Scarlet Vendetta (Book #4)


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Steven had been suspicious the first time the three of them had slept together. He'd thought, like everyone else, that they were having sex. A lesbian group grope of some sort. It had taken stern words from her, and a talk with Karen's husband, to straighten him out. Steven's suspicions up to the point where he'd been reassured by Mitchell had almost lead to a breakup of their relationship. Which she'd have mourned but not prevented. It wasn't her way to do things like that. As Steven should know or remember from their childhood together.

They'd gone to the same school as kids. The tiny multi-cultural school outside the reservation where she'd been raised by her aunt after her parents died. Her childhood there shaping her character as an adult.

Her aunt had been cold and aloof toward her. As if she was an unwanted intruder. The other members of the tribe had been worse. They had shunned her. Denied her as being one of them, despite her heritage, because her hair was brown instead of black and her skin color too pale. Her schoolmates had been equally as cruel. Sensing her ostracism and taking advantage of it to torment her whenever they could, they'd made her angry at the entire world.

The final straw had been on her seventeenth birthday. She'd come home from school to find her clothes, what few she had, in a trash bag hanging on the doorknob of the newly padlocked door to the ratty trailer she and her aunt lived in. The rejection was unmistakable. Go away! So she had. She'd never looked back. She never would. For anyone or for any reason.

"Love you." The soft words from Callie interrupted Wolfe's memory. Somehow, Callie had again sensed her change of awareness. She often knew, Wolfe had no idea how, whenever either she or Karen needed affection or reassurance. Karen's hand slipped over her hip to quietly grasp hers in silent support. They were together. Strong, loving and in harmony with each other. Forever.

Noises from the living room told them that Steven had gotten up so it was time for them to do the same.

"Dibs." Callie slid out from under the covers to head for the bathroom first. Usually it was a mad scramble for all of them to get to use the one bathroom in the morning. With Karen there, one of them occasionally wound up dancing from foot to foot outside the bathroom door waiting for a turn on the toilet.

Karen sat up on the edge of the bed. Wolfe took in the sight of Karen's nude body. She never got tired of looking at Karen. Karen was beautiful. Slender, tall and gorgeous even with tousled hair and sheet wrinkles first thing in the morning. Karen gave their still clasped hands a quick squeeze before letting go to grab her robe.

"My turn," Karen said as she slipped into the robe after a flush sounded from the bathroom.

With Karen gone, the room was suddenly empty. Wolfe stretched both arms over her head from her position in the center of the bed. Curling her toes, she closed her eyes and reached with her whole body, feeling her bad shoulder protest the extension. She ignored the twinges as she arched her back into the stretch.

"Mmmmmmm." Her enjoyment of her morning stretch came out as just one note.

"Mmm, is right." Steven's voice caused her to open her eyes to see him close the bedroom door behind him. He leaned over her as her arms twined behind his neck. "Good morning beautiful."

Kissing him in return, Wolfe gave a sudden gasp as probing fingers slid between her thighs. "Steven! I have to pee." Despite her protest, she spread her legs slightly to give his fingers better access.

Steven grinned at her from close range as he gave her a couple of quick rubs before stopping. Another light kiss and he stood up, turning to the closet where he kept his clothes.

"Oh no you don't!" Wolfe rolled over and grabbed the waistband of Steven's PJ's before he could get away. "Let me go pee first. Then, come in and take a shower with me. You can soap my back. And, a few other places too."

It wasn't long before Maria was gasping as Steven got into a strong rhythm. Pinned by him against the shower wall, she lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist. The only thing keeping her from falling was his erection as he thrust into her again and again. Pulling him close she kissed and bit his neck, urging him to even more vigorous efforts.

"Harder!" She whispered as she fought to keep her whimpers low and unheard. She didn't care if they were overheard. However, Steven did care, so she took the trouble to try to be quiet for his sake.

Steven responded by really beginning to slam his rigid member into her as deeply as he could. His breathing heavy, he thrust and thrust and thrust while Maria tried to keep from screaming in ecstasy.

A light tap on the bathroom door before it opened made Steven pause in surprise.

"Don't you dare stop!" Maria raked him with her nails as she pumped her hips into him.

"Maria? Callie and I are going to head into the office instead of waiting. I'll send Erik back with the car. Enjoy your morning and don't rush. Ok?"

"Yes." The single word could be either an assent to Karen's question, or in response to Steven thrusting into her again. Either way, Wolfe tipped her head back and let Steven continue to pump into her as the warm water flowed over them both. The door closed with a click.

Karen grinned at Callie as she motioned for her to proceed toward the front door. Callie grinned in return while reaching for Karen's hand.

"I think we inhibit them. Especially when you stay overnight."

"I think we intimidate him. Maria can handle us both being here. We could probably even watch, not that I would, and she wouldn't flinch or slow down. Steven though . . ."

Callie nodded her agreement. What with being co-CEO with Karen and helping her run Scarlet, Maria was more open about sex than the average woman. Scarlet was all about sex. Bondage, Domination and sex, sex, sex. There were special rooms downstairs from the GreenWood Mall for club members to use. For sex. And, other things. Rooms with no locks on the doors and cameras scanning and recording everything all the time.

There'd been times where they'd opened a door into an orgy. It had happened more than once or twice and often included leather, ropes, chains and a lot of screaming. Callie had gone into full defensive mode the first time but neither Karen, nor Maria had batted an eye at what they stumbled into. A discrete "carry on." from Karen usually prevented the scene from breaking up once they were noticed and everyone realized that Karen, in her official personna of Scarlet, was in the room.

Usually there were a few giggles as everyone relaxed and went back to their fun, with the occasional half-hearted invitation for them to join in. It had taken more than a few of those incidents before Callie realized that there wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Not by her, or those who were enjoying themselves. Sex between members might be private, which was why the doors were closed, but it was not dirty or shameful or disgraceful, or embarrassing. She wouldn't ever join in, ewww, but if the members needed to do that with each other, and kept it to themselves, who was she to tell them no?

Steven, on the other hand, was a cop. As a cop he tended to be a bit straightlaced and rigidly suspicious of everything. He knew Maria and Karen dealt with several sex clubs as part of GreenWood's management and investment business. He didn't know how deeply those club members were involved in GreenWood. If Maria and Karen had any say in the matter, he never would.

Still, he tended to be inhibited when it came to his and Maria's lovemaking. Callie tried to spend time each week away from the apartment, staying with Fox so that they had the place to themselves. That way, Steven didn't have to worry that she'd overhear them.

What they needed was a bigger apartment. Or for Callie to move out. The one time she'd tried to broach that idea, Maria had quashed it immediately.


"But, you guys could be together and not worry that I'm here. You don't need me around."

"I want you here. Please stay."

Callie had sighed and agreed to stay. In a way, she was also relived because that meant she had a place where she could be herself. Maria didn't care that she was a lesbian or that Fox was her girlfriend and lover. What Maria cared about was making sure Callie was happy and safe. And Callie made sure that Maria was never alone again.

At the thought, Callie paused and turned back toward the apartment.

"She is not alone. Steven is with her." Karen's low murmur brought her back around. "Don't worry."

"But, . . . "

"Callie, she will not appreciate it if you interrupt them at the wrong moment. Let them be together and love each other. She deserves it. They deserve it."

Callie nodded. They both could use the time to be with each other without her being in the way. Once again, the overcrowded apartment issue came to the forefront.

"We need a bigger place. So they don't have to worry about me being around." Callie told Karen yet again. "But she won't budge."

"She likes her apartment. It's hers. A home where she can feel secure and safe. Of course she doesn't want to leave it." Karen was understanding about why Maria didn't want to move.

Callie was frustrated. This was old news between them. However, the overcrowding issue wasn't going to go away just because Maria refused to acknowledge it.

Walking across the lobby, Callie lead Karen by the hand out the front door of the building. She saw Erik standing next to the long black limousine with the door open. He was waiting for them in the white-zone passenger loading area as usual. Scanning the surroundings, she let Karen enter the car first. Just as she was bending to seat herself, something caught her eye. Quickly standing up, she once again scanned the area. Comparing the new scene to the one stored in her photographic memory from moments before. Nothing. Just the door to the building swinging closed.

"Callie?" Karen's soft question floated out from the car.

"I'm coming." Callie once again seated herself in the car. Erik closed the door behind her as she fastened her seatbelt.

"What was the problem?

"Something was wrong."

"What?" Karen didn't ask if Callie was sure. She knew Callie didn't make that kind of mistake.

"I don't know. When I stood back up, there was nothing."

Karen mulled for a moment. "Impressions?"

"I don't know. I can't think of anything."

"Don't think. Just feel the moment and give me your impression of what you thought you saw."

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe, I saw something, no, someone I recognized."


"I don't know. It was just a quick half-glimpse. I could be mistaken."

"I doubt that." Karen was positive.

"Yeah, well when I looked again, there wasn't anyone there. So, either I'm going crazy or I'm already crazy. Take your pick."

Karen laughed.

As Karen and Callie left for the office in the limo, Maria languished in bed. After both of them had left the apartment, she'd turned off the shower and let Steven carry her back into the bedroom. He dried her off with towels she grabbed as they left the bathroom before laying her down on the huge bed. Crawling between her thighs, he used his fingers and tongue to give her the most incredible orgasm.

With just the two of them in the apartment, she didn't even try to suppress her moans and screams. God it was good! He brought her back to the height of ecstacy as he once again thrust his rigid length into her, giving her another orgasm before he finally spent himself. Slamming into her with that primal grunt she loved to hear him make, she could feel him pumping his semen deep inside her vagina.

Kissing him as he lay on top of her, she heard the apartment door jiggle quietly. Steven scowled as he rolled his weight off of her.

"They came back." He didn't sound happy at the prospect.

Maria frowned. Karen would not return without letting her know with a call. Callie would not come back without Karen. Sliding out of the bed, she grabbed her silk pajama top and slipped it on. The tail was long enough she didn't need the bottoms or underwear to be covered. Barely, but it was long enough for inside her home. She left the bedroom to see what was going on.

Looking across the living space at the front door, she could see the door knob start to turn. Suddenly the door flew open and two strangers were standing there. One of the men threw something inside, thankfully missing her completely. A flash of flame and an explosive thud as the incendiary bomb hit her couch and caught fire. The liquid inside the device splashing over her couch and the carpeting. Flame was everywhere almost instantly.

"STEVEN! Wolfe screamed as a wave of heat washed over her.


Callie ended the call she'd just received and looked at Karen. Her eyes were huge.

"Fire. There was a fire in the apartment."

Karen touched the button which let her talk to Erik as he drove the limo.

"Erik, please return to Maria's. It's an emergency."

"Yes ma'am." Erik slewed the long heavy car into a tight turn. He didn't even slow down as the tires squealed in protest. Both Callie and Karen had to hang on to avoid being tossed across the passenger cabin despite wearing seatbelts. Even through the soundproofing of the cabin, they could hear the big engine roar as Erik put his foot down on the accelerator.

Erik skidded to a stop outside the building where he'd just picked them up. There were several Hi-Visibility-Green fire trucks in the street and the road was blocked. Karen had the door open before Callie even got her seatbelt unbuckled.

"Wait!" She called to Karen. "I go first."

Karen paused then nodded. In an emergency, Callie was the one who gave commands. Callie stepped out of the car and scanned the area. No potential threats. Gesturing where Karen could see her hand through the open door, she motioned Karen out of the car.

"Erik, with us." Karen told him quietly as he came around the back end of the car.

"The car?" Erik motioned to the limo parked skewed at the curb and partially blocking the traffic lane.

"Screw the car. Let them tow it. If they dare!"

"Yes ma'am." Erik gave the car one last look as if they were parting forever.

Inside it was chaos. Police and firemen were everywhere. Callie hauled Karen over to the security desk in the lobby.

"Where is she?"

"Oh, Miss Callie, you're safe. When no one could find you, we thought the worst." The young security guard behind the desk looked relived.

"Where. Is. Maria?" Callie spaced her words evenly, her voice forceful with implied threats of bad things happening to him if she didn't get the information she wanted. Very bad things.

"I'm here." Maria's voice was clear. Callie whipped around to spot her friend sitting in a chair. She wore only her red silk pajama top and looked very cold. Steven was standing nearby talking to several uniformed officers. He was wearing only his pants. Both of them were grimy and singed.

Callie began to tow Karen toward where Maria sat. Most of the officers who saw her, got out of her way. Quickly. One, however, held up his hand to block her progress.

"Wait, you can't come over here."

Callie stopped and looked at him. Her eyes were brittle glass.

"Move." Callie's voice was low and flat. "Or I will hurt you."

"Is that a threat?" The officer placed his hand on his holstered gun.

"Take it any way you like, but you are standing between her and the woman she loves." Karen's voice was hollow. "Believe me, she will hurt you and there's nothing you, or anyone in this room can do to stop her. I suggest you move. Immediately."

The officer shifted his gaze from Callie to Karen. At the sight of her blazing blue eyes, he was already taking a step backwards as Howell barked at him.

"Barnes! Let them through."

Barnes looked over his shoulder at Howell who motioned for them to join him. Arriving at Maria's side, Callie let go of Karen's hand to lean over and give Maria a hug. Karen rested her hand on Maria's shoulder. Wolfe hugged Callie back and looked Karen in the eye.


"Forever." Karen whispered huskily back.

"Always." Callie intoned right behind her. They were three.

Howell was caught up in the sight of the three women. He'd seen them many times huddle together, kissing and hugging one another. This was different. This time there was something strange going on between them. There was an aura about them he'd never seen before. One of shared power and strength.

Maria held out her hand to him even while Callie continued to hold on to her. "You should talk some more with Mitchell. He may have some more insights for you."

As she spoke to him, the impressions he'd been getting faded. As if they were tamped down and suppressed from easy view. Still visible, now that he knew what to look for, but not blazing like they'd been just moments before. He reached over to gently hold Maria's hand in one of his, caressing her face with the fingers of the other.

"I don't need to." Bending down he kissed her on the lips even as Callie let go, returning to holding Karen's hand.

Maria's face lit with the words even as she returned his kiss. Her free hand lifting to rest behind his head, gripping his close-cropped hair tightly.

"You are truly beautiful." Another loving caress to her face before Howell released her. "Amazing."

"So, what happened?" Callie's question made them look at her.

"We were in bed when there was a noise. I got up to investigate. Two men broke in. They tossed some sort of fire bomb inside and took off." Maria explained simply. "The whole apartment is char. Everything is gone."

"Everything?" Karen looked over both Maria and Steven.

"Everything. There's nothing left. The fire spread amazingly fast. It engulfed the whole apartment so quickly we barely got out in time."

Karen nodded and pulled out her phone. Dialing she spoke calmly.

"Paul. We need clothes for Maria. Have Lainey pull an outfit from her closet. Something red. From the skin out. Steven needs clothes too. His sizes should be on record. Bring them to Maria's. We're in the lobby."

"What sizes are on record?" Steven wanted to know.

Karen waved that away as unimportant. "Did you get a good look at them?" The question seemed silly.

"I didn't see them at all. Maria was the one in the living room at the time. I was getting dressed when she screamed." Howell explained his part. And his failure.

"I didn't see much. It happened so fast. The door slammed open and they threw the bomb inside. About all I can remember is one of them had tattoos on his hands."

Callie stilled. Tapping her fingertips together, she rapidly flicked through images in her memory.

"What kind of tattoos?"

"A wolf or a bear. Maybe a lion. It happened so fast I didn't get a good look."

"A wolf? Or a dog?" Callie's question came rapidly and low.

"Oh no, you don't think . . .?"

Callie didn't answer, she just grabbed her own phone and began to dial. Karen followed suit on her own phone. Tapping a single button she waited a moment before saying one word then disconnecting. Erik's phone suddenly rang. All of the numbers in Karen's contact list would be ringing. When answered, the only thing the recipient of the call would hear was the single word.


Callie's phone vibrated even as she hit send. Ignoring Karen's incoming call she waited for the connection of her own call to complete. "Pick up. Pick up. Please pick up." The litany ran in her head a thousand times per second as she waited.