Sar: First Mission


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"Nope, that's the problem. After downing that drink you should be swaying on your feet." The bartender tells me with a laugh.

"I'm sure I'll feel it later, give me a soda I can't be passing out tonight. Martina might need me to show her home." While the bartender is getting me a soda Martina appears at my shoulder.

"Sar you should go out there and dance more, with your seat saved I have an easy way to the bar."

"I'm sitting here waiting for a soda. I'd go dance again sooner if you weren't leaning all over me."

Martina rolls her eyes at me then ushers me off my stool when I get the soda. I manage to get a few sips in before I'm taken out to the dance floor again. I stay out there for six songs almost a full hour before I manage to run out of dance partners and get back to the bar. I find my soda is a lot lower than it was when I left it. I wave the bartender over, he's chuckling when he reaches me.

"I left this here with a lot more soda than I got in it now."

"Martina was taking drinks out of it. I'll get you another one though I have a feeling she is going to keep drinking your soda."

"That's fine, I am the reason she's working here." The bartender walks away with a laugh to get me a soda.

"You are the reason I knew she wanted to work here. She's working here because she has lots of experience and we really needed a waitress." I barely get my soda before he's moving away to take orders.

"Sar work on a sweat program, you have been out there dancing for close to two hours and your not sweating." Martina whispers into my ear as she drops off a tray of dirty glasses.

I look down at my soda while I design the program and sweat glands. Knowing that adding things to myself can be noisy I head for the dance area before adding the glands. I find a dance partner in two seconds, she stays with me for two songs. I am sorry to see her go, she is a most attractive woman with her short red hair, big breasts, and slim figure. A new woman dances with me after she leaves, this one is shorter than I.

This new partner is dressed in form fitting pants and a baggy shirt. Her almost brown blonde hair cut very short. Her arms are actually muscular, and she dances close to me. I match her moves for this song, the next song is a slow song. For this song she pulls me into her and we move. Sensuously we move back and forth, up and down, her leg between mine. I can feel my short skirt riding up to let her leg rub right there.

The dance has a very nice feel to it. The sweat on my body detracts from it some, it is a new experience and distracting. The sudden flood of strong emotions distracts me even more. Looking around I can see Martina staring at me, we had ended up moving close to the edge of the dance area. When the song ends I move to return to the bar, Martina gets a strange look on her face and comes toward me.

A hand on my arm brings new meaning to the fear I have been feeling from Martina. Turning around I see my last dance partner holding my arm with a fierce expression. The other dancers are moving away a little most are no longer dancing.

"Where are you going bitch?"

"I am returning to the bar for a drink."

"I don't think so, you danced with me means you want me and I'm going to have me some of you."

"I simply danced with you, there was nothing else to it."

She let's go of my arm and gets into a fighting stance. I recognize this one, it is Tae Kwon Do. Martina reaches my shoulder and pulls me back a little.

"Let her hit you first, I recognize the type of person and some of the girls have been telling me. She is not terribly nice and quite strong. Everyone seems scared of her, there were a number of men and women like her in Moscow."

"I will let her hit me once." I pull away from Martina to face my attacker. "I will let you hit me once. If you are intelligent you will not do even this, you will walk away."

She just laughs and does a slow spin kick, at least slow for me. She connects with my cheek turning my head. There are lots of gasps and some talking about how I should be on the floor. My attacker recovers and stares at me with a shocked expression. I fall into a Junto pose and motion her forward. She looks around, then at me and leaves.

Utter silence in the bar, even the music is off until I stand straight. The music comes back on and Martina takes my arm and pulls me away asking loudly if I'm OK. Quieter she tells me I better have a bruise coming in on my cheek as I sit on my stool. Realizing I do not have a program for that I research bruises and design a program for it. In the time it takes me to take a sip from my soda I have designed the program and added the ability to my skin.

The bartender hands me a towel wrapped around ice for my cheek. Holding it there I send a message to the base that I was incomplete with the programs I have made for myself. The older man appears in a video conference asking what else I have done. I tell him about meeting Martina, the transmitter she wears and the plasma guns in my hands. He is very interested in those guns, asks me to come back to the base tomorrow.

After an hour of sitting at the bar with nobody asking me to dance, I go dance again. It takes a song but I get a dance partner, I stay out and dance for two hours. When I return to the bar I finish off my soda and get another. Sipping this one slowly I stay there until Martina takes my arm and leads me out of the mostly emptied bar.

"We were only there for seven hours."

"I know, I'm pregnant so they are shortening my time an hour until I swell up like a balloon. Thank you for listening to me about the sweating and bruise."

"My purpose right now is to blend you are helping me with that. I sent a message to my creators about the things I have learned. I have been asked to return tomorrow to demonstrate the plasma guns."

"Wish I could come and watch."

We walk on in silence while I move through options for that. After four steps I have the best option.

"You can still watch, I will make a recording."

"That sounds great."

We walk on in silence again, neither one of us having much to say. I notice Martina's fear rising as we near the disks to take us home. It spikes when we get on a disk, levels a little when we reach the house but stays high. I lead her in to the sofa and sit us both down.

"Martina why is your fear so high?" She sighs and looks down.

"I'm afraid they are going to reprogram you, or send you someplace else to live."

"They might in the future alter my programming, they wanted to make me straight. I am positive they will not, the problem is not my programming, it is simple logic that I not have sex with men. As for sending me someplace else to live, I am known here, I am blending it would not make sense. Now would you like to help me empty the supplies? I shall add a reserve for my flight like I did for the guns."

Martina gives me a hug then dashes for the kitchen. I follow her adding the reserves for the flight as I go. When I sit down at the table she puts a plate before me with the silverware and a second for her. I watch her bustle around the kitchen getting two glasses of water then retrieving a platter loaded down with a roast, cabbage, and potatoes.

"Martina, am I the husband?"

"Of course not, it's your house and I'm quite sure you would simply have the oven make bolts or something. I'm just trying to get you used to acting human."

"Is there anything else I am not doing I should?"

"Well, you never go to the bathroom, and perfume would be good. You don't really smell like anything, it's a little weird."

I drain the glass of water and design the bottle for perfume. To this I add a perfume that incorporates the smell of a person and a little bit of rose and lavender. Picking up the bottle I spritz myself then resume eating.

"Now about the bathroom, would I need to expel anything or would sitting and pretending work?" Martina is just sniffing me for two seconds, her face lit up with a smile.

"That is one great perfume, you smell like a person with rose and lavender. I would think just pretending is fine, it's not often you get to hear others going in a public bathroom. Are you going to want more?"

"Yes, I made a large reserve for flight, when I did training I flew for thirty two minutes and I was drained. The reserve will give me one hour of flight without taxing my central reserve."

Martina makes two more meals for me, along with twelve glasses of water before my flight reserve is filled. Then she takes me into the shower, so she can show me how. She ignores my assertion that I know how, I do drink up enough water to make a human version of my perfume for her. Having nothing to design on this night I lie there watching the people walking past on my scanner. Martina wakes up with a yawn and lies there looking at me.

"I had a thought, suppose you wear a full body suit or something so your identity is kept safe when you do go on a mission."

"Logically that is a very good idea. Come on we can use the plasma screen to design it."

I take her hand and lead her into the living room. I power up the screen and show her the movie Iron Man when he's in the suit.

"Well that isn't bad, if we're covering a guy. Can you put a picture of you up and then alter it?"

"Of course." I put an image of me on the screen minus the dress.

"Now, you are sexy so we want to keep the body showing as well as we can." I'm not positive what to do so leave it alone, Martina sighs and sits down on the sofa. "Think of the suit we were looking at and pattern it around your body."

I alter the skin color to make it the suit. Martina laughs then clarifies until I have two millimeters around my body. Then we alter the face, remove the hair and change the color. We settle on a base of silver with pink and purple highlighting. We then stare at it for a minute or two then Martina turns to me.

"It's missing something, I know let's try a Valkyrie helmet."

I add a Valkyrie helmet, which is turned down immediately. Then Martina has the idea of adding vertical horns. After about half an hour of adjusting it is called perfect. We head into the kitchen, Martina setting up a big meal while I go about making up the suit. While she gets the meal to the table I absorb the suit into me after creating a reserve for the suit to sit in when not needed.

"Where did you put the suit?"

"I created a reserve for it, it is stationed inside of me like everything else."

"How do you do that?"

"Secondary slaves, they are called nanobots. They react to my every design and work in or out of me then return."

"Well that is a little bit freaky, so if you really wanted you could just absorb me?"

"No they do what I tell them to do. Absorbing you would serve no purpose. The closest I can come to making you again would be an incomplete copy. Your memories can be recorded, but without sound, smell, or emotions associated with them."

"Well I guess having kids is still the best way to leave your mark. So how are you going to get to the base?"

"I'm going to fly."

"Won't you be noticed?"

"Camouflage system, I will look like everything around me."

Meal finished I stand up to don my suit, only to be interrupted by Martina giving me a hug. The flood of emotions in her are quite confusing, she let's go and cleans up after us. I head for the stairs donning my suit and activating the camouflage system halfway up the steps. My take off is not particularly noticed, though my breaking of the sound barrier is sure to have been noticed.

I am met at the elevator by the older man, lots of the other men that created me, and two men in uniform. Everyone walks around me with rather shocked expressions. The two men in uniform do not seem terribly impressed.

"I thought you made a robot that can pass as female."

"We did this is a new development, Sar what did you do?" The older man says looking at me with a nervous smile.

"This is an outer shell to keep my identity secret while doing missions." I absorb my suit. "This is how I normally look, minus a dress."

"Well now that is a most well designed robot you got there, where did the bruise come from?" The older of the two uniformed men asks.

"I was at a bar last night, a woman took my dancing with her to mean I would have sex with her. She turned violent when I declined. It was suggested that I needed to bruise and sweat to blend in better."

"All most interesting I am sure, we came to assess the prototype and the plasma weapon." The younger man in uniform says.

"Yes of course, Sar there are targets set out there for you to destroy, ten in all."

I smile at the older man and put my suit back on. I take off and move the focusing device of the plasma to the gloves then destroy a flying target. The purple pulse of the plasma is not the color I designed so adjust the calibration while flying through the pieces. Adjusting my course for a second flying target I enlarge my scan radius. This time the purple pulse is just the shade of purple I decided on. A third flying target down brings me lower for the ground targets.

These are larger than the flying targets, also easier to destroy. They don't move as swiftly so I can destroy them from a farther distance. The last target destroyed I land next to it and pull metal in to me to replenish my flight and plasma. Taking extra I fly back to the elevator to see the men in uniform.

"Well now that was most unexpected. I'm not sure I like purple plasma, otherwise a job most well done. Sar I have a job for you, there is a group of dissidents that have drawn our attention. We can not manage to get a man among them, nor can we figure out where they are. This file contains all we know."

I scan the file there are pictures of a number of men, weapons, and explosives. The country they are believed to be in and not a whole lot else useful for me.

"Do you want them captured?"

"We want them removed, use your judgment on how. Nuclear would not be good, possible to use if needed, they are said to have acquired enough for a bomb." I look up at the man in uniform then at the older man beside him.

"If they possess would I be allowed to acquire some for an energy source?"

"Yes a very minute amount, we do not need you registering as radioactive." The older man answers, the man in uniform looks a little confused.

"I thought you were already nuclear powered."

"No, I eat food and drink liquids, this is then reduced to base atoms and altered to fill the need I have. Leads to a large amount of supplies being used in a short amount of time."

I move away from them and take off, not to home or to the mission. First I move to a second of the ground targets and absorb as much metal as I can fit. After I am full I create a ball of compressed metal to carry then take off. While flying north to cross over the arctic I send a message to Martina. Her reaction is stronger than I expected, I'm flooded with an emotional response and the message back. I promise to be careful and return spending a little processor power on figuring out why the response.

Unable to come to a conclusion I reach my destination and land. The houses are fewer here, to many mountains and unsteady valleys. Looking around I find a small cluster of men looking at me from a fire. I go over and ask them, they all swear to not know where my targets are. One suggests that I would do better to wear nothing and give them all sex. While they are laughing I move fast to him pick him up with one hand and fly straight up.

"So where are they?" I ask once he stops screaming like a girl.

"I don't know where they are." I loosen my grip and let him slide down screaming again.

"Now, unless you remember where they are or someone who does know I will leave you right here." He looks down, looks at me, looks down again then opens his mouth.

"I don't know, I've heard that Yasir is the man to speak to about them."

"Tell me where to find him."

He does so I put him down and fly to the little coffee shop. There are a number of men, no women in here. The way the men are staring at me suggests that perhaps women are not allowed. I ask for Yasir, the men all shakes their heads, then three pull out guns and start shooting at me. There is another man behind the three looking worried. Picking one at random I shoot him with the plasma, he explodes spreading his blood over everything in a large radius.

Moving fast I disarm the other two, absorbing their guns to replenish my flight and plasma. Picking both up I ask for Yasir again, they point to the trembling man covered with the remains of the third. I toss both against the wall then grab Yasir, he does not react until I exit the shop and fly him up high. He screams like a girl, the odds of two men who do when pulled high are not terribly good. When he stops I ask him where to find the men.

When he pulls the doesn't know trick I let go of him then swoop in and catch him. This time he doesn't know for sure but does know a man he can message to reach one of the men I'm after. I leave Yasir where I had him, at least for a nanosecond, the rest of his time alive is spent falling to the ground. Where I find this man to message for one of my targets is a quarter mile from a mountain. Landing to enter I scan a tunnel under the house, well this is interesting. The man is home with his wife and two kids, the wife and kids scramble into a bedroom, the man comes for me.

"What are you doing in my house uninvited?"

"I am looking for friends of yours, they have become of interest to the people who give me missions. This is very bad news for these friends, you are a bystander unless they are very good friends."

"They are not friends, I did not know they had a way into my house when I bought it."

I bid him goodbye as I open the entrance to the tunnel. After dropping in I create trackers for the men I need to find, these are sent ahead of me. I pull my gun and move ahead, my scans indicating there are radioactive materials here. This is good news for me, I need some of the materials for a reactor so I can at least walk around without needing to eat. There are sensors indicating movement in the tunnel, I alter each one to indicate nothing.

It does not seem to matter, there is a quick movement to cover the entrance to the tunnel. It seems someone has sent a message to them, perhaps the man owning the entrance to the tunnel, perhaps another person at the shop is a friend. Neither matters I am here now and they soon will not be. The last of my trackers lights up so I move fast to the end of the tunnel. A cavern under the mountain is ahead of me, along with twenty men, none are my target.

These men do open fire on me so I return fire. Their shots mostly bounce off me leaving furrows in my suit. I shoot each man once with my gun as I move farther into the cavern. I move past into another tunnel, this tunnel is bound in metal with regular side tunnels. These side tunnels lead to doors I ignore these, there is nothing I need in any of them. Two of my targets are escaping through another tunnel, three are above me with the radioactive materials and explosives.

I move to the stairs leading up, where I find more men. These shoot at me while I move up, I still just use one shot per man. I pause to pick up three of their guns to replenish the atoms used to repair my suit and fire my gun. More men, more shooting slow my approach down the hallway to my three targets and the materials. When I reach them I find they have activated a nuclear explosive, I shoot all three and find a quarter pound of materials in shavings.

There is not enough time to deactivate the explosive, I gather up what I can and make my way into the earth. Using the dirt I displace to create a reactor for the materials as I go down I make two thousand feet before the explosion. The nuclear blast causes problems for me, I only have one processor shielded against the EMP. The mountain half disintegrates then falls on me.