Sex is a Job Description? Ch. 06


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She gasped for breath through his fingers, unable to break neither the grip on her neck, nor the one on her mouth. Tom fought her for control of his arms, still slamming his cock into her as her as he could. He looked into the mirror at her and she turned her eyes to his.

Her stare was enthralling. Calm, perfect orbs stared through Tom's eyes and directly into his soul. The depths of his consciousness flooded forth in a tidal shock of relief. He lost control of his body for a moment, and tightened his grip to the breaking point around Dereza's neck.

He didn't know how to stop. The demon's stare wasn't normal. It was like Gabriella's, the all-consuming wash of thoughtlessness that left his will a slave to hers. This wasn't so mind-numbing though, but he couldn't even try to release Dereza.

His entire body had rebelled against him. He could think and try as much as he wanted, but his body wouldn't even try to respond. It was like watching himself run on autopilot, the demon against him controlling his motions with practiced precision.

Suddenly Tom felt his orgasm growing very near. He tried to speak, but he couldn't. Dereza's eyes grew more relaxed and her gaze more confident as he neared orgasm. Tom couldn't tear his gaze away. He couldn't control himself. He couldn't let her know that he was about to be in very agonizing, undue pain.

He saw Ronald out of the corner of his eye in the mirror, almost in disbelief at what was happening in front of his face. Tom yelled at him mentally to come and get him off the demon, but to no avail. He just stood there like an idiot and watched.

Fucking great.

"Having a hard time letting go, sugar?" Dereza asked, loosening the grip she held around his body. Tom realized that he could move his mouth of his own accord, and that his arms had loosened around her neck and mouth.

"She's a succubus!" he shouted. "Trimbau hel-" Dereza locked her will against his and smiled with amusement.

"Half succubus, if you're really wanting to let the cat out of the bag," she corrected as Tom's body stopped and he let her go. The agent stepped back and Dereza turned around fast enough to keep Tom ensnared tightly by her powers. "If I tell them, I always get a psyche-protected boy to satisfy me."

Ronald spoke up. "Hey if there's something going on here that isn't supposed to be-"

"No, it's okay. I'm fine," Tom said, entirely against his will. Dereza arched a brow at him.

"Oh, no longer so eager to shout now, are you?" she asked coyly, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Sorry, that was rude of me," Tom said, again, against his will.

Dereza shrugged. "Well as long as he understand each other..." The half-succubus wrapped her arms around him and put herself back on his cock, grinding herself against him slowly. She kissed Tom deeply, and he could do nothing but allow her to do as she wished, his body begging to find release still.

She slid back on the countertop and had Tom stand on his toes to keep the motion of their bodies the same. He tried to glare daggers at her, but her gaze just laughed at his attempts to break free. For now, he had to bear with the feeling and hope she was coming close to being finished.

They continued for what seemed like hours to Tom. He was losing his mind. His muscles ached to the core of his very being. His cock hurt from overuse, and Dereza didn't seem to care at all. Her dark body smacked against his rhythmically, like a metronome hammering home her complete control over Tom. He hoped she would just kill him or something and end this. The feeling was unbearable.

And then a godsend descended from somewhere above and graced Tom with its presence, in the form of a rather loud sneeze from Ronald that made Dereza's focus waver and her eyes flutter in confusion.

Tom took his chance and immediately clamped his hand down over Dereza's eyes and closed his own, fighting the half-succubus as he disconnected their bodies and staggered backwards, unable to even stand.

"Don't look in her eyes! Get help Ronald! Call the Department and tell them we need a team to subdue a succubus. Go!" he yelled, gasping for much-needed air.

"Hold it," Dereza snapped harshly, hopping off the countertop. Tom peeked at the situation, as he heard no footsteps running down the hallway. He almost lost his temper when he saw Trimbau standing there in the doorway, totally under Dereza's spell.

"Fucking awesome," Tom said sardonically. "Great help you are Trimbau."

"Now hold on just one minute, my sugary little snack," the half-succubus said, still holding her gaze to Trimbau's. "I don't plan to devour anyone's souls. I don't plan on hurting anyone. I don't plan on keeping you here long after I get the sweet release I want. Tell me why I can't make you cum."

Tom pulled himself against the wall and took a few more deep breaths before explaining his curse and the difficulties it created for their current situation. It didn't take long for Dereza to understand the situation and she was more than happy to make Trimbau feed her hunger while Tom recuperated from the nearly-traumatic experience.

Tom had to force his arousal down bit by bit, taking great pains to make his body obey him and his throbbing erection to give up on finding someone to make it cum. It took what seemed like a millennia to do it, but he finally managed to subdue his arousal and it bottomed out a short while before the half-succubus and Trimbau were through.

When the half-succubus was satisfied, she helped Tom downstairs and gave him something to eat. Trimbau came downstairs as well, looking more exhausted than Tom and several times more uncomfortable with walking after being slammed against a woman of Dereza's caliber for over an hour nonstop.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, sugar," the half-succubus said apologetically, dipping her finger into the glass of tea in front of Tom and tasting it idly. "You can stay the night if you need to."

Tom shook his head. "No, I'm fine, really. I just need you to fill out the after-action report and we'll be out of your hair in no time."

"Alright, but you finish up that meal first." She looked over at Ronald. "What would you like? Anything?"

Ronald groaned, "To get the hell out of this place." At that, Dereza gave Tom a questioning glance and the agent shrugged at her.

"He's new. I don't think he was ready for today."

"Well you come back any time, sugar," she said, running her fingers along the underside of his chin. "I'm still interested in what you taste like after that interesting bout with you at full steam."

"Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll send me again the next time you feel hungry," Tom replied, knowing full well that he wasn't going to get assigned to her again for at least another year. Only in special cases did someone get assigned to the same case subject more than once a year.

"I wouldn't mind at all," replied the half-succubus as she started to fill out the report.


At the holding center, it was a long, unpleasant walk through the underground parking garage to the guard office at the lower entrance to the center. Both of them received knowing smirks from the guards behind the glass as Tom swiped his card at the door for entry.

"Hey, next time you get laid by the Amazon queen of all succubi, tell me all about it, fatasses," Tom growled as the door unlocked and he twisted the handle. "In fact, the next time either of you even get laid, tell me all about it."

Trimbau followed Tom into the building and they entered the empty elevator.

"You're a real prick, you know that?" the older agent said.

"Shut it or I'll knock your teeth in. I am in no mood." He and Trimbau had a short staredown until the elevator doors opened and they made their way to the Director's office. Inside, they met the Director's secretary, who told them he was in a conference room for a debriefing.

The two tired agents went to the conference room and waited outside until whatever was going on in there was over. Three agents left the room looking a little more than unnerved and Tom entered as soon as they left. The Director eyed him and Trimbau as they sat down.

"She's not a demon. She's a half-succubus," Trimbau said, groaning as he sat down.

"That was established a long time ago," the older man said, refilling his glass of ice with scotch. "That's why we sent you with him." He pointed at Tom.

"Excuse me?" Trimbau said, "He was supposed to be some kind of backing? He ended up on the floor and I had to do his job for him!"

"There's a difference between you two, Agent Trimbau. A succubus can't touch him with any kind of soul-sucking she tries. You, on the other hand, are just as helpless as the next poor sap that swings her way."

"Thank you, sir," said Tom.

"That's no compliment," the Director snapped. "You're trained for this. You should know better by now than to be fooled by a pretty stare and a sweet little word or two."

The old man took the manila folder from Tom and read its contents closely, giving both the agents in front of him a few wary glances as he read. When he was done, he removed some of the papers and slid the folder back to Tom.


"Refill it and go back tomorrow; she's requested you again."

Tom gave his boss a look of disbelief. "Sir you have to be kidding. I can barely walk. I-"

"Did I stutter?" the Director said coldly.

"No sir."

"Agent Trimbau, you're dismissed. I'll have another case for you soon."

"Yes sir," Ronald replied. He left promptly.

The Director gave Tom a long, contemplative look as he sipped at his scotch and went back through the papers idly. He flipped the after action report over and slid it to Tom, his finger over the comment section.

"Read it out loud," he said in a lighter tone than he'd had before.

Tom read. "The older agent was fine in all respects, though his energy was not what I have grown used to from you in terms of duration. The younger one was a pure delight to have, however. His unique curse was a very pleasant surprise. Though he is inexperienced, I feel he has a capacity to be a very satisfying dominant partner with some help. I would enjoy teaching him. It has been a pleasure as always. - Dereza Unrama"

The Director let a firm, determined look settle upon his features as Tom tried not to look at him. The only thing Tom could think about was having to churn a succubus' inner desires for hours on end for days at a time. He shivered at the thought.

"That, boy, was a compliment from her. Get back in there and learn how to do both ends of your job. You've got ten days leave from casework while you're there," the older agent said, letting the information sink in with Tom before sipping his scotch again.

"Sir, can I ask you one thing before I leave?"

"Shoot," the Director said.

Tom sighed. "Is my curse the only reason I'm valuable at all to any of the people around me?" He looked the Director in the eyes and tried to read the older man's thoughts. His face changed a little. His normal grim features were almost broken by the inkling of a furrowed brow and a sincere frown.

"Look around you and see how many people care more about your cock than your friendship," he said after a long moment of thought. "Dismissed," he added after another moment's pause.

Tom nodded slightly. "Yes sir."


Veronica shoved three fingers into her mouth repeatedly and curled over a toilet, eyes watering and stomach churning. She felt something coming up her throat and lurched forward, vomiting into the toilet twice before pushing her fingers into her mouth again.

She vomited again, wiped her mouth with toilet paper, and then flushed the toilet. She grimaced at the memory of the act she'd just committed. In order to have her virus take Mark's databases and antivirus systems by surprise, she had gotten Mark away from his computer screens and system monitors by enticing him with her body.

It had taken all her most subtle, unsubtle, and unfair knowledge and practices to get him out of his chair and into another room with servers running loud enough to drown out the sound of his systems being penetrated by her 'malicious software'.

Mark's performance had been short and lackluster, so much so that by the time they were done she knew her virus and other two programs were still trying to get their jobs done. So, like any good cock-hungry slut would do, she'd offered to clean his cock off with a blowjob, and made him last long enough to let her software do its work, without a doubt.

Mark had returned to his ring of computers to find his system in disarray and under attack from an unknown and efficient series of worms, viruses, and all manner of things that did nothing but fuck up his life's work. At that point, he had griped and complained and told Veronica that if she told anyone about what they'd been doing, then he'd have her fired and sent back to Hell, to which she played the part of a helpless maiden and agreed with a fearful look in her eyes.

And made her way very quickly to the bathroom to be sick.

Veronica stood up slowly and found a sink to wash her mouth out in. She pumped a handful of bubbly gel into her hand from the dispenser and shoved it in her mouth, swishing the watery mixture around in her mouth before spitting it out and trying to shake off the feeling of nausea that was revisiting her throat.

"Fuck, I need a good screw," she whined, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Is everything in order?" asked a voice that Veronica did not want to hear.

"Fuck off," Veronica retorted as three oh one thirty stepped just behind Veronica in the mirror.

"Oh I'll be doing a lot of fucking if you've done what you're supposed to, dear child. And do keep your tone civil; I could very easily take you off the guest list." The older demon gave Veronica a cruel smile.

"You don't get to choose. I have to go on every excursion to Hell, same as Jeremy."

Ceria bit back a chuckle. "Oh that one and his taken name. Tell me, how far has Jerhme integrated with the humans? Has he taken a wife yet as well?"

"And two kids, actually," Veronica shot back.

"I can only hope that you've not fallen into the same trap," Ceria commented, examining her fingernails absentmindedly. Veronica turned around to face the demon and they stood there for a few moments, gazes turned away, but animosity seething from both.

"Not quite. I am a bit taken with Tom though, you know, that boy you like? He's a real handful." At that, Ceria's fingers tensed and she bristled at the mention of Veronica's involvement with Tom on a personal level.

"Oh? And which one of us is taking him to her home?"

Veronica gave a conceited smirk. "He's been to mine." This time, Ceria's hand shot to Veronica's throat and the two stood statue-still, Ceria glaring daggers and Veronica smirking triumphantly. "And he fucked me. Willingly."

"I..." Ceria's features softened and she rolled her eyes in an amused way, letting go of Veronica's neck as she searched for words to say. "Oh you have no idea the things that will change once he is in Hell."

She turned and began to walk away, humming to herself a war chant.

"Let me finish what I was saying in my office, Ceria," Veronica said coolly. The elder of the two turned her head and arched her brow a bit.


"If you kill him, I will bring about an end for you that will be made a tale of horror for generations here and above and below," she said with in a firm tone.

Ceria shrugged and continued walking. "And what makes you think that I see any validity to your statement?" she asked conceitedly.

"Speak with Jerhme; he can tell you. He was with my husband when he died."

That gave Ceria pause for a moment, but the demon continued on her way quickly without seeming to have cared. As soon as she was out of sight, Veronica began to tremble all over, and it took a great deal of self-control to reign in her shattered nerves.

Somewhere inside of her, Veronaa the Vindictive began to stir.

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RadAshaRadAsha12 months ago

One glaring mistake was when Tom read her file it stated specifically she was a succubus, but later it stated he had no idea she was a succubus. Story was still great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Keep the story going :P

lostone0069lostone0069almost 12 years ago
Awesome story!

I love coming across stories that have actual plot and good writing. As such, this is an incredible find! Enjoying every bit of it! I'm really looking forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great Chapter

That I think was the best chapter so far. I like the direction the series is taken, but I'm curious about Tom's school/social life and whether he's an outcast or not. Keep up the great writing, and hopefully, we can have the next installment soon.


johneb87johneb87almost 12 years ago

Glad to see the positive reviews for this chapter, great job! Look forward to more.

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