Roxanne the Punk Princess


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Her heart sank. The drone aimed for what appeared to be either a small shelf, a nook, or a secret little reading area. It released her coat, dangling it over the top of the shelf. Katie sighed. How could she ever hope to get her coat back from up there?

"Roxanne," she called out again to no response. "Figures," she muttered to herself.

Katie rubbed her now bare arm and smoothed down the oversized off-white shirt. There had to be a way to get that coat back from this evil kid.

Then she saw it. The shelf could be reached via the very top of the sofa. Biting her lip and checking her shoes, she wanted to get her coat back, but she didn't want to cause any damage to the house. Everything here looked enormously expensive and well beyond her budget.

But with nothing else tall enough, she had no other choice. She may be slender, but she was flexible and had plenty of athleticism as a former member of the gymnastics team. Katie climbed onto the leather sofa and gazed up at the shelf. It was just out of reach, but with a leap, she could catch herself and pull herself up to the top to retrieve her coat.

Katie took a deep breath and accelerated upward, both hands grabbing the edge. As she heaved herself upward, her head coming over the edge, she almost dropped down again when she saw a big pair of eyes ringed by heavy mascara staring back at her.

It was Roxanne, the kid she was supposed to be babysitting. At a glance, she looked much the same age as her. With big orange hair and a shaved undercut on the left side of her head, Roxanne bore a mischievous look on her face from her cross-legged position. She was smiling, of course.

"Hi," said the punk girl.



"But you look like you're at least seventeen. Why am I babysitting you?"

"Eighteen, actually. Daddy doesn't trust me."

"No shit." Katie took in the sight of Roxanne for the first time. She wore a black leather jacket, black shirt, black skinny jeans just like her, held up with a belt with a silver buckle, plus a pair of high-heeled boots. "Help me up, or I'll fall."

Roxanne regarded her for a few moments.

"Roxanne, seriously. Help me. We can talk about why I'm here later when I get my coat back."

Talk about this later. She thinks because I'm eighteen that I must be retarded if she's here. Who the fuck does she thinks she is? ME? Retarded? That's funny. Time to make her pay, but first...

Roxanne shuffled toward her on her bubble butt until she was looking down at Katie, who was now stuck. She was too strong to fall down and too weak to pull herself up. To Roxanne, this was the perfect position. What fun she could have.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Like every teenager in the middle of a difficult situation, she switched it to selfie mode and threw the devil horns at the screen with her black-painted fingernail as she snapped the photo.


"Shhhh..." Roxanne looked at her phone.

Perfect. I look awesome, and the shot captures Katie being pissed off perfectly. Or is that fear?

"Fucking hell, Roxanne, I'm going to hurt myself. Help me."

Roxanne knew she was directly above the sofa, and she'd already calculated her fall. At worse, she'd bounce off the sofa and take a bump, but no real damage. Why would she have brought her up here in the first place, after all?

"Okay. I'll help you, Katie." Roxanne got onto her knees in front of her and reached forward as if she were going to lift her up from under her arms. "By the way... I like your shirt."

"Wha -"

Roxanne reached toward the fabric at her back and pulled the shirt up her back. It took mere seconds for Katie to scream, Roxanne to get the shirt up to the back of her neck, and Katie to fall backward in shock.

She grinned as Katie fell backward and hit the soft comfort of the sofa back-first. As expected, she landed perfectly, not even bouncing onto the floor. Katie, on the other hand, lay like a starfish with her small bra-covered tits pointing back up at the punk princess.

"Click click."

Katie watched Roxanne take a picture of her with her phone. A long second passed before Katie realized. She was lying on the sofa of someone else's house in her POWDER BLUE bra. She threw her hands over her small tits.

"You're so shy."

"Gimme back my shirt." Katie rolled over on her side to shield her bra from Roxanne. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Roxanne just looked at her, taking more photos every so often.

Katie rolled off the sofa and got to her feet. She felt exposed and felt her cheeks going pink. It still washed over her as she realized this girl had stripped her of her shirt.

"Throw it back, you crazy bitch. I'm your babysitter."

"You are. And that means you have to play with me. Besides, my viewers are going to love these pictures."


"Browsers, really. Anyway, we're just getting started."

"What the?"

"By the way, all the doors are locked. And it's all linked to this remote." Roxanne pulled a little controller out of her pocket with a big yellow button in the middle. "So, you're going to have to play with me."

The gears turned inside Katie's head. She'd been set up. Did her father know what she was like? Was this girl so smart that she had hid her insanity from everyone else? More importantly, what did she mean by browsers, and... was this going on the Internet?

Katie's mouth went dry, and she gulped. She didn't want to think about it. Even if the doors were unlocked, she couldn't walk across town in just her bra. Everyone would see her. But if she stayed, was Roxanne going to try to strip her more?

The babysitter gritted her teeth, mulling over what to do next.

Roxanne felt on top of the world when she saw those first instances of embarrassment. Being stripped down to her bra would only be the beginning. She analyzed Katie with those big, enchanting eyes. The girl was caught between multiple thoughts and couldn't settle on one.

"What do you mean play?" Katie said weakly.

"What do you think it means?"

"Is this all just a game to you? You brought me here just to humiliate me?"

"Yep." Roxy flashed her a gleaming smile. "It turns me on, you see."

"What the -"

"We all have our things, and this is mine. Don't try to beg, Katie. It's not going to work. I set up everything just for tonight while Daddy is away. So, I'm not going to let you go without a fight."

Katie growled. "Fine. I'll make you pay for this when I get my hands on you."

Roxanne licked her lips. "Sure, okay."

A casual talk with the babysitter. It didn't happen that often. Most of them either tried to run or wanted to fight.

This one could be interesting for her viewers. Katie stepped out of the living room and out of view. But it didn't matter. Roxy already knew that her next move would be to make her way upstairs. This house had more than two floors and an endless set of corridors. She wouldn't get to her.

Roxanne tapped the control against her chin. Katie's tits may not be anything to write home about, but she had already seen the small yet tight ass encased within her black skinny jeans. She'd be seeing it soon.

Katie still had a hand thrown across her bra. Even as the seconds passed and she left Roxanne behind, it didn't feel any better. If she fell for any more of her tricks, she'd be losing something much bigger next time. The idea of being topless or pantsless didn't appeal to her. But as for her plan, she didn't have one.

If she could get that door control from Roxanne, she might be able to escape before anything worse happened.

Katie found herself back in the entrance hall, looking up at the grand staircase leading to the upper levels. This time, she trod carefully, searching for any signs of traps. Roxanne had probably rigged just about everything in this house, but if she moved slowly, it would give her a chance.

She lifted and pressed one foot on each step, listening to any strange noises that could indicate a trap. Her heart thudded as she made it three-quarters of the way up the stairs. Behind her, she could see a landing that led left or right, with two separate staircases leading up to yet another level.

Katie determined that if she was going to make it to Roxanne, she would find her at the top of the house. After all, where would a girl like that want her bedroom to be?

Katie decided that since most people were right-handed and it would be logical to go right, she should go left.

Once again, she began to climb the staircase. Again, nothing seemed untoward in the silent house or under her feet. This time, she saw the beginning of a long corridor. Three steps to go.

Katie was already planning her next move, satisfied that she had made the right choice. If any staircase was trapped, it would have been the other one. But as she prepared to take a step up, she found herself clinging onto the rail for dear life as the steps disappeared beneath her feet.

"Damn it. What?"

Nothing but a stone slide now existed beneath her feet. Yet she was so close to the top. If she could use her upper-body strength, she might be able to pull and swing herself to the top. With both hands, she pulled herself inch by inch.

Then she heard heavy boots from her left. She got her head up in time to see Roxanne running toward her in her helpless state. A glint of something metallic in her hand caught the light as she moved from shadow to light.

Katie panicked, and her hands gripped the railing for fear of sliding all the way back down again.

The punk princess struck with what turned out to be an extra-strong pair of pliers in her hand. With ridiculous accuracy and dexterity, Roxy dove in and seized the brass button on the front of her black skinny jeans.

Roxy wrenched back with the pliers, almost making Katie lose her balance. Another wrench and an audible exertion from Roxanne. Katie tried to throw herself away from her, but it was too late.

The pliers tore the top button out of her jeans. Roxy threw the pliers aside instantly and tried to go in and grab her zipper to try to reveal her panties. This movement made Katie lose her nerve, and she lost her grip on the rail.

Katie slid down the smooth flooring until she came to a gentle halt at the bottom. But she had lost her button, and now her pants were vulnerable.

"Hehe, so close. But I got to pop your button."

Roxanne didn't stop to brag this time. She'd generated some momentum, and now she wanted to keep Katie off her guard. That meant moving to the next phase of the plan. But Roxanne couldn't hide her disappointment from herself as she ran away from the scene of the crime.

Damn, so close to getting her pants. That was almost a personal best. Let's see if this next one gets that bubble butt out. I wonder if her panties match her bra.

This time, Roxanne knew that Katie was likely in hot pursuit of her. The right-hand staircase was the one that she hadn't rigged, knowing that she would try to outthink her by going left. So, she didn't have much of a head-start if she'd awoken the dragon, which admittedly had happened in the past.

Roxanne rounded a couple of corners until she came to a shadowy atrium that had once been used as a dining room. Today, it was nothing more than a place where they stored boxes of nothing. The room was mainly bathed in shadow, but it still got enough illumination from the outdoor lights, giving it an eerie yet movie-like atmospheric look.

The punk princess listened for how close Katie was to her. She heard her screaming obscenities somewhere in the distance, but she could hear her sneakers slapping across the floor. A mixture of caution but determination.

Roxanne reached behind one of the boxes and unveiled her next plan. But she had to be fast if this was going to work how she'd envisioned it in her head.

Katie was furious. Not only had she been stripped but Roxanne had gone and destroyed her jeans. No matter what happened, they were ruined beyond repair.

They were tight enough to not fall down, but that didn't matter. An open button wasn't a fashion statement.

Katie stalked down the corridor. She'd heard the heavy boots of Roxanne echoing through the house. Eventually she was going to catch up with her. She was going to tear her limb from limb.

She came upon a dark room. It looked like a welcoming hall at one point in time. Still perfectly clean and elegant but just boxes shoved to the walls and stacked around the room.

She figured this would be the ideal hiding place. The boots had stopped suddenly and she heard no doors. This had to be the place.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, peaking out behind some boxes, she caught a glimpse of spiked orange hair. Katie didn't turn towards it. Let her think she hadn't seen her and then jump on her.

Katie made a show of looking behind other boxes and creeping around the room. At all times her ears were pricked for movement. Nothing. This girl was pretty good at hide and seek.

After a few minutes of searching and waiting, Katie knew she was just on the other side of where Roxanne was hiding.

She had her now. But what was the best plan of attack?

Katie didn't want to give Roxanne the chance to think. She was going to kick her ass for what she'd done here and then go home. Forget about the money promised to her.

With lightning speed, Katie leaped out and tackled Roxanne with a crunch. The punk went down with ease.

"Got you now!" Katie seized her spiky hair. "You think you're so smart?"

She froze. The orange hair came off in her hand. What was this?

Katie leaped to her feet in horror and threw off the black fabric beneath her. It was a fake. Roxanne had made her look stupid again.

Before Katie could process what had happened, something hard slammed into her back. She tripped over the dummy and threw her hands out to break her fall.

Before she could right herself, she felt two hands plunge into the back of her skinny jeans.

Katie let out a high-pitched screech as Roxanne pulled her skinny jeans down past her ass and to her knees. Her POWDER BLUE matching Brazilian cut panties showing an ample amount of cheek was on show.

She kicked desperately, trying to get Roxanne away just for a second. But the punk was too fast, pulling them all the way down to her ankles and popping off her brown sneakers in the process.

With practiced efficiency, Roxanne swooped upon her sneakers and flew out of the atrium with her jeans and sneakers in her hands.

Katie lunged toward where Roxanne had been but found only the floor.

Katie's mouth gaped open. The stylish teen had now been stripped down to a matching pair of powder blue bra and panties by the kid she was supposed to be babysitting.

She wondered whether to cry, but she was frozen in shock. Here she was, sitting on the ground in her socks and underwear, having been embarrassed multiple times in less than an hour.

Her mind raced. She had to think of a new plan. She had to try a different approach, or... she wouldn't think about that.

Roxanne fled deeper into the house, far away from the atrium. She had both of Katie's brown sneakers and her black skinny jeans under her arm. She was filled with glee at how her plan had worked. A simple decoy in the dark was all it took to deliver Katie's greatest exposure yet.

Damn, that was so hot. She's got a great ass; I just want to slap it. No, no, I can't get distracted now. This isn't over yet. I can have fun later.

Of course, the fun she meant was the final humiliation. The loss of that final piece of clothing and the total humiliation of her victim. She may not have had the chance to stand around and gawk at Katie, but her surveillance system had definitely picked everything up. With the faces blurred, this would make a great clip for her website.

Roxanne felt herself hot as the image of Katie losing her pants wouldn't escape from her mind. Once she reached her destination - and the sight of her next play - she couldn't help but brush her hand across the crotch of her own skinny jeans. Her body responded how she expected, a wave of warmth washing over her.

She shook her head as she hid Katie's clothes. This wasn't the time.

Roxy moved into a longer hallway and into the upstairs TV room. Plush chairs sat around a vast wall while a projector hung above her head. Bookshelves filled with leather-bound books were positioned around the wall. She grabbed her homemade repeating crossbow from behind one of the bookshelves that she'd hidden before Katie's arrival.

Katie had gotten to her feet and left the atrium in pursuit of Roxanne. She questioned why she was still giving chase after everything that had happened. The teenage punk had stripped her down to her underwear, and now half of her ass was hanging out as she made her way along endless corridors.

But she couldn't return home now, not without some clothes. If she found some clothes, she could try to escape through a window or something. Either way, she was all in now. It was either subdue Roxanne or find some clothes and run away.

Katie peeked around every corner and checked every nook for signs of traps. Every time she subconsciously lifted a hand to her chest or down to her crotch, she felt only the thin protection of her bra and panties. Each time, a reminder that she was indeed nearly naked in a strange home on the other side of town.

The home was well-lit now. Clearly, that little monster also had access to the lighting system in her pocket.

She saw a couple of leather armchairs in the distance and moved down the corridor toward them. In only her socks, she stepped into the carpeted room. Everything looked normal to her, but then she saw that familiar flash of orange hair again and raised her hands to her face reflexively.

"Roxanne." Nothing happened. "What the hell is that?"

Roxanne stood at the other side of the room with a crossbow. The crossbow looked real, but the end of the "bolt" had a suction cup attached to the end of it. To her, it reminded her of a toy her kid brother had.

"You'll see," said Roxanne with a grin.

Katie growled and stalked toward her. "Just give me back my clothes, and I'm leaving."

"Nuh-uh. I'm not done with you yet."

Roxanne fired the bolt. The suction cup flew toward her at lightning speed, thumping her in the right tit and knocking her back a little. Katie looked down at the strange crossbow bolt. It was like a little plunger attached to her bra cup.

A small piece of string attached it to some sort of lever on the back of Roxanne's crossbow. Then, it dawned on her what she was trying. Katie panicked. She had to get to Roxanne before she fired the next shot.

Katie charged across the TV room, intent on tackling Roxanne before she could get off that second shot. But she still had so much ground to make up.

Roxanne's crossbow automatically reloaded itself, meaning all she had to do was aim. With Katie running straight at her, the punk princess had no trouble striking her other bra cup. The force stopped her in her tracks for a few seconds.

And that was all it took.

"Wait, wait..."

Roxanne pressed a button underneath her homemade crossbow weapon, and the pulley behind the crossbow activated. The two ropes attached to the suction cups shot backward with an enormous force.

Katie's eyes widened as the weapon pulled on her bra cups. Her bra snapped open at the back, and soon, the powder blue garment detached from her chest and down her arms, before she could react.

She screamed, but the bra had already reached Roxanne's grasp. Lowering the crossbow, Katie blinked tears away as Roxanne waved the bra around her head.

Katie clutched her hands over her small tits. Her pair of rounded globes hid the two erect nipples underneath. No, it wasn't arousal. It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head.