Scarlet Vendetta (Book #4)


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Karen's phone rang. "Paul? Forget my last orders. Set up a suite at the inn for Maria and Steven. Drop the clothes there, we're coming in."

"No, that's fine. Send a crash team to check on Mitchell and Scott. Send another team to Callie's parent's house and one to check on Rose. She should be at work at her bakery."

"Initiate the call-in sequence. I want everyone accounted for. Yes, I know we're short handed. Adapt! By my word and seal I will personally flay anyone who fails me in this." Karen snapped out her orders then ended the call before Paul could respond. It wasn't his place to question her. His place was to obey.

"What was that all about?" Howell was surprised at the speed and efficiency of whatever was happening.

"Fire is their favorite method." Callie spoke as she hung up. Rose hadn't answered.


"Los Perros. They have dog tattoos on their hands." Callie's voice held no inflection as she turned to Karen. "I'm sorry. Brute was who I saw outside the building this morning."

At the name, Erik growled. He pulled out his phone and dialed.

"Miss Violet? It's Erik. Good morning to you in return. Scarlet asked me to call and see if you're ok."

"Yes Miss Violet, I will tell her. As a word of caution, Brute and his friends firebombed Miss Callie's and Domna Maria's apartment this morning. No ma'am, everyone is perfectly fine. However, I am instructed to tell you to please be extremely careful and take no risks with your safety. Yes, Miss Fox as well. Of course I will. Goodbye."

Erik hung up and looked at Karen. "She is fine. She and Fox are both at GreenWood. They are both safe."

"Domna Maria?" Howell wanted to know.

"It's a pet name. From work." Maria explained vaguely as her eyes burned into Erik for his lapse in mentioning Scarlet in public. Erik knew better!

"Ok, then who is Scarlet?"

"She is a friend who asked me to check up on someone if there were ever any sort of incident involving Los Perros." Erik tried to explain without explaining. He was already in enough trouble.

"A friend?" Howell wasn't letting it go.

"Yes. A friend of mine." Erik faced off against Howell. This was none of his business!

"Steven." Maria's voice was cool. "We need to go. I smell like smoke and so do you. I want to bathe and put on some clean clothes. You may not mind running around with only pants on, but I assure you, I'm not exactly comfortable with wearing only a short pajama top in public. Especially right after having sex with you."

Maria looked at Erik. "Can you find me a towel or something? I'm leaking and sitting in a sticky puddle."

"I'm sorry ma'am, please forgive me." Erik whipped off his jacket and settled it around Maria's shoulders. She snugged it tight and huddled into the warmth of it.

"I will get you a towel." Erik walked across the lobby and down one of the residential corridors. They could see him talking to one of the residents who were watching all the excitement going on. The woman Erik was talking to looked where Erik pointed at them. She nodded and went inside her apartment to return shortly with a fluffy looking towel. Erik smiled at her and said thank you.

"Here you are ma'am." Erik handed her the towel. "Your neighbor only asked that you return or replace it."

"Thank you Erik. At least someone is thinking about me." Maria's eyes were on Steven as she said it.


T Rose stopped her car in the alley behind her bakery. There were police cruisers everywhere blocking her parking area. Carefully she parked along one side of the alley and walked to her rear loading dock.

"Ma'am, you can't go over there." An officer in uniform tried to stop her.

"It's my bakery. Is there a problem there?"

"Someone called about an attempted break in. We arrived in time and have someone in custody. It won't be long before you can go in."

"Really? Who'd you catch?" Rose was curious. Why would anyone want to break into a bakery?

"Some vagrant. Keeps saying he's not the guy."

"Brian?" Rose was surprised. Brian hadn't ever tried to break in or do anything the whole time he'd been around. Rose didn't think he was that type. He was too nice.

"You know him?" The cop was surprised.

"Brian's my night guard. He's not a thief." Rose didn't know why she lied but she decided to go with it anyway.

"Ma'am, could you come with me? I think my sergeant should talk to you."

Rose followed the officer to the rear of her building. Once they cleared all the police cars and vans, she saw Brian sitting on the ground in handcuffs. Several cops were going through his tent and gear. They were just tossing things everywhere with no regard to breakage or damage.

As she got closer, she saw Brian's face. He had a black eye which was rapidly swelling and a bloody nose.

"Brian? You ok?" She called out to him.

At her call, one of the uniformed officers looked in her direction. A gesture from the uniform next to her, and he began walking in her direction.

"Ma'am, this is a crime scene."

"She's the owner of the bakery. Says the perp is her night guard. Seems to recognize him." The uniformed cop explained why he'd brought her over.

"He's your guard? Why didn't he say so?"

Rose shrugged. "I have no clue. But, he's my employee. I'd appreciate it if you'd let him go."

"Ma'am, he was trying to break in when we got here."

"No, I wasn't. I told you; I'm the person who called you. After they tried to break in and then beat me up."

"They beat you up?" Rose squatted next to Brian. The two cops started to stop her but she just looked at them.

"He's my night security guard. I'm pretty sure you have the wrong guy. I'm also pretty sure of a couple of other things. One is that he needs to see a doctor and not sit here bleeding. It's obvious he's had his head knocked around. And, if you didn't do it, then someone else must have. Maybe the bad guys he just mentioned? You know, the ones who he says tried to break in to my bakery.

"The second thing I know; is that I have some friends who are pretty expensive lawyers who would love to talk to him about how you've treated him. Or, should I say, haven't gotten him treatment for his injuries while you destroy his personal belongings. So, maybe you should uncuff him now. Before I make a phone call neither of us wants me to make."

The two cops looked at each other before one of them produced a key to Brian's handcuff's. A quick click and his hands were free. Brian grimaced and clenched his teeth as he brought them around in front of his body.

"Ow." Brian hissed when he made a wrong move while rubbing his wrists.

"Miss Rose?" The call was strong though distant. Rose stood up, shading her face from the morning sunrise shining directly into her eyes.

"Miss Rose, are you ok?" The call came again.

"Paul? Is that you?" Rose called back. She knew Paul from the monthly visits with Karen and Maria. When both of them traveled together, Paul usually accompanied them to give support to Callie.

"Yes ma'am." Paul called back confirming his identity.

Rose turned to the officer who seemed to be in charge. "They are my security guys."

"Your security guys? Why do you need security people? What do you do here?"

"It's a bakery. Alaska Confections."

"So why so much security?"

"That, I believe, is my business and not something you need to know." Rose's answer was tart. She'd had about enough of this. She hadn't done anything illegal.

"Paul, come on in." She called out to him again and waved her arm.

"Ma'am, you can't . . ." The head cop began.

"My loading area. My employee. My security people. This is MY business, not yours. This is MY property and My people are coming to work."

"Ma'am, this is my crime scene."

"Really? Then you should investigate and take witness statements. Oh wait, you arrested your one and only witness and let the bad guys get away. Oops. It appears to me there's nothing left of your 'crime scene' now."

Rose's comments brought a quiet snigger from one of the four guys who approached. It seems no one has any respect for idiot cops. The real question is why there seems to be so many of them. Honestly, who hires these brain dead oafs anyway?

"Hello Paul, what brings you here this morning?" Rose turned her attention to the new arrivals and dismissed the cops from further consideration. The sergeant went back to directing his junior officers after giving Rose a disgusted look behind her back. Which earned him a frown from Paul before he addressed Rose.

"Miss Karen asked me to check on you. There's been an incident involving your sister and her boss. Bosses, I mean."

"Callie? Is she ok? Is everyone ok?" Roses heart thumped hard as adrenaline hit her system.

"They're all fine. We just wanted to make sure everyone stays that way. So, are you ok? Do you need us to help you?" Paul lowered his black sunglasses and looked in the direction of the cops. They were busy running yellow barrier tape around her loading dock. The yellow tape had 'police' and 'crime scene - do not enter' printed on it. They were decorating her dock like a Christmas tree.

"No, I'm fine. Brian could use some help though. He needs to see a doctor. Any possible way you can help me with that?" Relief flashed over her at the news that her sister was ok. Coming right on the heels of the adrenaline dump, she suddenly felt exhausted and shaky.

Paul looked at Brian, assessing his condition. "Yes ma'am. Devon can take him to the hospital if you want. The rest of us will stay until they come back."

"I certainly do want, thank you. Though you don't have to stay."

"Yes ma'am, I do. I'm also to tell you to check your phone messages. Apparently your sister has been trying to contact you. It's urgent."

Rose looked at Paul. "Why?"

"Ma'am, I've been forbidden to say." Paul gave Rose a very broad hint.

"Oh? Oh!" Rose's surprise was genuine. Was Karen's BDSM club somehow involved in the break-in attempt?

Paul motioned one of his guys forward. "This is Devon. He's a friend of mine. He'll take your Brian to the hospital."

"He's not my Brian." Rose denied the connection even as she looked up at Devon.

Devon was a giant. He towered over her. Looming larger because of his ebony skin, shaved head and old faded tattoos. He looked like he'd been around the block a few times. And then made a few more circuits for old time's sake.

"You're a friend of Paul's?" Rose refused to step back as his height blocked out the sun, casting her in his shadow.

"Yes ma'am. A tight friend." Devon's voice was surprisingly light in tone for someone so large.

"You don't work for Paul's boss do you?" Rose had some suspicions about Paul's 'friend' being more than just a friend. Not that it mattered to her in the slightest.

"No ma'am. I just help out now and then if Paul needs me. Sorta freelance."

"Don't worry Miss Rose. Your sister knows who he is, she's met him before. You can trust Devon."

"Scary woman, your sister." Devon interjected.

"Callie? Scary? To who?"

"Ma'am, your sister is the real thing. A gen-u-wine bogey man, uh, mama. Real scary. I wouldn't mess with her for a million bucks. Two million."

Rose smiled. "Callie's a pussy cat. Rub her tummy and she'll purr."

"If you say so ma'am. I'll leave the rubbin', and the trying to do the rubbin', to someone else though."

At that point Brain groaned. Paul looked at Devon. "You need to get going, he looks bad. Drop him and get back here. We're spread too thin as it is."

Devon nodded his understanding and helped Brian to his feet.

"Wait." Rose stopped them before they got far. Hurrying over, she gave Brian a business card and some cash she dug out of her purse.

"Call me when they release you. I'll come pick you up. Ok?"

"I don't want your money. No charity."

"Listen you idiot," Rose leaned close. "Take the money. Get something to eat if you need to and call me when they release you. Understand? Or do I have to knock you on your head too?"

"Dude, you really need to learn to listen. When I say that her sister is the real deal and this one says her sister is a push over, you need to be paying attention. You don't disrespect the lady who rubs the grim reaper's tummy." Devon had a touch of humor in his voice, though Rose thought she detected a bit of unstated respect toward her in there too.

"So, obey the lady. Take the money so we can dust. You ain't looking too good, you know what I mean?"

Brian took the bundle Rose shoved at him. As he and Devon moved toward the car Rose heard Devon giving instructions.

"I'll go easy but if you're going to blow chunks, do it out the window and not on the upholstery. Check?"

T Rose turned back to Paul to find him smiling at her.


"Rub her tummy?"

"Hey, Callie knows better than to mess with me. The last time she tried it, I kicked her ass." Of course, T Rose left out that she'd been three and Callie five at the time. And that Mama had paddled the both of them. And that they both remembered that spanking to this day. Still, it was a win. Right?

"This Rose has thorns. Sharp thorns." Rose buffed her fingernails on her sleeve as she said it. Paul grinned at her enjoying the joke. Rose flashed a quick grin in return.

"So, why are you really here?" Rose lowered her voice and got serious.

"I told you, your sister has been trying to contact you but couldn't. So, they sent me to check up on you. To be sure you are ok."

"Ok, let me check my messages and I'll call her back."

"You do that Miss Rose. Before I need you to rub your sister's tummy for me."

Paul's face was bland as he said it. Rose looked at him and gave up. Paul knew how dangerous Callie was and so did she. She wasn't even close to Callie's abilities and skills. They both knew that. Callie was in a class by herself. However, if Paul might need her to intervene on his behalf, then whatever was happening was seriously bad.

Digging out her cell phone she began punching buttons to check her messages. As she did, the cops finally wrapped up whatever they were doing , leaving her loading dock decorated in yellow tape. Lots of yellow tape.

"Casey!" Paul bellowed after the last patrol car had disappeared.

"Yes boss?"

"Get this litter off of the lady's loading dock." Paul waved at the yellow tape.

"On it boss." Casey pulled out the largest knife T Rose had ever seen.

"Miss Rose, shall we go inside?" Paul didn't wait for her permission. He just walked through the yellow barrier as if it weren't there. The tape stretching, then breaking with a snap as he plowed through it without slowing down. Stopping at the door he held out his hand.

"Keys." Paul ordered her to hand them over.

T Rose produced her key ring, dropping it into his hand. Paul unlocked the door and bellowed again.


"Yes boss."

"White Toyota in the alley. Fetch!" Paul tossed the keys to the last member of their foursome.

"On it boss. Where you want it?"

Paul looked at Rose instead of answering. Rose pointed at the side of the loading dock where she usually parked.

"Right there will be fine."

"Yes ma'am. Right away." Raul bobbed his head at her and jogged down the alley toward her car.

As Rose watched him hurry to get her car, a lightbulb illuminated in her head. This is what it must be like for Karen all the time. People begging her to let them do things for her. Anything. Everything. Please?

The thought of it happening for her was heady. No one had ever been that willing to do things for her. Not even her boyfriends. Usually she was the one who chased after them for attention. Yet Paul's friends were willing to do things for her. Just because they wanted to?

Rose looked at Paul who nodded as if he could read her mind.

"Obedience is its own reward." Paul was cryptic as he lead the way to her office.


"Callie? Can you come home? Mama's crying and won't stop." The tiny voice was uncertain as she left her message on her big sister's voicemail. "I'm scared."

Callie looked at Karen. Pleading with her eyes the question she would never ask.

"Go. I'll stay here with Maria." Karen flicked her fingers in dismissal. "I understand. I would feel the same way. So, go. Find out what's happening with your family."

Callie ran out the door as Karen spoke. "Paul, please have a car made available for Callie's use."

Callie fretted as Erik drove her to her parent's house. She didn't even say thank you to Erik as she ran up the driveway. Per his orders, Erik sat in the car and waited for Callie to return. Callie disappeared into the house as Erik opened a magazine to read while he waited. Neither of them saw the curtains of the house across the street twitch as Mrs. Garcia looked out her kitchen window.

Inside, Callie's mother sniffed to clear her nose. She and Callie sat on the comfy couch in the living room together.

"She insists she's someone else. If I try to tell her who she is, she screams and throws things at everyone. They've had to restrain her physically because she hits and bites people, including the hospital workers. I don't know what to do. She's my daughter and I can't even tell her I love her without her screaming at me again."

Callie hugged her mother trying to console her. Tulip wasn't getting any better, still insisting she was Karen.

"We need to call that specialist the doctor mentioned. See if he can help."

"She. Chasandra is a woman's name."

"Is it?" Callie made small talk to try to keep her mother's mind off Tulip's problems for however long she could.

"Yes. Not common, but not unheard of. At least I've heard it before."

"Well, let's call her and see what she can do to help. Ok?"

Ohiro nodded and sniffed again. "You call. I lost the card the doctor gave me. I know you saw it so you know the number."

Callie nodded that she'd make the call. Her mother patted her arm and sniffed again. Callie just gathered her mother into her arms again. Holding her softly as they rocked together in comfort and sympathy. They'd get through this. It would take time, but they'd get through it. Together.

* * * * *

"The receptionist said the doctor isn't taking any new patients. I tried other doctors but none of them said they could do anything to help. They all said she needs medicated and institutionalized. Probably for the rest of her life."

Callie was explaining to Karen that the specialist they'd been referred to wasn't available and no one else seemed to want to help her sister. It had been weeks since Poppy's message and they were still no closer to getting help for Tulip. After Callie finished explaining about Doctor Moetz's refusal, Karen picked up the phone from her desk and dialed a number.

"Hello, Doctor Moetz please. Yes, I understand. Would you please have her call Karen Harper as soon as she's available? It's not an emergency but it is important. Yes, she has my number. Thank you."

Karen hung up the phone and looked at Callie. "She's consulting with a patient."

"That's what they told me at first. Then they called back and said that she wasn't taking any more patients. So, you're wasting your time."

"She will call me back."

"I doubt it. She'll probably just have her receptionist call, if anything." Callie was glum. Tulip needed help and no one would get off their ass to do anything.

"She will. I promise." Karen was positive.

Callie looked at Karen as if she was crazy.

"She will." Karen had no doubt about it. "Believe me, she will."