Revenge of Champions

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Story about three champions getting revenge. (CoC Inspired)
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Unfortunately no sex in this chapter. Just motive and world building. Sex will most likely happen in second chapter. Anyways this is pretty important so I do suggest reading it.


Coming into the Randy Cowgirl I looked around and saw that it was another bustling night. The usual rowdy crowds were around. The bar was full of raucous good fun, laughter, and cheer. This seemed to be the usual for the week that I had spent frequenting the place. Seeing very few open spots I luckily was able to see a table alone in one of the corners. I hurried to it and settled down waiting.

"Same room, drink, and meal?" Kristen one of the many serving ladies wandering around ask, "Or would you like something a little...extra?" She says leaning over and pulling down her lace undershirt showing a healthy amount of cleavage. She pouts with her full sexy lips as I reach down in my pouch and count out the usual payment. She takes it and sways away and for a moment I'm tempted as I look at her miniskirt-clad ass blooming from the corset that is also part of the work attire here at the Randy Cowgirl. I sigh as I turn away thinking Yeah I definitely need to get laid. Kristen was not the only girl to have offered her 'services'. There have even been some who have offered without any need for compensation. But I just couldn't bring myself to have sex with anyone in this world quite yet, at least not after the experience I had when first coming to Karet.

I thanked Kristen as she left from bringing my meal over. If there was one reason why people came to the Randy Cowgirl it was definitely because of the food. As I ate I tensed up as I noticed something was headed over my way. Two somethings. I casually brought my hand to rest on one of my legs next to a knife sheathed there. I glance fully at the figures and struggle to keep a poker face as one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen stops next to the table. "Can I and my new friend here join you? There isn't room elsewhere." I look at her companion and am impressed by her beauty as well.

I look around and see that they speak the truth from how packed the bar is. I accept and say, "Yes of course." As they sit I take more of a look at them. They really are opposites in many way. One woman has white hair, ice white eyes, more rounded facial features, and perky c-cup breast. She had a naturally warm demeanor that made you want to trust her. Her friends long raven hair, emerald eyes, and more angular feature gave her a much more intimidating look. She was also taller than most women I had met which added to her aura.

"I'm Lunette..." the white haired one introduces herself, "this one here is Verain." She gestures to her companion who gives a quiet nod.

"I'm Elysra," I say figuring it wouldn't be too bad to give my name.

"So that's your name. I have to admit I see you in here quite a lot and have gotten a bit curious about you."

"Why would you be curious about me?" I ask warily.

"You're not like a lot of other champions around here from what I can see. More...walled off I guess. Just a feeling I get."

"What she's trying to say is you look lonely and she won't leave well enough alone," Verain chimes in and smirks as Lunette blushes.

I smile at their antics saying, "Well, after my experiences let's just say I have a bit more of a reason to not trust people."

"What do you mean?" Lunette questions. I stay silent as another server comes around and takes Lunette and Verain's order.

After eating for a while I make a decision, "I was betrayed by my village, or at least by the leader of it."

"How were you betrayed exactly?" Verain questions.

"I don't know how it is with your villages and lands, but where I come from being chosen as a champion is considered to be an honor. To sacrifice yourself for the common good is a privilege that many would happily accept. Yes, we most likely know that we won't succeed in our quest to defeat the demon, but we feel it is worth it. When I was chosen as champion I felt that way still. I had trained, had a lover or two, and I felt very much content with my fate. So I said goodbye to everyone who mattered to me. Friends, lovers, and other people I had gotten to know. I was an orphan so I didn't have to say goodbye to my parents. I've seen that and those seem like a mess to go through. I packed my stuff and went to Ignis, our leader. He led me to the portal gate and gave me his best wishes. I still remember him building me up and saying that he thought that I had a chance of bringing this all to an end. I simply thought that he just was patronizing me, saying the same thing that he told other champions. But it was worse."

I looked up and saw Verain and Lunette silently listening, "When I went through everything happened so fast. I'm guessing I got knocked out or something. The next time I woke up I was being carried by a dozen imps to somewhere. I tried to struggle and fight but they weren't having that. They quickly beat any resistance out of me. We soon came upon a cave and they brought me to a big room inside it. There was an incubus there, I believe his name was Itai. He told me the truth. Ignis for the last several years or so had been sacrificing us to Itai. Ignis had struck a deal that for every sacrifice given, he would only have to give a champion every other year instead of the usual yearly quota. He could also have his pick of whatever mind broken whores that he wanted. I don't know where he kept them and I don't really care. After he was done laughing at my despair he sent me off to be changed. I was dragged to another room where there was this large pink bath. I knew that if I got dunked in there then I wouldn't be coming back. Luckily there was only one imp dragging me along so I waited until the last moment before knocking him into the pool. I didn't wait to see what happened as he sank below the surface. I snuck around and luckily was able to get through the entrance before I was spotted. I ran and ran but I knew it was only a matter of time until they would catch up to me. That's when Sica saved me. She's a bee girl who luckily didn't have any eggs to unload if you know what I mean. She just decided to help me on a whim. She hid me away and when the coast was clear she directed me to this town. And well, I've been going out and fighting in the day and coming here at night. Just trying to get by."

There is nothing but silence as I shakily finish my drink. I'm a little surprised that me retelling the story affected me so much, though I also felt relieved that I had told the story. Though I look up in surprise as Verain says, "So it seems that I wasn't the only one to have met with misfortune in being chosen as a champion," she downs her beer and yells for another one before continuing, "My parents actually come from this land. They told me that they were born in the Convent of Purity. So they were able to stay generally uncorrupted. But I guess things became pretty bad about thirty years ago or so. Enough to make them desperate. So they took a chance and went into a portal. Nowadays you can't do that what with the portal's enchantments being tightened up. But they got through and the city took pity on them and let them stay but...kept them at a safe distance so to speak. We lived on the outskirts of the city and never really went into the city except to sell our harvest. Life was good for our family but hard. Me, my parents, and my sister Andretta were happy. Then one winter there was a bad fever that went through the city. We think it may have been demonic in nature. A lot of people died, including my parents which I think was the reason we weren't blamed all that much. After that things were sad, but we were alright since Ms. Thresher took us in. She was tough but fair. She let us be ourselves as long as we worked around the house and her store. And she defended us. Kept us safe."

Her face lights up with a smile that made her intimidating demeanor disappear. "And then everything changed. Ms. Thresher has a flower business you see. A lot of people came in for flowers, floral arrangement, and other botanical needs. It was quite popular. Me and my sister were also able to learn and be 'decent enough to not be an embarrassment' as Ms. Thresher put it. One day a noble came in and he asked us to put together a flower arrangement. It was for the courtship of an Elena Cantabree. Ms. Thresher allowed me to be the one to do it and I asked him for a drawing of the woman he wanted to court and his letter of love for her for artistic inspiration. He gave these things and I admittedly was taken with the picture. But I of course was professional and continued my job. Ms. Thresher asked me to get some supplies the next day and while I was out I saw her. Elena was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The photo did her no justice, and her laugh, you see she out with her other friends having a happy time shopping, when she laughed at a joke or something it sounded like an angel had dropped down from heaven."

"Y'know that she would be a fallen angel right? A demon in that case, so to speak." I chimed in.

Lunette shushes me and motions for Verain to continue. "I stayed up all night trying to make the perfect flower arrangement for her. I knew that she would be receiving it through another but at the very least I wanted to make the best I could. For her. By the time the sun rose up I was done and it was everything that represented how I felt. I made it personal I guess you could say, but I figured it would be fine and if she fell in love with the floral arrangement then that would be shifted to the man. The noble came and picked up the flowers and I resolved to throw away my feelings along with the picture. It took a day more than it should've to throw it away I'll admit," she bashfully smiles with embarrassment, "Several days later a royal messenger arrives asking for 'the artist who crafted a most exquisite and lovely arrangement for an Elena Cantabree', I admitted it was me and he said that I was invited to speak with Elena at the Cantabree estate later that week. After he left I was equal parts excited and at the same time dreading what she would have to say. Andretta and Ms. Thresher were both excited for me and Ms. Thresher told me time and time again to make the best impression I can as her employee. Pretty much don't make a fool of myself and bring shame to her business. Which was fair enough.

"The day came and I went to the estate. I was let in and told to wait in a room. I had nearly worked myself into a frenzy by the time she arrived. When she talked to me and asked to shake my hand I nearly fainted. She asked me to sit and when I did she asked me about myself. I was surprised but I answered any inconsequential question that she wanted. Then she asked me what was my inspiration for the flower arrangement and I said 'you'. She kept on digging in deeper and wanting more detail and before the end of it I had told her pretty much everything other than 'I love you.' She dismissed me and I returned home. I remember not sleeping that night. A couple of days later I was summoned again and soon hired as the Cantabree's florist. Over those months I would do numerous floral arrangements and other such decorations for her. Several weeks later she kissed me. You see, she had been so taken with my arrangement that she said no to the noble and resolved to see who crafted the gift. After that it was like a dream. Of course we had to keep it secret but no one suspected a thing. We were very secretive. I did tell Andretta and she was worried about it and I think Ms. Thresher warned me in her little ways. She was wise that way. But I found myself falling deeper and deeper and soon I wanted more. But I knew that we couldn't truly be together. I was an outsider and even more importantly a commoner. I asked her to run away with me like an idiot. She agreed to do so like an idiot. Like some fools in love."

She grew somber at this point as she downed another beer. "We were caught. Didn't get far out of sight of the village before we walked into a trap. During my incarceration I learned that the royal guard had received a tip. From the city's local mob family. Somebody had betrayed me. Luckily the town focused their hate towards me and not my sister. Ms. Thresher's business took a hit though she told me it was nothing to worry about. Elena I was told was fine though she was being punished for what she did. At the end of the torture, shame, and scorn. I was given a choice. Death or become the champion of my city. You can guess what I chose." By the end she was shaking with anger as I could see her struggling to not snap her fork in two.

I was quiet for a while before asking, "And you have no idea who could've betrayed you."

She sighs, "Oh I have several ideas but I can't go about proving them is the problem."

I look at Lunette smile and say, "I'm guessing that you have a more happier story huh? We could definitely use a happy tale right about now."

She sadly smiles, "Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to help you there. I didn't come here under the best of circumstances either."

Verain cracks a wicked smile, "Yeah you don't seem like the type who usually gets chosen for this type of thing. What happened?"

"Well the short version is I was a noble who was framed for murder. I woke up next to my dead husband. We had eighteen beautiful years together," her voice and her eyes became colder as she told the story. "It was made to look like there had been a fight between us that got way out of hand. So out of hand that it ended with him being stabbed repeatedly by me. He and I were the last of our family's bloodline. In the kingdom of Manea there were four main royal families. His and mine were on the decline but things were looking up so to speak. An heir was going to be born after trying for so many years. But also along with the death of my husband was the death of our unborn child. They used some type of poison to kill the pregnancy. The other two families were so smug whenever they came to see me in between torture sessions. I gave them nothing in terms of pain or despair, and I'm sure they were quite scared by the way I behaved," she chuckled.

I gave Verain a look and she mirrored mine. There was a lot more to Lunette than her pretty appearance. I could see her facing her enemies with the ice she was displaying now as she calmly told her tale. I would've been scared for my life if I was them. "After they grew tired of me they finally handed me what they figured to be the ultimate punishment. The privilege to be chosen as Manea's champion. And so here I am."

I swallow nervously before saying, "No offense, but you seem awfully calm for someone..."

Lunette's knife slams into her plate though no one notices except for the tables around us which eventually go back to their meals, "I am not as calm as I seem." Lunette growls, "I've just been trained in a certain way. You don't get far being a noble by revealing your true face," She lets the knife clatter on the plate, closes her eyes, and takes several breaths. After she opens them and looks at me with sincerity, "I am sorry for doing that. It was out of line. Forgive me." She ends this bowing her head.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have accused of being cold after hearing your story. I don't know how I would react if something like that happened to me so...yeah," I hurriedly respond.

We pick at our food silently for a while before Verain ask, "So Elysra, what would you do if you could take down Ignis? How would you do it?"

I stop and say with some surprise, "I actually haven't thought about it. I mean you think I would but I don't know. You?"

"I don't know either. I mean I would love to get Elena back but beyond that..." she shrugs her shoulders and turns to Lunette.

"What would I do?" Verain nods, "I guess I would make them pay. For my husband. For my child. For my future that they took from me for their greedy and selfish reasons. Take away their futures and make them watch as their world burns. I don't know exactly how but that's just off the top of my head."

"Y'know what? I can drink to that. To your enemies Lunette, may their kingdom burn. And to Ignis, may he catch worms from whoever he sleeps around with," Verain says raising her drink.

I laugh and Lunette toasts, "To your enemies Verain, may everything burn around them. To your Ignis, may everything be struck from him as well."

I raise my drink and say, "To your enemies Lunette, may their reputation and legacy be grounded into nothingness. To your enemies Verain, may anyone who touches those who you dearly cherish be punished threefold,"

We clinked our glasses and downed our drinks. Later that night as I stumbled into bed I felt a warm feeling inside my heart. I felt as if I had found friends.


When I woke up I resolved to not drink that heavily ever again due to the pounding that was going on in my skull. Looking at my gems I decided to take today as an easy day and not go fighting any imps or anything like that. Instead for the first time since coming to Karet I decided to take it easy and do nothing and pursue other interests.

I found myself in the library reading books about the various champions that had come to this land. Many were typical tales of mighty champions defeating a big demon and returning to their realm to great applause and celebration. A lot of tales told of heroes and the various ways they were defeated as well. A lot of these were disturbingly arousing as they were horrible.

However there was two tales that caught my attention. One was of a hero who defeated their big bad and returned to their home as well. But all that was left when somebody went through that portal were ruins with a heavy taint of demonic magic in the air. It was rumored that demons had followed after the hero and defeated him, destroying his world afterward. It was also said that demons had attacked his world while he was fighting and he came back to find it destroyed. At the end though it was also said that the champion may have done it himself. The second tale told of a female hero who after defeating their arch-demon came back to her village and using her newfound power was unstoppable in taking over her land. These tales were of course framed as warnings for paths that champions must never walk down.

It lit a fire in me though and got me to thinking. Thinking of my want for revenge and justice. For my new companions who had also been wronged and shamed. For the fact that there wasn't just evil and corruption on just this side of the portal, but in my world as well.


Later that night in the Randy Cowgirl I called over Lunette and Verain when I saw them enter. I learned that they also had decided to take it easy as well following other pursuits throughout the day. Soon I came up to the reason why I called them over saying, "So I thought about what I would do if I could get my hands on Ignis."

"Oh. What did you decide?" ask Lunette.

"I think I would make him watch as I take everything he care about away from him. Everyone he cares about. Family, friends, status. I would love to see his face as all of it is taken from him by me."

"And how would you do this?" Verain questions.

"Gain power in this world. Enough that he wouldn't be able to stand a chance. Come back in a more twisted form than he ever thought of. Terrorize him. Make the village abandon him. Then make him my bitch to do with as I please."

There was silence before Verain says nervously, "You've put a lot of thought into this."

"Because I'm going to do it," At their looks of shock I say, "The moment that I was betrayed and sent here for the purpose he wanted was the moment I wasn't my village's champion. I of course won't take my revenge on the whole village. But Ignis. He has to pay." at their silence I end with, "You guys can join me."