Revenge On The Sea


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"M'lady the Captain," I began. "Can go fuck a cannonball. You spared me because of the money I could make you! I will come back aboard when I'm good and fucking ready! And fuck those assholes muttering about some shore pass nonsense! Without me they'd never have had a quarter of the money they've been able to spend! How's that for my new pirate manners? Since I'm a pirate, I figure should act the part."

Her eyes tell me that my cannonball comment has her ready to kill me. Then for just a moment, I see some genuine hurt as I dismiss all the things she likes about me. But as usual, it's gone a moment later. She stood up, glowering with fury. "We set sail tomorrow at dawn. Be back aboard the ship by then or I will send the crew ashore to drag you back. And don't you EVER speak to me in that insolent tone ever again or I will beat you worse than Solomon Kane ever could! Boy!"

She's ready to draw her pistol and shoot me now. I can tell. "Aye Cap'n," I decided to say with a nod. Then she stormed off.

"You just lost every bit of respect she had for you," said Lawrence.

"I lost most of my affection for her so I guess that's fair."

"Oh that's fucking shit and you know it!" Lawrence's language surprises me. He's never said worse than 'damnit' in my hearing before. "You think I'm blind Leo? You've been in love with her since your night in Tortuga! Yes boy, I know all about it! And I told her it was a mistake too! Because look at the result!" Lawrence gestured to me, then to the direction she had left in. "Wake up Leo!" he goes on. "Captain Cold Eyes is a woman with womanly desires. And a body that attracts men like piles of manure attract flies! Of COURSE she's had men before you. And men after you! Including Solomon Kane on both counts! So get this notion that the Cap'n's going be your wife or whatever out of your dammed head and get your mind back to your job of delivering prizes to the Defiance!" And with that he also stormed off.

I sat there for a long while before getting up and leaving. I made my way to the docks and looked out at the Defiance. Maybe I should go back now and apologize. She'll not forgive me. But she needs to keep the crew happy so she'll not punish me. Last thing she wants is the crew finding out we've had sex. That might destroy the crew's respect in her. Eventually she might soften. I could go back to my courtly manners and flattery. She'll melt. I know she will. That tough pirate image can be broken to reveal the warm woman she is underneath. I've seen it.

But Lawrence is right. She won't be my wife or whatever other notion that'd been swirling in my head for some time. And the crew would never be okay with it even if she DID become my wife, woman, partner, or whatever. Not in this world. They'd all resent me for having the Captain's ear. They'd all think I was only being listened too because I gave the Captain orgasms at night, no matter how rich I made them with my schemes. They'd all be jealous I was having sex at sea while all they could do was masturbate in their bunks. They'd say she was playing favorites with her lover. In the world of pirates they were all supposed to be equally free. I could never be with Captain Cold Eyes if I was crew.

That made up my mind for me.

I had to strike out on my own. Become a captain myself. Get myself onto equal status with Cold Eyes. Then maybe, just maybe, I could confess exactly how I'd been feeling for months. And with my own status strong maybe, just maybe, she'd give me a chance.

Leaving her and the crew hanging was not going to improve my chances. I knew that. Not when she was already spitting mad at me for my mouth. But hopefully I could win her over. Sacrifice a battle to win the war. Abandon the smaller treasure for the larger hoard.

I wasn't going back to the Defiance.

"Arrivederci M'lady Brianna, the Cap'n Cold Eyes. For now," I said out loud.

Then I turned my back on the harbor.

Chapter 3: Boston

"How long will this take Sanfino?"

"As long as it takes Tomwise. Shut up or the harbor master is going to yell at us. Again!"

Tomwise grunted and got back to work. You'd never think a spindly little man like him could work in a shipyard. Muddy haired, thin limbed with brittle looking arms and hands. His eyes are as muddy as his hair. But the little guy is tougher than half the crew of the Defiance. And smarter than the entire gang of dockworkers and half the bosses, thus the name Tomwise.

I arrived in Boston a month ago. Got hired as a ship builder not long after. Dockworkers can tell sailor experience when they see it. And thus my plan to steal my first ship was going wonderfully.

But by God Almighty do I miss the Defiance and Captain Cold Eyes.

Leaving them was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Harder than enduring my father. Harder than enduring Captain Brussels. Harder than living with the fact I got Diego killed. Harder than getting flogged by that toothless wretch McNally. But it provided me with the motivation. Motivation to succeed, return to the Caribbean with this ship I'm currently helping to build and become a pirate captain. All to put myself on equal footing so I can confess to Captain Cold Eyes I love her.

I must be completely daft. All this effort to impress a ice hearted woman? God knows there are more females out there! But I know whom I want. And for that to work I have to become a pirate captain with a reputation that's strong enough to help her believe she can stand up to the scrutiny of her crew. And for me to do the same with my future crew too!

One thing at a time Leo.

I'd hidden well away from Nassau's main town so when she did send men ashore to drag me back, they found nothing. I paid several different people to say I'd gone in different directions so they had no idea where I was. Then once I was sure she'd given up I snuck back into town, waited for the Defiance to sail out of the harbor and then paid my way onto a merchant ship bound for Boston. And here I was.

I picked Boston on purpose. They build ships here, unlike New York. And Boston had a rebellious nature to it's population that had the governor frequently requesting a stronger military presence here. It was the Irish that had come to the New World to escape being under the thumbs of the British that were the biggest troublemakers.

A perfect place to find a future pirate crew and ship!

Tomwise here was my first choice. He'd been working on ships at the dock since he was a boy. He was a Boston native and seemingly knew everything that went on here. And I knew he despised the British. Name me an Irishmen that didn't! But how to lure him into my scheme of recruiting a crew, stealing this ship and going off into piracy was eluding me at the moment. But I knew I'd think of something. Under pressure was when I worked best.

The ship we're working on is a frigate class vessel, the second largest ship out there. Only the Man O War was bigger. According to some eavesdropping I'd done a week ago this ship was for the Royal Navy and was going to be outfitted as such. Like a warship. Twenty cannons on each side totaling forty broadside cannons in all. Four chase cannons in the front that fired chainshot rounds to stop fleeing enemies. And enough room for both the crew and a contingent of soldiers.

This ship was exactly what I would need to become successful. Now I just had to steal it.

"Fucking English," said Tomwise suddenly. I looked up. Some British officer was berating a nearby worker for not only failing to give him way but also for dropping muddy rope on his freshly cleaned boots. I was reminded unpleasantly of Captain Brussels.

"Pompous fuckers," I added in.

"Never seen this guy before though who is he?" asked Tomwise.

"He's a Major," I said eyeing his uniform.

"How'd you know that?" said one of the other workers nearby.

"My first ship was captained by an ex Royal Navy man who taught us all about the Royal Navy. He insisted we learn the difference in uniforms so we could show the proper respect. In other words, pompous fuckers," I repeated. The others laughed.

Apparently our laughter caught the major's attention. He walked over looking like thunder. "Is something funny, workers?" he asked. His accent was upperclass London gentry. He was likely someone's son that had used family connections to get the rank on his uniform. Typcial.

"Only crude jokes among us Major," I said.

My London accent caught him by surprise. He looked me up and down. "Who are you boy?"

After Solomon Kane, anyone calling me boy automatically pissed me off. But I kept that from my face as I answered. "Leonardo Sanfino, sir."

"Italian name with a London accent. Curious. You're a dockworker?"

"I am now sir. Was a sailor until pirates set on my ship. I wound up stranded in the Caribbean until I begged passage with the rum runners to Port Royal. Then I got work, saved some wages, bought passage here. I was hoping to return to sailing so I came here looking for work. I figured knowing how a ship is built could help my case potentially."

"Resourceful and mildly impressive," he said. He was clearly unimpressed but pretending otherwise. "Sanfino you said your name was?"

"Yes sir."

"Relation to Giovanni Sanfino the silk merchant?"

I hesitated before answering. How did this major know my family? "Yes sir."

"You're the one that ran away."

So he did know my family. Well enough to know the story. Interesting. "I was the bastard of the family Major. They were never going to see me as anything but. So I took off. Best decision I ever made." As gentry he would understand the whole bastard line.

"My mother buys silks from your father's business," said the major, apparently trying to be friendly. His eyes were anything but friendly, I could tell. "We've had your parents over for dinner. My father asked of you. An interesting story he told."

"And pray tell sir, what did he say?"

"He said you threatened to kill your younger step-siblings in order to take over the business for yourself and force him to name you next in line. He sent for the police and you fled."

"What?!" I yelled forgetting my manners.

"Do not yell at an officer of the Royal Navy boy!"

I bit back my retort. My fucking asshole father painting me as the bad guy! Oh when I get my hands on you father! You will know the meaning of the word regret! "My apologies Major."

"I have no interest in brat bastards who don't know their place in the world and threaten to upset the natural order of things," the major went on. "So you can forget crewing on my ship Sanfino! And the next time you raise your voice at me I'll clap you in irons!" the Major spun on his heel and left.

"Mouthing off at Major Fieldmen was a dumb move boy," said the harbor master.

Good, now I had a name. Major Fieldmen has just made my list of revenges to enjoy. Right underneath my father and Solomon Kane. I didn't answer and went back to my work.

"Any of that true?" asked Tomwise.

"All except the part about me threatening my half siblings to take over the business. I never wanted the business. Only the freedom to get away from my father."

"You say freedom like a pirate."

I had to watch it. I was now being reminded why Tomwise was called Tomwise instead of Tommy Haydenson. "Don't we all aspire to be free?"

"Spoken like a pirate."

"What the fuck Tomwise? I just got jumped on by some officer snot! Now you're joining in? Fuck you!"

"Easy Leo, I meant no offense," he said holding his hands up.

"Then what did you mean?"

"That I think you're a pirate. That part about you being set upon by pirates is bullshit. You look weather-beaten like a sailor and talk like one, but you have an insolence in you that makes you want to spit on anyone in any position of power."

"If you go through the Irish neighborhood in the city you could, and would, find ten people on the first block who are the same way."

Tomwise laughed. "True enough on that Leo. But 'fess up. Why are you really here?"

I didn't know if I could trust Tomwise yet. So I turned my back and didn't answer. "Okay be like that," he said to my back.

I turned and marched to his side. "I'm a pirate," I said in his ear so no one else could hear. "Sailed with Captain Cold Eyes aboard the Defiance. But I left it after a humiliation she inflicted upon me to become my own captain. I'm here to gather a crew and steal this very ship we're building. That's the truth. Turn me in if you don't like it. If you're interested, help me and you're quartermaster and first mate automatically."

Had I just lost my mind? I asked myself. Not a minute ago I wasn't sure if I could trust Tomwise. Now I've just told him everything! He could run to the harbor master or Major Fieldman or the governor for all I know! Leo what have you done?!

"Life of a pirate," he said. "Sounds like I was right after all. And I'm in boy."

I stared at him wondering if this was a trick. "No I'm not lying," he said guessing my thoughts. "Nor trying to trick ya either. I can't stand being under these assholes anymore. I've wanted to get away since I was a boy. I'm not wasting my life in these docks. But can you sail a ship?"

"I'll learn."

"That's comforting."

"That's how it goes Tomwise. Piracy with me or rotting building ships for the dammed British here. Take it or leave it."

"I'll take it."

"Good. Now that we're on the same page. Do you know anyone trustworthy that'd be interested in getting out of here and being free?"

"I have some ideas."

Chapter 4: Taking The Ship

After three more months the ship was ready.

And we were ready to steal it.

Tomwise and I had found enough men to crew the ship. A combination of privateers and veteran sailors who wanted to go back to sea and were willing to teach new crew. And plenty of Irish recruits who were itching to stick it in the eye of the British in any way they could.

I had gathered my confidants at Tomwise's house. He and I had become fast friends. I could tell he would be for me like Lawrence was for Captain Cold Eyes. Though I hadn't told him everything just yet.

I miss her every day. Even with all my planning I wonder when I'll see her again. But I can't dwell on that. I sit down at Tomwise's table. He's here. Plus my other senior crewmen.

Patrick Furgeson, who was a former sailor and gunnery expert. He'd be directing the cannon crewmen.

Tommy McGaragle, who was the dirtiest fighter in all of Boston and had gotten some equally dirty and experienced fighters on board. He was going to be leading the boarding parties.

Arthur Morris, who was the old man of the ship, in his fifties but with a wealth of experience from sailing and dying to return to the life. He said he'd sailed under Captain Morgan during his youth but most of us believed that was just tall talk to impress the youngsters.

"Are we ready to do this today?"

"We are. We got seventy men ready to act," said Tomwise.

"That's more than we need," said Arthur.

"We need the numbers to take the ship and be gone before the British know what's happened. That only works if we can fill every position and get it out of here," said Tomwise. "Besides when we're pirating, that is under strength. We'll pick up more hopefully."

"But what then?" asked McGaragle.

"Cap'n?" Tomwise said turning to me.

I'm still not used to being called that so it takes me a moment to realize they're talking to me. "After we get the ship out of here," I began. "We're going to make for a town down the coast. New York maybe or somewhere further south. Where we're going to repaint the ship so it's not recognizable and then we're going to go hunting."

"Do you have any leads Cap'n?" asked Patrick.

"Oh yes. You all know my dream of ruining my family. That'll be a massive score. I know my father's secrets, don't doubt. He's a lazy man who wouldn't change if his life depended on it. I asked around. He still sends his shipments to Boston on the same schedule he was using years ago when I ran off. I'm amazed the bastard hasn't changed his routine up. But that's better for us and not so good for him."

"So we take the ship, repaint it and make it ours, then go hunting for your father's silk shipment," said Tomwise.

"That sums it up?"

"What when we take the ship and it's haul?" asked Arthur.

"We take it down to Nassau and sell it. Get paid. And our reputation is born."

"What are we gonna call the ship once we take it?" asked McGaragle.

"That's a surprise and you'll have to wait and see. Now let's get to work. We do this tonight! Spread the word!" I ordered. I'm still unused to giving orders. It's even more bizarre to see people obeying them!

"If this doesn't work-" Tomwise began.

"We're dead I know. That's why it's planned to every detail by both of us Tomwise. You said it was a good plan."

"Well Cap'n if you want some advice: go out and find a woman."


"Because if this fails we could all die. I know I'd rather die knowing I had fucked a woman beforehand."

I hadn't had a woman since before I left Nassau, now almost five months ago. And I was tense too. With what I was about to do it was natural. But the other reason I hadn't had a woman since Nassau was because I still couldn't enjoy one. I missed and wanted Captain Cold Eyes. But Tomwise was right. We could all be hanging from the gallows tomorrow. I would do better less tension filled.

"See you tonight," I told Tomwise and I left. I know where the brothels are in Boston although the governor claims their are none. The governor is a fool but then most governors are. I made my way to a decent brothel called the Siren's Song.

"Hello dear," said the madam. "What's your fancy?"

"Any redheads with big breasts?" I asked. If I couldn't have Cold Eyes, I could at least pretend with a look-alike.

"I only got two redheads and they aren't cheap. Fifteen Shillings for a fuck with one."

I only had twenty Shillings total so I couldn't afford to blow it on a prostitute that expensive. "How about she sucks me off instead while topless, no sex. Is that cheaper?"

"Aye that's only seven Shillings. Ten if you want to fondle or suck her breasts."

"Three extra Shillings for nipple sucking? I'll just take the seven then."

The madam took the money and waved over a redhead. Her hair was more copper than fire but her skin was pale and her breasts large and lovely. "C'mon," she said. Her accent was thick Irish but without that Boston edge to it. She must be recently arrived. I followed her to a room. She closed the door, let her breasts out and then got on her knees. Her breasts were lovely and seeing them combined with thinking of Cold Eyes's marvelous breasts made me hard quickly. She made no comment about me being hairless. I'd shaved all my pubs off after remembering Cold Eyes telling me about getting pub lice. She took me out and sucked me into her mouth with ease and skill. Maybe new to Boston but clearly not new to this. I closed me eyes and imagined Cold Eyes amazing toned body, firm breasts, tight wet cunt that was completely clean shaven to my surprise, and cold blue eyes that were her namesake. I began moaning hard. Was I there already? It had been a while for sure. She sensed me nearing the tipping point and worked me harder. I felt the rush build and moaned ever harder. "Oh Brianna," I said as I exploded into the girl's mouth. She grunted and then pulled back with some of my cum leaking out the corner of her mouth. Then she swallowed and stood up, pulling her dress back up.

"Thank you," I said.

"Who's Brianna?"


"You said her name when finishing. Who's she?"

I closed my eyes. "Someone I hope to get back into my life someday," I said. The girl asked no more questions. I gave her an extra Shilling before we left the room, squeezed her ass once, then I left the brothel.