Revenge On The Sea


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Cold Eyes grinned at Angelica's anguish. "I think that's a fine idea!"

I sighed mentally. I was half expecting Cold Eyes to refuse.

"No!" Giovanni howled.

McGaragle pulled my half sisters out of the line up and dragged them off.

"Give me my babies!" screamed Angelica.

I drew my pistol and shot her in the head. That shocked everyone. My half sisters screamed. Cold Eyes looked at me in surprise. She didn't like outright execution, I knew. "Woman made my life a worse hell than anything I've ever felt!" I defended myself with a snarl. "That's my revenge! Throw Donnie in the brig! We'll decide his fate later. Haul my father to the top of the mainmast!"

"I'll freeze!" he protested.

"That's the point!" I said to him. "Keelhauling you would be too easy, so would shooting you dead! No father you get to die, freezing to death, knowing your children are at the mercy of the one child you should have treated better! Your life is ruined by the bastard you should have drowned in the river!"

"I hate you!" He screamed as they hauled him away.

"I learned to hate you long before I knew what it meant," I replied, mostly to myself since he was out of earshot. "Beware the man who bears his hatred with patience! Throw her corpse overboard!" I added pointing to my dead step mother. McGaragle's men tossed the corpse overboard.

Cold Eyes stepped to me. There was a new way she looked at me. She knew I hated my family. But she clearly didn't know how far I was willing to take my revenge. "May we speak?" she asked.

"Of course M'lady the Cap'n Cold Eyes. My cabin?"


Chapter 11: Keeping Warm

We entered my cabin. I closed the door behind us. I didn't lock it as that would have made a bad impression. Despite how everything had gone today, I was still worried. This was the final hurtle.

"You've a cruel streak in you," said Cold Eyes. "Shooting that woman dead in front of her children! I also heard you had her raped by your crew!"

I took a breath. Rape was always a touchier subject with women for obvious reasons. I didn't want her to start despising me because she thought I was becoming the worst kind of pirate. "I told you all about how they made my life a living hell, my former Cap'n," I began. All my lamps were lit, candles lit for heat. It was still very cold but bearable.

"There's no defending what they did to you," she said. "But there's some lines that shouldn't be crossed. The things you just did, they remind me more of Solomon Kane than you."

I grimaced at being compared to Solomon Kane but I didn't rise. I think she is testing me! She wants to see if I'm too far gone from everything she used to like about me! "Yes I had Angelica raped by most of my crew. There's no excusing that. I happen to agree with you that rape is line that shouldn't be crossed! I offer you no defense for it, I only remind you that I hated her more than anything and would gladly shit on her grave had she lived to have one! That kind of hatred lets one do things they didn't know they were capable of!"

She nodded. She didn't look judgmental. I hoped that was a good sign. "And the girls?"

"That was more for the horror of Angelica and my father than anything else. If you don't really want them we can drop them somewhere on our way to Nassau."

"We can't do that Leo. They know who we are. They'd report us to any authority they could!"

I sighed. She was right.

She went on sitting down in front of my desk. I sat behind it. "Besides, two little girls alone to fend for themselves? How do you think that'll turn out for them?"

I didn't have any illusions to the contrary. "Not well."

"So I think I will keep them. You killed their mother in front of them, they won't ever forgive you! But I'll take them, break them, make them my own. I quite like the idea of having more women in my ship! Let's me defy the world's view of women ever further!"

I laughed. "Your ship lives up to it's name more and more, M'lady my former Cap'n!"

She didn't laugh.

I got serious. "M'lady," I began. "I assure you, I'm-"

"Drop the courtly manners and speak plain!" she interrupted.

"Brianna," I said. Using her name made her eyes narrow. Probably a mistake on my part. But I needed her to understand. "When we took our first prize and I ordered the death of eight captive men, I came back here to this cabin and nearly vomited on my floor! I've agonized over it this entire time! Battle is one thing, outright execution is another. My father and stepmother were special cases. As I said, you know how much I hated them!"

"I do," she said slowly. "Tonight, when you shot her, you had the same look on your face when you blew McNally away."

"Killing her felt better than killing that toothless wretch!"

"The fact that you enjoyed killing her is what bothers me!"

That was exactly what I was afraid of. I dropped all pretense and leaned forward. I wanted to reach for her hand but they were in her lap and I didn't dare reach for that. I looked into her eyes and remembered all the feelings of revulsion and not liking myself about what I'd had to do. I let it all flow to the surface of my mind and my face. "The fact that I enjoyed killing her in front of her own children bothers me too." My voice was hoarse.

She said nothing.

"I don't like any of this brutality. But you have to be brutal at times to survive in this world. You know that! You told me that!"

She said nothing.

I was starting to mentally panic. I can't lose her now, not after everything I'd gone through to win her back. "I'm not Charles Vane! I'm not Solomon Kane! I'm not Blackbeard! Or any of the others! I'm Leonardo Sanfino, Cap'n of the Death's Hand, building a reputation I despise because it's the only way to succeed." I was trying to convince myself as much as her.

"All because you want me?" she finally said.

"Yes. I told you earlier today that all of this means nothing to me! I was not lying! Nor trying to charm your legs open! I would gladly give all of this to Tomwise and McGaragle without a second thought if it meant I could have you! It's not just wanting you, though there's plenty of that. I love you woman!"

"Why leave me if you loved me?"

"Because you couldn't be with me the way I wanted to be with you if I remained crew. They'd all mutter, talk of playing favorites, be jealous that I was getting sex at sea when all they ever have is their own right hands and their fantasies, most of which are of you. I spent nights in the hold of the Defiance. Everyone one of them has run their rigging to the thought of you. They'd all hate me if they knew I was the one who actually got to have you! Love, lust, whatever you called it, to them it'd be you playing favorites! And that's the one thing no pirate can ever do and survive! I couldn't be crew if I wanted any hope of loving you!"

"What makes you think you have any hope? Do you think I return your feelings?"

Her words hurt. Badly. But this was it. I held nothing back. "I think you do! Why? Because of all your time as a Cap'n, you never once indulged yourself to my knowledge! Not with someone who was crew! Maybe my knowledge is incomplete, I don't know how long you've been pirating. But you chose me as that indulgence. You chose me. There has to be something to it! Pure lust in the beginning maybe, but now it's something else!"

"You're awfully sure of yourself here!" Her face was down-turning.

"Tell me I'm wrong then! Go on! Look me dead in the eye, after everything I've confessed to you! Both earlier today and now! Everything I've done to become a ship's Cap'n has been to out myself on equal footing with you! It's the only way either of our crews would be able to tolerate us being together! Tell me I've got it all wrong and I'll drop the matter forever! Tell me you feel nothing for me and I'll let you sail off and never trouble you again! Just like you wanted in Nassau! Well?"

She said nothing. But this time I would not speak. I sat back and waited, my heart in my mouth. She finally spoke. "To think you were willing to risk everything just to get back with me," she said emotionlessly. "Is the single stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

I recoiled as if she'd struck me.

"My God, you men are pathetic when you're in love! The stupid things you do to infuriate women, then the Herculean efforts you go through to make up for it! Can none of you do anything plain?"

"Here's as plain as you'll ever get," I said. "I love you Brianna. Tell me it's mutual or tell me to fuck off. I'll accept either answer."

I saw her take a breath, her breasts heaving as it was a deep one.

I waited.



"It's mutual."

I almost whooped like a child. "All this trip," she said. "Lawrence has been telling me 'the boy does it for you'. I told him he was daft. Then you confirm everything he said. It was all for me. I didn't believe it until you nearly made me shoot you!"

I had no idea Lawrence was sticking up for me like that. Over the haul and prize, yes. But I'd never thought Lawrence would be in her ear telling her to let me back in.

She went on. "As stupid as what you did was, the fact that you did it all just for me is the single plainest admission of love I've ever heard in my life!"

I hardly dared to believe this. But I had to hear one final word before I believed it was true. "Do you want to be with me?"

"Yes I do."

I stood up and walked around my desk. She stood up to meet me. I stared into her eyes then took her in my arms and kissed her like I'd never kissed anyone in my life.

She returned it equally.

I reached around and grabbed two handfuls of that ass I'd missed so much. She moaned loudly into our kiss. Then broke it. "It's very cold tonight," she said.

I nodded. "I must keep M'lady my love warm!"

She nodded.

I turned to lock my door. Then I turned to my cot. I brought several candles close for warmth then undressed completely. It was frigid but I felt no cold as I watched her strip. My cock came fully erect as her breasts were bared, her nipples erect with either cold or desire. I didn't care which. "Taking a trick from me?" she asked pointing to my groin. Remembering what she said about pubic lice, I had shaved or plucked all of my pubs off in Boston. And I thought it made me look more manly than less. "I don't ever want the agony of pubic lice!" I said.

"Not you don't!" she laughed as the rest of her clothing fell to the floor. She was hairless as well. My arousal deepened. I pulled up the blanket and invited her in. She joined me and the second our bare skin touched I didn't feel the cold anymore.


I breathed on my hands to warm them. "Yes?"

"You ever hurt my heart, and I'll rip your own out and show you it's final beat!"

Feeling like my hand was warm enough, I eagerly plunged it under the blanket to find her sex. Her legs opened and she moaned loud as my fingers worked her. "I'd sooner kill myself Brianna," I said. Her hand found my cock and I returned the moan deeply. "And if you ever hurt my heart, I'll become eviler than all those pirates to get revenge on you!"

Her eyes widened and I wondered if I'd spoiled the pleasure and ruined this moment. But she nodded in understanding. Then I pushed two fingers inside her and she moaned again. I had her. She stroked me faster. I expertly worked my fingers in and out, causing her moans to increase. I wanted to suck her nipples but suddenly she rolled on top of me and I felt myself side in her. "I can't wait anymore!" she moaned. I moaned even louder as I slide inside her. She began bouncing like she had that night in Nassau and I took two handfuls of her big breasts and squeezed them hard. "That's it Leo," she moaned. My cot creaked as she rode me like a master and she threw her head back and cried out loud. I started bucking my hips, thrusting my cock upward to match her downward bounces. Her eyes widened even more and she was almost yelling with pleasure. "Fuck!" she cried out. I held her by the hips and started thrusting upward faster, fucking her deep. "Oh my God I missed this cock!" she half screamed. Then her body started trembling and she really did scream as a massive orgasm overtook her. She feel onto my chest, her breasts in my face which I eagerly sucked like a newborn infant.

I gently gripped her body and got on top of her. I had wondered if she'd let me be on top, women like her like to remain in the dominant position. But she made no complaint as I kissed her neck and started driving myself deep into her soaked sex. Her pale legs wrapped around me. She squeezed her own breasts roughly as I was thrusting in as deep as possible in her. I took her hands away and squeezed her breasts myself, just as roughly, driving myself faster and faster. "That's right, fuck me!" she cried just as she had in Tortuga. I did as she wanted, going in as deep as my considerable length could provide, then pulling nearly out with my backward pull before plunging back in again. "Where was this last time?" she panted.

"I wasn't sure what you'd allow last time," I panted in her ear.

"Dammit Leo! If you'd done this last time we might have avoided all the fuss!"

I didn't answer as I could feel my finish coming. "I'm nearly there," I managed to moan in her ear.

"Stand up!"

I got off her and stood, my cock sticking out like a flag pole. All thoughts of cold forgotten she got on her knees. I expected her to work my cock like last time but instead she plunged it into her mouth and started sucking furiously. My knees went weak. I placed a hand in her red hair, unable to articulate words. She bobbed her head back and forth like the whores who got paid for it. Her blue eyes looked up at me. She was telling me silently to finish. Then my body shook and I exploded into her mouth. I expected her to pull away but she clamped her lips down and sucked all of it. Which was a great amount as I spurted five times, just like last time. Only she ever got that much seed from me. When I finally was spent, she leaned back and swallowed all of it.

"My God," I panted.

She smiled. "I've never done that for anyone else you know! Swallow!"

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

She said it aloud! That was somehow better than the sex! I picked her up and held her until we both felt the cold and put a few layers of clothing back on.

"Keep me warm," she said.

"I will." I promised.

We got into my cot and pulled the blanket over us.

She closed her eyes and was asleep not long after. I stayed awake for a time and just stared at her.

Leo you dammed daft idiot you'd done it again!

She loved you!

You had your own ship!

You were your own captain!

Both crews wouldn't dare object this after the haul was paid for!

You'd gotten your revenge on your father and his family!

Fuck you Solomon Kane! Your beating me only made me stronger!

And I'll pay you back for it someday soon!

I settled in beside Brianna and felt sleep come for me.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous20 minutes ago

Good story about a brutal 'profession'. Odd thought: in the morning, back on her own ship, she reveals the jeweled spyglass to her crew. "A souvenir. If he didn't want to lose it, he should've guarded it better." Looking through the glass. "He looks mad, too." Captain Leo is shouting, "Thief! You pirate!!" I know; the next chapter is already posted.


WoodencavWoodencav3 months ago

I’ve really enjoyed this storey, yes it’s less than perfect in relation to the sailing ships, but it’s fiction, it’s a fantastic LOVE STOREY! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

nighthawk22204nighthawk2220411 months ago

Very powerful storytelling. I'm not a stickler for nautical detailing, but I thought it was remarkably well thought out recruit 70 Irish Brit-haters and thugs to steal a British Sailing Frigate fully provisioned off the stays in the dead of a moonless night. I haven't figured out the dateline, but it sounds like this was all pre-1776 and Boston was still a British port?

Yes, it gets absolutely brutal at times, but pirating is a tough business and your rationale for brutality becomes intriguing.

Now, I can't wait to see how our mutually committed Captains continue pirating with their own ships and crews while continually wondering if they really have a relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love the nautical theme, though not trying to beat a dead horse, but more research into the Age of Sail would dramatically improve the ambiance & immersion factor. I would also include the works James L. Nelson and Captain Frederick Marryat.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story, but I agree with DistantConstellation that the nautical inaccuracies are very distracting.

Other details. Pirates usually did not have "Frigate class " vessels. Usually much smaller ones. Launching the ship fully rigged, armed and provisioned did not happen. All the outfitting was done after the hull was launched.

Fighting ships were never without sail as they could not manouver and raising/lowering sails took a long time.

Why don't you correct the very easy stuff? Like major to captain. It wont kill trees.

Keep it up!

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