woman can only wash her hair about once a week otherwise it turns into a brittle, gross, breaking off rats nest." She toweled dry and applied lotion as she spoke. The others looked at her strangely. "What...its one of those nifty things you are going to have to learn, like the fact that if I didn't have a full body wax, my vaginal hair would be kinky. Or like the fact that there are certain movies I have to go see. Like Roots, they will take away my rhythm if I don't. It's a bad, bad thing."

After she finished lotioning herself Nikki smiled at her mates. "So are we going to make with the hot, sweaty, illegal in most of the south lovin', or are ya'll gonna stand here staring at me like I've grown a cock?"

"Illegal?" Xander and Willow queried.

"Yeah...most southern states aren't real quick to get their old, no longer necessary laws off the books. They're still anti-orgy, anti-sodomy laws on the books in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Alabama; hell even oral sex is illegal. God the south can be so archaic...but only Nikki and I are allowed to say so...we are southerners." Jeff teased. As he spoke his hand trailed up and down Xander's back. Neither man had bothered to dress after the shower, so it was easy for them to touch and caress each other as they began to kiss. "I think I'm going to have to break all of those tonight." Jeff moaned into the kiss.