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"Shoot! I did, didn't I." Violet pulled her drops out before sticking the wires from Chasandra's earrings in her ears. "Ok, I'm wearing red now. He can't do anything." A moment later he was there."

Calmly, as if she was continuing a conversation, Chasandra produced a long wooden skewer from somewhere. She offered it to Karen.

"Here, you can use this to put your hair up if you can't find a clip in your purse."

Karen took the skewer, holding it in her hand while she crossed her legs. The man stopped at their table looking at Chasandra and Violet.

"Subs," he said to them.

Karen saw Violet drop her eyes. "Master."

"Who is your friend? I've not seen her here before."

"She is a guest Master. A guest."

Turning to Karen the new arrival lifted her hair. "Here, let me help you put your hair up."

Karen froze in fear. No!

Violet, seeing Karen's fright, spoke up. "Rule sixteen Master."

"Quiet! Or do you want to be punished?"

Karen unfroze at the threat of someone punishing Violet. Swinging her arm, she knocked the strangers hands out of her hair. Quickly he grabbed the wrist of her hand. The same hand which was holding the skewer. He squeezed.

"Ow! Let go of me!" Karen cried trying to yank her arm from his grasp. She couldn't stick him with the skewer or even get to her pepper spray because he had the arm on that side. Snarling, he shook her, refusing to release her wrist.

"Oh, a feisty one. I like feisty." Leaning close he looked at her. "I bet I can break you. Make you beg. Make you cry. Make you plead to let me fuck you. You'd like that wouldn't you? Little bitch."

With that said, he dragged her out of her chair shoving her down on the floor. Her body knocking the table flying as she went to her knees. The contents of the carafes and glasses sloshing over her to drench her in warm liquids.

Karen froze again as a flashback took over. Four boys cornering her outside the gym after school. Pinching and fondling, they touched her. Pushing her down to the ground on her hands and knees. Ripping at her clothes. Calling her a slut. Whore. Bitch. Peeing on her until she was soaked in urine. Saying they were going to fuck her good. That she'd like it. That she wanted it. Nooo! Not that! NO!


It wasn't so much a shout as a wave of overwhelming pressure. The darkness bearing down on Karen moved, enclosing both her and the man in gray. The shout, the darkness, and a flash of silver crossed her vision.

Chasandra snapped a chrome metal handcuff on the wrist of the arm holding Karen. The confining arm was yanked away in another blur of fast-moving darkness. Chasandra whirled the gray clad man in a circle before she flipped him over her hip. As he spun in mid-air, she captured the other arm. Another flash of silver along with a ratcheting buzz as that wrist was also secured.

Chasandra body slammed him to the floor, following him down with a knee in his spine. Adding her full weight to keep him in place, she drew two more bamboo skewers from some hidden pocket in her boots before her dress finally settled around her. Chasandra raised the paired skewers above her head. Her face was set in an angry mask.

"Mine." Chasandra growled again in her husky voice as she pulled his head back by the hair to expose his face. The man's pupils grew wide at the sight of Chasandra ready to plunge the skewers into his eye. Helpless he tried to get up by kicking his legs. There was no purchase with Chasandra's weight pinning him to the floor.

"STOP!" A man in a red jacket hurried with long strides almost running in their direction.

"Stop!" He said again. Touching Chasandra's upraised hand he pleaded, "Please. Stop. Please."

At his touch Chasandra slammed the gray man's face into the maroon carpeting. Standing, she began walking in small circles. She seemed oblivious to everything except the images she was surely conjuring in her own mind. Her arm jerked as if she was jabbing imaginary attackers with the paired sticks.

The red jacketed man knelt by the man in handcuffs. "What is going on here? You don't belong on this level, why are you here?"

"He touched her." Violet knelt by Karen, urging her to her feet while wiping her face with a napkin. "He grabbed her. She's a guest!"

"I did not!" The man on the floor was angry and nearly shouting. "I did nothing. I stopped to inquire if they were available for a scene. They were sitting here. They should have been available to me. I did nothing. She hit me. I responded. I defended myself."

"LIAR!" The snarling roar from Chasandra made him twitch. "We are wearing red. We told you rule sixteen. WE TOLD YOU she is a guest. We told you. You told us to be silent. You touched her. You hurt her. And, she is MINE."

"Is that true?" The man in the red jacket asked the gray clad man.

"No. Look at her. She's gone crazy. I did nothing. I did not know she was a guest. She was in this area. Guests are not brought into this area."

A pause by the man in the red jacket before he began to recite. "Guests may be brought anywhere except areas which are strictly off limits to all except members." Finished with his recitation of the appropriate rule he continued. "This is the rule. You know the rule. In addition, you do not belong on this level as you are. Further, it is obvious that both of these members are wearing red and not available. You know those rules too. Given these transgressions by you, I have no reason to believe you. You must have said or done something."

"I said nothing. I did nothing."

"I don't believe you. You are suspended until a full investigation is done. If I am wrong, I will apologize. We must get to the truth of this."

The man in cuffs swore at him while helplessly thrashing his legs again. "You can't do anything. You don't have any authority over me."


"He does. By my Word and Seal, he does. In any case, no one here can deny that I possess that authority."

The quiet words came from a slender woman in a silvery gray pantsuit walking purposefully toward them. She was flanked by two very large muscular men in black outfits with security patches and badges. They were all breathing very heavily as if they had been running.

The woman's brilliant red silk blouse was open at the throat showing a strand of pearls that matched the pearl studs in her ears. Dark hair held back in a simple ponytail, her eyes blazed at them from a long face covered with flawless makeup despite the light sheen of sweat on her neck and upper chest. She walked closer, taking in all of the scene with a level of confidence Karen had no trouble identifying as an experienced commander with absolute authority.

As the woman approached, the man in the red jacket knelt down on one knee; bowing his head before placing his folded hands on his upturned knee. Violet also dropped to floor, assuming the submissive position she had used earlier. A rustle of cloth and the sound of movement told Karen that unseen others also knelt in this woman's presence.

Walking up to the man on the floor, the woman looked at Chasandra.

"Chas, stop prowling. If you don't submit, or if you try to stab him again, I will punish you extremely severely." The woman held out her hand toward Chasandra, snapping her fingers in command.

"Mine! Give!" She ordered, holding her hand with the palm up.

Chasandra looked rebellious, stepping near, then away, then near again, like a big cat unsure of what to do but wanting to obey. Suddenly, she dropped the two slender sticks onto the woman's outstretched palm. Kneeling before the woman with her knees spread, palms upturned on her thighs, Chasandra bowed her head. At a gentle two fingered touch on her head she submitted and stilled completely.

The woman turned a grim face to the man on the floor. Producing an electronic tablet, she showed it to him. Pictures on the tablet that were obviously taken from video of the events that had just occurred.

Pictures of his hands in Karen's hair.

Pictures of his hand grabbing Karen's arm.

Pictures of him pulling Karen out of her seat with her hair flying.

Karen hugged her bruised arm to her chest. She began to quietly leak tears as the stuff of her nightmares happened to her again. Not again. Please, not again.

At some small sound from her Chasandra looked up and saw Karen crying. Instantly she leaped up to gather Karen into her arms. Karen at first tried to push away. Unclean. Her mind told her to not accept the comfort. No. I am unclean.

To no avail as Chasandra's unyielding warmth and strength won out. Eventually Karen gave in, turning her face to Chasandra's breast. There was an audible deep rumbling in Chasandra's chest, clearly warning everyone to stay away. Karen did not need to look to know that Chasandra had the smoky feral look in her eyes again. The clearly primal warning growl told her that. She let herself be enfolded in Chasandra's secure arms. Safe. She began to really cry.

"Assault." The woman in gray hissed angrily as she held the tablet, flipping through the pictures for the man to see. "Assault with intent to cause bodily injury." Another flip. "Attempted rape." Flip. "Attempted kidnaping." A final flip before a toss of the tablet onto a nearby table with a clatter made Karen jump, though she kept her face hidden.

"On a guest of Scarlet. This will never be tolerated in our House. Not from you. Not from anyone. Not by me. You should be grateful that I do not just turn this evidence over to the police for you to be prosecuted as a rapist and sexual predator."

The woman's voice was soft, but to Karen there was no doubt about the depth of the power inherent in it. The woman in silver meant everything she said.

"Instead, I strip you from Scarlet. Your records are deleted. All traces of you are to be expunged and removed. No evidence of you ever having been a member here will exist from this day forward. You are a stranger and trespasser here.

"You are banished. Banished forever. From the House, the grounds, and all other properties held by Scarlet. Any Owner or patron who thinks to bring you back upon the grounds or property will also suffer the consequences of your banishment. All personal items in your locker downstairs will be confiscated, burned, or destroyed immediately for your misdeeds. Any other personal property which is on the grounds shall be removed within three days by someone other than you or it will be considered to be abandoned and turned over to the appropriate authorities. You are to be taken through the service ways to the edge of our property where you will be let go. Never return here!

"Refusal to abide by the terms of your banishment will result in the public release of this evidence and possible prosecution for your crimes. You can also be very thankful in my mercy that I do not let Mrs. Black deal with you as she undoubtedly would prefer."

A wave of her hand and a crisp "Remove him!" followed her sentencing.

The burly security men hoisted the former Master off the floor by his cuffed arms and frog marched him to the exit. He never looked up.

The woman turned to face Chasandra and looking her in the eye. "Owner and Submissive Chasandra Black. I commend you in your dedication to the safety of our members and guests. Since I have you here, I will tell you that I have read and considered your petition for advancement to Mistress. Your petition is denied. It is unworthy of you.

"Instead, in recognition of your unique qualities, bravery, and readiness to protect what is mine from immediate harm, you are advanced to the position of Maitre. All rights, privileges, and duties are effective immediately. We have need of your skills.

"However, in consideration of your professional obligations outside of Scarlet, we will work to establish a schedule which will allow you to continue to provide your valuable counseling services to your private clients. Therefore, you are expressly forbidden to release your clients to other professionals, or reduce your clientele, in order to create time for service to Scarlet. You are forbidden to relocate your offices to this property to make it easier for your service to Scarlet at the expense of your clients. We will work with you instead of you having to change for us."

Ignoring the stunned look in Chasandra's eyes, the woman next turned toward Violet.

"Mrs. White." The woman's eyes turned flinty. Her voice stern, she chastised Violet who dropped her head in shame. "I find you in serious violation of the rules. Your current appearance is unworthy of our House. Your conduct is abysmal. Your disobedience has been brought to my personal attention twice this day causing unnecessary interruptions to my other obligations.

"In punishment, you are suspended from all duties and privileges. You may not return to the House for two weeks unless you are recalled. This suspension begins at Midnight. I will be considering further punishment during your suspension as I become more familiar with all of the events of today. Should I decide to impose additional punishment, I will notify your Owner as I deem appropriate. Do you understand?"

"Yes Domna." Violet was very subdued.

"When I finish here, you will retire, bathe, and suitably re-attire yourself until your suspension begins. Do you understand?"

"Yes Domna. I hear and obey."

The silver clad woman took a deep breath and turned to Karen while gentling and modulating her voice.

"Miss Karen. I cannot fully express how sorry we are that, as our guest, you had to witness and be a part of this. We owe you our deepest and most sincere apologies for the harm and injuries done to you. While we cannot impose upon you to keep silent, we would hope that out of understanding you will do so. However, should you choose to go to the police over this, know that we will turn over all records of these events and will fully cooperate in any investigation which may occur.

"Please accept, regardless of your choice in that matter, that our debt to you is still very great. To help partially satisfy that debt, we offer you reparations to your clothing, your physical person and your self esteem. Reparations to the limit of credit of Scarlet if necessary."

A collective gasp followed those words. The woman slashed a sharp gesture for quiet, then continued to Karen.

"Please take advantage of our goodwill to visit the spa and shops here to purchase new clothing and accessories to replace those ruined here today. Anywhere for anything. It is all open to you. Courtesy of Scarlet."

"That's not necessary. Thank you anyway." Karen mumbled into Chasandra breast.

"It the least we can begin to do for you. As it is, your present appearance will bring unwanted attention. I insist that you at least allow us to clothe you decently, or clean your clothing and return them to you. I am also very sure that sticky liquids drying in your hair is not enjoyable. Please take us up on this small amount of assistance for you. I promise, in the name of Scarlet and upon my honor, no more harm will be done to you here."

A small movement, as Karen rolled her buried face to expose one eye, was taken for assent and the woman in silver continued.

"Good. As you already know her and she has demonstrated her desire and ability to keep you safe, Maitre Black will accompany you while you are here. Please accept a gift of trust in her presence. I trust her guidance and care will eventually restore to you all of what was lost here today. Should there be more that we can do for you, please contact me. I will respond immediately as I can."

The woman held out a red business card with just a number embossed on it in gold. At Chasandra's nudge Karen took it and put in into her pocket without looking at it.

Turning to face the security camera the woman raised her arms in what looked like a ritual position.

"I am Domna Maria Wolfe. These are my words. In this place my words are law. You will hear and obey."

"Yes Domna."

Karen was surprised at the number of voices that spoke those two words. Opening her other eye and raising her head she saw that a medium sized crowd of people had silently gathered while Domna Wolfe was speaking. They were all kneeling in one position or another. Nearby was a chunky short-haired man with a football player type physique wearing an expensive looking dark brown business suit. He was kneeling in a submissive posture that mimicked Violet's.

"These proceedings are ended. Dismissed." Domna Maria Wolfe dropped her arms before turning and walking away without looking back. The twin bamboo sticks in her hand creaking from the pressure of her grip as she twisted them.

After Wolfe disappeared, the kneeling man rose and dusted off the knees of his trousers. Straightening, he looked at her with steady warmth in his eyes.

"Miss Karen," he said with a slight bow while behind him others copied his motion. The obvious respect in his eyes overcoming her reluctance to be noticed. They knew. They understood. The revelation was staggering to her shocked mind.



Chasandra lead Karen by the hand through tunnels and back walkways. Her clothes were still dripping, shoes squelching at each step, from the amount of water they had soaked up. Eventually they emerged from behind a pair of locked doors at a side corridor outside Marco's couture shop.

Karen was nearly cringing in embarrassment as Chasandra dragged her inside Marco's. Racks of skirts, dresses, blouses, slacks, and other women's apparel greeted them under bright lights. Hanging from glittering chrome racks, or folded on glass shelves, were all types of clothes and accessories. There were huge floor to ceiling mirrors on the back wall. A pair of small dressing rooms were next to a door to the back. The door was closed with a sign that said 'Employees Only'. There was no one in the shop.

Chasandra released her hand. Very careful to not touch anything and ruin it, Karen walked over to a rack and picked out a dull brown blouse to go with a pair of tan khaki pants in a size fourteen. Turning toward the sales register, she dug into her still dripping handbag for her wallet. She would pay, change, then leave.


The single word made her look at Chasandra.

"No." Chasandra said again and waggled her finger in a negative gesture.

"I can wear these, they're big enough."

"I said no. I will not allow you to hide yourself in clothes the color of mud and dirt."

"Not allow?"

"Yes. I will not allow this."

"This is what I want. I can wear them. No one will notice if I wear them home."

"I do not care. No."

"You can't stop me," Karen said as she turned again toward the register. No one appeared in the shop to help her. Where were the employees?

"If you try to wear that, I will spank you until you cannot sit down without wincing."

"You wouldn't dare!" Karen was shocked, spinning to face the towering black woman.

In answer, Chasandra flipped her dress open, thrust one leg forward, drew a leather slap-bat out of the top of one of her boots. She held it in one firm hand. The business end of the flat leather whip looked well used and supple.

"I will, if you disobey me again," she said as she pointed with the whip. First at Karen, then at the rack. "So. Put those back. Choose again."

Faced with no choice, and Karen had no doubt that Chasandra believed what she said and was serious, Karen hurried to replace the clothes on the rack.

"Stop!" Chasandra slapped the whip across her boot.

Confused Karen stopped.

"Walk. Do not scurry like a frightened mouse. Walk. Your body knows in your bones how to walk. Just listen to it and walk as it tells you."

Holding the clothes in front of her like a shield Karen edged toward the rack and replaced them on the rail. Chasandra pointed to another rack with dresses hanging on it.
