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"In return, your mate protects you. Cares for you. Has sex with you whenever they, or you, need or want to. You have domestic rituals like who cooks and cleans and who fixes stuff when it breaks. You have greeting rituals where you kiss each other hello and goodbye. Things like that. Usually all of that makes you happy. You reciprocate because together you are safer and stronger than you are as individuals."

"You don't have to sleep with strangers when you're married."

"We don't sleep with strangers. Well, some of us do, but that's not the point."

"Then, what is the point?"

"Just like a married couple shares their personal power with each other, we do the same. Except in our case we don't just give up a little bit. We give up all of ourselves. We surrender and say; 'Take this gift of myself. Here I am. All of me. Take me. Need me. Care for me. Protect me'."

"In return, we give them a way to satisfy their own needs. When they define the limits of what we can, and can't do, we know how big our world is. What is allowed and not allowed. Our Masters set the limits of what they are able to control. Everything within those limits is under their control. It is never out of control." Chasandra's explanation seemed logical.

"As long as we stay inside their limits we are safe. Because they control our world, nothing in it can harm us." Violet gave Karen an impish little smile. "Of course, sometimes it's fun to see if you can get away with testing the limits."


"When we submit, it is a gift. A gift which says: 'Take me. Treasure me. I will accept whatever you do because I know, really know, you will never harm me'." Violet continued her explanation.

"The gift is based on trust. A trust those who receive the gift won't misuse it. To harm. To hurt. To injure." Chasandra explained further as she stood off to one side. "Physical harm or injury is abuse. Any emotional dysfunction is abuse. Fear is abuse. We do not submit to abuse. We reject it. We constantly guard against it."

"Ok. What has that got to do with whips, ropes and other things? Those can hurt you. How is that not abuse?"

Karen's question was a good one. Violet was pleased Karen cared enough to ask, rather than judge.

"First, it's about consent. We consent to those things. If we did not consent, no one would do that to us because it would be abuse. Second, without our consent, it is force. Force is illegal." Chasandra was quite clear on the line between play and violence.

"From there, the toys are used to heighten our sensitivity." Violet drank some of her tea, privately enjoying the warmth before going on.

"What is used depends on the individual. Some people like vibrators. Some like whips and some like to be chained at night while they sleep.

"Like my ball, toys make us more aware of our bodies and the limits we are willing to go to. My ball constantly helps me be ready for sex. Other toys have the same, or similar, purpose. To define a limit or stimulate a desired response.

"For me, being bound, and unable to move, increases the anticipation. It adds a mental component to my enjoyment. Which increases my physical pleasure. Usually by frustration because I can't move to get exactly what I want. I have to wait until Master is finished with whatever he's doing and lets me go. There's a very real mental place that I fall into when that happens. Sort of Zen. It's very calm and peaceful while I'm there. Total submission to whatever Master needs to do to me for as long as Master needs to do it.

"Sometimes the pleasure comes from trying to have an orgasm if I'm being stimulated and held on the edge. Usually I'm screaming at Master to let me cum! Begging. Please, let me cum. After what sometimes seems a decade of agony later, I'll get off. I'll cum so hard I'll be squirting and creaming and crying and wanting more, more, more."

Violet took another tiny sip of hot tea, looking coyly over the rim of her cup at Karen.

"Oh, I know that one. Once, I was reading this really racy book and getting excited." Karen unconsciously responded to Violet's demeanor. "When Mitch came home, I attacked him because I wanted him so much. I was so hot I told Mitch to just take me hard. Really hard. Usually he does what I ask when I tell him what I want. I like it when he gets really strong sometimes. Other times I just like to cuddle and take things slow. I know he tries to please me because he's so sweet and wants to make me happy."

Suddenly, Karen realized what she had just revealed. Her hands flew to cover her mouth as if to try to take back the words she'd just uttered. The impersonal conversation about the historical context of BDSM and Violet's submission had lulled her into doing something she never did, she'd talked about her own sex life. This wasn't girl talk in the abstract or listening to others talk about their sex life. This was her talking about what went on in her bedroom and marriage.

"Oh my God! Are you sure no one is listening? We're not being recorded?" She asked looking around with wide eyes as her face blazed red to the tips of her ears.

Chasandra looked at Violet. "Bottom Dominant," they said together.

"Repressed," said Chasandra. "Behind her fear."

Both of them looked at Karen. A chill ran through her as neither said anything more. She knew from the silence Violet was waiting for permission to tell Chasandra about that. About them. Alarmed she drew a shaky breath. No. Not about that.

She looked down at her lap to try to hide from examination. She began to pick at the hem of her sweater in order to do something with her hands. There was a frayed string there that she had to be careful with or she'd cause a run. She should tie it off to prevent that from happening.

As she picked at the string she felt, rather than saw, Chasandra kneel next to her. The closeness of Chasandra's warm body increased the sense of power and strength emanating from her. As before with the cart, a brown arm and hand moved into her field of view. Slowly and closer, Chasandra's hand reached out to touch her. Karen forced herself to not jerk away, yet she was unable to stop the twitch as fingertips touched her leg. The hot warmth of Chasandra's palm penetrating through the fabric of her slacks.

At the small twitch, Chasandra slowly rolled her hand palm up. Letting the back of her hand rest quietly on Karen's leg, she waited. Karen glanced up then immediately before looking down at her lap again. Chasandra's face had been relaxed. Her dark eyes calm. Not wanting. Not asking. Just waiting.

Looking at the upturned palm on her leg, Karen marveled at the size. Larger than her own slim fingers, Chasandra's hand was like the rest of her body. Just a tiny bit bigger all over, so she was in proportion to herself, but larger than most. The blue veins and the muscles told a story of hard work lifting weights at the gym. The dedication it took to continue to work that hard to change your body to suit your image of yourself was awe inspiring. She didn't know if she could ever do something similar. Hadn't ever tried. She'd be noticed if she did. It was better for her if no one noticed her. That way they wouldn't, couldn't, do that to her again.

Tentatively, lightly, Karen touched the unmoving palm with her fingertip. When there was no response she touched it again, sliding just the barest tip of her finger along the light caramel colored skin. Crossing the life line she watched as the pressure of her finger dented the quiet flesh. Still no response. Another quick glance up showed no change in Chasandra's expression. Still waiting. Not asking or demanding. Just waiting.

Taking a deep breath, Karen lifted her hand to gently place all her fingers onto Chasandra's palm. Fully expecting Chasandra to close her hand around her fingers, she willed herself to stillness. When Chasandra did nothing she looked up surprised.

"The gift is always given in trust. Trust you will never be hurt. Never be harmed. Never be used and discarded. Never be forced to do what you do not want to do."

Continuing, she explained. "You did not want to be held by me though you gave yourself to me. So, I did not. My gift in return was to prove to you that you could trust me to not do to you what you did not want. That is the gift. The trust. Shared between us."

Tears suddenly stinging in her eyes and a lump in her throat prevented Karen from doing anything except nod. Straining she managed a hoarse whisper.

"I understand. Now." Swallowing hard, she continued. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," came the reply as Chasandra neatly slid her hand out from under Karen's before moving away.

Looking up Karen saw Violet beaming at her. Blushing, she turned her face away while she got her emotions back under control. As she did, she noticed another figure approaching their table.

She was mid-twenties, with fresh plump cheeks and brown hair in an updo held with gold clips. She was wearing a brilliant blue sleeve dress ending mid-thigh. Gold high heels completed the ensemble.

"Hi guys. Security wants to know if they can turn the sound back on." Stopping at their table, she dropped Violet's lost silver hair clip onto the table top. The clatter and Violet's quick yelp of "My barrette!" sounded too loud after the quiet discussion they'd been having.

"Not quite yet," Chasandra said with a small negative shake of her head at the camera on the ceiling. "Soon, yes."

"So, what's the big secret?" The woman asked as she grabbed a chair from another table. Turning the chair to face the table, the young woman mimicked Violet's prim careful motions as she seated herself. Once seated, she sat with her back straight, knees slightly apart. "Anything fun?"

"We're talking about the club. Just got started actually before getting side tracked." Violet told her vaguely.

"Oh. Boooring." The woman rolled her eyes.

"For you maybe. I don't know anything about the club." Karen looked at the new girl. She held out her hand "Oh, before I forget, I'm Karen."

"Hi, I'm April. Mrs. Smith today." They shook hands.


"Smith with an S. As in Sapphic. 'Cause I like girls."

Karen looked at Violet with a question in her eyes.

"Hey, I told you there were other Mrs. Whites, Greens, Blacks, etcetera. I told you. Not my fault you don't remember."

"Hey, it is so not my fault!" Karen began ticking items off on her fingers. "Between then and now there was the surprise lunch. Afterwards came the complete and utter meltdown, the scary witch doctor, the violent upheaval, the startling revelation, and the destruction of my view of how the world works. With all of that going on so suddenly I think I can be forgiven for not remembering."

"The scary witch doctor?" April asked Chasandra. "Do I want to know about this?"

Violet couldn't help herself. She exploded in laughter and was joined by both Chasandra and Karen. Giggling uncontrollably, Violet pointed at Chasandra.

"The witch doctor." and dissolved into more giggles.

April looked confused. "Witch doctor?"

"That doctor," Karen gasped, pointing at Chasandra.

"This doctor," Chasandra finally managed to say after having to catch her breath.

April looked at all of them. "I don't get it." Which made them start laughing all over again.

In confusion, April waited for them to explain it to her. Chasandra was always good at explanations.

"A lot of our sense of self can be revealed in imagery. How we think of ourselves, what we want to do, to be, to become. We just need to envision our inner selves, ask the right question, and interpret the image we get for the answer."

Chasandra, after they had all gathered their decorum again, was explaining to Karen about inner imagining of the Self.

"For instance, if I were to say to you; 'Imagine you are a tree.' Once you did, I could ask you to tell me what kind of tree you are."

"Oh, I've heard that one already. I didn't get the right answer."

"There is no right answer. There is only you. So, since you know that particular version of the question, let's change it. Let's say, instead, imagine you are something good to eat. Something wonderful only you are. Something which matches the exact essence of the real you inside. What would you be?" Chasandra asked Karen at the end of her explanation.


"Bah. You give nothing except a quick answer. An answer which has no meaning. It does not describe you at all. You do not look. You do not try." Chasandra dismissed Karen's response. She looked over at Violet and pointed her finger.

"Strawberry swirl cheesecake." Violet answered promptly.

"Oh. You are!" Karen couldn't help exclaiming. "You are. It is just like I think of you. Red and white, sweet, creamy smooth, sophisticated, different, special. Fun any day of the week and denial gives you a serious craving to get some."

Violet made a seated bow in her direction while flourishing her hands. Karen looked over at Chasandra, a question in her eyes.

"Candied dark roasted coffee beans. Not everyone likes them because they are strong and bitter. They are an acquired taste."

"Lemon lime gelatin," April announced before Karen even looked in her direction. Apparently April wasn't about to be left out of the conversation.

"Why lemon lime?" Karen was curious.

"Because it's two flavors at once. Complex. Sweet, but still tart. It also can't hide anything inside, because you can see right through it. And, I like it because it's green. I like green." April leaned forward, bit her bottom lip while batting her eyes playfully at Violet. "Deep green, like your eyes."

Violet flashed a tiny grin back at her, before turning up her nose to say with false seriousness; "I don't play in your romper room, Mrs. Smith."

"I know." April sat back, crossed her arms and mock pouted by sticking out her bottom lip. Tipping her head down she looked at Violet through lowered lashes; "But, you'd like it if you did Mrs. White."

Violet dropped her nose out of the air to face April directly.

"Maybe," she said coyly with a very tiny smile at the corners of her mouth. "But, then Dominick might want to join in. That'd be no fun for one of us."

"Maybe," April shot right back in imitation of Violet. They laughed at each other.

Karen was envious of the ease at which Violet teased April, who teased her in return. As she watched them laugh and giggle she saw them both swivel their heads at the same time to look out over the dining area. April looked at Violet who shrugged.

"I'm a mess, so I'm off line."

"I'll take care of it." April replied standing up. "I need to get back to Annie anyway. We're doing flash cards so she can be ready for her final at school next week."

"Really? Already?"

"Yeah. She's really stressed about it."

"Well, when you get back there, tell her I said good luck."

"Will do. Gotta sort that mess out first." April waved at what appeared to be two adults with two children. The family had been seated near several other diners. Waiting to either order or to get their meals, the kids were running around the tables. Some of the other diners were looking none too happy at the commotion.

"Ta ta Karen." April waggled her fingers in a graceful goodbye. She began to walk down the aisle toward the rope barrier which separated their private dining area from the general dining area. Turning at the end of the aisle, April began to descend the sloping ramp toward the rambunctious family.

"Oh, watch this." Violet told Karen. "She's getting really good at being subtle in her requests."


"We make an art form of it. Asking for something in a way no one suspects. Like when I got you to order lunch."

Karen glared at her friend. "I'm not sure I've forgiven you for that yet. It was mean of you."

"A better example would be when I asked for our conversation to remain private. To have the security system shut off." Chasandra told them cutting off any argument.

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Karen asked. "I didn't hear you say anything like that."

"Did you see the plant I was touching? That one?" Chasandra pointed.


"Did you see how I turned? How I started talking to the planter? Do you remember what I said?"

"You said this was a quiet place."

"Yes. I said it was a safe place. A place where no one listens. I wasn't just saying it to you. I was also saying it to those who listen and watch. I was telling them to not listen."

"Wow. Really?"

"Yes, by talking to the planter, and touching the plant, I was directing my words to the microphone in the plants. Making it appears I was talking to you was very difficult."

"So, April is going to touch the plants?"

"Oh no. April is really good at subtle. She watched Violet, who invented the game. She is the best of us all."

"Game?" Karen asked ignoring Violet's "Hey! Not fair."

"The game of subtlety. Shhh, watch now."


Scooting her chair over so she could see between the concealing plants, Karen watched April descend the ramp toward the entry. A long line still formed there. The woman who walked down the ramp was not the same as the girl who had just sat with them. The girl was young, flighty. The woman was in command of herself and the space around her. Calm and sophisticated. Confident, warm. Not cool or cold. A duo of personas in one person. Karen realized that the duality was just like April's self image of lemon lime gelatin. I wonder if she is also as openly transparent too.

As April walked downward, she turned her head to the right toward the dining area. Gently, she used her finger to touch the top of one of the chrome stanchions holding the rope barrier Just one gentle light stroke to the rounded top of the pillar while walking by before turning her head front again. Nearing the entryway, April nodded to the man in the red jacket who unhooked the rope to let her pass.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Smith." Karen couldn't hear him speak though she could see the young man's mouth move. Her imagination filled in the words. April gave the jacketed man a smile and Karen saw her mouth move in a thank you. Turning, she moved toward the scene of her need.

Approaching tables April spoke momentarily to the guests at each one. Karen could imagine her asking if they were having a good time. Getting nods of satisfaction in return. Finally, after working her way toward the family in the center of the disturbance, April effected a shocked look on her face. There was a short conversation with both parents before April gathered up the entire family moving them further down the dining area. Seating them at a larger table with a view outside over the garden. There was just a hint of a view of the golf course, and the people playing there through the window. It looked very peaceful and secure yet was not apart or isolated from the other Diners.

Producing some paper cards in a slight of hand maneuver Karen didn't grasp, April gave them to the two children. She shooed them off toward another room with 'Arcade' in lights above the entrance. Karen could see video games inside the room.

"How did she do that?" Karen asked.

"She probably told them something like 'Oh no. This is such a horrible table. Let me move you to another with better seating'. Or, something like that. It's what I would do."

"And the kids?"

"Oh, she moved the family to a table right next to the games arcade. She also gave the kids free passes. That's what those cards were. It will get the kids away from the other guests. There's someone in the arcade who will watch out for the kids to get them back to their table when their food arrives. Moreover, the food will show up without any problems with the table switch.

"Less noise, less fuss, everyone else is happy. The family gets an improved visit. Which will make all of them want to come back again."
