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On the fifth morning we had to go but not until Sammy spent some more time under the waterfall.

We drove to Selva Verde Lodge; we would be staying three nights. The lodge was a destination I had not been to before. I was going to take excursions with tour guides while there. I had no idea how to get to the places I wanted to go.

We just got acquainted with our place that first day but went ahead and signed up for the tree top gondola ride, the zip line and the rapids tours.

During our late lunch on the deck of the restaurant we saw toucans, parrots, wild parakeets, coatis, and there was a sloth slowly making it way up a tree right in front of us.

We left the next morning on our zip line adventure. Although it took me twenty minutes to talk Sam into doing it as soon as we were back on the ground she wanted to do it again. It was fast ride; Sammy was not the only one screaming along the way.

The gondola ride was a lot more civilized and we did see wild parakeets and a toucan. On the way back I pointed out the parasol ants to Sammy and they made her giggle.

Our tour that day took us past waterfalls that everyone wanted to put their feet into.

Our lodge seemed to be a magnet for tree frogs; some very colorful guys joined us for dinner at our table on the deck.

We took a ride on rapids the next morning and saw the biggest and reddest iguanas we had ever seen on the trees lining the rapidly moving river. We saw macaws fly over us.

That nigh Sam and I were desperate for each other and it was a long and ultimately satisfying night.

We talked about heading back to Alajuela and spending the next day exploring San Jose but Sam said she would prefer to spend our last full day under the waterfall at the hot springs so we drove back to Fortuna, found a posada that had a vacancy then drove to the springs twenty minutes away. We spent all of the next day at the springs and the night dancing in town.

The next morning we drove back towards the airport stopping at plaza with a very pretty and neat looking landscaping in front of their cathedral. Late that afternoon we checked back into our hotel close to the airport and I returned the car.

We spent the evening nude as we tried to divide the clean clothes from the not so clean and the filthy. We ended up deciding to wear the same clothes back we had worn on the way down.

We made love for hours that night.

We slept on the plane on our way back.

Mom was waiting for us at the terminal when we got back. I again sat in the back of the car while the ladies talked all the way back home.

Sam and I started our laundry then I loaded the pictures we had taken into the computer. Fortunately I edited the R and X rated photos I had forgotten we had taken. I did not delete those however, just put them in a secure folder.

For dinner Mom took us the best BBQ place in town. I got the pulled pork with sauce on the side and as usual Mom used my sauce. Our conversation centered on Sam's next checkup the next day and Mom's Vegas trip the week after.

That night Sam and I made long slow love again.

I drove her to the clinic and after her examination she was asked to come back the following Monday.

Our faces reflected our dismay until the nurse said, "No, No, it's just to check your general health. Your eyes and sense of balance appear to be a bit better and she wants to confirm that. You have gained two pounds after losing weight each time you came for a check up.

Anything new?" the nurse asked Sam after glancing at me.

"Well, my need to go to an exotic land and my need for abundant sex have been satisfied but other than that, no, nothing new," Sam answered.

The nurse giggled and asked, "Can I borrow him?"

"Not until I am done with him. I'll get back to you."

They giggled while I worried what the real reason she needed to come back was.

We took Mom to the airport that Sunday, she and her friends, all teachers, were likely the rowdiest bunch on the plane. They would be returning the following Friday.

We returned to the clinic on Monday and they put Sammy through an enormous number of tests that took three hours. When we were finally called to see her doctor she had a big grin on her face.

"You are better," she said.

Sammy did not know what to do or say so she cried.

Her doctor spoke to me and said, "Every test we took was closer to normal than it has been in almost two years. My guess is she just bought at least two more years of life. "

Sammy gave me credit for her better health and the doctor said,

"If that was true I would prescribe him to several other patients but the truth is I don't know why you are better."

Sammy had calmed and asked her doctor to repeat the two-year thing. The doctor laughed and did.

Then she said, "I want you back here in six months unless you begin to lose weight again. As soon as that happens make an appointment. Congratulations, your are again a normal human being, almost."

Sammy hugged her as both tried to hold back the tears. Sammy and I had our arms wrapped around each other when we left the building.

"We have to call Mom," she said.

I nodded yes then had a wild idea and shook my head no.

"Wait, lets tell her in person."

"We can't wait a week to tell her, she would kill us."

"I didn't say to wait until she got back."

Sammy's face just lit up when she understood what I had in mind.

I got on the web and searched for cheap air fair and hotel deals and booked one leaving at ten AM on Tuesday and returned at 3 PM on Thursday. I then checked to see just how simple a Vegas wedding was.


I got us tickets to shows Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I reserved a wedding chapel for Thursday morning. We would be coming back as man and wife.

If she said yes I reminded myself.

That night we went to the mall to presumably get new walking shorts. I led her to a jewelry store and asked her which diamond solitaire she liked. She thought I was speaking hypothetically so she looked around and chose one. I had the saleslady bring it out and Sammy tried it on.

"It fits," she said.

"She will wear it home, " I said and put my credit card down.

The saleslady looked at Sammy and smiled then took my card to the register.

I pulled Sammy to me and noticed she was trembling.

I said, "I love you. Two years will be fine but I would rather have twenty. See what you can do about that."

I held her to me until the saleslady returned for me to sign the sales slip. Sammy was still trembling when we walked out as an engaged couple.

She did not say anything until we were back home then she screamed and jumped up and down then tore my clothes off and threw me down on my bed. She undressed as she fucked me.

Her fuck was manic, ferocious. I held on as best I could for as long as I could but she did not have an orgasm until she felt my cum being squeezed out of her pussy then she had the biggest most violent orgasm either of us had ever experienced.

Her body collapsed on mine and she was soon out.

I embraced her to me and thought, "Yep, this is who I want as my wife."

I held her tightly to me until she recovered.

"You better not have lost those two years in that assault."

"If I have it would still be worth it. I assume my next big surprise will be our Vegas wedding."

"Damn. How can it be a surprise if you already figured it out?"

"I will just go catatonic like I always do."

"OK. Oh, will you marry me?"

"Oh I don't know this is such a surprise yes."

"We need to pack."

We got out of bed and went into my shower and rinsed the sex fluids off us then changed the linens on the bed.

We packed and I noticed she had packed every t-shirt I had gotten for her in Costa Rica, all seven of them. When we were done we called Mom and left her a message hoping she was not embarrassing us.

She had left that message on our phones often while in Costs Rica. She understood we were in no service areas often but she decided that was a good message for us.

Sammy helped me make sense out of the over eight hundred photos we had taken in Costa Rica and we ran into more R and X rated pictures. We had thought we had taken that type of picture five or six times at most but we already had over twenty such pictures in the secret album. These were of my cock's slow entry into her pussy.

"We need to take those again, these are a bit fuzzy," she said.

A picture of her under the volcanic stream waterfall distracted us.

"Do those waters have a reputation for healing?" she asked.

"Yes but there is no proof they do. Your were in them often enough and long enough to produce some effect. You have not run out of gas since we were there."

We eventually decided it was only an interesting idea.

"Just in case lets go back every two years," she said.

"Ask me again a year and ten months from now," I said but had already decided we would go directly to Fortuna for a week every year. It was probably just a coincidence but....

We were in Las Vegas at two in the afternoon and in the same hotel Mom and her friends were in before three. From our room we could see the pool and we could see Mom.

We got in our suits, put on sunglasses and went down.

Mom recognized us as soon as we walked out and squealed as she ran to us. Hugs and kisses later we sat with her and told her the good news.

Mom cried.

Sammy showed her the ring.

Mom cried some more.

We told her the wedding was Thursday morning and Mom flew into a panic.

"I need to go shopping, we need to get our hair done, and we need to find you a dress. We need to find me a dress. Lets go, get dressed. I will meet you in the lobby."

Mom ran into the building and Sammy sighed. "Maybe we should have saved that last piece of news until tomorrow," she said.

"Remind her we have a date tonight and tomorrow night."

"I know you already have your suit and the ring but would you consider a little pity for the poor bride?"

"No. You brought that demented woman into your family. Handle it."

She pushed me into the pool and canon-balled me as I resurfaced.

As she pulled herself out she was giggling.

"You haven't heard the last of this," I spluttered.

As I watched her walk away swaying her ass for me I fully realized how much I was in love with her.

Our wedding was fine except my bride and mother cried all through it.

Best Vegas trip ever," Mom said as we drove her home from the airport the next day,

"Did you get laid?" Sammy asked her.

"Every night," was the answer.

"Me too," Sammy quipped amid giggles.

Three weeks later Mom had again become ballistic,

"No you can't move out of the house. You are supposed to stay here with your mother!"

"Mom we love you and we will be only three blocks away. You could walk or ride your bike there?"

"And why couldn't you walk or ride your bikes here?"

"Well, we don't have bikes. Yet, yet, and we will, and walk here too. Mom, we are an old married couple now, it will be our one-month anniversary this Thursday. We are supposed to be out of your hair by now."

Sammy added, "And if we had waited any longer we would never find a house as close to you as this one."

Mom sat and thought and we saw her grumpy face fade.

"OK, lets walk over to your house. You can carry me if I feel faint."

We got to our house in less than fifteen minutes even with a pause for Mom to talk to one of her neighbors.

"Well, it is close and the outside looks charming. Do you have a key yet?"

"The realtor gave us the combination to the key box."

Sammy got the key out quickly and opened the door for us.

"I'll trade you houses," Mom said."

"Sorry, no. But you will have your own key and cook for us when we aren't here."

"Dream on. Ooh nice kitchen. Two bedrooms?"

"Yes just like yours. Come see the patio," Sammy said.

I dreaded showing her the patio.

"Baby, make my patio just like yours. Please?"

"I will try but may not have the time. I go to work the Monday after next week."

"When is closing?"

"Next Tuesday."

Mom fell silent for a few moments then said, "OK, I approve."

Sammy and I wrapped our arms around her and showered kisses on her. We walked around the house a bit longer then walked back home.

Home, we were walking from home to home. I held each woman's hand tightly. They were smiling as a tear or two ran down their cheek. I managed to keep mine from traveling.

We were completely in our house by the end of Wednesday. The only thing we brought with us from Mom's was our clothes. We had a new bed and bedroom set, a new sofa and chairs and a plasma TV. The kitchen and laundry appliances that came with the house were good so we just bought a kitchen table and chairs.

Mom was going shopping with Sammy for pots, pans, dishes, and silverware the next day.

Our second bedroom had two corner desks and two computers. I also had a small lab table I got from the university when they decided to replace them. It had been in storage since the previous summer.

"You aren't going to be recreating Frankenstein in here are you?"

"No, no, probably not. Most of my stuff will be on microscope slides. It would probably be a good idea for you not to touch anything though."

"No problem there. Where are you taking me for our anniversary dinner?"

"The Tex-Mex place. Sandi works tomorrow."

"Ooh, thanks. Is Mom coming with us?"

"Yes, I think she may want to watch, or share."

"Lets fuck on our new bed again."

The next day Mom gave us a set of mixing bowls and a blender as anniversary gifts.

We went to the restaurant late that afternoon and somehow Sandi finished her shift as we finished our dinner.

As it turned out Mom wanted Sammy to share Sandi. I dropped all three off at Mom's house and drove on home.

Sammy came home almost two hours later and announced she needed a hard fuck.

I did my best.

Monday morning I went to work for a biochemical company.

I spent most of my first day filling out forms and shaking hands.

I was eventually shown my lab and I had some data to go through before I began to do some testing. The company had the newest and best machinery and computers and my job turned out to be easy, perhaps too easy.

By the end of the week I had a completely different problem on my hands, Sammy was sick. Her doctor did not seem to be too terribly concerned and I may have been a bit gruff with her. She would not see Sammy until Monday.

Eventually I noticed that Sammy seemed to welcome her symptoms, even her nausea.

I began to panic.

Mom told me in no uncertain terms I was going to work on Monday that she would take her daughter to the doctor.

I decided to allow her to do so; I knew punching the doctor would likely be counter-productive.

I did not get a call all day and by the time I got home I was falling apart. Mom and Sammy were on the sofa giggling about something. I was about to let them have it when Sammy signaled for me to follow her.

I probably stared at the bassinet for a while but it did not register in my head until Sammy said, "I have a temporary condition."

I began to cry. Any macho image I had left crumbled. Sammy and Mom didn't seem to mind but I forced myself to man up and kissed my wife and soon to be mother of my child.

"Do you remember that wild jungle fuck we had after we got back from to Costa Rica? I am sure that was when it happened. I worried that I may have hurt it while we were in Vegas but every sign says perfectly healthy baby. I love you."

"I love you," I said and kissed her like you would kiss the love of your life.

"What happened to the birth control you were taking?"

"I stopped taking it before our first kiss. I wanted to have your child and your Mom assured me she would raise our child when I died. Your Mom insisted I not tell you.

The good part is I will live long enough to see our baby walk. The best part is that your Mom will have to do the potty training."

"Don't be so cocky, pregnancy changes your entire body chemistry. That is probably where your extra time came from with maybe with an assist from a volcano.

All I have to do is keep getting you pregnant at the springs and you will live forever."

"OK," she said before she gave me a wild kiss.

Mom was nowhere to be found by then; she knew I would get on her case for plotting behind my back. She allowed me to panic even though she knew Sammy was likely pregnant. She knew that........

Mom had never expected I would fall in love with Sammy.

She had never expected we would marry.

She hadn't even known if Sammy would live to see her child.

"Baby, I need to go talk to Mom."

"Be gentle with her, I was a co-conspirator and..."

I kissed her. "Neither of you expected I would be around to know I had fathered a child. Both of you expected me to be long gone into my next life by now.

I want to ask her if she would have told me it was my child she was caring for. Do you know?"

"No but my guess would be she wouldn't have. I think she did not want to burden you with it."

I kissed her and walked over to Mom's. She seemed to be very nervous when I walked in. I took her in my arms and kissed her.

"If things had gone as you planned, would you have told me?"


I kissed her again and as I began to walk away I said, "Then it's a good thing I didn't listen to you and fell in love with her."

"I was never happier than when you agreed to take her on your trip. I knew then you were in love. Cherish her for as long as she lives and remember she will leave a part of her for us."

I nodded and went home.

Sammy lived eleven years. Her tumor was inactive for ten of those but when it returned it was very active. She was blind and in a wheelchair her last four months, we still fucked often however.

Our daughter was exactly as her mother, tall and a bookworm.

We had told her about the tumor when she was eight. She ordered me to fix it. My tears told her all she needed to know and she hugged me. She helped her mother the best she could from then on.

Sammy was in our bed suffering some pain her last two weeks.

Our daughter suffered her pain too as Mom did, as I did .

Sammy however was happy; she had lived long enough to be a happy wife and a proud mother. It was the best-unexpected gift ever she said.

After she suspected her tumor had returned she had written letters to Mom, our daughter and to me. She thanked us for her happy life, she thanked us for loving her, the greatest gift anyone can give.

She wrote a personal note to each of us of happy memories.

We read our letters after we returned home from the cemetery.

Mine included thanks for the kiss I gave her right after she kissed me, and our first fuck, and her first orgasm from me. She described her emotions during the fuck in which we made our daughter, she though she was going to die but could not stop.

She gushed over her surprise first trip to Costa Rica, showing her my love, the turtles, the volcanic springs, and her ring.

She thanked me for Mom and our daughter and for remembering her birthday and our anniversary every time. For being there for her every day.

She ended her letter by writing, "You made me happy, be happy,

I will wait for you."

I look forward to seeing her again.

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01Timber6701Timber677 months ago

Ok,, so what is the relationship with him and his mom ??? It was fast and she basically cheated on and off on him ,, weird story and hard to follow at times 3⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Nice story but.... felt like more of an outline than a fully fledged story. So much happened but seemed to be glossed over. Sad story but needed more expansion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

That was very heart warming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
beautiful story

Lovely story enjoyed very much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Very nice, sad, happy, exciting all in one.

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