Redwood Nine


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He backtracked and headed back towards Lenny's, Piney keeping his head turned to the rear window to see if he spotted the cop. After two more turns, Piney felt they had lost him and relaxed, turning back around to face forward.

"Good driving, JT. I think we lost him."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Suzy and Gloria were as excited as they could be, having been part of chase and getting away. She let out a whoop and hollered her excitement, getting the others to do the same. JT pulled onto Lenny's street and then into the driveway, pulling around back again and hiding the car from the street. They all got out and JT and Piney carried the beer in, while their dates held hands behind them. They came in and calls came out from the living room.

Pizza boxes were piled on the battered living room table, the top one open with several slices eaten already. JT and Piney dropped the cases beside the table and hands had them opened and tossing them out to everyone. Soon, the boxes of pizza were being finished, along with the first case of beer. Everyone ate their fill and soon, they were sitting back with full bellies, enjoying an after meal cigarette.

JT and Piney related their close call and chase, while Wally and Otto talked about the manoeuvre they pulled off. The girls were clearly impressed by their feats of criminal activities and the guys sensed that.

"Hey Lenny, when did Unser become a fucking cop?"

Lenny pushed Lorraine aside to answer him.

"Not sure. All I know, is he came back from 'Nam around the same time we did and then he was wearing a uniform not long after. Hasn't hassled anyone, that I know of. Not really sure what kind of cop he is. Why?"

"I'm pretty sure he's the one who was chasing me. He spotted the car at the store, but I'm pretty sure he didn't take down the plates. Might be the guy who owns the thing called it in already and he was investigating."

"Shit, JT. How you going to get it out of here now, without getting caught?"

"Not sure, Lenny, but I've got to come up with something."

As they pondered among themselves what possibilities they had, the sound of a motorcycle gearing down was heard by them.

"You expecting anybody, Lenny?"

"Shit, I fucking forgot. I invited this guy over. I met him out riding the other day and said he could come by anytime. Guess this is that time."

"Who is he?"

"Some guy from Ireland, if you can dig it. Name's Keith McGee. Seems like a decent head, you know. Left there and landed in New York about a year ago. Bought an old Harley and he's been driving across country, doing the tourist bit. Got into Cali like a week ago and been riding around looking at shit."

"Cool, sounds alright."

The bike pulled into the driveway and Lenny went to go greet him. He came back in and Keith followed behind. He was easily close to a foot taller than Lenny, close to Piney's height and size. Lenny stood with him and introduced him to everyone and Keith was more than happy to be meeting them. His accent bothered the guys, as they saw their women fawning over it. Lenny could see his friends getting put out by it and stepped in, before feelings got hurt and actions spoiled the evening.

"Girls, we need to find Keith a date for tonight. Anyone you know available?"

The question ended the attraction to him, as they thought about who to call. Gloria shouted out she knew someone and asked to use the phone. Lenny told her to use the one in the bedroom and invited Keith to sit and enjoy himself. JT tossed him a beer and Suzy grabbed the baggie on the table and started to roll another two paper joint. JT looked him over, trying to get a feel for who he was, as he socialized with everyone, talking about Ireland and his trip across country.

Gloria came back in and sat on Piney's lap, but kept her eye on Keith, still interested in the new guy and what he was about. Piney's hand sliding up to caress the bottom of her breast, made her bring her attention back to Piney. He kissed her cheek and then she turned a bit more and kissed his lips. Lenny interrupted them, asking Gloria about her call.

"Did you find someone, Gloria?"

"Yeah, yeah. I called a friend of mine, Mary. We work together at the club and she's not doing anything and said she'd be happy to come party with us."

"Is she taking a cab, or driving?"

"Oh yeah, she needs a ride."

Piney looked at her differently, noting how easily distracted and forgetful she was. JT spoke up at that point.

"No way I can get her. I can't take a chance on the cops spotting me again."

"No shit, JT. Wally, feel like getting her?"

"Yeah, I guess I can go get her. Where is she at?"

Gloria said she'd go with him and get her, showing him the way. She kissed Piney and went with Wally and Ann-Marie to go get her. They left and the rest got back to talking to Keith about his travels.

"You've got a grand country to see, so you do. Seen lots of interesting sights on the way and lots of things that bothered me, as well."

"What bothered you, Keith?"

Keith looked at JT and then to the others, as he explained.

"As much as your country has plenty to offer, it treats it's people with such disregard. Almost every city I passed through, I'd see men our age, lined up outside unemployment offices, or bumming on the streets. I asked many of them why it was like that and they all said it was hard to get a job after coming back from the war in Vietnam. I can't understand that, JT. This country is rich with industries and doing better than most, why would they do that to their own sons?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, or anyone else here, Keith. We served and some did more than one tour, yet we come back and everyone treats us like we're scum. Like going over there was something we did against society, or something. We had lives before that, ones we had hopes and dreams for. They killed those dreams we had and for what? A war they'll never win? Why are we punished for their mistakes? Why do we have to suffer for a war that means nothing to America and its people? Protests are happening everywhere with thousands protesting and marching, but the fuckers are still drafting us and sending us over there. You'll never see the pictures, but just hang out at the airport and watch the transports come in and start unloading the coffins. Every day they bring in dozens and line them up on the tarmac. Every one of those guys would rather have stayed here and had a life, instead of going over there and giving it up worthlessly."

Everyone sat listening intently to JT, as he spoke out the feelings every guy had and the girls agreed with. Keith looked saddened by the news and JT caught it.

"Hey, don't sweat it, man. We're not done living yet. We're just talking about starting a club, one where we can feel in control of our destinies and to hell with what the government and society want us to be. They made their decision and tossed aside like garbage, but this garbage has a purpose and it goes against everything they stand for. We want to decide when we fight and with who, not drafted into a battle, not of our choosing."

They all looked at JT with different eyes, ones with great admiration and respect. They knew he spoke the truth and what he offered, was far better than anything available to them elsewhere.

"Yeah, you'll be a good leader for us, JT. I like how you think."

Otto's statement brought about a mutual consensus from them all, as they agreed with JT's take on things. Keith looked at JT and held his hand out to him.

"I respect that, JT. I'd be feeling the same way, if my country did that to us. As it is, we have nothing over there to look forward to. The country is going to shite and no one gives a flying fuck. That's why I left there and landed in New York. I wanted to see the world and know there was more than the poverty and suffering going on back there. I've seen plenty, more than enough actually, to know we have to make a change, or we'll have nothing left for us, once our greedy fathers have finished raping and pillaging everything."

"What are you going to do, once you're finished exploring America?"

"Not sure. I was thinking of heading north and riding through Canada, but places are few and far between up there. I have a cousin who lives in Toronto, in Ontario, but I haven't a clue as to where the hell that is from here."

"Not sure if this appeals to you, but you can join us and our new club. Not saying it's going to be easy, but we'll work out things and make our own way. We need good men like you to be a part of it, so you're welcome to join. What do you say?"

"Join a motorcycle club? Hang out with you chaps and ride the highways of life? I'll have a good think on that, it sounds good."

JT smiled at him, happy he didn't just turn down his offer. He was feeling more assured now, about his idea of a club becoming a reality. What had been nothing more than an idea hours earlier, was quickly becoming a reality, one he could start to grasp a hold of, with a sense of purpose. As much as Suzy desired his attention, he became increasingly more mindful, of what lay ahead of him.

Wally's car was easily recognizable, as it pulled in the driveway, putting Keith on edge, as he wondered who his date was going to be. The door opened and Wally and Ann-Marie entered first, followed by Gloria and then her friend. Keith watched her come into the living room and looked her over from head to toe. He stood up and straightened himself out, as he waited to be introduced.

Gloria made the introduction and Mary came forward to him. She was well endowed with big breasts, her bra doing its best to support them under the light sweater she wore. Her bright, green eyes sparkled and her long, blonde hair sat high on her head, but was still long enough to drape down past her shoulders. He looks were garnering immediate attention from the guys, as well as some of the other women, measuring themselves against her. Her figure was full and carried well, her tight jeans showing every nook and crevice. then her smile came out and her friendly hello. Keith almost stuttered out his name, as he shook her hand and looked at her. Gloria went back to Piney, but her attention seemed to be divided between him and the new attraction. It didn't phase Piney in the least, as his attention was drawn to Mary and the charms she possessed.

Lenny got his record player out and a case of already well-played albums. He flipped through them and pulled out what he was looking for. He pulled out the album and put it on the turntable, moving the tone arm to the right track. Everyone sat in suspense, waiting to hear it, as he turned up the volume. The crackling was loud, so everyone knew it would blast from the small speaker. Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild crashed into the room and after the second chord, everyone knew what it was and heads started to move. Lenny yelled over the loudness of the song.

"This song is about us, man. It's all about riding bikes."

As the guys listened, the connection to themselves was made and they sang along with more gusto.

The beers were being drunk at a good pace and there was hardly a moment a joint wasn't being passed around. Everyone was high and feeling fine, when Lorraine put one of her 45's on. At first, Lenny complained, until several of the girls asked him to leave it on. Cindy started singing along with the Delfonics, La la I love you, writhing sensuously to the beat.

"I love this song, I dance to it almost every set."

The guys looked at Cindy with great interest at the mention of being a dancer and asked her to do a dance for them. She saw the looks on every guy's face and knew she would be devoured by them if she did. She looked at the other girls, who clearly had jealousy written on their faces, looking back at her.

"Okay, but only if all the girls do it with me."

In a heartbeat, every guy was asking their date to participate. The beer and pot had the effect it took to throw caution to the wind and after enough coaxing, they all agreed to do it. The guys moved the chairs around so the area was cleared for the girls to have space and they had seating to watch. Lenny waited until they had discussed what to do between themselves and Lorraine gave him the okay to start the song again. Those that knew the song well enough sang along, while all of them started moving sinuously, getting all of their bodies into the song. They had decided to do a big tease and soon started getting seductive and flashing skin, getting the desired hoots and hollers.

Cindy was first to remove her top and bra, baring her breasts. Cheers were given and boots stomped on the floor, then Ann-Marie, followed by Lorraine, bared it all and shook their goodies about. Gloria took off her bra and let her bountiful mounds loose, to a loud applause. The guys were the best audience and allowed them to go on, without taking advantage of them in their state. Only Suzy and Mary were left and eyes were focused on Mary, waiting to see the largest breasts in the house. She undid her snaps and slowly removed the straps, keeping the cups on. Inch by inch, she started sliding them off and every set of eyes watched. Mary slid them a little bit further and then stopped. She looked at everyone looking at her and then laughed.

"Come on, Mary." was shouted out by the guys, as well as the girls, everyone just as interested in them. Mary started taking them off and then freed them with a flourish of flesh. They were so large, everyone let out a gasp at seeing them. Mary hefted them and gave them a nice squeezing. Keith's eyes were as round as saucers, about the same size as Mary's aureola, staring at them and then into Mary's eyes, letting her know he was very pleased by what he saw. Only Suzy was left and no one was making a fuss over her normal sized breasts. She undid her bra, noticing JT was still interested in her and not by the mammoth mammary glands, like the others. She let it fall to the floor and then caressed them lovingly. Looking at JT, her eyes fixed with his, she undid her jeans and slowly slid them down her thighs. JT couldn't hold her stare and let his eyes fall to her hips. She wiggled her pants down to her ankles and big tits no longer held the guys interest, as they hooted louder and louder to take it all off. She looked at JT and then to all the guys and then the other girls, letting her look change to one of doing them one better and beating them out. She pulled her feet out of her jeans and tip toed over to JT and stood in front of him. The song ended, leaving the room in silence.

"Would you like to see all of me?"

JT looked in her eyes and saw the playfulness written on her face. She swished her hips back and forth and soon every guy was calling on him to do it. Slowly JT put his fingers under the waistband of her pink panties and tugged them down a little and stopped, focusing on Suzy's eyes, to see what she did. A chorus of 'Pull them down, pull them down' started and even the girls were in on it. Suzy looked quickly at everyone and then back to JT. She swished her hips again and put her hands on his shoulders, leaning in and kissing him. JT lowered her panties gradually and then bared her ass to the room, to wild shouts of approval. She wiggled her legs to help him get them down and then lifted a foot at a time for him to take them off. He held them in his hand and pulled Suzy into his lap and kissed her with passion.

Lenny saw how hot they were getting and shouted out to them.

"Hey, take it to the room, you two, just don't get the sheets too wet, huh?"

Guys and girls hooted and cheered for them to get it on and have a fun time. JT picked up Suzy in his arms and carried her in to applause and shouts of encouragement. He laid her on the bed and closed the door, taking off his jean jacket and T shirt. He looked at Suzy lying there now, more open and waiting. Her nipples were erect, her pubic hair was sparse, but fairly straight, unlike most of the girls he'd had the occasion to feel. He could see a thin line of pink and the hint of what was to come. He undid the button and saw her eyes flicker from looking in his eyes, then he undid the zipper and her curiosity won out. Her eyes travelled straight to his fingers and the opening in his jeans getting wider, exposing bare skin. He slid his fingers in the back of his jeans and worked them down over his ass, keeping his eyes on hers.

He stood up and let them drop, looking at Suzy's reaction. The little gulp of air was all it took to let him know what he wanted to know. He stepped out of his jeans and pulled off his socks, climbing onto the bed beside her. Suzy was almost shivering with excitement, waiting for him to touch her and love her. JT pulled her to him and felt the warm lust emanating from her, waiting to fulfil her promise earlier.

Out in the living room, the call for more nudity rang out. Half naked women began stripping off jeans and shorts, leaving panties on for a little modesty, as the giggles and laughter died out, mouths now pressing together and hands exciting bared flesh.

Outside on the street, Wayne Unser was acting on a tip and doing a slow drive by, his fender-mounted spotlight illuminating the driveway. He was just about to call it a dead end, when the light flashed off the bright chrome bumper of the Chevy. He shut off the light and put his Dodge Polara in park, getting out and walking back to take a better look. He looked the Impala over and took down the plate number, then looked at the other vehicles present and noted their plates as well. Moving as quietly as he could, he snuck up to the side window and looked in past the gap in the bed sheet/curtain. The more he saw, the more he became in awe of the spectacle. Five males were actively engaged in various forms of sex with five willing female participants, some females engaged in lesbian activities as well. He couldn't make out any faces of who was who, but noted anything distinguishable, to tell who they were.

He walked away quietly and went back to the cruiser and radioed the station. He asked Rosalita Gomez, the night dispatcher, to run all the plate numbers he wrote down. He sat waiting for the call to come back, looking at the house and wondering who was all inside. The radio crackled and Gomez relayed the information. All the tags came back clean, so that took the heat off them. The only thing that didn't make sense, was who the owner of the Impala was and what he was doing with the known people in the house. Harlan Walters was a fifty five year old account executive at a bank in Stockton, who lived in Lodi. Everyone else was a person of interest to them and he was sure anyone else still unknown, fell into the same category.

He closed his door and drove away, wondering how to put the mismatched pieces together and what did it all look like, once it was together. As he pondered what he knew, the radio crackled and Rosalita told him to head over to Frank's Pizza, on Euclid, where a report of stolen pizzas needed investigating. As Wayne put the microphone back in the cradle, his mind started going over the unimportant details he had seen in the house. He pulled over and thought about what he saw and then laughed to himself, remembering all the pizza boxes on the table. He called Rosalita back and said he somewhere to go first, to check something out and he'd report there afterwards.

Unser turned the cruiser back around and parked out front of Lenny's house, looking at it and wondering what to expect, once he knocked on the door. Putting on his cap, he got out and walked up to the front door. The booming sound of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, droning through the drum solo with the organ accompanying it, let Wayne know the party goers inside were still actively engaged in their prior activities. He chuckled to himself, as he knocked on the door loudly. The song stopped and a flash of the curtain, let him know they knew he was there. He knew it would take a few minutes for them to get dressed, so he waited patiently for the door to open. He lit up a cigarette and looked up and down the street, then stood on the sidewalk and looked the house over. Even from where he stood, the sound of muffled voices and movement could be heard. Finally he heard the door being unlocked and turned to see the door open. Six shirtless men stood en masse, facing him, none showing any sign they were happy to see him.