Sarah's Story


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Oh wow. I was deep into sub territory now. Time to make a stand? Or was this what I really wanted?

"Yes Daddy" I said knowing it had nothing to do with fatherhood and everything to do with the submission of me to him.

"OK now get your clothes on and we'll go to Daddy's house. If you are really a virgin arse, we have to start breaking you in. And I see potential in you with dressing up. I think you will make a very pretty daughter"

As I followed him to Chobham, my stomach was churning. This had gone so fast. The most I had got myself into before was sucking two men off at once and ending up with two mouthfuls of cum. What I had just taken part in went way past that and more. But I found myself wanting more. I felt like a slut on heat and wanted to be used. I had never, in my 52 years experienced such a shattering orgasm. The recent taste of his cum in my mouth, the feel of the man's cum dribbling over my bottom, the streamers of cum dripping down my face, the feel of licking the small drips of cum from my top lip – they had all contributed to my cumming so hard.

But the main thing that had given me such exquisite pleasure was the fact that I had done it all after being told to do so by my Daddy. I had been naked in a public place, been used by 4 men and had not even thought of saying no. I still could not quite believe that I had done it and that alone meant that less than 15 minutes after my cum I was stiff again

I was feeling so turned on that I felt I would do anything for my new 'Daddy'. I mulled over this word in my head and again it felt nothing like fatherhood. It was a word to belittle me and humiliate me and I strained at the leash to be used like this. He had called me 'Sarah' – a girl's name and I loved it – more humiliation.

We stopped at a small block of flats on the outskirts of Chobham. Actually to call it a flat was a misnomer as he had the whole ground floor of a large house. I came to love this rambling shag palace, but on this day I was just aware that here was a man of means and he could afford to keep me in panties and KY

He unlocked the door and motioned me in. I went in front of him and stood by the wall, just inside. He closed the door and came straight to me pushing me against the wall and giving me another deliciously long kiss. I responded by pretending to push him away. My hands went to his shoulders (so big, so strong!) and tried to push him off. I whimpered deep in my throat and continued to push and felt him thrust back, pushing me against the wall, his mouth even more forceful. Obediently I stopped pushing back and gave in, eagerly allowing his body to crush mine, his lips to crush mine, his tongue to explore my mouth. I had thought this may turn him on more and by the feel of his cock against my lower stomach, hard and pressing, I was right.

He broke of the kiss and I gasped at the raw sexuality flowing between us. "I liked that bit of role play" he said somewhat raggedly (god, I was turning this man on!) "It had better be role play or you will get spanked for being a naughty girl Sarah. Now get your clothes off and go and sit in the living room". I dropped my clothes at the door and found my way into his living area.

It was tastefully furnished in modern blond wood furniture and large, comfortable sofas. There was a shag pile carpet in a contrasting deep brown on the floor and I felt it's velvety smoothness on my bare feet.

Bare feet! I was naked in a total strangers house, doing everything he said. My cock waved in front of me. I was afraid to touch it, lest I orgasm again. A fleeting thought passed through my mind that I should do that and get myself spanked, but no, that would not be a good way to start and I would have lots of spankings to come I was sure

I did not know where to sit, so I sat on the floor in front of a sofa that looked as though it was where he sat, my cock at attention, flapping in front of me.

He was gone about ten minutes, so I took time to study my surroundings. It was a very manly room with a large 42" LCD screen in the corner and an array of technical equipment underneath. I saw a several tripods and 3 video cameras and a high end digital still camera. I imagined that I would be videoed at some time and would be the subject of a show to his friends. I almost came at that thought.

He came into the living room, talking on a mobile phone.

"Yeah Jeff" he was saying "a right little slut and very obedient – let herself be bukakked by 3 others in the car park – yeah in public and no argument at all – I could not believe it at first either. And a very good mouth – haven't had one this good since little Pippa." He pointed at me and motioned for me to follow him. As I followed him, he continued to talk

"Yes, loads of potential. I've called her Sarah – yes I know that turns you on, me too" he laughed. "I'm just showing her the ex's clothes – I think that Sarah could fit very nicely – she's already shaping up to be a nice compliant little slut" He looked back at me and smiled and I smiled nervously back. "Yes, the usual – I'm Daddy and you'll all be her uncles. Yes I'm looking forward to the breaking in the daughter/niece role play as well"

He was talking about me! I was the slut he was talking about to his friend, the daughter/niece they would break in, the slut that turned them all on. I felt both humiliated and incredibly turned on by the conversation. His ex's clothes? Oh this was another fantasy for me. He was going to dress me up!

"Yes that's right, he needs breaking in – a job for Desmond the dildo and his friends I think" he laughed again. "But it will be nice to get my fingers up there and see just how tight she is in her boy cunt. Have to get an enema in her first though. Yes, see you later – yes I look forward to it as well. I'll be phoning Mike and Arnie later, bye"

Three others – all interested in using me. What had I let myself in for. And who was 'little Pippa'?

I followed him into a medium sized bedroom with a very large wardrobe in it covering most of one wall. All the doors were open and I could see the front of the doors had mirrors on them.

There was a double bed in the room with a large brass bedstead. I imagined myself tied to the bedhead at the mercy of my new Daddy and my Uncles. What was I getting myself into?

I looked in the wardrobe and saw rack after rack of woman's clothing. There were all sorts in there – evening dresses, skirts, tops. I could see several micro skirts. On one of the hangers, I saw a French maids outfit. There were several leather outfits and my imagination, already running wild, ran wilder.

I looked in the other wardrobes. There was a rack with about twenty pairs of shoes in there from thigh high boots to red stilettos. As soon as I saw them, I lusted after the stilettos. I longed to walk around the room in them. They had a strap across the instep and looked to be about 4" high.

I saw the drawers to the chest of drawers was open and there was all types of underwear in there from thongs to frilly French knickers.

And I realised that I would be wearing all of these.

On top of the wardrobe, were three wigs, one blonde, one black and one auburn, all different styles. Besides them was a professional make up kit.

He saw my eyes running over the make up.

"Don't worry" he said "I'll teach you how to put on the make up and then you'll be able to make yourself up when you come here for me and your Uncles"

I saw his eyes roaming over my body, could see the lust and the desire in them, the need to use. I shuddered and I think I may have whimpered a bit as well.

He sensed it and walked over to me, coming behind me. I felt his arms come around me and his hard cock pushing into my lower back. Gently he kissed the back of my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry my little Sarah, I'll look after you. All you have to do is be good. Later, I'll show you what happens if you misbehave, because you must be aware of the consequences. Somehow, I think you willlikethe punishments though"

I pushed back against him, enjoying the feel of his strong, manly body.

"Whatever you say Daddy, I'm yours to do with as you wish"

He turned me around and looked in my eyes. "I know my sweet little Sarah. Trust me, you will be used beyond your imagination"

Now my mind was working overtime

"What size shoe are you?" he asked

"Seven or seven and a half" I replied

"Good" he said "try these on"

He passed over a pair of stiletto shoes with about 2.5" heels. They were pink in colour and court shoes in style. I tried them on. They fit quite well.

"We'll start you on the low heels so you can practice walking in them and then you can go on to higher heels later. You have to get the walk right first. You have nice arse, but you will have to lose some weight."

"Now walk across the room and put some swing in your hips" he ordered

I did so, doing my best to swing my hips and making my pert bottom swing from side to side.

He made me walk back and forth in the shoes for about 10 minutes, looking at me from every angle. I did my best to keep up the sexy walk. I was so turned on again.

He made me stop and bend over

"Stay there like that" he ordered and left the room. He came back shortly with the professional digital camera

Here I was, naked except for a pair of pink stiletto shoes showing off my sexy walk to my new 'Daddy' with my cock leading me around.

He started to take pictures of me bent over

"I'll show you these pictures later and you will see where you will have to improve to please me. I can see straight away that you need a wax on your bottom and your pubes need trimming. Don't worry, family will not notice and I have ways of shaving body hair that does not attract attention."

I wondered how he would do that – I would love to be totally shaved and the thought of the clothes in the wardrobes was making me randier than I thought possible. This man was going to show me how to dress though, so I had to trust him.

"Don't worry" he said with a lustful look on his face. "I have a woman friend that will come around and show you how to make up and dress – in time, you'll be dressing yourself, but she will come round some time to join in. The only charge she makes is that she likes to fuck my little girls with a strap on."

He came round and took my chin in his hand. Pulled me towards him and kissed me long and deep. I felt my whole body vibrating as he made the kiss linger.

"But you'd like that my little slut, wouldn't you?"

"Daddy" I stuttered, "All this is like a dream. It's all I have fantasised about and more. You have shown me so much already. How could I say no to anything that you want me to do? And even if I did not want to do it, you would make me, which would only make it more humiliating and more sexy for me and for you. I'm standing here naked except for a pink pair of stilettos in front of you with you taking photos of me. You are telling me that a woman will be fucking me with a strap on. If my cock is touched now, I would cum again. Yes I would love it"

He put down the camera and came forward and kissed me again and my arms went around his neck as I returned his kiss. I could feel my naked body rubbing against his clothes and could feel his hard on pushing against me.

"Sarah " he said "I used to have a daughter called little Pippa, but she moved away with her work. She was a submissive slut like you and I will show you some of her videos because you need to learn what turns me on. Sometimes she visits because she misses me and she and you will have lesbian sex to please me and my friends. It would please me greatly to see you using your little girl cock to fuck little Pippa. Now another test. Come into the kitchen."

I followed him into the modern kitchen, stumbling a little in the stilettos, but nonetheless loving the feel of being naked except for a pair of women's shoes.

In the kitchen, he went to a cupboard and got a wineglass out and gave it to me.

"Sarah, you will find that from time to time, I will test your obedience to me and your Uncles. Failing to accept one of these tests may lead to punishments and even expulsion from our relationship. This is to ensure that you know your place as MY submissive slut. Do you accept this?"

This was a crunch time so early in our relationship. He was laying down a clear ground rule that meant I would have to do whatever he wished. Deep inside of me I made a decision. This would not be one off sex designed to give me a temporary thrill. This was long haul stuff. He wanted me to give all of myself to him. What I said surprised even myself.

"Daddy, I have learnt in the short time that I have known you that you are a very sexy man and have lots of sexual stamina. That alone would bond me to you. But you also have a lot of restraint and I admire that in a top. Already you have opened up places in me that I was not sure were there. This is more than short term sexual pleasure, I'm beginning to learn already what it is to beowned."

I took a deep breath

"When I fantasised what a situation like this would be, I imagined that there would be safe words and we could stop whenever I wanted, but I have a feeling you are looking for more than that. I want you to know Daddy, that I am willing to give you that level of commitment that you want."

Standing there naked, wearing only the pink high heels, I felt so turned on, so utterlycontrolledthat I felt I would do anything this man asked.

"Sarah, I hope you mean that. Because if you do, you will experience sexual highs that you have never before. Sex becomes like a drug and I intend to make you an addict. Little Pippa was an addict and you will see on her videos what this meant. Now the test. You said that you may cum any second. Usually when a male cums, they lose their interest in sex until they gain a hard on again. I am going to condition you so that even when you have cum, you are still willing and available and turned on enough to satisfy your betters. You will cum into this wine glass. You will wait 3 minutes until the effects of the orgasm have worn off. Then you will drink your own cum. Do you understand what I want you to do?"

"Yes Daddy, I understand and I submit to it with pleasure. Not only do I get to have pleasure, but part of the process that means that I will give you and my Uncles pleasure has started"

"Good girl" he said "You are bright as well and I like that, although I can see that it will get you into trouble sometimes and you will have to be punished.Everythingis subjugated to what I want and you will come to understand and love that. Now cum."

I put the glass down by my vibrating cock and touched my cock with my right hand. Already I could feel my orgasm coming on as I stroked my self gently. The thought that in 3 minutes time I would be drinking my own cum becauseDaddywanted me conditioned did it. For the second time in 90 minutes (god was it only that?) I felt my cum shoot in streamers into the glass. I was aware of him watching me and all my senses seemed heightened. I could feel the edge of the glass against my glans, could feel the way that the stilettos fitted against my feet, the way that they stretched my calf muscles, feel the shudder through my body as my cum streamed into the glass.

Eventually it was over and I milked the last of the cum from my quivering cock. I put the glass on the worktop. There was about a quarter of an inch in the bottom of the wine glass

Daddy looked at his watch.

"Three minutes now. By this time you will have come down from your orgasm high and will not be feeling quite so randy. Neither will you feel quite so much like drinking your cum

As before in the car park, I still felt randier than normal. However, as time wore on and the minutes ticked by, my hormones calmed down. But beneath the post orgasm feelings there was another one: that in the short time that I had known this man, I wanted to please him and this overrode any distaste I had for drinking my own cum.

To my surprise, my cock was still semi stiff as the 3 minutes came to an end. I suppose I should not be surprised: my fantasies fitted so exactly with this man's that I felt that I would live in a constant state of turn on. Whatever it was, I was ready to drink my own cum to get more of what this man wanted to give me.

Nervously, I lifted the wine glass to my lips and tipped it up. I was determined that I would drink it down like a shot of Tequila and that would be it. Just as the cum started to flow down the glass, Daddy spoke.

"Don't drink it all at once my little sweety slut. Drink enough to get it in to your mouth and then show me." He hefted the camera into position to show that he intended to make a permanent record of my humiliation.

I slowly let the cum drip into my mouth. It was still warm and tasted slightly salty. I drank about half of it and brought the glass down. I swilled the cum around my mouth and opened it up to show it underneath my tongue and over my teeth.

Daddy (for I could not think of him as anything else) was obviously very excited and took several photos of my cum filled mouth. He fiddled with the settings on the camera.

"It's on video now – swallow for me there's a good girl"

I showed it again into the camera and then swallowed it down. Incredibly, I could feel my cock hardening again. Had he given me something? Or was it just that I was so excited that my fantasies had come true?

Again, I drank the rest of the cum and put my tongue in and licked out the excess, all being videoed. I swallowed it down and he smiled at me. Putting the camera down, he came up to me and gave me a large hug and kissed me again.

Pulling off the kiss, he said "It took me 3 months to train Little Pippa to do that and here you are after two hours slurping down your own cum. We really are going to have some depraved times with you."

With that he pushed me down onto my knees and virtually tore down his trousers and pants. He stuffed his rigid cock into my mouth and right to the back, making me choke a little. I put my hands against his knees and tried to push him away so that I could breathe, but he slapped them away, making it quite clear that this was not allowed. Chastened, I put my hands behind my back and left them there

"uuughhmmff" I whimpered into his pubes as his cock filled my mouth. Then he pulled it out and ruthlessly thrust it back in again. As soon as it was in, it spasmed in orgasm and the thick streamers of cum went straight down my throat, causing me to choke. This just caused him to fuck my mouth more and his hands held my head tightly against his groin as he shot more into my mouth.

Gradually the torrent slowed down and I was able to swallow the last of his cum. I looked up and could see the disapproval in his face as the last of his semen slipped down my throat

"That was naughty and you will be punished. Get in to the room by the living room on the right"

Intrigued and excited I went to the door and opened it. Inside I saw a small room about 10 feet square. The walls were plain and on the far wall, there were some rings just above my head height. I did not notice anything else because of the item in the middle of the room

The item in the middle of the room was a padded couch. The material of the couch was like you would find in a doctor's surgery – fake leatherette (easy to clean) It was about three and a half feet tall and about four feet long. It was about thirty inches wide. I could see that either end was hinged and had an arrangement that meant that they could be set at any angle. At one end there was a hole about six inches in diameter. At each end and down the sides were leather straps that came over the top. On the legs were other smaller straps