Sexy Shona: She Owns the Boss


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Martin trooped off towards the door marked 'Jason Rose: CEO'.

I lingered behind a second, said thanks to Janice.

"No problem, honey," she whispered and she winked at me.

OMG she knew. She was in on it. Brilliant!

I smiled at her and then quickly followed after Martin, caught him up as he reached the door.

Martin knocked and after a short pause a deep booming voice said "come".

We went in and found Jason sat behind his desk looking extremely formidable.

Also extremely handsome, I thought!

I glanced at Martin. Just about holding it together but clearly overawed.

This was a massive deal for him. Five years at the company, sure, but in all that time the only exposure he'd had to the legendary Jason Rose was to be in a large crowd of other employees watching him give one of his famous but rare 'JR town hall addresses', these being a kind of mass companywide pep talk.

Now here he was up in JR's office on a charge of sexual harassment. Least as far as he was concerned he was. Poor guy was shitting bricks!

Jason got up from his desk and marched over to us, serious expression on his face.

"Malcolm Peabody?" he said, palm outstretched.

"Er, yes sir," stammered Martin, shaking hands.

"Or rather, no, it's errr Martin actually, sir."

"Sure. Martin. That's what I said," snapped Jason.

Martin nodded meekly. Jason was standing up close, right in his personal space, and gazing down like he was contemplating a creature of a vastly lower order.

Which was true in every sense. Not only was Jason the CEO of a company where Martin was a complete nothing, he towered over him. Jason was six four, Martin just slightly taller than me, there was a full foot difference between the two.

In addition there was the stark contrast in physiques, Jason well built, muscular, Martin the quintessential little weed. The contrast was quite funny. And of course it only added to the gigantic imbalance in power at play here.

"Guess they call you Marty," said Jason, with a grin.

Not much of a grin though. Blink and you'd miss it.

Martin had the sense to stay quiet but looked uneasy and embarrassed. I'd told Jason how he disliked being called Marty.

Jason turned to me.

"And you must be Shona."

His face remained serious but there was the hint of a smile and a definite twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, sir."

"Shona Roberts."


"Ok, so let's sort this shit out," Jason said, crisp and businesslike.

He walked over to the couch area and we traipsed after him.

Jason plopped himself down.

"Shona, would you like to sit too? You're not the accused here."

"Thank you," I said, smiling sweetly, and I joined him on the couch.

We sat close but not quite touching, Martin staying put and stood before us like an errant schoolboy.

Jason and I stared at him for a long moment, enjoying his obvious and growing discomfort.

Jason finally broke the silence.

"Right, Marty. So I've read Shona's complaint. Seems you're not doing your job properly. Seems you're spending the whole time ogling at her and it's getting to be a problem. Now let me tell you, I take this sort of thing seriously. Extremely seriously. This company has a reputation to uphold and I'm damn well going to make sure that nothing compromises that. And it appears from what Shona tells me that your behaviour towards her is becoming highly inappropriate. Like today, for example, you were looking down her top, is that correct?"

Martin cleared his throat and began speaking, his voice thin and strained.

"Sir, this isn't fair. Ok, I might have been looking, but it wasn't a big deal and Shona she usually likes -"

"Cut the crap," said Jason, interrupting brusquely, hand up to indicate his displeasure.

"Look, rules of the game on this. You get asked questions and you answer literally and truthfully. No embellishments necessary. If it's a yes or no question, like that one was, you answer yes or no. Ok Marty?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent. So we try again. Were you looking down Shona's top in the office today?"

"Yes sir."

"Better. Well done. Honesty is what's needed for this process. Carry on being truthful and, who knows, you might still have a job at the end of this. If you lie, even the tiniest lie, you'll be out on your ear faster than you can scratch it. Do hope we understand each other. "

The mention of a possible sacking had an immediate and shattering effect on Martin. He looked terrified now. Terrified and utterly craven.

"Right, next question and a crucial one. Which is this. Did you ask Shona if you could have a good look down her top? Because if you did, Marty, and she said that yes you could, we can stop right here, no case to answer. So did you? Did you get her permission first?"

"No sir."

"Ah. Not good then. Not good at all."

I was enjoying this hugely. Finding it very hard to keep a straight face. I glanced across at Jason and caught his eye. He was having a ball too, I could tell.

"Shona, I'm sure you have questions for Marty. So feel free to chip in whenever you like."

"Thank you, I will."

"Do you have any right now?"

"I do."

"Away you go then."

I looked at Martin with a mocking smile.

"You often look at my breasts, Marty, don't you?"

"Um, err -"

"That's a yes or no again," reminded Jason.

"Ok, well I guess it's more that -"

"Yes or no. I won't fucking tell you again! God almighty."

"Sorry sir."

"Peabody? Peabrain more like."

I let out a giggle. Couldn't help it. Jase was such a bastard sometimes!

"Shona is asking if you frequently look at her breasts. That's the question. Fucking answer it."

"Yes sir."

"Is that the actual answer to her actual question? Or is that you telling me that you are now about to answer it?" snapped Jason, bullying mercilessly.

Marty opened his mouth but nothing emerged. Poor guy looked all at sea.

"Ok don't worry. Let's do it this way," said Jason with exaggerated patience, voice softening, like he was dealing with a small child.

"We re-pose the question. It's a very straightforward one. Do you often stare at Shona's tits?"

"Yes sir."

"Finally. Jesus, it's like pulling teeth. Still, we got there in the end. But let's speed this fucking thing up, shall we. Haven't got all day. Question, answer, question, answer. Got it?"

"Yes sir."


"Ok JR, thank you. Yes, a couple more. Marty, so what's going on with you? Do you fancy me or something?"


"Because I'm a pretty girl?"


Jason butted in again.

"Just one small thing. Marty, given the charge is essentially you showing a lack of respect for Shona, I think for the duration of what we're doing here it'd be nice, and would work in your favour with me, if you were to address her very respectfully as Miss Roberts. That ok with you?"

"Yes sir."

Jason flashed me a wicked grin.

"And you, Shona? You'd really appreciate that, I'm guessing, if Marty here was to be highly respectful and refer to you as Miss Roberts for the rest of this discussion."

"Oh most definitely," I said, grinning back in spades.

"That's settled then."

Total scream! This was going beautifully to plan.

Better if anything.

It was clear that my wretched supervisor, scared of getting the sack, terribly intimidated and disempowered by the situation, would do or say anything we wanted. Jase and I had him on a spit. It was simply a matter of how to roast him.

"Can I carry on the inquisition?" I said.

"Yep," said Jason.

"I'm pretty then, Marty, am I?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Sexy too? Do you find me sexy?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And that's why you ogle me?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

I started tittering at this point. Just couldn't resist. Jason was chortling too.

Martin wasn't though. The fact that we were now openly laughing at him was only adding to his ordeal. Guess he was fearing the worst.

Not that he could do much about it.

All he could do was try his level best to jump whatever hoops we put him through and hope against hope that it would be enough to somehow save his job.

"Not married, Marty, are you?" I continued.

"No Miss Roberts."

"So you live alone?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"What about a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend, Marty?"

"No Miss Roberts."

"Can't say that surprises me," I smirked.

"Still, that's a shame. Don't suppose you ever get laid then. Like, how old are you? About forty or something?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And have you had a fuck even once in the last, say, ten years?"

"No Miss Roberts."

"Poor thing! Being sex starved must be so tough on a guy. Do you feel sexually frustrated a lot of the time?"

"Yes Miss Roberts," muttered Martin.

His voice was barely above a whisper. Only thing Martin wanted right now was a hole to open up and swallow him.

"Speak up man! We can hardly hear you," Jason chided.

"Sorry sir," said Martin, managing to raise the volume just slightly.

"Seeing me around the office, does it get you excited?" I went on, remorseless, relishing this opportunity to utterly humiliate the poor man.

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Is it even more exciting because of how I dress?

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Like, have you noticed how my skirts are quite short?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Show a lot of leg, don't they?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Tight too. Make my ass look fabulously enticing, I bet?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And my breasts, Marty, let's not forget my breasts. They're large, aren't they?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And luscious?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And especially tantalizing, I suppose, because of the revealing tops I like to wear?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"So to summarize, you get sexually aroused just by looking at me, would that be fair to say?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"And tell me, that problem of yours we were talking about, poor old you never getting laid and stuff, does the sight of a hot nineteen year old girl swanning around close to you in the office all day and every day wearing incredibly sexy outfits, does that tease you and get you even more horribly frustrated? Is it almost unbearable? Does it drive you insane? You know, because you can never have me. All you can do is look."

"Yes Miss Roberts."

Abject and demeaned, increasingly distressed, Martin was trembling and twitching and staring fixedly down at the carpet.

"Why aren't you looking at me now then?"


Not a yes or no question, so the poor sod didn't know how to respond.

"Yeah, fuck's sake," said Jason, joining in the fun again.

"We were just talking about respect, were we not. Least you can do is look at Miss Roberts when she's talking to you."

Martin dragged his head up and forced himself to look at me. I cracked a wicked grin and stuck my tongue out at the hapless schmuck. I was completely toying with him now and wanted him to realize it.

He did of course. He knew it but could do nothing to defend himself because he could see that I'd got the CEO, the all powerful Jason Rose, wrapped around my little finger.

Had he guessed why that was? That me and the boss were fucking? I didn't know and neither did I care.

It would soon become obvious in any case.

"Do you wish you could touch me, Marty?" I taunted.

"Yes Miss Roberts."

I lazily shifted position on the couch, lent further back and got very comfortable.

Then I carried on the cruel relentless goading.

"Is that something you think about a lot? When you're all alone at night, for example, do you jerk off under the sheets fantasizing about me? Do you imagine me there naked in bed with you? My soft silky body all yours to play with. Do you toss and turn every single night in your cold lonely bed thinking about making love to me? Do you, Marty?"

"Yes Miss Roberts."

"Oh you poor poor thing," I laughed.

I did a prolonged leisurely arm stretch, scanty top sliding up to flash several inches of bare belly, and I casually crossed and re-crossed my legs inside my little skirt.

Martin tried to hold my taunting gloating gaze but could manage it for no more than a split second.

The obvious thing for him to stare at, what he really wanted to stare at, were my spectacular flaunted legs, but I guess he felt he'd better not, what with the nature of the charge he was up on, and so his eyes settled desperately on or around the area of my chin.

"He's gone very red, hasn't he?" sniggered Jason, aware that I was teasing poor Marty with my legs.

"He sure has," I giggled.

"Must be guilt," Jason announced firmly.

"Don't you think, Shona?"

"Yep. Guilty as sin. Ogling me again there, wasn't he, before he caught himself and stopped. Just like I said in the email. Case proved?"

Jason nodded and looked straight at Martin, adopting a suddenly very formal tone and posture.

"Definitely. The complaint is upheld. Malcolm Peabody, you are guilty as charged of inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. Bit of a pervert, I have to say."

"His name is not Malcolm, JR. It's Martin."


Martin was looking beyond distressed, hearing the verdict. Looked utterly mortified. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He was on the point of blubbering like a baby.

Jason ignored him, turned to me instead.

"Glad you reported this, Shona. You were right to bring it to my attention. We must see about a reward for you."

"Why thank you, JR! A reward would be lovely," I chirped gleefully.

"My pleasure, Shona," said Jason.

He was being openly affectionate now, gazing lovingly at me, playing with my hair.

"But no, no sir, none of this means that I'm -"

Martin had started blurting, forgetting the rules in his acute distress and anxiety.

"Shut the fuck up," drawled Jason, stroking my hair, hand on my knee.

"Don't make it worse for yourself. You're guilty but this is not over yet. We have to decree the punishment for you and the reward for the delectable Miss Roberts. And by 'we' I mean Miss Roberts and I. She and I together will mull it over and decide. Now let me see, what's the time, ok not even five o'clock, no problem. So what I'd like you to do, my friend, is go wait out there with Janice while we discuss what's going to happen. I'll call you back in when we're ready."

Martin nodded dumbly, turned and shuttled off towards the door.

"Hang on, let me call her first."

Martin froze where he was, halfway to the door, and Jason got up, went to his desk and buzzed through.

"Janice, sweetheart, can you pop in please."

Moments later Janice appeared in the doorway.


At least thirty years older than me, Janice must be, but I have to admit still attractive. A bit severe perhaps but definitely attractive.

Good figure, that's for sure, especially her legs. She was dressed nicely too. Knee length pencil skirt, sheer tights and heels, a crisp white blouse opened to show just a hint of cleavage.

If I look like that when I'm her age I won't be too unhappy about it.

Bet men still fancy her.

Bet Jason does a little bit, although he's never said. If he hadn't hit the jackpot with me, who knows, he'd maybe be nailing Janice. Probably he did years ago, when she was more fresh and fuckable.

"I need you to look after Marty here for a while. You're not about to leave or anything, are you?"

"No, JR. I'll be a while yet. Still got tons to do."

"Good. So Marty's going to sit quietly out there with you and he's not going to be any trouble. Just ignore him, basically, until I buzz and say to send him back in, ok?"

"Sure thing."


"Come along then, Marty," said Janice.

She waggled her finger imperiously and Martin trotted obediently towards her.

OMG, did he have any self esteem left at all?

Looking at how crushed and broken he was, my little head was swirling with ideas for the sick and twisted things we could inflict on the poor bastard when we got him back in the room!

"Oh Jan," Jason called, as they were disappearing from view.


"I said just ignore Marty, and please do if that's what you'd prefer, but if there's a way that he can make himself useful to you, then by all means use the opportunity, you know what I mean?"

Janice paused for thought then gave a sly smile.

"Um, ok. Well there is something that springs to mind. It's not really a work thing though."

"Doesn't matter. Anything you want him to do, just tell him and he'll do it."

"Ok great. Because I was noticing, just before you called actually, that these shoes I'm wearing have got a little grubby today."

"Surely not. That's so unlike you."

Janice laughed sheepishly.

"I know. Must have trodden in some crud when I went out at lunchtime and then not spotted it until just now. Unlike me, as you say. Anyway, what I'm thinking, it'd be a big help to me if Marty could see to them. I'll slip them off and he can clean and shine them up with a damp cloth. What do you think?

"A damp cloth? You have a damp cloth out there?"

"Um, no actually. Damn, there goes that bright idea. Unless, well I guess he can use his tongue, JR, can't he?"

"Swell suggestion! Hear that, Marty? Job for you there. Cleaning Janice's shoes with your tongue. Licking all the crap off them first, then licking some more until they shine so good you can see your ugly mug in them. Aren't you the lucky one. Why don't you thank Janice for thinking of that."

"Um, thank you, Janice," Martin mumbled.

Christ could he get more pathetic.

Yes, was the answer. Three people were now tyrannizing poor helpless Martin and we were on a roll. We were having a fabulous time. Wasn't totally sure how far we would push this, ultimately, but we were certainly planning to indulge ourselves.

Jason had ensured that the coast was clear. He had no appointments for the rest of the day and there were just the four of us, Martin and his three tormentors, on this floor. We could go to town!

"Hey, why bother taking them off?" said Jason.

"I'm sorry?"

"Your shoes. No need to trouble yourself. Marty can crawl under your desk while you're working and clean them in situ."

"Even better!" exclaimed Janice, delightedly.

"That should keep you nicely occupied, Marty, shouldn't it?" Jason continued.

"Stop you speculating too much about what your punishment for sexually harassing Shona is going to be."

"Reckon he's still gonna be fretting about it," I giggled.

"Sexually harassing poor little Shona!" exclaimed Janice, as if shocked and horrified.

"Is that what he's been doing? Is that what this is about?"

"I'm afraid it is," said Jason, sombrely.

Janice turned to Martin and slapped him across the face.

"Monster!" she said, her sharp voice like the crack of a whip.

"Easy, sweetheart," said Jason.

"Ok, sorry. But sexual harassment, jeez I hate that. I'm not sure about him lurking under my desk and licking my shoes now. I don't want him peering up my skirt. I mean, he's a sexual pervert. Isn't that what's been concluded?"

Jason snorted with derision.

"But a pretty pathetic one. If I tell him that he shouldn't be looking at anything but your shoes while he's down there licking them then believe me he won't. Will you, Marty?"

"No sir."

Martin was sounding and looking truly excruciated.

"See. But ok maybe he should actually make the promise. Marty, c'mon Janice needs to hear it. Tell her here and now that even though you're a disgusting little pervert you will not be peeking up her skirt while you're under her desk licking her shoes. C'mon, those exact words if you please. And look at her while you're saying it."

Martin gulped a few tortured breaths then went for it. He looked at the mischievously smiling Janice and delivered his lines.

"Janice, even though I'm a disgusting little pervert I promise that I won't peek up your skirt while I'm under your desk licking your shoes."