Road Trip Pt. 03


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Ellen, Crystal, and Terry were all dozing in the living room as I came in the front door. Immediately, they were up and asking me about what I'd done and whether I'd been successful. They were somewhat appalled by my mud-stained appearance. I held up the SanDisk memory card between two fingers. The three of them applauded.

I briefly explained in broad terms what I'd done, also schooling them in 'plausible deniability.' I coached them in how to respond to questions about my whereabouts since we went swimming, and questions about any kind of theft, should anyone ask. I thought it'd only take Bart Kenesis a short time in the morning to figure out that something was amiss, particularly when he went to upload the 'great' photographs he'd worked so hard to get to his computer and sell them to some tabloid. His first guess as to the source of his problems would land squarely on the four of us, particularly me.

Eventually, Ellen and Terry went to one bedroom, and Crystal and I to another. I took the memory card with me and hid it in my gear. I showered and slept the sleep of the just.

* * * * *

We were having brunch on the back deck again when the police came. Maria, the housekeeper, answered the door. She appeared a moment later with a questioning look: "There's a policeman here. He wants to talk to someone about some missing photographs or something. It's a little unclear given the way he tried to describe it. Could one of you talk to him; I think that's what he wants."

We all nodded to each other. Game on.

Terry went to the door since it was his friend's home. He appeared a couple of minutes later with a uniformed police officer behind him. Introductions were made, we offered him coffee that he declined, and Terry urged him to restate his 'problem' to all of us.

The Officer said, "Well, we had a complaint this morning of a break-in and theft at one of the motels along Main Street. The complainant seemed to believe that one of you was the culprit."

We all shook our heads, secure in our belief about our morally right position of having stolen nothing other than our privacy and reputation back from a thief.

I asked in my most innocent voice, "What was taken?" The question would be asked by anyone hearing of a theft.

The officer said, "Well, the complainant said valuable photographs."

Ellen said in a sincere voice, "Well, none of us have stolen any snapshots from anyone."

In my innocence I asked, "So, someone stole a valuable photo album?"

The officer looked a little puzzled and said, "No, just some little doohickey that had been in his camera that had the photographs on it. He was a little unclear about what was missing, only sure that one of your was involved in some way. He was really stirred up - almost hysterical."

Crystal said in a naïve voice, "Well, we'd have nothing to do with anything like that. We were all here all night; even took a long swim." She gestured to the lake, and our bathing suits drying on the outside deck railing. "When did it happen? Who specifically did this person think did it?"

The policeman said, "That's a little fuzzy too, I mean when this happened. His words weren't too crisp when I talked to him. All he could tell me was that the photographs were of some of you, but he wouldn't give us any details to work with. He went to bed and they were there; he woke up and they weren't."

I chuckled and said slyly, "Was he sure the 'little doohickey' had actually been in the camera, or did he erase them accidentally? I've done that on my own camera. The way you describe him sounds as though he'd been hitting the bottle a little early."

The officer nodded knowingly, "There might have been some alcohol involved, at least last night." He shrugged, satisfied it appeared that we were not involved. He added, "The detectives may follow-up with you if they feel there's anything more to this complaint. No one is specifically named or suspected, just the four of you in a broad way. I felt that I should check it out. The man seemed to think that he had lost extremely valuable photographs, I guess of you Miss Lee, since you are a celebrity, or you too, Mr. Mellon." This was the first acknowledgement of Crystal's or my 'star' status.

Crystal said in an unhappy tone, "Officer, I gather from what you just said that this man is paparazzi. I am hounded by the press - the paparazzi - day in and day out. I have to sneak out to go to a store or to see my family or be with friends. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that someone took photographs of me without my knowing it. I can only assume from your use of the term 'valuable' that the person felt he'd caught me in some embarrassing situation. Those are the photos the tabloids seem willing to pay top dollar to get. I hope you honor our rights - all our rights - by keeping people like this away from those of us in the entertainment industry, particularly when we are trying to have our private moments outside the glare of the media in the privacy of our home or a friend's home. I like my privacy." She was firm and almost demanding in her tone.

I nodded to reinforce her message and indicate I felt the same way.

The officer looked to Crystal and said in a sincere tone, "We are used to having celebrities in Branson, Miss Lee, and are well aware of the problems the paparazzi cause them. You have my sympathy for how they can disturb your personal activities. Now that we know you are here, we'll keep an extra eye out for unwanted behavior in this neighborhood."

Crystal looked him straight in the eye and said, "Thank you. Now, please tell this person to leave us alone, if indeed he had photographed us. There are a lot of other celebs to photograph in Branson that probably want their picture taken; aim him at them. I do not welcome it."

I asked with a tone of pure curiosity, "For future reference, can you tell us this person's name. If there are further incidents with the paparazzi, we'd like to remember who we've crossed paths with in some way in the past."

The policeman paused for a moment before responding, "At this point, I can't release any names. If you have problems, please contact the Branson PD. Thank you for your time." He backed up to the door he'd come in. Marie had waited to escort him out. The four of us again sat down to continue our meal. I signaled for us to remain silent until we were sure he'd left the house.

I doubted we'd hear from the police again. I wasn't so sure we wouldn't hear from Bart Kenesis again; after all, in a way, I'd just stolen a million dollars and a professional coup from him. That's probably what he could have gotten for those photos from the right tabloids.

When we were sure we could be alone for a while; I popped the memory card into my laptop computer. The four of us looked at every one of the pictures on the card, starting with a shot of Crystal and me riding into town in the late afternoon. We'd been spotted before we even got to the house and then probably followed!

The shots of the four of us fucking on the boat were revealing and erotic. They would be damaging to all our careers forever, and therein lay the larger benefit of having stolen the memory card. The protection of our long-term earnings in millions surely justified our actions to retrieve the salacious pictures and prevent their publication.

A series of photographs showed us having cocktails and dinner on the deck taken from several different places around the yard, captured our walk down to the dock after dark; revealed each of us discarding our swimsuits and diving into the water, and then the juicy stuff - as Ellen called it.

A group of photographs taken rapidly showed Ellen and me climbing out onto the dock, kissing, and then getting into the open cockpit of the powerboat. There were several photographs of Ellen giving me a blowjob; the ecstasy on my face showed clearly in a few of the frames. A long series of shots showed Ellen mounting me, and the two of us fucking, with me often sucking on her breasts.

More shots showed Crystal and Terry getting out of the water. The pair stood and watched Ellen and me fucking. Terry had reached down and fingered Crystal's cunt; Crystal clearly liked what he was doing. The two of them got into the boat, and quickly assumed positions next to us. In one frame, Ellen kissed Terry as I kissed Crystal; Ellen remained impaled on my cock. Other photos showed the sisters kissing as they fucked.

Many shots showed the four of us fucking in various positions. Different images revealed Ellen's and then Crystal's climaxes - backs arched, heads facing skyward, and a joyful look with closed eyes. My own climax didn't look all that different. I guess Kenesis had missed Terry's spasm of joy.

It was about then that I had spotted a glint from the lens, but there were no shots that revealed what had gone on in my head. Instead, there was a photo of me diving into the lake off the side of the dock, followed by the others. Kenesis must not have suspected anything because he took a few more shots of us in the water and then the photographic series ended. Those were the last shots. The photographer had decided to run with what he had at that point.

I had studied photography as part of my Special Ops training, particularly night photography. The clarity and lack of graininess of the shots amazed me. The Canon camera I'd held in my hand for a few moments had a remarkable capability to take the shots of us in such revealing detail in such limited light. I would never underestimate what the paparazzi were capable of in the future. I'd have to get new radar that kept an eye out for them.

Terry kicked himself around a bit, apologizing to us all for allowing us all to take a risk that we'd be seen. He said he should have known better, given how diligent he knew the paparazzi to be.

* * * * *

Crystal French kissed my ear, and whispered, "All those sexy photographs have made me horny. Are you the big strong man who can help me solve my problem?" She snickered at her sarcasm.

I smiled at her, and we excused ourselves from Terry and Ellen.

When we came back an hour later, the two of them were missing. I guessed that they too had succumbed to the eroticism of the photos of us all fucking the night before. I folded up the computer, making sure no trace of the titillating pictures remained. I took the memory card outside. I rolled up some newspaper, added a few twigs from the yard, set the postage stamp size memory card atop the pile, doused the small pile with an ounce of gasoline from my motorcycle, and lit everything afire. Thick black acrid smoke erupted from the small, thin, burning plastic memory card; the whole device shriveled up into a worthless mass of hard ash in less than a minute. I let the fire burn itself out, but early on I was certain that no part of what had been on the card could be resurrected.

Crystal had watched me from the door. She said, "You know I kind of hate to see all that good pornography go up in smoke, especially when I've found I have some talent in that area, and that I'm really quite photogenic under such circumstances." She pumped her hips at me in a symbolic gesture of fucking.

I stood and kissed her. "And what would you like to do today, Miss Lee?"

"Just be with you, Mr. Mellon. How about a swim?"

The two of us suited up and soon were back in the water off the dock. After burning off some energy, the two of us climbed into the back of the boat again. As a joke, I offered to repeat last night with her, but in the daylight and with other boats passing-by not too far away. After all that had happened, Crystal looked shocked at my suggestion, until she realized I was teasing her. Instead, I withdrew two cold drinks from the small refrigerator on the boat and handed one to Crystal. We settled comfortably onto the couch that had been the scene of our lovemaking last night.

Crystal and I drifted into a serious talk about relationships, and obliquely about the two of us. Neither of us had planned the chat; it just happened. She asked whether I felt any jealousy about her and Terry last night. I explained that I felt joy that she looked so happy and content as they coupled, the same as I'd felt watching her arousal and satisfaction with Paul Binford. I added that Ellen was a passionate companion, so I didn't feel that I was missing anything. Somewhere, I tossed out the terms open marriage and open relationship.

I asked her the same question about Ellen and me. Crystal thought and responded by describing what having an open relationship meant to her, particularly when someone was in another relationship. To her, it included a sensitivity to one another, a secure and loving place to come home to, openness to each other, no secrets from each other, a place to share the erotic times enjoyed with others, and the certainty of an invitation for all parties to be together as the four of us had done the night before.

I spoke of how I felt about inclusion versus exclusion, and the fine line between commitment and ownership. No one wants to be owned, but they want to feel commitment, and these days that doesn't have to be exclusive. I explained how in my travels I'd learned to have feelings and attachment for more than one woman. I'd seen examples, particularly in Pennsylvania where multiple long-established group relationships thrived side-by-side.

I asked Crystal how she would feel being a guest at a home where open love was practiced. She expressed excitement and anticipation at the idea, hoping she'd be accepted and welcomed into their fold. She said, "If they are open to extend their love and affection to me, then I want to return the favor. You know I like physical lovemaking; I wouldn't mind sharing it with like-minded people."

I raised Ellen by asking, "Would it bother you if I had a long-term physical relationship with your sister - and I include deep emotional feelings in my question as well?" In the asking, I had to think and share how I would feel about this situation.

Crystal slowly said, "No, I think not. Aren't you there already with her? We've shared a lot growing up, and more recently have enjoyed sex and lovemaking with each other. If you establish a relationship with her in addition to me, I am still the beneficiary since what makes her happy also makes me happy. I just hope you wouldn't ... have a falling out with me." She looked at me with big eyes; I thought she might have been near tears.

Crystal had told me frequently that she loved me but I had rarely used the 'L' word with her, and then only obliquely. Crystal was the third woman - Lauren, Kim and Crystal - that I had been with on my trip that I felt deep love for. Ellen might be the fourth. I had questioned my sanity and wondered at my intentions for these women after my road trip. Was it possible to truly love four women at the same time? Could I build a life that included all of them? I didn't know whether that would be possible or what I wanted it to look like, but I did know that I wanted Crystal to be a partner in my life.

Saying a serious 'I-love-you' in a declaration on bended knee hadn't happened, but Crystal's statement indicated that we had moved beyond the casual acquaintance and fuck-buddy stage, to something truly substantial. I leaned into Crystal and whispered, "Never; I could never not be with you. I need you to be an integral part of my life now and in the future." I paused and said assertively, "Crystal, I love you." She looked very happy, and we shared a kiss. She whispered back, "Me too, I hope you can feel how much; what I feel for you is so consuming it takes up all of my heart;" and we kissed some more.

The subject of Lauren came up, as well as my complicated feelings for her. Crystal knew she looked like my late wife and how that fact often short-circuited my mind when she was around as she had been in Indianapolis. I told Crystal I'd developed both lusty and affectionate feelings for Lauren, even deep feelings, but had no vision for where things would go with Lauren.

In her next question, Crystal showed great insight about what went on in my subconscious: "What about your sister Anna? You love her a lot too. You want a physical relationship with her as well, don't you?"

My head jerked up to look at Crystal. She'd just hit an open nerve, and I didn't know it even existed as close to the surface as it did until she asked the question that way. I stammered around trying to put words together for a reply, "I ... errr ... she'd never ... I don't know ... I need ..."

Crystal touched my arm and said, "Relax. I'm not trying to nail you for having incestuous feelings about your sister. Good grief, I've had sexual relations with my sister for the past twelve years. I can tell you might not have consciously thought about Anna that way, but I feel deep within that you feel something there ... and I'd bet that Anna has the same feelings for you."

"But you've never even met her. I've barely spoken about her."

"It doesn't matter. When I listen to what I'm feeling and receiving inside, I sometimes get messages like this. Call it woman's intuition." Crystal shrugged and put her face up to the sun with her eyes closed; she looked so peaceful. She added as an afterthought, "I think it'd be cool to see you fuck your sister - to make love to her. I hope I'm there when it happens."

After a long silence, I said, "Come and let's meditate for a while. I want this discussion to fully infiltrate my thinking. I also want to see whether I sense anything the way you did. I do sometimes."

Crystal and I got off the boat and sat beneath a few of the giant pines that shaded the backyard. At her request, I started our meditation time with a short oration:

"We've talked of love, relationships, attachment, our sexuality, being worthy, intuition, and enlightenment. We know deep inside that all these and more are ours for the taking when we connect ourselves with the Infinite Mind of the friendly and supportive Universe we live in. All the love, passion, and connection we seek exist as they always have in our lives; we need only to open ourselves to them - to give them as willingly as we receive them. To know that at our most fundamental level we are bonded together as Source Energy and Universal Love, and that energy brings us to a common place of peace and love that we each radiate back into the Universe. We center our minds and souls and join with the One Mind of all life. Now, we clear our thoughts and open ourselves to the Universe."

My head took over ten minutes to clear for my meditating. Thoughts of Crystal, Ellen, Kim, Lauren, Anna, Karen, Terry, and almost everyone I had recently been with swirled through my mind. I finally realized I was making a connection with each of them as the thoughts passed. And then, I had the wonderful awareness of 'Being.' I probably came out of my meditative trance forty-five minutes later. Crystal sat beside me, her large dark eyes smiling at me with obvious affection.

* * * * *

The four of us went to see a couple of shows while we were in Branson. We also played tourists and went to some of the popular sites, including the Wax Museum. Terry knew enough people to guarantee we got stage side seats at the shows, and got personal attention from the stars we went to see: Gatlin Brothers, Debby Boone, and the Rankin Brothers. Larry Gatlin coaxed Crystal onstage to do her hit'Flirty, Flirty Cowgirl' and me onstage to join her in 'Texas Dawn.' We had a lot of fun doing the song with him; to our surprise he knew all the words and music. We got a standing ovation, as did the Gatlin Brothers.

That night, Ellen came into my bed, as Crystal joined Terry. I had the opportunity to let Ellen know how much I cared about her and how I wanted her as a permanent fixture in my life. She glowed in that affection.
