Sarah's Fascination Pt. 03


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"Michael?, Joyce?," We both nodded. I knelt down and ground my knees into the hard floor, all the talking and pain in my knees had distracted me and caused my dick to shrink to a less obvious state.

Jake gave out various instructions which we responded to, cameras clicking all around us. Eventually he said, "That's great, now Michael I want you to sit back on your haunches, put your head down to the ground and your arms out in front of you, reaching for Joyce's ankles. Joyce you just keep your head up as if you're not interested."

We did as we were asked, Joyce being told to move her head slowly, until she was looking down at me. I couldn't see much with my head down but there seemed to be increased camera activity, everyone approving of the aesthetics of Jake's chosen poses. I imagine it made a very erotic sight, me prostrate with my naked arse sticking out and Joyce looking down at me.

When Jake had finished Sarah said, "Right everybody, we'll take a short break and let Michael and Joyce recover, there's some bottled water here for whoever wants it. After the break Melisa can direct the poses and then Joyce."

I got slowly to my feet and was stretching my legs, Sarah came over with a bottle of water and my dressing gown. I took the water but made no move to take the dressing gown.

"Do you want this?" Sarah asked, I shrugged as if I wasn't bothered. The look on her face spoke a thousand words 'Put the fucking dressing gown on'. I put it on, smirking to myself. This was interesting, Sarah was normally so blasé about nudity, but not at this moment, I wasn't sure if it was because they were her students or more likely a bit of jealousy because of the chemistry between me and Joyce.

After I was gowned Sarah asked, "How you doing?"

"It's really good, I'm really enjoying it, they're a very creative bunch."

"I could certainly see you were enjoying it, you could try to hide it a bit."

"I thought you liked showing me off, and besides, you've always told me that nudity and arousal are only natural." Sarah gave me a dirty look and sulked off. I was enjoying myself and enjoying winding Sarah up.

I watched the students as Sarah asked them to gather round, Melisa was in cohorts with the other young female, looking over at me and giggling.

"Ok Melisa, what did you have in mind?" Sarah asked.

"Well if it's ok with you and with Michael I'd like to take some close up shots, I tried zooming in on the other scenes but I don't think they'll come out as good."

"Michael would it be ok if Melisa came in close to take some pictures?"


"Good, Melisa in your own time."

Melisa moved closer, camera in hand, looking at me intently. She stopped about two feet from me, her body facing my left arm. In barely more than a whisper she said, "I want you to stand very still, looking straight ahead, your muscles and body held tense."

I did as she asked, she started shooting frame after frame, starting at my elbow and moving up slowly, across my upper arm and the large tattoo on it until she was nearly aiming the camera in my ear. She moved to the back of my neck and then slowly down my spine. I could hear Melisa's breathing, this felt very intense and very erotic, I had the sensation of Melisa licking her way across my body.

I decided to really concentrate hard on not getting aroused and erect, genuinely thinking to myself that it would detract from Melisa's art.

I was aware of Melisa squatting down behind me, taking shots of my bum before moving down my legs

"Can you move your legs apart about a foot and tense the leg muscles some more."

I did as she asked and she moved down one leg and back up the other one. I was looking at the others, they seemed transfixed by the site in front of them, no one talking or making a noise. When Melisa got back to my right buttock she began to move around to the front, spending a lot of time on my hip bone and the line in my abs that lead down to my groin.

She squatted lower moving across my front, taking numerous shots of my scrotum and my dangling dick, when she got to my left hip she moved back in the middle, I think taking shots of just my dick, trying to squat even lower. I was in a world of my own, thinking Sarah had taught her well, a girl after her own heart. I was awoken from my day dreaming by Melisa's voice.

"I can't seem to get the shot I want, Belinda could you give me a hand?"

Belinda the other young girl came over, smiling, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want to get a shot of the very end of it, of the Japs eye, but I can't get low enough."

Without hesitation Belinda grabbed my dick, lifting it up so it pointed directly at Melisa. I looked at her sternly, taken aback by her action.

"Oops sorry." She giggled in a very girly voice "I forgot to ask permission, is this ok?" she asked, squeezing a bit harder. The others, including Sarah all laughed, having initially all looked a bit shocked and worried. I smiled and laughed also. I think it was the combination of the innocent voice verses the very grown up action that made it funny. And also it felt very nice, my dick growing and hardening of its own volition. Melisa snapped away, recording the growing dick.

"Ooh it's a heavy one," Belinda giggled, bringing more laughter from the rest of us and causing Sarah to call an end to proceedings.

"We couldn't have you being wanked off in front of the class." As she later explained to me.

After I had regained a bit of composure we were all stood around chatting, this time me in the nude, the atmosphere much more relaxed than earlier, the laughing helping in that regard. I was chatting with Melisa,

"I really enjoyed posing for you, it was a great idea, where did you come up with the idea?"

"Me and Belinda thought it up between us."

"So was her grabbing my cock planned?"

She went a bit red, "Belinda said it was the biggest she'd ever seen and she wanted to feel what it felt like, so we came up with that idea. I was meant to go to your dick nearly straight away, but I got really into taking pictures of all of you. You have great legs and arse, as well as the other thing, I hope you don't mind."

I smiled "No I don't mind, I really enjoyed it, it was very erotic, thank you." Cheeky cows!

"Right Michael, if you've finished corrupting the young ladies we'll get on with Joyce's shoot," Sarah said.

"I don't think I'm corrupting them, I think I need protecting from them." I replied, which got some nods and laughs.

"What did you have in mind Joyce?" Sarah asked.

"Are you flexible Michael?" Joyce asked me.

"A bit."

"Can you touch your toes?"


Moving closer to me, she said,

"I'll show you what I want you to do then."

Joyce moved her legs just over shoulder width apart, with straight legs she bent at the waist, putting her hands behind her ankles, causing her skirt to ride three quarters of the way up her tone thighs and her gorgeous round bottom to stick out, only inches from my dick. She slowly stood up.

"Do you think you could do that?"

I looked at Sarah, she was trying to keep a blank expression but I could see a slight twitching at the side of her mouth, I turned to Joyce,

"Yes, I think I can do that."

I turned my back to the group, facing the blank wall. I shook out my legs, making my arse cheeks wobble like a male stripper and then slowly bent as far as I could. I held onto my ankles but wasn't flexible enough to see between my legs, just staring down at the floor.

I could immediately felt how tight my hamstrings were and was concentrating on taking slow, deep breaths to help my muscles relax. I had enjoyed all my other poses, but as well as being uncomfortable I was also thinking that this was probably not a particularly appealing site.

I was wondering whether Joyce thought me being bent over as I was made a good, provocative, even erotic picture or whether she'd chosen this just because she could.

Either way my hamstrings were starting to cramp and I decided to straighten up.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't hold it any longer."

"That's fine; I think everyone got to see what they wanted," Sarah said, with a tone to her voice.

"We still have a little time left, anyone got any other ideas they want to try out." She said

There was silence, I was wondering if the last scene had been a bit too much for people's sensibilities. Finally Joyce said, "If no one else wants to take a go, I have one more idea I'd like to try."

Sarah gave her what I thought was a bit of a withering look; Joyce seemed either not to notice or not to care.

"What did you have in mind Joyce?" She asked.

"Well if we could bring that bench over here I'd like to stand up on it and takes some pictures from above Michael."

I could see Sarah thinking, her body relaxing a bit "That sounds interesting," she said.

Two of the lads brought over a bench from against the wall. It was about two feet high and Joyce stood up on it.

"Michael, if you could come and stand here with your back to me," Joyce said, motioning to a spot in front of her.

"No I'm not high enough, could you kneel down."

I did as I was asked.

"That's much better." I was aware of Joyce above me, camera pointed down, clicking away.

"Could you put your hands out a little, making your shoulders flex; that's a great shot, thanks."

"Sarah would it be ok if Michael pulled his willy just a little bit, to make it stick out, so I can get it in the picture?" Joyce asked.

"Is that ok with you Michael?" Sarah asked.

"I've no problem with that," I answered. I paused for a while, letting the tension build up, aware of all the eyes looking at me. I took my dick in my right hand; it already felt heavy and full of blood. I kept my eyes open and slowly pulled it; it instantly began to stiffen and rise.

I let go, not wanting a full erection but aware that this one was already over seven inches and thick.

"Is that ok?" I asked, looking up at Joyce. She was staring down at me, a glazed looked in her eyes and her mouth slightly open; after a moment she said, "Perfect."

She took another few shots, "Can you flex your shoulders again, hold your belly tight and lean back a little."

I did as she asked, as I tightened my abs and leant back I could feel the front of my thighs stretch and tighten and my cock stick out some more. It was a great feeling; a nice stretch, my muscles taut and hard and that tightness you get in your balls when blood is flowing to your cock. I felt so alive and masculine.

I could hear Joyce clicking away and was aware of the others to my left also taking photos, I automatically pulled my abs tighter, causing my dick to rise and protrude even further. This must be some sight.

"Michael could you lean back further?"

I did as Joyce asked until my bum was touching my heels and my shoulders were touching the bench Joyce was stood on. I could see the camera pointing directly down at me, obscuring Joyce's face. I could also see her boobs and the outline of her low cut bra, restrained by her blouse as she leant forward.

"Michael, rest both hands on the front of your hips, face down, either side of your cock; good! now flex all your arm muscles; wonderful! now tilt your head back slowly, eyes straight ahead."

I got into position, concentrating on flexing hard but staying still at the same time. Wow! Joyce had her legs apart for balance and as I tilted my head back I was between her legs, looking straight up. She must know, in fact I think she wiggled further apart to give me more room and a better view. It's dark near the top but I can see Joyce's creamy thighs touching, the outline of her arse cheeks just visible as her skirt bellows out to cover her round arse.

My view of the rest of the room is obscured by Joyce's legs but to me the atmosphere feels electric. My previously hard cock is now rock hard and erect, my body angle causing it to point up at Joyce. Oh my god! Joyce leans forward to take close ups of my dick, this causes her thighs to tighten and move apart some more, her arse to stick out and her skirt to rise up, letting in more light.

I can see small white panties wedged into her crotch and between her arse cheeks, I feel my cock twitch a little and what I think is pre cum trickle out. This woman could make me explode without even touching me.

I'm expecting Sarah to stop it at any minute, but she doesn't. Joyce leans a bit closer, I can see her hamstrings, defined and tight, leading to her glorious arse. A bit of my brain tells me I need to stop this before it goes any further. I want to speak but don't know if I can, I manage to croak,

"You can squat down if you want, get a closer shot."

I heard gasps from our watchers and a little laugh from Joyce. She stepped down off the bench smiling; she leant down to me and in a sultry voice said "Naughty!" before leaning in further and kissing me, the tip of her tongue brushing very lightly against my lips. Joyce straightened up and a spontaneous round of applause comes from our audience.

I straightened, slightly embarrassed, I didn't know whether to stand, turn and take a small bow or go and put my dressing gown on. I decided on the dressing gown.

I could hear people chatting and saying how good it was, I put on my dressing gown and turned around. Sarah is chatting to Joyce and calls me over, I'm a bit nervous about this.

"That was fabulous you two, really erotic and sexy. I'm not sure how many photos we took, everyone was too busy watching and holding their breath."

"I got some good close ups, you're a beautiful man and great model," Joyce said.

"Thank you, my view was pretty spectacular too."

The three of us laughed a little and Joyce went a little red, she leant into us and in a low, conspiritual voice said, "I haven't felt this turned on in ages, I'll have to take it out on my husband when I get home." We laughed again and I said,

"Lucky husband." Which got me a blush from Joyce and a dirty look from Sarah.

Sarah made a little speech thanking me and thanking the students for their hard work over the previous weeks and saying she was looking forward to the same next term. Belinda asked if I'd be coming back next term and I said I'd love too. After that people began to leave, a few coming over to say goodbye personally.

Joyce came over and gave Sarah a hug and a kiss on the cheeks,

"Thank you, you've really inspired me, I'll be in contact soon." She said to Sarah.

Turning to me she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "See you sexy man." I blushed a bit.

Belinda came over and gave me a big hug, holding far longer than necessary, grinding herself into me until the obvious effect happened. She let go and gave me a slow kiss on the lips, I daren't move. Her work done, she let go and said "Bye!" before walking out with an exaggerated wiggle. I looked at Sarah who smiled and shook her head as if to say 'Unbelievable' I just tutted and said "Young ones, huh."

After everyone was gone I asked Sarah what she thought of it, she said she'd found some of it hard, feeling more jealous and uncomfortable than she thought she would but that she had managed to relax and really enjoyed the eroticism of it.

She asked how I found it, I said I'd enjoyed every bit of it, feeling incredibly turned on but not able to do anything about it. I also said I enjoyed winding her up and making her jealous, which got me a slap on the arm.

I asked what Joyce had meant by being in contact soon,

"I asked her if she would like to pose for me, to do some couple shoots with you and she said she'd love to." I was speechless, my cock instantly hardening under my gown.

"Would you like to fuck her?"

Without hesitation and with a smirk I answered "Absolutely, I'd like to fuck every bit of her."

Which got me another slap. I turned and walked over to the door and locked it, locking us in and others out. I took Sarah in my arms, kissing her passionately, holding her tight so she could be in no doubt as to how horny I was.

I pushed her to her knees, she opened my gown, my big, hard cock right in front of her face.

"Ooh, you are a naughty, big boy."

"Do you mind if I call you Joyce?" which got me the hardest slap, right across my dick.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story!

I love your stories!

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