Screaming for Vengence


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"We were done talking about you," she said. "As I recall, it was my turn in the chair. You had just told me that I could get all kinds of guys. And you're almost right. You understated it a bit but you're right. The problem is that I can get almost any guy for a week or two. But that's all I've ever had. John, I'm almost thirty one years old and all I've ever been is the freak of the week."

"That's why I wear long coats most of the time," she said. Even as she said it she stood up and I understood then why she had me watch the video. I'd been under the impression that Shelly was trying to lose weight like the woman in the videos. I'd missed the point totally. Shelly was built almost exactly like the woman in the videos. She wasn't fat, she was simply incredibly voluptuous.

I've already talked about the pretty reddish hair, her thick chewable lips and those wide spread innocent appearing brown eyes, but the body beneath them strained credulity. In fact, if I'd told anyone about it, most guys would assume that I was exaggerating.

Her shoulders were normal sized for a woman of her height. The breasts beneath them were outstanding. They were full and wonderful but they were probably ignored most of the time. Her thin waist tapered out to what is probably one of the most incredible asses on the planet. Her ass was huge. It probably had its own zip code. I stood in front of her with my mouth open. I was unable to make a sound. The thought process stopped as all of the blood that my brain required for cognitive function was diverted to my lower regions. The experienced, mature, civilized man in me retreated and my body reacted to its more primal instincts. Every impulse I had involved taking her then and there.

"Shouldn't we turn the steaks over?" she asked. I don't even remember what she said, but it was her voice more than anything that pulled me out of the lust-filled daydream I'd fallen into.

"Huh?" I asked.

"The steaks," she said smiling. "We don't want them burnt on one side and raw on the other."

"Oh, shit," I said leaping for the grill. I tried to look anywhere but back at her.

"Do I need to put my coat back on?" she asked.

"Uhm no," I said. "So, we were going to look at factoring, right?" I still couldn't get her image out of my mind. It was like her incredible body had burned itself on to my retinas. It wasn't like she was dressed like a hooker or anything. Far from it, she was wearing a light-weight crew neck sweater, but it failed to disguise the obvious shapes of her breasts. Part of the problem was that she'd tucked the sweater into the waist of her jeans which only made the difference in dimensions between those large orbs ad that tiny waist more obvious.

Then the jeans themselves...I was at a loss to explain exactly how she got her ass in those jeans. Her waist was so tiny and her ass was so big it didn't seem physically possible to get that ass past the waist band of the jeans. But she had and they were so tight it looked like they were painted on. Just thinking about it heated me up. I was sure that a band of sweat had broken out on my forehead.

"We weren't done talking," she said pouting. "And truthfully, I brought my books but today was never really about math. And we have the rest of this semester and the next one for math. That is if you're still going to help me."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"So now you see a part of the problem," she said. "It's why I always wear long and bulky clothes and coats. If I don't, I have problems. There are always guys staring at me and trying to talk to me. When I was younger, I got fooled a lot. They'd wine and dine me and promise me all kinds of things. Guys would buy me stuff or pay my bills for me. But John they didn't do it for me."

"Huh, I don't understand," I said.

"They do things for my body. I can stand there and tell most guys all kinds of things and they never remember a God damned word I said. And there are even problems with the body thing too. I once went out with a guy for two weeks. We were sitting at a bar with one of his friends having a drink and his friend told him that his new girlfriend had 36DD breasts. My supposed boyfriend was amazed and gushed with his friend about how great that had to be.

"Ted, what's so great about that?" I asked.

"Well, big boobs are always great," he said.

"Ted, I'm a 38DD my boobs are definitely bigger than hers," I said.

"They are?" he asked in shock.

"The problem is that my ass is so big that some people never notice anything else," she said. "It's like I'm the new attraction at an amusement park. Everyone wants to try it out, but once they've had a ride, they move on to other things. Then there are the other problems. One of which is the fact that no one ever takes me seriously or assumes that I have a brain. The first time I went to college it was for clerical skills. I got jobs but even though I typed really well and have great computer skills, everyone who hired me assumed I couldn't. They also assumed that I put out, I didn't. Their frustration, lead to me losing a lot of jobs."

"So what exactly do you do for a living now?" I asked.

"What else, I'm a stripper," she said. My eyebrows headed towards the ceiling.

"See, most people take it like that," she said quietly. "But it's really not like that. Even though the club I dance in features full nudity. I don't dance nude. I never have and I never will. I only do one or two dances a night and that's it. I'm more of an oddity than anything else, but it pays the bills and it really helped me to get my confidence up and gain me some self-esteem."

"Gain self-esteem?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I know, a lot of people think that dancers have low self-esteem. But having tons of guys out there screaming for you and following you around night after night does tend to raise your opinion of yourself."

"On the other hand, most of the guys I met were only after one thing. After they'd got it a few times they moved on. Then there were the guys who didn't even want it. They just assumed that since my ass and my tits are big that I'd have a giant pussy too. They were really intimidated over whether or not they could even do anything for me. For the record, my pussy is on the smaller side, so you're going to have to go really slow and easy at first or it'll hurt me." My Brain fogged up when she said that.

"There's also the other side of the coin. Once or twice, I did meet really nice guys. They hurt me even worse. They talked about getting to know me and all of that stuff and they treated me well. But they couldn't handle the attention I get from other guys. One of them was so embarrassed by it that he just stopped calling me after our third date. He just disappeared. I ran into him a few years later and he was married and had a kid. His wife was a mousy little thing, but she was really sweet. She ended up telling me how she'd been there on my last date with him. She'd been the waitress who kept bringing over all the drinks that other guys in the restaurant were sending over."

"The other guy at least had the manners to tell me that he just couldn't handle it. Every time we went out I got tons of attention from guys. And he was just a normal guy himself. He was going crazy thinking that I was probably hooking up with some of these guys behind his back. He was sure I was cheating on him before we ever got serious."

"John, I'm really not like that," she said. "For a thirty year old, never been married woman, you'd be surprised at how little sex I've actually had. Sure I'm not a virgin by any stretch of the imagination. But I'm also not a whore. I only have sex with someone I'm in a relationship with and I've never cheated. I've been cheated on and that really hurts, but what I really want is to find someone that would treat me like a normal woman. To paraphrase Jessica Rabbit, I'm not a sex goddess. I'm just drawn this way."

"I truly can't help the way I'm built. I can't help the way men react to it. What I really want to do is find one man, my man, who can love me for my personality and deal with what my body brings."

"Wow, I'd never have imagined any of that," I said, getting up to handle the grill again.

"So, getting back to factoring..."

"John, what color are my eyes?" she asked.

"They're brown," I said. "But not like a boring brown. They're a medium almost chestnut brown and when you get a problem right or something makes you happy they get lighter."

"So you can see my point?" she said.

"What point?" I asked.

"John, you do understand why we're having this talk, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, we're getting to know each other before we eat," I said. She just laughed.

"You and I both know that I like you a lot don't we?" she asked. "And we both know that you like me too."

"What?" I asked.

"John, it's a stupid little thing, but it's a pretty accurate test. Very few of the men I've dated or slept with ever even noticed my eyes at all. Most of them didn't even remember what color they were. You noticed more about me and them than anyone ever has. Shit, my own father couldn't tell me what color my eyes are at my birthday party last year. And you liked me before I took off the coat, too."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Sammie and I played a trick on you. She told you I was deformed. You didn't care. Most people see me in the coat and big clothes and think I'm fat. You didn't care whether I was or not. You still told me I was beautiful. Your daughter loves you very much. And she's my friend too. I know that she told you that she thinks I'm interested in you. That's why you were so nervous when I first got here isn't it?"

I nodded my head and she laughed.

"You thought that she was telling you something that you weren't supposed to know, right?"

I nodded again.

"I told her to tell you. I wanted you to know. That's why we're really here today," she said. "Thanks to your help, I really am doing better in my algebra class."

"But I'm fif.." I began.

"Don't even try that," she said. "I already thought about it. Twenty years ago, when you were thirty and I was ten, it wouldn't have worked for obvious reasons. Ten years ago, when you were forty and I was twenty, we could have done it and though shocking, it wouldn't have been totally unheard of. Five years ago, when you were forty five and I was twenty five it would have raise a few eyebrows and people might have snickered a bit. But now people will just notice the little bit of an age difference and the ones who don't think I'm some kind of freak will think you're a lucky old dog. Ten or fifteen years from now no one will pay us any attention."

"Well...they'll probably still be staring at my butt and I truly hope that you will be too. Of course, by then I won't have this body?" she said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Of course not," she smirked. "My ass will probably still be big, it probably won't be as round, and my boobs are too big to stand out like they do now, they'll probably sag a bit and my tummy is never going to be this small and flat after you get me pregnant."

"You seem to be pretty sure of yourself young lady," I said. And she just smiled. We took things really slow and found over the next few weeks that we had a lot in common. Some of which were our personalities and what we both wanted.

We both wanted to be with someone who loved us for ourselves and wanted to be in a relationship with one person only. We laughed at and enjoyed the differences between us. A twenty year age gap is nothing that can't be leaped over if both parties really want it.

Shelly did and does get a lot of attention wherever we go. We don't let it stop us from having fun. We do tend to stay away from rowdier places but then we'd probably stay away from them anyway.

We went out dancing once and she caused a near riot. There was a group of young guys who were simply eating her up from the sidelines. One of them summoned up his courage and the next time we went out on the floor he asked if he could cut in. I didn't like the look on his face so I just said, "No." I didn't try to be polite about it. I just cut him off and kept dancing. As we moved past the place where he and his friends were standing I let my hand drop down until it was resting on the meatiest part of Shelly's ass. Her eyes got huge and she snuggled closer against me.

"Sorry," I said, as we moved away from them. "I just wanted to give them the impression that all of you, is mine so they wouldn't bother us anymore. And since they were staring at your ass anyway, I claimed it."

"It's about time," she said. I noticed then that she was still holding herself tightly against me.

"Huh?" I said.

"You weren't giving them the wrong impression," she said. "All of me IS yours. It's about time you claimed it."

That all happened nearly a year ago. Shelly and I have been very happy since then. In the year since Shelly and I got together, Erica has been becoming more and more manic in her efforts to get us back together. At first, she decided that it was a good thing for me to date Shelly. I guess in her mind I'd have sex with Shelly a few times and then because of the differences in our ages we'd drift apart and eventually I'd end up back with her.

Strangely enough one of the biggest shocks I got was finding out that my daughter had pushed Shelly and me together for a very similar reason. She wanted Shelly to get into a relationship that wasn't based on some guy who just wanted to fuck her. She thought that I'd be that guy and that Shelly would move on to someone more age appropriate. At the same time, she figured that I'd have someone for a while to help me get over the way her mother hurt me and when the relationship had run its course, I'd end up back with her mother.

I smiled as my daughter settled into the seat beside me at her mother's hospital bed.

"She never woke up, thankfully," I said.

"Oh, I was hoping that she would and you guys would be able to talk some and work this out," she said holding onto my arm. "Your grandsons are getting older and in a year or two they're going to start asking weird questions about why their grandma and grandpa don't live together."

"Their grandma and grandpa will live together by then," I said. "So don't worry about it."

Even as I said it, the eyes in the body on the bed fluttered and opened. She looked at me and smiled. "John, do you mean it?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Come over here and kiss me," she said.

Samantha was smiling at me too. She nodded her head.

"I don't think the boys would like that," I said. "And I know their grandma wouldn't like it."

"Why wouldn't I like it?" asked Erica. "I'd love it. After all of these months of putting up with you dating and even living in my house with that blow up doll, you'd better be ready to do a lot more than just kiss me when I get out of here."

"I wasn't talking about you?" I said.

"You said their grandma," spat Erica. "I know you're not thinking of moving in with Darren's mother are you. His father only passed away two months ago and I don't recall you being too fond of her."

"No, I was talking about grandma blow up doll as you called her. When Shelly and I get married, she'll be their grandma too," I said.

Shelly and Erica both looked shocked. "But Daddy, Shelly is barely older than I am. She can't be what, my stepmother? The main reason I put the two of you together was because at that point in your lives, both of you needed someone to ease your pain. It wasn't supposed to be permanent."

"Well you did too good a job, because I love Shelly, she loves me and we are permanent. We're also going to be parents soon, so Sammie you're going to be a sibling and the boys are going to have an aunt or an uncle. And I don't know what you'll be Erica. Maybe you'll be his or her ex-grandmother or step grandma or something like that. I guess we'll make it up as we go along."

"Is this some part of your revenge?" asked Erica. "Is that what this is all about? You beat the hell out of Randy but you never did anything to me. So now you've gotten this girl pregnant just to hurt me because you were just itching to hurt me the way you think I hurt you?" she sat up in her bed.

"Do you even realize how bad this is?" she snapped. "You may end up stuck with her for the rest of your life. At least until the child is an adult. Did you need your revenge that badly?"

"Erica, get over your-self," I snapped. "When I found out about you and Randy, I did beat the fuck out of him. And that's not all I did to him. The rest is better left unsaid. I thought then that I was screaming for vengeance but the revenge was hollow. It left me unfulfilled. When he died, I thought that it was because I'd gotten it against the wrong person. After all, Randy hadn't been the one who betrayed me, that was you Erica. Randy wasn't the one who promised to only fuck me. I couldn't hit you Erica or do anything to you, but I couldn't stay with you. Our divorce wasn't some kind of revenge. I just couldn't live with a woman that I didn't trust. It took me a while to find out that I wasn't screaming for vengeance, I was screaming for love. And I found it with Shelly."

"I'm glad you're okay, Erica," I said. "If this was some kind of ploy to get me to come to the hospital and see you so we could get back together, it was wasted. You're both invited to the wedding though." I left the hospital feeling a lot better than when I'd gone in. As the door closed, I could hear the two of them arguing over who was going to pay the hospital bill. It didn't matter but I knew it wasn't going to be me.

The End.

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readnwrite73readnwrite7329 days ago

Another of stangs usual format. The wife and lover are burned to death, and the mc rides of into happy blissful life. The truth of the matter is that neither erica or randy deserved the treatment they got. The mc was every bit as bad in his own way. He lied, illegally hid assets, assaulted a man practically to death, and then dogged him until he committed suicide, thereby depriving randys wife and family of the support they needed. And even that wasn’t enough. The problem with the mc was himself, not Erica or randy. He was arrogant, self centered, vengeful, and full of hate. Not a very likable character. Stang is a very talented writer, and some of his submissions are very good, but this one was more of the same of so many of stangs. Nothing to like here.

Lector78Lector783 months ago

Ni Erika ni la stripper son buenas opciones:una lo traicionó y la otra tiene un buen kilometraje sexual y mucha diferencia de edad

FluidswallowerFluidswallower4 months ago

Another really well-written and in the end, uplifting tale! Thanks for another great read!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


oldpantythiefoldpantythief4 months ago

This could have been a five star story, and was, until John said he wanted his steak "well done". Lost most of my respect for him at that point. I don't mind longer stories but when the dialog between people turns into a monologue from one or the other, it detracts from the story and there were way too many monologues in this one. Haven't been to a strip club in years, but I think I might feel cheated if one of the ladies came out and didn't strip way down. I maybe wrong but marrying a stripper might be a red flag just like marrying a hooker would. Would there ever be the full trust needed?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

LOL! No way in hell am I inviting the ex-wife to my wedding!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Marrying a stripper, even one that doesn't take off their clothes (?, isn't that an oxymoron?) is not a good choice for a person with this guys issues. Anyone who is married to a stripper needs to be willing to share, and that's not this dude.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yeah divorce was a given. Don't undertake the lack of confrontation with Erica. The 5 years of living together. As usual with this author the cheating wife does so for the most inane reason(s), none of which was consistent with her character during their marriage. There is no doubt that she loves her husband. There is no doubt that she connected emotionally with Randy and loved him and not just as a "special friend". Her reasoning to have awful sex 8 times in 23-24 years with Randy so as to keep him as a close friend ahe only saw once a year was just surreal..

Again divorce was a given. Not just for the physical interactions, but her texts and emails where she had a serious emotional affair regardless of her protestations to the contrary. Still the husband turning into a Bond villain was over the top. His thirst for vengeance beyond the beat down was almost maniacal. Keeping a spreadsheet of contacts of Randy to deep six him at each new job, when Randy has no clue as to why? Yeah it is is fiction. Still got more than a bit tiresome reading about the background of a new Spiderman wannabe villain. Sure he ends up with Shelley the striper at the end, but it wasn't like he really deserves that given his asshole behavior. Meh. Not the author's best.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ick. Yes a divorce was a given. She cheated for years (a decade) intermittently, but the MC is an asshole and seems doubtful he and Shelly will last long. Feel bad for Shelly.

lColoradosllColoradosl8 months ago

Man, have you lost your brain? He chewed snot for 5 years and was waiting for something, and you call him determined?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

5 stars .

He was decisive , once he made a decision he stuck with it .

Glad he destroyed the sluts boyfriend and eventually the slut as well .

I'd give 20 stars if possible

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Dislike because the MC pinned down the problem exactly in mid story"He'd become a vengeful psychopath"

How long before he begins to worry that Shelley being way younger than him will need more than he can provide in bed as he ages and his dark side begins to rule his thinking once more.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5 Stars on another Great story by Mustang .. My cousin cheated on his beautiful wife . When they got divorced she got his 68 Z-28 Camaro . It is completely stock with a Muncie 4 speed and a high revving 302 Motor . She had it apprised by a auction house .. They thought it would sell for somewhere between 80 and 110 thousand . Sadly I cannot afford it but I did get one of his rifles . He had to pay his attorney

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To Ruttweiler ( & all other critics/haters:

The author is a Trumptard, he's a Donald Duck fan, that's why he stopped as soon as Donald Duck rose to POTUS, perhaps he thought he had also risen like that no-good Majorie Taylor Greene.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I googled Mal Malloy. Big, huge, humongous mistake, for me. I'll be nice and say "Not my cup of tea!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Okay, he should have divorced her. She did cheat, at least physically. He was not a straight shooter either. He took away her chance to explore her relationship, even though it appeared to be ending. He physically assaulted her lover (?) and ruined his life far, far beyond anything that happened to him and his ego. He caused her lovers wife and children to suffer needlessly. He cheated on his financial status. He lied innumerable times as to his (their) financial situation. He was rude, obnoxious and thoroughly unlikable MC. Like most car aficionados, he relates better to non-sentient objects more than human being. Plus I'm not a fatty lover. This story was one of your least likable.

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