Ray Ch. 03: Charade


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He nodded in understanding. "So you teach them how to maintain?"

"The program is basically an early probation. Any sex offender who's coming up for parole in twelve months or less is eligible for evaluation." She paused while the waitress set down their food. The scent of the pizza reminded her she hadn't eaten anything besides cookie dough in the past twenty-four hours. "I usually only look at the ones who will most likely get out based on good behavior. If I feel they're a good fit, I offer them the opportunity to be put on probation earlier if they agree to court ordered treatment, agree to live in the treatment facility and agree to abide by the rules."

"Sounds like a good deal," he said, tearing off a slice.

"It is." Her eyes broke away from his. She bit into her lip, stifling her smile. "They never take the time to read the fine print on their court order."

"The fine print?"

"I'm suddenly starving." She shoved the pizza into her mouth, ignoring his confused stare.

"Okay..." He dragged out the word while he set the piece of crust in his hand down on his plate. "Are the men who go through your program usually successful?"

"That depends," she replied, covering her mouth as she finished chewing before continuing. "My program separates the opportunists from the predators, and the predators will always fail."

He chugged down several gulps of his beer then picked up another slice. "What's the difference?"

Knowing the difference was the most important part of her job. "I always like to use the drunk college girl example when I explain the difference to my new staff."

"This should be interesting..."

She sank down lower in the booth, then kicked her feet into his lap. "Let's say there's this really gorgeous twenty-one year old college student named Abby. Abby goes to a huge party at a friend of a friend's house because, well, Abby's twenty-one and likes to have a good time."

He pulled off her shoes as he always did, massaging her feet with his left hand while continuing to eat with his right. "Nothing wrong with that..."

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that," she said, enjoying the feel of his cage digging into her heel. "And in a perfect world, Abby would be able to have a good time, dress however she wanted, drink whatever she wanted, and still wake up safely wherever she landed at the end of the night. But it's not a perfect world."

"Far from it," he agreed.

"So our beautiful, free spirited Abby gets handed a drink almost the minute she walks through the door. Everyone there are friends of friends, so she chugs it down while she mingles." Her muscles started to relax as he rubbed her soles. His touch always had a way of driving the evil from her head. "The next thing she knows, she's starting to get a little dizzy. So now we move to Scenario One. The man in Scenario One, let's call him..." she paused for a moment, then smiled at him. "Let's call him Ray."

His hand paused, leaving her feet begging for more.

"Ray sees Abby starting to stumble around. He gets concerned and goes to help her. She collapses in his arms. He assumes she's just had too much to drink, carries her up to one of the empty bedrooms, lays her on the bed—"

"And rapes her?" He threw his napkin down on his empty plate then shoved it to the center of the table.

"Of course not! Ray is as good a man as a man comes." She rubbed her feet lightly into his lap until he relaxed back into his seat. "He makes sure she's on her side in the safe position, then closes the door and walks out."

"Sounds about right," he said, resuming her massage.

"Now, let's move on to Scenario Two, and let's call our guy Norman."

"Like Norman Bates?"

"Sure. Why not." She picked up the menu and began scanning over the cheesecake options. "Norman sees beautiful Abby beginning to stumble so he goes to help her. She collapses in his arms. He carries her up to the bedroom and lays her on the bed, except maybe Abby isn't totally passed out yet. Maybe she says something or looks at him in some way that makes him think she wants him." She paused to read the description of the Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake. "Maybe she's passed out but she's flirted with him in class before. Maybe he's been mistreated by women, thinks she owes him and thinks he won't get caught. Opportunists always go through an interesting thought process before they offend. They justify it in their head in any way they can. Norman has what he calls sex with Abby, though in reality it's rape."

He began shaking his head furiously from across the table. "No way. Norman still has to know it's rape because she was passed out or passing out. How could he honestly believe anything she did at that point was consensual?"

"And that's why you're Ray, not Norman," she said, wondering how he would feel if she ordered an entire cheesecake to go.

"Alright. Next."

"Next up we have Scenario Three. Let's call our guy Ben."

He arched his eyebrow. "Ben Whitmore?"

"Sure. Why not." She folded her hands together on the top of the table and pulled her feet out of his lap. "Ben's the one who slipped the drug into our beautiful Abby's drink."


She shoved her sunglasses on her face, shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight. Her foot pressed on the gas, her car rolling through the final stoplight before heading out of town. She had no physical destination but hoped her mind would reach a peaceful place by the time she was done with her drive. She rolled down her windows just enough to let the air flow through her lungs, inhaling as if she hadn't been allowed to breathe for months. She spun the dial on her radio, letting Benjamin Burnley drown out Ben Whitmore's voice in her head.

If she continued far enough down the empty two lane highway she would end up in the middle of nowhere. Morgan swore her hometown wasn't nowhere, and maybe now that Morgan had Finn it wasn't nowhere anymore. She wondered how it must feel to just give in. To let the heart take over the decisions and trust it wouldn't lead itself straight to its death.

Her car swerved hard to the right, the steering wheel jerking out of her grasp. She over-corrected, spinning the wheel to the left until she swerved over the center line. A loud crunch sounded as she bounced off the car next to her. She gripped the wheel tighter and spun it back to the right.

A white car pulled up next to her, matching her speed. "Stay in your lane!" a voice yelled through her window. The car slammed into her, shoving her off the shoulder of the road.

Her foot pushed through the brake, bringing her car to a screeching halt. She reached forward with a trembling hand to turn down the radio, needing silence to try and make sense of why there had been a car cruising beside her when it was a two lane highway. The sound of squealing tires brought her attention back to the road, and she looked up to see the white car flying backwards towards her. The brakes screamed as the car skidded to a halt next to hers.

"Temptress," the voice slithered through her cracked open window.

Her head turned towards the sound, her body freezing just long enough to recognize the smile taunting her through the window. She slammed her foot down on the gas, sending her car lurching forward. Her back wheels spun in the dirt at the sudden acceleration, forcing her to pull her foot up until she reached the paved road. A horn sounded, ceaseless in its assault on her nerves, then she was thrown forward as the white car rammed into the back of her own.

Her fingers grasped the wheel, her knuckles white as she pushed the gas pedal to the floor. She didn't know what he was driving, but she imagined whatever it was her Mercedes could outrun it.

"Hey, Siri! Hey, Siri!" she yelled frantically at her phone as she was rocked forward again. She prayed Siri could understand her pleas through the sound of crashing metal. "Call 911!"

"911, what's your emergency?" the dispatcher's voice came through the speakers.

"I'm being chased!" she yelled, looking in her rearview mirror to see where the white car was. She glanced in her side mirrors then back into her rearview as she told the dispatcher her location. But no matter how much she squinted her eyes, the white car was nowhere to be seen.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Another amazing chapter! Its 02:48 & I should be asleep but i can't stop reading! Equivalent of a page turner.

stylusink666stylusink666almost 6 years ago
You've made me a fan.

Bravo, Sir

When the next chapter is due?

UrSquireGUrSquireGalmost 6 years ago

Mistress, you did it again! Plenty of action, plenty of suspense, plenty of FemDom...just like this series! Now with this great cliffhanger I cannot wait. However for thee, I am patient...or learning to be

In love, peace, and happiness

In your loving service

I remain Ur Squire, Ur G

SyptemberSmythSyptemberSmythalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks Everyone

The amount of feedback this story has received in the short time it has been posted has been amazing to me and I am incredibly thankful to those who have taken the time to provide it, whether it be just encouragement to continue or constructive feedback to assist with improving the future chapters. Thanks everyone!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Fuck the haters

Great story. One of the best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
5 stars as always

I wish I could give you 6.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Another great chapter

go team ray and nat

and please,i want more sex with mistress mia. that girl is brilliant

EmirusEmirusalmost 6 years ago
You’ve come a long way from Dallas!!

I know that Dallas was the third story submitted but I think of it as your first. I’ve just read again the comments I made when I read it and I still stand by them. I think however, if you do return to Dallas as a serial, it will be much better than I would have thought it would have been at the time. Something I missed then, not surprisingly, was that it would seem you had Officer Ray in mind even then.

To have allthatisfuta as an avid fan is saying something and his observations regarding this story are good. I wouldn’t normally read a futa serial but it’s so well written and I find it enthralling. Well worth a look by anyone.

But back to Natalie and Ray.

I liked the chains sequence, really imaginative, and I thought the heartbeats was a nice touch, as was Finn’s jeans, and the “all seats being taken.” It’s the small things that add that little something. I’m surprised that Morgan, but not Finn, hasn’t featured in some way as she does work for/with Natalie. Can’t remember Professor Holland being mentioned before but a nice way of explaining how Natalie became involved and, together with the Brynn mention, it gave an indication of Natalie’s progress in 9 years both in and out of the Chateau. As I think I’ve said before it’s a more gritty storyline than Finn, with wider possibilities. But nice if it ended up the same. The way it’s going Natalie and Ray deserve no less.

Finally, a complaint I’ve made before to two writers. I wish you and allthatisfuta would give more information in your bio’s. Although we at least know, unlike him/her, your sex and age range. I don’t know about anyone else but, strange as it may sound, I find it helpful in understanding the stories. Not just of the two of you but other writers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
End with a cliffhanger

I hope you wont make us wait long.

themaninthehighcastlethemaninthehighcastlealmost 6 years ago
One last thang

I expect next chapter to have a full report of what happened on Bed number 1,2 and 3

on funday.

Otherwise I'll be very disappointed and I might cry.

themaninthehighcastlethemaninthehighcastlealmost 6 years ago
to the clueless dude below me allthatis

The Ray pendulum with the two doms was moto moto, smokin, Angelina Julie hooot.

Get a clue.

Cant tell you where my hands were when I read it but they weren't on the mouse or keyboard.

themaninthehighcastlethemaninthehighcastlealmost 6 years ago
SyptemberSmyth you are my new guilty pleasure

Hot sex AND a good story and it's the same story? COULD IT BE?

U know UR good when U got me off my lazy ass registering a user in this site, just to tell U how good you are.

Off to your other stories. If anyone needs me I'm busy reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
5 stars

Cant say enough thank yous

Simply awesome

You are officialy my nuber one literotica author.

allthatisfutaallthatisfutaalmost 6 years ago
Am I imagining things or

did that annoying AF mistress from prev chapters just saved Natalie's life on this chapter?

allthatisfutaallthatisfutaalmost 6 years ago
I'll second that

You've kind of ruined the BDSM scene for me on Lit.

I used to like reading BDSM stories every now and then. Not anymore.

Their inane cardboard mistresses with robot like programing and ridiculous motivation can't do it to me anymore. All I'm left to do is wait for you to release another chapter.

Tthe user profile is for following writers. If you know of a BDSM writer here that even come close to what you do, please point them to us. So I can have something to read while I wait

As for the story, it’s a terrible thing to say to a parent that you like one of their children better, but I'll say it anyway. This one is much more interesting than Finn. While Finn (excellent too) is BDSM + Love 101 – then this child is more mature the writing more styled and confident. The characters way more complex. I'm in love with Natalie a bit scared of mistress Natalia (she can go inside people's head) but that’s good too.

The good:

Beautiful scene with the sex offenders letters – the part with the guy being abused by his brother – excellent touch. The first Dom Sub scene of Ray and Nat – Oh yeah, superb. Usually lectures in stories are drag but you have somehow managed to play Natalia explaining her Job to Ray with grace. Tip fedora. The assaults – very well done, both of them.

The still excellent but could be better:

The sex scene with Mia was hot but it's a bit like these stories that I mentioned. Sex with two people I don't know and don’t care about. You gave Mia a little depth, but only in retrospective. Still hot – could have been much hotter.

Ray thinks Natalie is perfect because she is perfect, you've made her so. She's like a Superwoman. Strong, beautiful, reads minds, intelligent, jumps sex offenders with bare hands, willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of womenkind. Make her more human please. Being afraid of a murderous sex offender is not a weakness. Lets see her get jealous, manipulative, lie, whatever, all the beautiful vices that make Homo Fictus much more interesting.

Cant wait for the next installment

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