Sex is a Job Description? Ch. 06


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"You haven't been eating well since I last saw you," she remarked, putting her hand to her chin in thought. "What to do about this..."

"I think I've been eating just fine, actually. What's wrong with what I'm eating?"

"It's just a choice of brand, really. Have you been eating out a lot recently?"

Tom shrugged. "No more than usual, maybe a few times a week. What are you trying to tell me? Do I have food poisoning or something?"

Sohm smiled slightly. "What you've eaten out recently is not to my liking. But, I won't tell you to stop. I'm not here with you often enough for it to matter to me." The slime flashed him a reassuring, wide smile. "So, do you feel all better from your little mishap in the kitchen?"

"Yeah I guess so. I feel fine now. But really though, don't do anything to me next time, if there is one. I'd much rather something like this not happen again," said the agent, scratching the back of his head as he spoke. He really didn't know how she'd take him asking her to do something. She was a demon after all, and they were on the unpredictable side.

"I don't plan on doing something that excessive again. Perhaps just a smidgen here or there, nothing that would be noticeable if I didn't tell you it was happening." She raised her eyebrows as if asking for approval, to which Tom just rolled his eyes. He couldn't stop her from doing what she wanted, no matter what he did.

"I'm not going to need to see Veronica again after this, am I? I didn't know what you did last time, and quite frankly I don't like that you stuck around inside me."

The slime cocked her head to one side. "Oh I don't think it'll be a problem. Last time was...well, I just wanted to see if they still had one. Those demons are very hard to come by nowadays. I was just curious."

Tom gave her a less than satisfied look. "Well, just in case you're 'curious' again, I'm going to see her about it soon," he explained, pushing himself out of the thick liquid in the bathtub and sitting on the side to let the slime drain off and out of him.

"You don't trust me?" asked Sohm, pouting a little and furrowing her brow.

"No," Tom said flatly. He turned and got out of the tub, a little surprised that he was completely dry, despite being saturated with water a few moments ago. He concluded that slime were just plain strange. Very strange.

"Aw, c'mon, you can trust me," she pleaded, maneuvering over to where he stood, a large mass of blue liquid extending from just beneath her hips like a thick blue tree trunk. She put herself in front of Tom as he tried to leave the room, biting her bottom lip as she put a hand gently to his chest.

"No, I can't," Tom replied, attempting to brush her hand away. However, his hand passed through her arm as easily as it would have a coil of smoke, and it did nothing to let him move past her.

"Why not?" the slime questioned, placing another hand on his shoulder. Two more followed in suit at his waist.

"You're a demon. And that's just the first reason," the agent said, backing away from Sohm. This time, the slime let him go and retracted her extra limbs back into her body. She sighed and cracked an amused smile.

"So I am, but you can't blame me for trying, can you? You're quite the ride when you put yourself into me."

"Well, thanks for the fun tonight, but I'm tired. If you're around again some time in the next few months, drop by and we can do this again. Just, not in the middle of the night, okay?" Tom said as the slime moved to keep pace with him towards the doorway.

"Oh you can be sure I'll be coming back. I'm a regular now," the demon joked, winking. "And I am absolutely hooked on you."

"Just get me a promotion at work and you can stop by whenever you want to," the agent joked in return.

"That's all I have to do? I'll be back in a few moments."

Tom only realized that she was being serious after he left the room.

He spun around in an instant. "No! No, Sohm I'm kidding. Jesus, it was a joke. I don't want a promotion and I don't want you to do anything like control my boss or kill somebody. I like where I am and I think it's okay for you to come around every once in a while, just not at a time like tonight." The slime turned to face him briefly and blew him a kiss before disappearing down the drain.

"We'll be seeing each other..." she said.

Tom was left not knowing whether or not she had decided to listen to anything he'd said. He was a little afraid, but went with his better judgment that she wouldn't do anything to totally fuck something up. Maybe a little bit, but nothing like kill the Director. She wasn't dumb.

Tom rubbed the bridge of his nose and went back to his room, forgetting his claymore and gun and clothes downstairs. He was tired and wanted to go back to bed. But when he tried to go back to sleep, he found it hard to do anything but think about the weird way Sohm had acted. Maybe he was overthinking it, but she just seemed off to him.

However, his mind eventually grew as tired as his body and he was asleep before he knew it.


After going to Veronica two days later about his midnight visit from Sohm, the demon assured him that he was fine and that the slime wasn't still inside his body. And so Tom's life resumed as it normally did after an encounter with a demon. He was back to school and going into work every few days to do some paperwork on his case subjects or to sit in at a meeting for the staff, or something. Work wasn't all sex and demons. There was a lot of boring stuff in it too that Tom had to wade through to stay in the position he was in and not in some dark room transcribing documents into three languages and backing up everything on virtual storage devices.

After about three weeks though, Tom got an unexpected call from the Director to come into the holding center for a private meeting. It was strange, but not unheard of for Tom to be called in personally. However, usually it only happened when he fucked up, like when he had kissed Ceria, or been subdued and held by Gabriella. This time, he was honestly confused as to what the reason for this private meeting was.

He drove to the holding center, swiped his card at the guard office, went down the elevator, and made his way through the building to the Director's office. He knocked before entering, and the Director's firm, gruff voice told him to come in. He closed the door behind his entrance and sat down across from the Director and another agent.

Other than Tom, the agent, and the Director, the room was empty. The oldest of the three agents sipped at his scotch and then flipped open the manila folder on the table in front of him. He pulled a sheet from it and handed it to Tom impassively, sliding the folder to the side as he opened the one beneath it and began reading something.

Tom glanced at the paper he'd been handed. He was being assigned again, this time to a Type B, Category 2, Class 1 succubus with a frustration level of 3. Tom rummaged through his memories for a time where he'd had a submissive demon before, and couldn't remember even one time when he'd been assigned to one.

He handed the paper back to the Director, who filed it back into the folder and handed everything to Tom.

"Today, you get to show Agent Trimbau the ropes on how to do his job. He's one of our newest agents doing case work. His last job was in mailing," he said with only the slightest hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Tom narrowed his eyes at the agent. "You're one of the idiots who screwed me over with Gabriella, aren't you?"

Agent Trimbau didn't say anything, he just looked like he was getting offended, but said nothing. The Director didn't say anything either about the accusation. He just refilled his glass with scotch and ice, motioning toward the door.

"Go show him how we do things on this end of the operation. Dismissed, both of you."

"Yes sir," they both replied simultaneously. They left the room and had a silent walk down the building to the elevator. Once they were in the parking lot though, Tom looked through Agent Trimbau's file.

Ronald Trimbau, age thirty five, unmarried, no children, in the Department for eleven years. Tom skimmed through his background and history before handing Agent Trimbau his file. They both walked over to Tom's car as the younger agent reread his case subject's profile and complaints.

"Okay, so I've never done this before, but before we get started," Tom began, turning to face Agent Trimbau. "I want the name of the motherfucker who set me up with that succubus unprepared."

"Now you listen here, kid. I'm not gonna sit here and take shit from you when I'm twice your-"

Tom cut him off by putting a hand firmly over his mouth.

"I've got some powerful friends that you don't want to fuck with, asshole, so listen here. I can have any one of them make your life a living hell." He took his hand away from Ronald's mouth.

"And you think any of them would try to fuck with me? I work for the same people that you do. They're pretty powerful if you're memory's soft."

"I don't think you realize who I'm talking about. Does three oh one thirty ring any bells? That crazy bitch that comes in and throws everything within arm's reach until the same poor dumb motherfucker that has to satisfy her every time she comes in shows up to fuck her? Well that poor dumb motherfucker is me. Me! And you don't think I have enough problems with her breathing down my throat without a succubus trying to turn me into a walking corpse?! A succubus that I didn't even know was one?!"

"I'm not telling you his name," Ronald said, setting his jaw firmly.

"I could always have another one of my case subjects just kill you for a free ride. I can call her right now and ask, or, no, I'll just call up three oh one thirty and see if she's free to come settle this."

Agent Trimbau faltered slightly when Tom pulled out his cellphone and began to dial numbers. Tom was bluffing his ass off, but Trimbau didn't have to know.

"If I tell the Director about this, you don't have a chance in hell at-"

Tom raised the phone to his ear and somebody picked up. "Hi, I'm calling to see if Ceria is-" Trimbau snatched the phone out of his hand and closed it immediately. Tom grinned as Trimbau began to tremble.

"It's Cole Dubant. We call him "Cherry" off the clock," said the older agent, causing Tom's grin to turn into a smirk.

"Well, that's just about the end of that. Give me his address and I can give you your first lesson on casework and just how fucked up the United States government is." He found a notepad and pen for him to use to write down the address. Once he had it, the two agents got into Tom's car and went to the case subject's house, as wanted in the request form.

It took almost four hours to reach Belinda City outside of Nashville. The ride there was an almost silent, rather tense one. Agent Trimbau was still pissed off at Tom for showing him up and threatening him, and for making him sell out his friend. Tom, however, was busy thinking how he should deal with Cherry Dubant.

Harvey and Greg would most certainly be neutral about the whole thing, but tell him not to seek vengeance or hold a grudge for a mistake. But he wasn't about to let this guy get away with what he fucked up. Tom could've died, and he wasn't happy about having been tied up at all either. Maybe he could rough Cherry up a bit?

He was trained to beat the shit out of people, as far as the training in self-defense against demons had gone. It wasn't really a very comprehensive class. He'd been taught that martial arts all have their counters, their strengths and weaknesses, their flaws, perfections. Demons who'd been alive for thousands of years and been to Earth hundreds of times knew a lot about the ways humans defended themselves, stylistically that is.

Tom had been taught the basics and mechanics of martial arts, and left to find his own styles of fighting. Everyone could learn to punch and kick and throw and block and mirror an opponent with a certain style of combat. Those could be memorized and with practice, easily countered and broken down.

However, uncertainty was what he'd been taught to use to his advantage. Sparring against some of the toughest men he'd ever seen had made him a fairly competent combatant, armed and unarmed. However, he had never been able to even tie Big John, the master he'd been assigned to.

He'd come closer than most people did, but Big John was respected by a great deal of masters as an excellent combatant.

Tom shook his thoughts back into order and realized that he was at the house number in the case file. He skimmed through the papers for a few moments again to make sure he had everything remembered right. She wasn't a very frustrated demon, just looking for a good time and unable to find one.

Well, if he was going to teach somebody something, this was a good way to start. Something simple. The agent turned his car off and stepped out, Agent Trimbau following in suit as he headed toward the door.

Tom rang the doorbell and started to pick papers out of the manila folder to give to the demon. He rifled through the disorganized papers, pulling up and clamping between two fingers the survey and a form she had to fill out before he started working.

"Well hello there sugar, care to come inside?" said a smooth, sensual voice as the door swung open full. Tom glanced up and pulled the two sheets of paper out of the folder.

"I have some papers for" the words died in his throat as he starred up at the busty, dark-skinned beauty standing in the doorway before him. Dereza's lips broke into a wide smile, revealing teeth engraved with symbols Tom hadn't been taught by the Department's program.

"Well, come on in, sugar. It looks hot out there." She stepped back out of the doorway and let Tom and Ronald in, closing the door behind them. Tom looked around and saw a nicely furnished living room to the right of the foyer and a large kitchen to the left. Dereza led the two agents into the kitchen and sat them down at the counter where she had a pitcher of tea waiting for them.

"Okay, so before we start I need you to fill out these papers. You've done this several times recently, so I guess you don't need any instruction, Dereza?" Tom said, handing her the sheets of paper.

She winked. "It's been a few weeks. I might need a little reminder. If you could just look over my shoulder and tell me if I make a little mistake..." she suggested, motioning behind her with dark, chocolate eyes. Tom nodded and handed Ronald the folder in his hand.

"Don't lose it," he said, moving to watch over Dereza's shoulder as she wrote on the papers.

"You can have some tea if you want, sugar. And you too," she pointed toward Ronald with the end of her pencil. "Glasses are in the cupboard to your left." She discreetly pushed her ample backside against Tom and rubbed it back and forth against him slowly. The teen was really at a loss for words.

He'd had demons come onto him before. Some had literally leapt onto him and pushed him to the ground like three oh one thirty. Some had gone a different route, like Sohm. But nobody had just hinted like this. She wanted it, and she was letting him know, but she was totally passive about her approach.

The demon getting his attention and keeping it was simply stunning. Exotic. As many demons as Tom had been assigned to, none of them had dark skin like Dereza's or coffee-colored eyes so stunning. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought she was a succubus. But that couldn't be, because he trusted the Department to have accurate information now that they'd cracked down on the accuracy of the mailing information.

Dereza continued to rub herself against him very discreetly and filled out the paperwork without much haste. Tom was completely rigid and throbbing by the time she was through, but said nothing about it. He'd been conditioned long enough to keep himself in check for the most part. In Sohm's case, things had gotten a little strange though.

"All done, sugar, anything else I need to do before we find ourselves a nice place to get to know each other?" Dereza asked, looking back at Tom as she handed Ronald the two sheets of paper.

"We're ready to do whatever you want. Just tell me where," he replied. The demon smiled widely and stood up, taking Tom's hand and leading him upstairs and into the master bathroom. Ronald followed, but only came to the doorway and leaned on it.

"I have a little request, sugar. Can you push me against this countertop and do me from behind?" she asked. Tom could only blink as he tried to comprehend what she'd said. After a few moments, he shrugged.

"I'm here to do things your way. I can do whatever you want." Tom pushed Dereza against the granite countertop in front of the large bathroom mirror and started to get the demon's shorts around her curvaceous backside and down her thighs. She spread her legs as he directed with his hands and he got undressed himself.

There was no need for preparation; Tom was already harder than a lead pipe. He put a hand on Dereza's back and one on her thigh, and thrust into her on one full motion. The demon bit her lip and raked her nails across the countertop, grinding them against the polished stone.

"Watch this Trimbau, it's called doing your job the right way," Tom said, slamming into Dereza's body with hard, rhythmic thrusts. The demon backed into him in tune with his motions, moaning deep in her chest as they rocked back and forth against each other.

Tom squeezed her thigh and pulled her back against him as he thrust forward into her especially hard. She moaned in pleasure and arched her back, standing on the tips of her toes. She rose from the countertop and looked back at Tom, a biting her bottom lip teasingly as they came together and parted in rhythm.

"Push me down and don't let me up." She said. Tom nodded and pushed her back down with his left hand. She started to come back up, pushing herself up with her arms. Tom furrowed his brow and pushed her back down again, still smacking his hips against her backside with deep, penetrating thrusts.

"What do you want me to do? Keep pushing?" he asked.

Dereza looked back with her dark chocolate eyes and enthralled him with a moment's notice. "Abuse me, sugar. Make me hurt."

"You got it," Tom said, forcing the demon's body against the countertop hard. She turned her head to one side and tried to lift herself up again, but Tom slammed her down as she tried to get up. The demon's core tightened around Tom's shaft and she let out a long, satisfied groan.

"Oh gods yes, abuse me sugar. Make me regret you," she pleaded, staring at him with one dark, entrancing orb. Tom took his hand away from her thigh and slapped her ass hard, leaving a dark handprint where he'd connected. Dereza bit back and moan and her skin rose with goosebumps all over.

Tom hadn't ever been asked to do this before, but winging it wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be. At first, he didn't understand what to do, but now he'd figured it out. She wanted to sub and needed him to dom to do it. Normally, the situation was sort of reversed for Tom. Not to this extreme, but the same principles applied.

He slapped her curvaceous body again as he pounded against her from behind, pushing her forward on the countertop with every thrust. She came back though, with as much vigor as he had, bucking against his hips with her own in a hard, experienced motion.

The demon gave him a pleading gaze with the eye Tom could see and his blood pounded in his ears. She smiled and gave a long, slow nod as if she knew what he was thinking.

Without any warning, Tom grabbed Dereza by the hair and yanked her upright, unceasing in the motion of their hips. He wrapped one arm around her neck and cupped the other over her mouth. Dereza's hands shot up to his arm, and struggled to pull the crook of his elbow from her windpipe, but it was a trying task for her.