Returning Home Ch. 01


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"Okay. Sure, Liz." It felt foreign on his tongue without the preceding title of Aunt. They swam for a while, Jim keeping his eyes on her and relishing every glimpse when her tits rose above the water level. The next time she swam by, she arranged to bump into him. She stood with her back leaning against him.

"Sorry. I need to watch where I'm going."

Jim put his hands on her hips and she could feel him shaking. She reached to her side, capturing his left hand and pulled it to her breast. Her heartbeat raced. She kept her hand over his as he felt what he had dreamed of for more than half a decade. Her nipples engorged as he tentatively felt her tits, using both hands now. "They won't break, honey. You can be a little rougher."

Feeling him start to grind against her, she gently pushed back. He tugged one rubbery nipple as he used his other hand to lift the other breast up and squeeze it. She turned towards him and pulled his head towards hers. As they kissed, she reached down and grabbed his cock. Quickly growing frustrated by the barrier his briefs offered, she slipped her hand into the underwear and started to stroke him. Continuing the dance with his tongue, she tried to pull his underwear down and managed to have it slip to his knees.

Hands on her ass, he pulled her towards him and his proud, angry cock. She pulled the edge of her panties to the side with one hand while she released the back of his head with the other. She tried to push his cock down and angle her entrance upwards.

"Jim, bend your knees." When he did so, she took advantage of his lowered height and positioned his dick under her. She slowly sunk down, guiding him to her entrance. She saw the look in his eyes as his cock split her lips. It was part amazement and part overpowering need. It amazed her that she could have such an effect on a man almost half her age.

When he thrust upward she wrapped her arms around his neck. He bent his knees and then straightened again, pushing in and then almost out of her. It was an awkward way to have sex, but neither of them was complaining. She bit his shoulder as he thrust up again, releasing a grunt into the air. He quickened his pace and she dug her nails into his back. His grunting became louder and more regular as she started panting.

Liz was lost in the moment and couldn't think, let alone concentrate on making things better for him. She found his mouth again and thrust her tongue in to meet his. He used his hands on her ass to lift her and pull her closer every time he thrust.

"Aunt Liz... Liz... I... Ugghhhhh!" She felt him shooting inside of her and she wrapped her arms around him in more of a hug than an embrace. They stumbled for a second in the water until he held them in place. He slowly pulled back, his still erect but spent dick falling from her hot channel.

"I'm sorry. Did you...? I would have lasted longer, but you're so beautiful. I couldn't..."

She placed her finger on his lips.

"It was wonderful, Jim. You did great. Let's go sit under the tree before I collapse."

They returned to the blanket where she relaxed and Jim tried to etch her naked beauty permanently into his memory. She blushed under his intense gaze, but felt empowered. After a few minutes, she started to get dressed.

"Jim, when we're in the house or anywhere other than here, it's Aunt Liz. Do you understand what I'm saying, honey?"

Absorbed in the aftermath of their endorphin rush, neither of them noticed the teenage girl near the house as she turned and made her way towards the street, tears coursing down her face.

* * * * *

Jim sat at his table, nursing his beer. Tilly had just started her shift and kept looking over at him. Satisfied he was making her nervous, he waited for the bikers to approach his table. Ten minutes went by before he signaled her over.

"One more, Tilly. Thanks. You tell Liam I've been looking for him?"

"Uhhh, yeah, I sure did. He ain't looking for no trouble, Jim." Tilly quickly looked down as she spoke and Jim couldn't tell if he saw guilt in her eyes.

"Trouble? Neither am I. We just got some things that need to be settled. I'll keep looking for him. I'm sure I'll catch up with him soon." He put a twenty on the table.

She eyed the cash. "I'll get your beer."

As she had the last time he was there, she stopped at the table with some bikers on her way to the bar. It was a different trio and he didn't recognize anyone in this group either. They started talking amongst themselves, but instead of waiting to follow him when he left, they got up and came to his table. One sat down while the other two flanked their friend.

"Hey, hero. You're scaring all the pretty girls. Maybe you should leave." The mans fetid breath wafted over the table as Jim stared unblinkingly at his pockmarked face. Jim wondered if his raspy voice was the result of a previous injury.

Smiling, Jim looked up from the man and glanced at the other two. "If they can tolerate your stench, they can take my scars. Have you guys ever heard of a shower?"

Puzzled by his attitude, they exchanged quick glances. The one to the left rested his hand behind his back, clearly not concerned about subtlety.

"So, you play a few years of High School ball with Hector and you think you get some sort of immunity?"

"No, here's what I think about Hector. I think that the first thing you should do when you wake up is to call him and thank him for being in charge. Aside from Hector, I haven't met one of you that isn't an idiot."

He saw the man sitting in front of him slide his eyes down to where Jim's hand had disappeared below the table.

Jim's smile didn't reach his eyes. "What's the plan? I'm going to catch a beating? Maybe I'll wind up on the killing floor over at McAllisters?" Jim watched as they looked at each other. "What, you thought people didn't know about that? Was I going to wind up in someone's hamburger? Why don't the three of you put your heads together and try to figure out what Hector already knows."

He fixed their spokesperson with a stare "I figure a third of the men in this county are veterans. So are a bunch of the women. With hunting and target shooting, near a hundred percent have at least a few weapons and they all know how to use them."

He looked up and saw that the biker with his hand behind his waist hadn't moved.

"You aren't feared, you're tolerated. You know what's going on when people see me? What they see when I'm asking about you guys and Liam? Guilt. They stayed home and I signed up. I served when they didn't. Those that did serve? They escaped what I didn't. What the fuck do you think is going to happen if something goes wrong with me?"

The bikers exchanged glances again, this time it was quick with tight eyes and tight lips.

Jim smiled again, continuing in a voice without emotion. "They'll burn you the fuck down. War hero who returns to spend time with his cousin who was raped by a biker? You won't last a week."

He finished his beer and put the glass back down. He stood up, letting them see the gun in his hand.

"Go talk to Hector and see if I'm right."

He put the .45 under his flannel shirt and in the holster as he limped out.

* * * * *

Thank you for reading chapter one. All three chapters are complete and will be posted soon.

As always, I need to thank the editors, writers and beta-readers who were kind enough to offer suggestions and advice. They deserve a lot of the credit for anything that you might appreciate in this story and none of the blame for any shortcomings of the story.

Thanks to NotWise, Anomic, Alex, Steve, Todger65, 8Letters and Jack.

If you have the time and inclination to leave a comment, it would be appreciated. Positive comments are always welcome. Negative comments are a great tool for learning as long as they include an explanation of what your concerns are.

Looking for something else to read? Here are a few stories that I've enjoyed:

* OneHitWanda is possibly the most consistent author here. Her library's not as vast as some others, but every story is a winner. You might want to start with London Girl.
Familiar with My European Summer Vacation by 8Letters? If not, you owe it to yourself to take a look. It's one of the best stories on Literotica.
TwoFourThree has written a number of successful, multi-chapter stories. My favorite is Andi: Challenges to Triumphs. The first chapter is criminally underrated. If you agree, vote and help rectify that.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Reading it was a waste of time. Making the guy a wounded vet is the worst part about it.

goodwabgoodwab7 months ago

Good start. On to Ch. 2.

ToughSailorToughSailor7 months ago

Just great so far. Especially love the colloquial voice of your writing style . . . .

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

Can't wait for part 2!!!!!

oldtwitoldtwit10 months ago

Not bad, set it up well in this part, hope you have kept it going in the next

LwcbyLwcbyabout 1 year ago
Are you selling your stories?

Are a lot of them on places like Amazon? Is that why a lot are missing from here? If so, I thank you for leaving them on as long as you did. When I was really struggling authors like you really helped... Thanks!!!!

TheOldStudTheOldStudover 2 years ago

Excellent all around. Plot, punctuation. character development...

DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 4 years ago

Liked it on to check.2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I also appreciate

. . . . you sharing some other good reads in addition to your own. I so often get caught up iokig for another from ctc, van, randi, todd, and harddaysknight that it is good to broaden my reading.

Thank you again for all your writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Amazing work

The flashbacks may cause the concentration gland to step up a bit, but your writing invites a visceral response. This young wounded warrior's struggles are minor in his own mind when compared to his target of confronting Hector. I look forward to it. You are SO talented in this real life genre. I feel I am a witness to his life, his goals, his determination to protect and avenge his cousin's suffering and try to explain what happened with her mother. You are a master in this gift you have. I look forward to more more more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good story

Good but 2 different flash back time zones make it tricky to follow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
first time

I'm an avid reader of many genres of literature and I like to think that I can separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the first comment I've ever left on this site, so let me just say this work would make an excellent bread. Well done

Bebop3Bebop3over 6 years agoAuthor
Anonymous (other writers styles)

Hello Anonymous,

Thank you for taking the time to read the story. If I ever steal another writer's style, I will be sure to take your advice and mention it in the afterward. Seeing as how that's not the case here, I'll chalk up your suggestion as a note for future endeavors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

If you're going to steal someone else's writing style, at least give them credit.

pete56ukpete56ukover 6 years ago
Brillant writing

Excellent writing story line. Enchanting and wanting to read on. Thanks

gara5289gara5289over 6 years ago

Normally don't look for this category for good stories but this is excellent so far.

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