Redwood Nine


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" 'Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion. It stands for the liberation of the human body, from the dominion of property. Liberation from the shackles and restraints of government. It stands for social order, based on the free grouping of individuals.' That's us. It said it all then and it says it all now. We're not part of their society. Nobody wants us, or even wants to know about us. As long as we stay invisible to them, they just hope we'll go away and never come back to haunt them, remind them of how they treated their sons like this."

Everyone sat quiet and still, not wanting to interrupt JT in any way.

"I say we make them remember. Every fucking day of their lives, we should let them know. Let them know how they took innocent, young men and put them in a war of their making and because it isn't coming out their way, they blame us, like we're siding with the commies, or something. We come back and we get treated like dirt, no, worse, shit. They can't wait to scrape us off their shoes and be rid of the smell of us, but I say we make sure that stink is always present for them to smell."

JT's oratory seemed to hit home for all of them, for all had faced what he described, at one time or another.

"Something else I read a while back, goes along with that, I want to tell you. too. Our club name is there in the words. It goes like this, 'Intellect throws each man back upon himself, into a solitude from which he looks out with absolutely strange eyes on society. And if the spectacle touches him, if it rouses interest and compassion, his feeling will be for those tender ones, of the great human flock, whom the shepherds shear, and starve, and sell, but do not feed."

As JT spoke, heads nodded and hearts listened, feeling the words he said, touch them and speak their thoughts.

"Imperfect education makes the rank and file of revolutionists, but from time to time, a leader will step down from the highest circles, a Mirabeau, a Rochefort, a Prince of Krapotkine. The desire of the sons of anarchy is, indeed, to dispense with leaders, for since all men in the formula are equal, it is unreasonable that one should lead, rather than another."

The guys sat there digesting what JT told them, the concept becoming clearer and clearer to them. Piney was first to ask the question.

"I get it, JT and I agree with everything you said, from what I could understand, but you said you had a name that came out of all that?"

"You guys didn't hear it?"

Everyone admitted they didn't and JT shook his head.

"Sons of Anarchy. That's our club name and Otto's design is our logo, it's perfect. What do you think?"

"Fuck JT, that was a hell of a long-winded way of just saying the name, but I'm in, I like it."

"Me too, JT."

"So we agree on the name and logo?"

Everyone cheered and pounded the table, knocking over empty beer cans. Lenny tossed the baggie to Lorraine and told her to roll a bunch of joints up, while he opened the fridge and started tossing out beers at everyone. They just cracked the seals, when a horn blew out on the street and then the sound of a car with a bad muffler was pulling in the driveway.

"That's Wally. Time to really get partying now guys."

Lorraine looked a bit disappointed, the prospect of every guy there making out with her, now lost. Car doors slammed shut and then Wally knocked on the rickety, wooden screen door. The guys became anxious in their seats, as the sound of female voices was heard. Lenny noticed and called out.

"Come on in, Wally."

The squeaking hinges kept going off, as Wally, then four girls came in. The girls gravitated towards Lorraine still rolling the joint on the counter, as Wally greeted Lenny and then introduced him to JT, Piney and Otto. He shook hands with all of them and noticed their attention was more about who was behind him.

"Guys, we have Cindy, Gloria, Suzy and Ann-Marie, behind me."

Cindy was an average girl of nineteen, but did her best to look older. She had her dark hair streaked with beads set in knotted hair and big, round glasses with red lens in them. Her tight T shirt was slit down the front, to expose the curve of her breasts, while her cut off jean shorts left little to the imagination of what wasn't exposed. She gave a little wave hello and said hi, then Wally introduced Gloria, an early twenties woman of Italian decent. Her black hair was long and straight, hanging down over her large breasts, in a tight sleeveless top. Eyes focused on her chest, then drifted down to her rounded hips, wrapped tight in white Capri pants. She gave a smile and waved, making her breasts jiggle and eyes went back to her blouse covered chest.

Wally was happy the girls he brought, were getting the nod of approval from the guys. Suzy didn't wait for an introduction and introduced herself, looking more at JT, than anyone else. JT took note of that, as Wally introduced Ann-Marie, a bubbly and bouncy kind of girl. Her bleached white hair was down past her waist, her lashes thick with mascara, almost blocking the view of her blue eyes. She was wearing a jean vest with nothing under it and skin tight jeans. Other than Suzy, most were well endowed with large breasts.

It became a moment of confusion, wondering who was going to be with who, so Wally put his arm around Ann-Marie and that narrowed the selection. Suzy kept her focus on JT and started making moves towards him. He could see how interested she was in him and he was pleased with her looks. He wiggled his finger at her and she scooted over to him, ending anymore decision regarding her. She sat in his lap and began talking, as Otto and Piney looked at each other and then to Cindy and Gloria.

"Brother, after you."

"Piney, you're a scholar and a gentleman."

Otto shook hands and hugged Piney, then turned to the girls and clapped his hands together, rubbing them briskly. He checked each one out twice and pointed to Cindy.

"Come here, Baby. I pick you."

Cindy seemed happy and Gloria looked at Piney.

"I was hoping I'd get to be with you. I like my men big and handsome like you."

Piney smiled broadly, instantly feeling boosted by the compliment. He opened his arms wide to her and she came over and wrapped her arms around him, squashing her lush breasts into him. He felt them press into him and how Gloria ground her hips against his, looking at the others with surprise at how good it felt. He let his hand fall down her back and over the curve of her ass. Gloria looked up into his eyes, smiling coyly, Piney noticing and bent down for a kiss. Gloria wasn't shy about putting an effort into her kiss, mouthing Piney's lips lasciviously with hers.

Everyone moved into the small living room and found seating on the old couch and two old arm chairs, as well as pillows on the floor, taking some time to get to know one another, getting a little intimate in their touching and lots of kissing. Lenny tapped Wally and got his attention away from devouring Ann-Marie's mouth.

"Did you bring anymore of that Jamaican with you?"

Wally reacted with more surprise than Lenny expected, ignoring Ann-Marie and turning to him.

"Oh shit, dude, check this out. It's some new shit that came in yesterday. Right after you left yesterday, the guy calls me and says his mule just made it in and he has to unload quick. I said shit, man, I don't know, it's new shit and no one knows what it's like. He's like, dude, I'll let it go cheap this time, so everyone gets to see what it's like, but next time, the price is going up. He says this shit is primo, best shit he's had come in. Called Panama Red."

Wally took a baggie out of the inside pocket of his leather jacket and tossed it on the table.

"Check that shit out, man. Killer smoke."

JT picked up the baggie and held the Jamaican up next to it. He smelled both and looked at the redness of the leafy matter and buds. He put the Jamaican down and took a good amount of the other. He looked at Suzy and asked her if she could roll a two paper joint. She said she could and set about putting two papers together and loading them. JT turned his attention back to Wally.

"So Wally, what do you do?"

"Whatever I can, man, what ever I can. I ain't got a place, just stay in motels and my car. I met a bunch of people, who are into a bunch of things and I just try to get a piece of the pie. Not much I can't get a hold of. I met Lenny to sell him some smoke, right after I sold two cases of hot cigarettes. Like I said, whatever it takes to get by, man. It's like, you gotta know someone to get a decent job these days. My room is like a fucking grocery store, I have so much different shit I'm into."

"What motel are you staying at?"

"The Starlight, out on 88, by the railroad."

"That's not far from Jake's repair, isn't it?"

"Close, couple miles down the road, actually."

"Any chance Piney and me can crash there on Sunday night? We start at Jake's, Monday at eight and no way to make it from Lodi."

"Get you a room of your own, man. Place has shitty locks on the doors, so we wait until the night manager is half in the bag drunk and we can sneak you into a room."

"Great idea, Wally. Really appreciate it, if you can pull it off."

"Are you kidding? No sweat. Only three of the rooms are rented right now. You can use the one beside mine and he won't even know you're there. Shit, man. You could stay the whole week and no one would know. Just have to be up and out by six thirty, before the day manager takes over at seven. He's a miserable old fuck and he'll know right off someone is in there."

"I only have one question, Wally?"

"What's that, Piney?"

"Is there one bed, or two, 'cause I ain't sleeping in the same bed as JT."

"You're lucky, it's a double, so twin beds, but hey, with your height, your feet will probably hang over the end."

"That, I can live with, JT curled up against my ass, just ain't happening."

"Fuck you, Piney."

Laughter broke out and JT didn't mind taking the weight of the humour on himself, as he joined in and laughed along.

"You can curl up against my ass, sweet thing, I'd like that."

Gloria's offer appealed to Piney, as he hugged her close and kissed her cheek.

"You got it, sweet cheeks."

Gloria liked the pet names Piney called her, they made her feel special to him. None of the guys seemed to be disappointed in the way things worked out, all of them getting along with their partners and most getting to the point of wanting to do more. It was Suzy's question about how they all knew each other, that started a conversation that lasted for hours. The girls were shocked and awed by some of the things they described about battle and the need to kill, or be killed. They laughed at the good times they had together and understood how they were as close as they were. The only thing that interrupted it, was the mention of food and more beer. Lenny declared his cupboards bare and said they'd have to order something. Pizza became the common choice, but they didn't have enough to buy beer and several pizzas.

Wally came up with a plan, so they could have plenty of both. They pooled enough money for beer and Wally called the local pizza shop and placed an order to an address close by. They asked him why he ordered a pizza and he explained the plan.

"When the guy goes to that address I gave him, we'll be waiting for him to show up. When he goes to the door to give them their pie, we'll sneak up to the car and steal whatever pies he has in the car. They always send them out with three or four at a time, so we just have to hope someone ordered something we like."

Otto was all for the idea and volunteered immediately. Wally said that was all he needed to pull it off, so JT was the designated beer run driver, with Piney. Everyone seemed in favour of the idea, no one opposed to stealing their dinner. Wally and Otto, along with Ann-Marie and Cindy, took off in his '54 Chev Biscayne, to wait for the driver, while JT and Piney, along with Suzy and Gloria, took off to the store to buy beer. The cars pulled out and headed in different directions, as they went out on their missions. Lenny and Lorraine were alone once more and wasted no time in fooling around in the time they had to themselves. It was only a matter of dropping their pants and they were engaged in a heated session of sixty nine loving with each other.

JT drove out of the commercial area and back to residential, looking at the homes in his headlights, as he passed.

"I used to want to live in one of those, now I just want to stay away from them, as far as possible."

Suzy looked at the houses and then back to JT, as she snuggled up against him in the front seat.

"You don't want to have one and raise a family in it?"

"No way. The thought of getting tied down to one place just makes me cringe. Doing it with a wife and kids makes me cringe even more."

"Don't you want to get married and have kids?"

"I don't know, one day, maybe, but not now. Right now, I want to get my bike and start riding. I want to ride as far and as long as I can."

Suzy seemed let down and disappointed by JT's statement and he sensed it.

"Hey, you think we're going to hook up and be an item? Sorry, Baby, ain't going to happen. I live for today and today only. Tomorrow is a dream, nothing more. If we happen, cool, but I don't want to make plans on settling down for a long time yet. When I do, I'll definitely keep you in mind."

Suzy seemed a little better with it, knowing she was still in the running and not just a one night fling. Gloria was cuddled in with Piney in the back seat, kissing him and letting him fondle her breasts under her top. His hand was too large to easily slide under the cup of her bra, so Gloria whispered for him to wait a second, so she could do something to help him out. She reached behind her back and undid the hooks, then began sliding her arms into her top and out again. She reached down the front of her top and slowly pulled her bra out and tossed it in her leather satchel bag. Piney looked at her with amazement at how she accomplished the feat, without exposing herself. She held the bottom of her top out from her body and Piney wasted no time in slipping his hand back under and cupping the bared flesh of her mounds, as she pulled his face back into a tongue-twisting kiss.

Wally pulled up two doors down from the address he had given the pizza owner and waited. Several cars came down the street, but none were the driver, as they went over the plan again.

Five minutes later, a Volkswagen beetle with a pizza sign lit up, on the top of the car, came down the street slowly. Everyone ducked down in their seats, the girls giggling with excitement, waiting for him to pull into the driveway.

"This looks like us, Otto, ready?"

"Oh yeah, I got this."

The driver pulled in and left it running with the lights on, while he took the order out and headed for the door. At the same time, Otto got out and made his way to the car, without the driver becoming suspicious. He opened the passenger door quietly, while the driver waited for the home owner to answer. There on the passenger seat, were four more pizzas to be delivered. Otto opened the door and carefully picked them up, sneaking back to Wally's car. Wally flung the door open for him and Otto climbed in with the boxes on his lap. Wally started the car, getting the pizza delivery boy's attention. He didn't suspect anything and just casually glanced at them, as they drove past, as the owner opened the door. Wally drove away slowly, until he was around the corner and out of sight of the driver, then sped away back to Lenny's place.

JT pulled into the parking lot in front of the convenience store and kissed Suzy well, before walking in and going to the coolers in the back to get the beer. He had just gone in, when a black and white police car pulled in two spots away from the stolen car. Piney noticed it and leaned back in the seat, trying not to be seen. Gloria noticed what he did and asked him why he was hiding.

"This car we're riding around in, it ain't JT's old man's, it's boosted. We took it from a lot in Lodi, so we could get here today."

Piney looked at who the officer was and felt a bit of relief. Wayne Unser walked past the front of the car and into the store. He went to the cashier and ordered some cigarettes, the clerk turning and looking for the brand requested. JT was just coming up from the back and spotted the uniform and the officer wearing it. He turned down an aisle to avoid a face to face with Unser, looking at snack foods to waste time. Wayne paid the clerk and left the store, taking a moment to look at the car parked in front. He noticed Suzy sitting there alone in the passenger seat and smiled at her, getting a nervous smile back in return.

He opened the pack and took out a cigarette and lit it, before walking to his car. He looked over at Suzy one last time, giving her a short wave, before getting in his cruiser and pulling out. Piney moved so he could watch where he went, without being spotted. He waited until the cruiser was out of sight and relaxed again.

"Who was that, Piney?"

Piney looked at Gloria, seeing a good sense of worry on her face and explained.

"That cop, is a guy we knew from school. I didn't want him to see me and start asking questions."

"Are you guys like, criminals, or something?"

Piney turned to her, after she asked, seeing a look of something other than worry. It looked more like she was excited by the idea of them being criminals.

"You could say we have been on the opposite side of the fence. Nothing really bad, just this kind of shit we're doing now."

That didn't seem to bother Gloria, but instead, seemed to excite her more.

"Like bad boys, do you?"

Gloria lowered her eyes, smiling, giving away her penchant for men who lived outside the bounds of society's rules. JT paid for the beer and quickly made his way back to the car, giving Suzy the beer and slamming the door.

"Fuck, did you see who that was?"

"Yeah, I don't think he saw me, but he looked in the car. He took off down the street that way, so hopefully he's gone."

"I fucking hope so, Piney. We don't need the hassle, man."

"No shit."

Suzy looked at JT, her attraction to him doubling, after knowing her date was skirting the law. She put the beers on the floor by her feet and then slid closer to JT and rubbed her hand on his thigh seductively, whispering in his ear.

"I do love a bad boy."

JT looked at her and then back at Piney.

"Seems we have a couple of girls who like the criminal type, JT."

JT looked at Suzy, glowing with excitement and smiled, as she let her hand drift closer to his crotch and his burgeoning manhood. Gloria took Piney's hand and had him slide it back under her top, as she pulled his face to her and kissed him, raising both their libidos. JT backed out and headed back to Lenny's, his arm around Suzy, as she squeezed his shaft gently, promising him some sexual gratification once they got back.

They turned left on a yellow light and were coming into Lenny's area, when flashing red lights appeared behind them. JT looked in the mirror and saw the cruiser speeding up to catch up to them. Knowing it was trouble if they were caught, JT floored the gas and the Impala shot forward, the speedometer climbing rapidly to seventy miles per hour. The cruiser wasn't as fast, but the officer driving, wasn't about to give up the chase.

JT hammered on the brakes, locking them up and smoking the tires, as he turned the corner and floored it again, putting the car in a fishtail. He kept it floored, the rear tire smoking wildly, as he started putting more distance between them and the cruiser. He killed the headlights and used the light from the streetlights to drive by, as he started taking different streets to lose their tail.