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I wondered if she had called her mom before. Mom did not seem surprised by it.

Sammy rested for a few moments then rolled us over putting me on top and whispered, "Fuck me hard."

I did until she had a magical orgasm and it took her several minutes for her to recover.

As I walked to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth she noticed I had not cum.

"Did we break that thing night before last?"

"No. It is fine but it has reached another gear. It apparently knows it is not done."

"Glad to hear that," Mom said from the doorway. Sam giggled as they walked out together. I joined them in the kitchen after I dressed. My cock was still hard.

Mom had a smile then a worried look when she saw that before I sat for breakfast. She had a very worried look when I got up after breakfast and she saw the erection was still there.

As I sat to continue studying Mom asked if I was OK. I said I was fine although living with two gorgeous women was a challenge. She kissed me and left me to my studies.

Twenty minutes later Sam brought me coffee and checked on my cock. It was flaccid. She smiled happily and kissed me before running out to find Mom.

Sam and I were making out on the sofa that night when I asked her why she wasn't studying.

"I already finished all my exams. In fact I have finished all my studies. The only thing left for me to do is post your Mom's final grades. I will do that in the morning. What time is your exam?"

"Eight. We can go in together then go somewhere for breakfast after I finish my exam."

"Bring me a doggy bag. I should be out of bed by then," Mom said as she joined us on the couch.

"Wiseass," Sam and I said in unison.

Mom had been reminding us since Thursday that the only thing on her agenda before September was a trip with her girlfriends to Las Vegas.

Mom kissed us and said to Sam, "Time for our fashion show."

I had forgotten about their five hour shopping spree.

Sam jumped up and followed Mom to her bedroom. They returned wearing identical sundresses except Sam's dress was green, while Mom's was blue. Sam was a redhead, Mom was a blonde.

After two more dresses one of which was a gown for Mom's Vegas trip they returned wearing shorts and blouses. Sammy's were the type one would wear in a rainforest; Mom's were the type one would wear in a desert. Both claimed everything was interchangeable between them.

I just said, "Oh, "as I doubted Sammy's blouses would fit over Mom's bigger tits.

The show ended up with swimsuits, bikinis. Mom's second one was just barely covered her good stuff and I said just that.

"Too big, huh?" she asked.

Sam pulled the front to the bra down then released it and it sprung up and free revealing Mom's tits.

"Ta-da" they both sang.

I knew Mom went to Vegas every year to get fucked but apparently she had decided to up the quality of the bait.

Her tits really were fabulous.

Sam was masturbating when I got to bed that night. I replaced her finger with my cock. I fucked her hard to three orgasms and made love to her to one that was bigger than the first three combined.

I ejaculated an enormous amount of cum into her during her last cum and we both quickly went to sleep.

My exam the next day was multiple-choice and had only fifty questions. I was done in twenty minutes. I went to Mom's office as Sam was taping the grades on the door. There were about ten students around her that quickly gathered around the list.

I took Sam's hand and walked us to my car. We had become accustomed to holding hands in public.

We ate a very delicious unhealthy breakfast then took one out for Mom. She was still asleep when we got home.

"Go study, I will wake her up," Sam said.

I returned to the kitchen and put Mom's breakfast in the oven at one hundred and forty degrees.

I did not hear from the women until noon. They brought me lunch and remained to tell me they had an errand to run. Apparently someone's grade was missing from the grade list.

They returned an hour later complaining about how cumbersome the system to repost grades was. The missing grade had been an A.

I got up and took Sam to my bed and ate her pussy. I had wanted to do that all day. We did not fuck until that night.

My final the next day was also multiple choice but only twenty-five questions. All grades had to be in by Thursday so everything had to be graded by Wednesday night, I was not surprised.

Graduation for Sammy and me was Thursday night.

I was not worried about the exams; I knew the real final grades for me had been submitted the week before.

During the graduation ceremonies Mom was as proud of Sammy as she was of me, maybe a bit more. She may have been worried that Sammy would not make it to the finish line.

I wondered why Sam's parents were not there, Mom and I appeared to be all the family she had. At our dinner feast I asked Mom that question when Sam went to the restroom and learned we really were all the family she had. Her parents and big brother had been killed in a tourist bus crash in Mexico.

My Mom really was her Mom.

My trip began the following Monday, fifteen days at various lodges in Costa Rica. Mom had purchased Sam's plane ticket and miraculously had us seated together. Perhaps it was flying TACA that allowed that to happen.

We had not told Sam yet.

"Baby, where is your passport?" Mom innocently asked Sam.

"In my purse. I am an international person so I need it all the time," she quipped.

"Let me see it. I have never held one and want know how it looks."

Both were lies of course, she had a passport and had seen mine. Mine had stamps for Costa Rica, Canada and Spain.

As soon as her passport was in Mom's hand I took Sam to my bed and again ate her pussy.

"Sorry, I was famished," I told her after her cum.

"So am I," she said and pulled off my shorts. She had my cock in her mouth several times before but all those occasions were preludes to a fuck. It quickly became clear to me this was a blowjob.

Knowing she was going to finish me off got my cock very exited and I soon needed to work hard to keep it from exploding.

I warned her twice but she kept my cock in her mouth until it was empty.

She did not quit. She continued to make love to my cock so my cock stayed erect for a while.

"You gave him a blowjob?" I heard Mom ask from the doorway.

Sam nodded and continued her task. Mom left the doorway and I gently extricated my cock from Sam's mouth. I got dressed as Sam lay on the bed with a contented smile.

I kissed her, which made her very happy.

I went to the computer. TACA had acknowledged the receipt of the passport fax.

We were set to go.

Monday arrived and Mom was driving my car as she took us to the airport. I was sitting in the back seat as the ladies talked about Las Vegas. Mom parked the car at the terminal and we all went in.

I checked our luggage, showed the passports and got our boarding passes. Mom had Sam involved in conversation throughout.

We walked to the security line and Mom kissed us and left. Sam began to follow her but I took her hand and showed both of our boarding passes and driver licenses to the agent and he waived us through.

It began to sink into Sam's brain she was leaving the country, that she was coming with me. Tears were flowing when we went past the x-ray station. She clung to me as we walked to our gate. Twice she tried to tell me something but almost burst into tears so she stopped.

As we waited for our flight to be called she gripped my hand with ferocity. Her tears returned as we were called to board. We were perhaps five hundred miles into our flight before she could speak.

"I am so in love with you I think I am going to burst," She said.

I kissed her softly and said, "And I love you madly."

Her tears returned and I was not sure she knew we landed and took off again from Belize. She was aware when we landed in El Salvador. She was giddy with excitement when we landed in Costa Rica.

I got us a cab to our nearby hotel and after dinner I told her about our itinerary. Her eyes were wide in wonder when I described the places we would be staying and what I hoped she would see.

After she ran out of questions I put all the brochures away and got naked. She immediately began a blowjob but I stopped her and asked her to please get naked too.

She giggled as she ripped her clothes off. I was in bed on my back when she again tried to suck my cock but I maneuvered her over me and she at last sank my cock into her.

I began to tell her about my previous trip, the problems with driving in a country that did not post highway signs, I made sure she heard me when I told her she needed to help me navigate but not to be looking at the map all the time or she was going to miss seeing something really amazing.

Her urge to fly us into a fuck calmed. Tears formed and fell on me.

"You are better than my wildest dreams. I'm not sure you do love me but you said you did and that is a lot more than I ever hoped.

Do know I am yours. Anything you wish I will do for you. I love you."

She kissed me, it was a forever kiss. I hugged her hard to me and returned her forever kiss.

She began the fuck. We had just gotten to the point where all our concentration was transferred to our genitals when my phone rang. It was Mom. I put the phone on speaker.

"Hi Mom," Sam and I said.

"Hi. Where are you? What are you doing?"

"We are in our hotel room fucking. And you? Sam answered.

"In my bed masturbating," she said amid giggles. We could hear the dishwasher running, she was in the kitchen.

"Honey did you like your surprise?"

Sammy was just beaming apparently thinking Mom could see her face.

I said, "She was literally speechless until we were flying over the Yucatan peninsula. Her shock just wore off about ten minutes ago."

"No, I was fine," Sam said before bursting into giggles.

"He told me we landed in Belize for twenty minutes but I don't remember that. I may have been a bit out of it for a while but I am fine now."

"Good. Remember that if you don't call me everyday I will call you every night and interrupt your fuck. I love both of you. Bye"

"We love you, bye."

"Now where were we?"

We made love and fucked for two hours that night. I had two strong cums. I lost track of hers around her eighth or eleventh.

The next morning we picked up our rental car and headed towards Monteverde Lodge and the cloud forest, I had reserved two nights there. Sam was agog at the landscape and giddy when we drove past some howler monkeys.

I had been there before so there were no problems with navigation. Sammy did see a dead seven-foot long boa on the road.

"We don't see that at home," she said.

"That would be a five hundred dollar snake at home. We should be close to our right turn."

We found our way to the mountain and checked into the lodge.

We made love in bed, showered, and then went to the restaurant for dinner. After dinner we strolled the perimeter of the lodge and then returned to our room and again made love.

We drove to the park early the next morning. On my first trip there like everyone else I had searched for the golden toads but was now convinced there were none in the wild.

I had not planned on repeating the long hike and I was not sure Sam would have been able to handle it anyway.

Instead I took Sammy to the hummingbird feeders and she was just stunned at the number and variety of hummers there. I allowed her to stay for as long as she wanted which proved to be over thirty minutes. We took picture after picture.

I then took her in search of a quetzal, there were several in the park. Sam again could not believe her eyes when we spotted one directly above us and another looking at us from its tree hole.

As we walked a short trail I told Sam, "Find two of the exact same kind of tree," I asked her.

Every time she thought she had done so I pointed out the differences, they were not the same tree. She was amazed when she realized that even though there were probably a hundred trees around us no two were the same.

I was repeating an exercise a ranger had taught me before but I did not tell her that until we were home.

"Are there snakes here? She suddenly asked.

"Yes but not many. It gets too cold for them here at night."

"What is that green thing on that tree?"

"A snake, probably a kind of viper."

"Aren't you afraid of it?"

"No, there are no flying snakes here. It is likely waiting for the lizard above it to move. There is a nice size tarantula at the base of the tree."


"Are you ready to go back to the lodge?" We had been in the park four hours and I did not want to stress Sam's stamina.

"Lets visit the hummingbirds again first," she said.

As she followed a rangers instruction on how to get one to land on her finger I bought her the first souvenir t-shirt on the trip. When I got back to the feeders Sam had a large hummer on a finger. He stayed there long enough for me to get the picture.

We got back to the lodge in the early afternoon and ate lunch. We went to our room for a nap, which we really did take.

Then we fucked.

The lodge had some trails the best of which overlooked a valley. We went for a walk and as I hoped we heard and saw the bird whose song sounds like a loud "Boing," a sound no one would expect from a living thing.

Sammy was befuddled by it and the only bird around was too far to look up in my bird guide but we did see its body quiver just before we heard the sound. It was not much better a view than I had my first time there. It was silvery and about the size of a crow. The picture I took was not going to help but I did record its call.

She was entranced when we saw a toucan then saw a different kind of toucan. She was even more enthralled when we saw and heard a large troop of capuchin monkeys.

It was twilight when we got back to the lodge and saw a colony of bats come out from under the roof. When we went in we saw that one bat had made a wrong turn and was flying around inside. I held the door open for it and it soon flew out.

We sat at the bar and I had a beer and she got a pina colada.

"Does this have alcohol in it?" she asked after one sip.

"Yes, rum. You may have just one."

"Pity, Kiss me."

I gave her the kind of kiss newly weds share. A couple our age smiled at us and invited us to their table. They were Albert and Gretchen and were tourists from Vienna, Albert could speak Spanish and so could I so we communicated OK.

Sammy's last name was Westener but it was not until then that it occurred to me it was a German name. She had enough German and Gretchen had enough English that they communicated well.

We ate dinner together and had a great time. We were leaving the next morning and they had just arrived that day so the ladies traded e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

Sam and I made long slow love that night.

The next morning we learned Albert and Gretchen had waited on us so we could breakfast with them. Our ladies seemed to be genuinely sad to see each other go.

Our next stop was Hermosa Beach in the northwest coast. We had three nights reserved at a beach hotel. We lounged on the beach most of the afternoon after we got there. We ate dinner at the hotel then had a long and leisurely fuck that night.

We went exploring the next morning and bought some drinks and snacks in town to take back to the hotel with us. We also bought masks and snorkels. We ate lunch in town.

When we returned to our hotel we walked to a tidal pool we had seen the day before and visited with the coral creatures using our new gear. It was like being in a large marine aquarium.

That evening we dined at a beachside place we had seen on our way back to the hotel.

We played a bit when we got to bed that night but did not fuck. Neither of us felt the need to do so; the contact of our naked bodies was enough that night.

We did fuck before we got out of bed in the morning.

We spent the morning in the swimming pool then we set out to find a different place for lunch. After we ate I drove north and we came up to a beach that was a nesting ground for sea turtles. There were a lot of people there so we drove in.

A ranger told us not to pick up the babies and like an idiot I asked, "They are hatching?"

"Tonight on the new moon but some are hatching now."

There was a hefty fee to get to the beach but I paid it. When we got there we saw several commotions on the beach. When we got on the beach we saw that the visitors were shooing away predatory birds as they escorted the baby turtles to the sea. We had towels in the car so we joined the war.

In the states such overt interference with natural processes would get you thrown off the beach. On that beach the rangers were silent and instead walked over to were a new batch was emerging from the sand and stood there until the baby turtle escorts saw them and joined that battle. Every once in a while someone would scatter a bag of chips or popcorn as a decoy drawing the very persistent gulls away.

Sam and I stayed there until dark and saw so many baby turtles after sunset we stopped our escort duties. Most of the evening predators were coatis and feral cats so it was a bit more dangerous out there.

Sam was too exhausted to continue by then anyway.

Before she fell asleep during our drive back she claimed we had saved a million turtles.

"Maybe hundreds," I said but she was asleep by then.

No sex the following morning, we just packed and headed east to Fortuna and the volcano. We stopped for brunch at a town west of Arenal Lake then continued around the lake to the foothills of the Arenal volcano.

We stopped to take pictures of the lake with the volcano in the background then another brief stop and conversation between Sam and some coati mundis. She gave them our stale chips.

We had reservations for four nights at a cabin a short distance from Tabacon Springs. That spa has several swimming pools that are filled by the volcano's hot waters. It also had a fine restaurant and in-pool bars. Sam and I were sore from the war we had fought the previous day so after we put things away we went over to the spa. Sam was very eager to get in the pool but I led her to a waterfall of hot waters we could sit under.

She loved it. The water was a bit too hot for me and the falls hit me a bit too hard so I stayed mostly in the semi natural pool in front of her. She seemed to be in a trance when I pulled her away twenty minutes later.

We went to the bar and had soft drinks then went to the big pool and swam for a bit. The water in the big pool was a bit cooler than the waterfall, and the water in the adjacent middle size pool was a bit cooler still. The third kid's pool had water that was just warm.

There are streams of hot water with pools to soak in all the way down the side of the volcano to the big lake.

I found the waters up stream from the waterfall were too hot for me but not for Sam. She did get into all of them twice a day for four days but her favorite spot was the waterfall.

While there I treated her to a massage and took her into Fortuna for dinner and some dancing on two of our nights.

All of that had a fabulous side effect on her; she was terminally horny each time we returned to the room.

We talked about taking an excursion to see the lava flows but we were in the big pool at the spa when the volcano gave out a loud boom and an ash plume came flying out of it. We felt the sound wave as it rolled down the volcano and through our bodies.

Very cool.

It was the last time we saw the top of the mountain. No lava flow viewing possible.

Howler monkeys inhabited the trees above the lodge, as did a variety of parrots. We sat outside in the early evenings and watched the denizens of the tree canopy get ready for the evening as the night patrol left their caves for the sky. Coatis inspected the grounds for edible litter