Seduction by Story


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“Shit!” I swore meaningfully as I cruised along trying to figure out where he had been headed.

All I knew for sure was that Jim was taking my wife to a regular haunt for prostitutes; my problem was that I hadn’t the first idea where that may have been. Then it came to me that Alan or Ruth would know where he’d taken Brenda, especially if Ruth had been through this too, so I quickly made my way back to their place.

“Brian,” Ruth greeted me when she opened the door to my hammering on it, “what are you doing back here?”

“Trying to find out where that bastard has taken Brenda.” I spoke sharply as I pushed past her into the hall.

Alan appeared from the living room as I spoke, his face flushed with embarrassment as I looked at him then at Ruth.

“Well,” I snapped, “is one of you going to tell me.”

“Uh, look Brian,” Alan spoke hesitantly, “we had no idea Jim was going to, well, go this far in one night …”

“I don’t give a fuck about that right now,” I cut him off, “all I want to know is where they have gone.”

Ruth answered my question with directions to a local business park explaining that it was near a club area and the car parks were ideal for punters since the area was deserted at night, apart from the whores.

“I don’t think I want to see either of you again after tonight,” I commented as I headed for the door, “I can’t speak for Brenda of course, but assuming we have a marriage left after this I certainly hope she’ll feel the same way.”

With that I ran back to my car and headed for the location Ruth had given me as fast as my car could go, thankfully there were no police about as I ran red lights and speeded the whole way. When I arrived at the place Ruth had said Jim was taking Brenda I couldn’t see Jim’s car or my wife, although I did spot a number of other women who were clearly touting for business. I cruised around the estate ignoring the come-ons from the prostitutes until at last I spotted Jim’s car, it was parked well back from the road outside an office block and Jim was inside it smoking a cigarette. Of my wife there was no sign and I could only assume that she was already with a client somewhere, all I could do was sit back anxiously and watch for her return.

Twenty minutes passed in which time two of the girls had been picked up and another had been dropped off, but finally Brenda got out of a car that then sped away leaving her at the side of the road. My first instinct was to go over to her, but then I wondered if I’d even be welcome, then the opportunity was gone as another car pulled up beside my wife, she leant down to talk to the driver then got into the car which drove off. I was going to start the car and follow them when there was a tap on the passenger window, surprised I looked over at the woman peering in at me. Nervously I lowered the window.

“You looking for a good time honey or just looking?” She asked with a wry sort of grin.

“Uh, neither,” I stammered and blushed, “I’m, uh, just waiting for someone.”

The woman looked around then quickly got into the car, I looked at her in surprise wondering what to do next.

“Don’t worry love,” she said softly, “I don’t bite, not unless you pay me to. I guess you’re waiting for Jim’s new tart to finish up.”

All I could do was nod an affirmative; she smiled though the smile never touched her eyes.

“Thought so.” She said with a sad tone in her voice “You’ll have a long wait, Jim makes sure the new girls are busy all the time their first night. Try again tomorrow honey, if you really want her, or you can try me out we’re from the same stable.”

My heart sank at her words, it seemed that Jim was not only a bastard he was a pimp and the way this woman was talking my wife was going to be working for him on a regular basis. Suddenly I began to wonder about the whole night’s events, especially how fifteen minutes could have seemed like an eternity.

“Shit!” I swore making the woman jump in surprise. “Those bastards set her up; Ruth was stopping the bloody watch so Jim would win!”

“What are you taking about?” The whore asked.

“Nothing that concerns you.” I answered. “Look I don’t want company, I’m just going to wait until, uh, the new girl’s free.”

“Suit yourself honey.” She answered brusquely and got out of the car.

Alone again I cursed myself for all sorts of an idiot for not noticing the deception Ruth, Alan and Jim had pulled off, at the same time I wondered just how he expected to keep my wife working for him. Over the next four hours I watched as Brenda was picked up and dropped off by man after man, in all there were twelve of them and by the time seven arrived she looked exhausted. Right on the dot of seven I watched Brenda make her way over to Jim’s car, I got out of my car, stretched the kinks out of my back and followed her. She was in the car and talking with Jim as I got into earshot, neither of them noticed my approach.

“Take me home,” Brenda was saying to Jim, “I’ve done what you wanted and the time is up.”

“Well now,” Jim smirked, “you certainly did do what I wanted and I’ll thank you to pass over the money you’ve earned.”

“Now will you take me home?” Brenda said handing over a thick wad of cash.

“Soon.” Jim laughed waving the cash. “You are a right little earner Brenda, not bad for your first night.”

“First …” She gaped. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you working for me” Jim grinned, “full time.”

“No way!” Brenda snapped at him. “Now take me home right this instant.”

“Listen up slut,” Jim snapped grabbing her arm roughly, “you work for me now; the alternative is to find yourself up on charges for prostitution. A couple of those guys you were with are cops and all I have to do is slip them the wink and they’ll have you picked up, charged and splashed all over the local rags so fast you won’t know what hit you. Now let’s talk about this on the way.”

I was so stunned by what I’d heard that Jim had the engine started and was moving away before I could even react. Shaking off my stupor I ran back to my car and quickly made my way home, surprised to find that I had arrived before them. Inside I waited in the living room watching the street from behind the net curtains my tension growing as time passed until thirty minutes later I was fit to be tied. Then, at long last, Jim’s car stopped outside the house, a tired and dishevelled Brenda got out and as the car moved away she turned to face the house. Moving away from the window I waited for my wife to come in.

“Brian!” Brenda gasped in surprise as she saw me waiting for her in the middle of the living room.

“Have a good time?” I asked cruelly.

Avoiding looking at me Brenda crossed the room to the sideboard, poured herself a drink then went and sat on the sofa.

“No,” she answered after taking a sip at her drink, “I didn’t. I’m surprised you had to ask.”

“Well it’s hard to know” I commented making my way to the sideboard, “after that display at the party. What am I supposed to think when my wife is begging another man to fuck her, especially when she later admits she likes the way that man fucks her better than she does her husband.”

Drink in hand I turned to face my wife, she was frozen with her glass half way to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and dismay at my words. Brenda lowered the glass to her lap as tears trickled down her cheeks.

“Brian,” she said softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t really know what I was saying; I was so high on sex. You must know I didn’t mean any of that, I was just saying what he wanted to hear.”

“So you say,” I sighed, “but after what I saw and heard tonight I really don’t know what to think. Brenda, I was stunned that you took up the challenge in the first place; I know you were drunk, but I didn’t think you were that far gone. After that I couldn’t believe the things you did with Jim and the others, then to add insult to injury you went off whoring for him.”

“But I ...” she started to respond.

“I hope that wasn’t going to be a denial of the whoring,” I interrupted her, “but despite Jim making sure I couldn’t follow you I did find you and I saw you being picked up and dropped off time after time.”

“You saw!” she gasped. “Oh God! Brian, I don’t know what it was that came over me, but I just couldn’t seem to say no to him.”

I had a sneaking suspicion that Ruth and Alan had done more than fiddle with time-keeping, but that would have to wait, right now I wanted, needed to know whether my wife had agreed to work for Jim as a whore.

“And are you now working as his whore?” I asked then went on as her face paled. “I heard part of your conversation in the car before he brought you home.”

“No,” she said firmly, “I’m not working for him. If you heard any of the conversation you know I’m going to be arrested for prostitution, but I’d rather that than do what that bastard wanted of me.”

“Pity you couldn’t have had that attitude earlier in the evening.” I commented.

While we were talking I was also thinking about the events of the night and being honest with myself I had found parts of what had happened very much a turn on. Watching her being played with by Jim had been one of those turn on events, as had seeing her being fucked by the man, although his deliberate humiliation of me by getting my wife to comment on my sexual prowess had not been. I remembered what Ruth had said about what Jim did to Brenda would make sex better between us in the future and was forced to agree that she may have had a point to a degree. Then I remembered what had been the worst turn off of the night, watching Brenda fulfilling the role of whore for Jim, though again, in all honesty, I was not sure whether it had been her playing the whore or playing the whore for someone other than myself that made it such a turn off.

“Brian,” Brenda was saying, “I can’t change what happened, nor can I explain why I acted such a slut for Jim, I certainly hadn’t wanted to when we started. What I do know is that I love you and don’t want to lose you because of this.”

“Tell me Brenda,” I frowned, “how would you feel if it had been me doing all those things with, for example, Ruth?”

“Mad as hell.” She sighed. “I’d be jealous and hurt and probably wouldn’t want to talk to you at all.”

“And if I then professed to love you despite what you seen me doing?” I asked.

“I’d have doubts.” She confessed with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. “What are we … you going to do Brian?”

I had been thinking about that myself, one thing was certain I still loved my wife, the question was could I handle her having been fucked by so many men at the whim of a man who it later turned out had been trying to recruit her as a prostitute. A stirring in my groin gave me an answer, yes I could handle it, not only that I had learnt more about my wife’s sexuality in that one night than in all the years we’d been together and that was something I would certainly enjoy exploring to the full. Looking at Brenda’s pale, tear stained face I found myself thinking about setting her up for another gang bang, perhaps even having her play the whore again. Then I quickly cut off those lines of thought, I was making plans for my wife that she would probably not enjoy or agree to, but the thoughts persisted nevertheless.

“What are we going to do?” I repeated her words with a grin. “Well I for one am going to head for bed to get some sleep.”

“Sleep?” she stared at me in astonishment. “But …”

“Brenda,” I smiled sitting down beside her on the sofa and taking one of her hands in mine, “its confession time. I found most of what happened last night a right turn on. I don’t know about you, but I had never even fantasised about you with other men while I watched, but last night seems to have changed that.”

Brenda’s eyes were widening as I spoke and not solely with surprise while her hand tightened in mine.

“Yes,” I continued, “there were points where I felt humiliated, disgusted and angry, but on the whole I was aroused seeing you being used.”

“Then you forgive me for letting it all happen?” Brenda asked hopefully.

“If there’s anything to forgive,” I replied, “I suspect that we were both set up by our so called friends. I know you were pretty drunk, but I have this feeling that at least one of your drinks held something other than booze and that made you go along with whatever Jim wanted you to do in the end. All I know was I enjoyed seeing you so damned hot.”

“I see,” Brenda said slowly, but a sparkle was coming back to her eyes, “you liked seeing your wife acting the slut and whore. Well I guess I have to be as honest with you as you were with me, I surprised myself last night, I don’t know if it was something slipped to me or just a me I didn’t know about, but I enjoyed playing the slut. I’m not so sure I liked being a whore for Jim though, but I think that was because I was being forced to do it by a man I was growing to hate.”

“So if I had you do those things …?” I asked with my cock swelling in my pants.

“Before tonight I would have told you what to do with yourself,” she replied with the first smile since she’d got home, “but now I think I might like it, as long as I’m doing it for and with you.”

“Hmmm,” I frowned, “there might be a problem there. I discovered that the idea of sticking my cock into other men’s sperm makes me feel physically sick.”

“I think Jim may have felt the same way,” she chuckled, “at least he always made sure he had first fuck at my holes, you could do the same then sit back and watch me getting fucked rotten.”

Then she yawned, smiling I stood up, drew her to her feet and took her upstairs where we showered together then climbed into bed. Within minutes we were asleep, she too fucked to do more and me too tired from tension to want her to.

That night did change our lives and for the better, though there were a tense couple of days as we waited for Jim’s police friends to come calling, only it seemed that threat had been a bluff. Sex between us just got better, especially as I now knew that Brenda enjoyed being treated like a slut occasionally, and not only did it get better it got more frequent, way more frequent. As for Alan and Ruth, we eventually wormed the truth out of them, they had laced three of Brenda’s drinks with a date rape drug Jim had provided, Ruth had indeed fiddled with the timing to ensure that Brenda lost the challenge, after that we cut all contact with the pair. I hear some of you wondering if we ever arranged for Brenda to be gang banged again or to play the whore, the answer is yes on both counts and maybe one day the story of those events will be told.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story has been floating around the web for at least 15 years. The original version doesn’t do a follow up as to what happens when the wife leaves with the ass hole. The “author” took the original version and changed it around by a bit. Even as a very highly unlikely story, it might have worked, if the wife had been attracted to the guy seducing her, left out the gang bang and kidnapping, and the name calling, and without extending the agreed to hour.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I know this is an older story, so I don’t know if comment wii go through.

I enjoyed the story but I found one thing missing at the end. They don’t hang it with Alan and Ruth is fine. What I think was missing is some kind of ending regarding Jim. I would like to think he wound up in jail or dead

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Jim deserves to be beaten to a pulp by guys with Louisville Sluggers. Same goes for Allen.

But let them live as impotent quads who can barely chew their food.

Let them long to die. Let them beg for it.

And have everyone ignore their pleas.

As for the cunt, Ruth.

Sell her to a pimp. preferably a cruel, sadistic one.

Maybe she'll off herself.

Maybe she won't.

So long as she suffers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Brian needed a kick between his legs to see if it could make his balls drop.

As if a MAN would let another bloke feel up his wife with the aim of getting her so excited that she pleads with him to fuck her, especially someone they hardly knew.

A man would have stepped in and given her the ultimatum, "do this and your bags will be on the doorstep waiting for you.

Jim and "friends" Allen and Ruth deserve "Payback"

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 2 years ago
Wrong Category

The fact that Hostess and Pimp drugged Sweetie makes this a Non-Consent story, rather than LW!

Other quibbles… the game is usually played in a separate room … unless the party is by a swap-club. The start is very abrupt … We-The-Readers have no prior intro to Hubby & Sweetie, especially the nature of their marital relationship … except how Hubby likes the beauty of his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

no one in this story is with a shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is a pretty dreadful story - it lacks eroticism, characters you care about or a plot that you can accept.

Strange man turns up a party, convinces relatively straight laced wife to a challenge that will see her naked and sexually aroused in front of all her friends at the very least, and then she agrees to being used as a prostitute way past the point where any drug would be having that kind of effect.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
When I was 13 or 14 I thought up plots like this..

Then I grew up. I'm just embarrassed for scorpio00155. What a sad life he must lead.

OlFrog14xOlFrog14xalmost 4 years ago
Needed to video the whoring and Ruth's confession

and find out which customers are police before sending the video to the commissioner ot police and district attorney.

Don't allow Jim to do this again!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Open Wide Jim

Even though the story kept my attention to a certain point, but continued, wanting to read on in hopes of a REAL MAN realizing enough is enough and cut Jim's wanker off and shove it down his throat as you snap his lame ass neck....Just sayin ;)

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

So she was drugged and gangbanged, and decides she likes it. Cucky husband likes it too. Just about as believable as Anony's black gangbang.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Me Too

One afternoon my wife and I were visiting with a black lover of hers when another black couple and a white woman dropped by. The new group were sitting in the living room and I was sitting facing them with my back turned on my wife and her lover in his kitchenette during a steady flow of conversation.

Time passed quickly enough that by the time I had occasion to turn to say something to my wife she was stripped completely naked and sitting on her still clothed lover's lap.

I don't recall feeling anything more than a normal cuckold's excitement about the stripping that exposed exactly who and what the two of us were as a twenty some aged couple. By then I had shared my wife enough she had had enough strange cock (only a couple of them black) that even her religious convictions could be easily quelled by any advances on her ruling inner slut and her growing natural hunger for cock.

She was flirtatious anyway but each new cock that had her made her that much easier for the next one that came along - and they seemed to come along regularly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Keep the rest of your life with Brenda a secret

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What a fucking pile of shit this is.

aptonthe503aptonthe503over 8 years ago
Totally Ridiculous

Really, the "loving" husband remains absolutely passive during all of the exchanges?!

He'd have no input as to what his wife would do with another man, even to the point of allowing this 3rd person to alter the rules of the game and use "ringers" to help him?!

So this 3rd person rigged the entire game, used her as a prostitute for hours and he suffers no consequences?!

Stupid and a waste of my time.

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