Shattered Paradise


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When we woke the next morning, she teased me a little about falling asleep before she was finished with me. She was too excited about going on the yacht again to tease me too long though. She was nearly jumping out of her chair all through breakfast and made us run to the marina as soon as we hit the beach.

Steven was already on board, getting the boat ready, with a lovely local girl. He introduced her as Kemia and they seemed to know each other quite well. She and Stephi immediately hit it off.

"She serves drinks at a bar I frequent," Steven told me later. "We've flirted with each other since I started going there but since I wasn't looking for anything permanent I never asked her out."

"What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"Well, last night I went to have a few drinks and she was there serving. She started teasing me about Olive and we both started laughing. It reminded me of how you and Stephi behave towards each other so I asked her out. This is our first date," he said proudly. I clapped him on the back and said I hope it went well and that I would try not to ruin it by throwing up all over the place.

Soon we were casting off and heading out towards open water. I stayed near the center of the yacht since that seemed to create the least amount of havoc on my stomach. Stephi and Kemia were hanging out near the front rail in their bikinis while Steven piloted the boat. After a while, I got up the courage to stand up and walk around. I tried to walk to the girls, but I couldn't make it and had to sit back down. I found that when I was sitting the nausea subsided so I just remained where I was, content to stay there for the rest of the trip.

A peaceful ride was not to be however. We had been out for a few hours, and I was watching Steven pilot the boat when he suddenly became stiff, as if something alarmed him. I turned to look where he was staring and saw a small boat heading towards us very swiftly.

"What is it," I called to Steven.

"Pirates," he yelled back.

"Pirates?" I questioned. "Do they still exist?"

"Yes," he replied, "but not like what you know from the old stories. They'll take my boat and hold us for ransom, or worse."

Steven yelled at the girls to get in the cabin, and they complied just in time as a barrage of gunfire came from the smaller boat. None of the shots hit us and Steven explained that they were just trying to warn us not to run. Steven, of course, wasn't about to listen to them and quickly pulled his yacht hard to the side and gunned the engine. That's when we spotted the other small boat headed towards us.

"Damn!" Steven swore. "I can't outrun them. If there was just one I might be able to outmaneuver it until we got back to safer waters, but I don't think there's much I can do against two." He wasn't about to give up though and pulled the wheel hard again. My stomach lurched and I thought we were about to tip over. We sped off with the two boats in pursuit.

"Where did they come from?" I questioned.

"They must have a larger support vessel out here somewhere," Steven explained. "Maybe you should get in the cabin with the girls," he suggested.

I shook my head. "All the excitement has taken care of my nausea. I want to help," I told him.

"Have you ever fired a gun?" he asked.

"I've been to a range a few times," I said.

"There's a gun in the cabin. Why don't you get it and give them something to think about," he told me.

I stumbled to the cabin to retrieve the gun. The girls were in there huddled together looking thoroughly frightened. When I came back out, the two boats were definitely closer and gaining ground quickly. I checked the safety and walked to the railing.

"Keep your head down and fire higher than you think. You don't need to hit them, just get them to slow down," Steven said.

I kept myself low on the deck and fired a few shots over the railing. I don't think I hit anything but the two boats slowed down. Then one of them sped back up and tried to get on our flank while the other headed straight towards us. Shots rang out from both boats which kept me pinned to the deck. I looked over at Steven and saw a look of frustration on his face. The boat on our flank was maneuvering to get in front of us and there was nothing he could do but veer off to one side which slowed us down.

"There's an island in the distance," Steven said. It looked little more than a few rocks and trees but it was something other than water. "I'm going to get as close to it as I can before they stop us." A few minutes later, the pirates fired on us again. This time some of the shots hit the yacht. I could hear the girls screaming in the cabin and Steven shut down his engines.

The pirates were over the side on the yacht faster than I could have imagined. I was quickly disarmed and got a fist in the face for the audacity of having a gun. The yacht was searched and Stephi was brought to the deck. I wasn't sure what had become of Kemia, but I didn't appreciate the way the pirates were leering at my sweet Stephi in her bikini. Steven, Stephi, and I were all forced to our knees, with our hands locked behind our heads on the deck, while a couple of the pirates watched us. We could hear others tearing apart the cabin and the berths below as if searching for something.

No one said anything, and Steven just looked straight ahead with his jaw clenching and unclenching. After a short time, some of the pirates came out from the cabin and our hands were tied behind our backs. Then one of them hauled Stephi to her feet and started to lead her back to the cabin. I got up to protest and was struck in the stomach with the butt of a rifle in answer.

As the pirate escorted her through the door to the cabin, I couldn't help notice that he placed his hand on her bottom. I would have gotten up to object again but I still couldn't breathe from the last time and I was starting to feel a little dizzy. Anger burned inside me and my stomach tied itself in knots as I thought about what they could want with her.

"Don't worry," Steven said at my side, sensing my distress "they won't harm her. Right now they just want information and they figure she's the easiest one to get it from." I looked at him with a little bit of disbelief. "They'll want to know how much you two are worth before they decide what to do with you. If they think you're worth ransoming, they won't touch her. If they think they can make more money selling you into slavery, well..."

He didn't finish his last sentence, but he didn't need to; I knew what he meant. My darling Stephi would be raped if we weren't worth enough ransom. I also knew what that probably meant for poor Kemia. I knew our parents could probably get together about a million for the both of us if they had to, but I didn't know if that would be enough to save us. I was tempted to ask Steven, but decided it was best not to discuss dollars in front of any of the pirates.

Our captors all appeared to be natives of the Bahamas and their thickly accented English was a little difficult for me to understand, especially since they weren't talking to me. But I could tell that a couple of them were talking about Stephi and all of the things they'd like to do to her. I was in agony the entire time she was gone, and it seemed like hours even though I'm sure it was just a few minutes.

When she finally emerged from the cabin, her face was passive. Her lip was cut and bruised but otherwise she looked fine. She saw my look of concern and gave me a wry smile to let me know she was all right.

"What did they want?" I asked.

"They kept asking me about how much money our families have," she said, "and our names, and the names of our parents."

"What did you tell them?"

"The truth," she said. "I told them the truth. I didn't see any reason not to."

"What about Kemia?" Steven asked her. "Did you see her? Is she all right?"

Stephi got a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry Steven. I did see her. I'm afraid she isn't who you thought she was," Stephi replied. She paused for a second before continuing, "She's one of them, Steven. She's with the pirates."

"What ...what do you mean?" Steven said, shocked. "Are you sure?"

"She was sitting in the cabin comfortably the whole time they were interrogating me," she said solemnly. "She listened to everything I said and the pirates only believed me if she confirmed I was telling the truth." She pointed at her swollen lip and said, "I got this when they asked a question she didn't know the answer to, and they didn't believe me."

Steven looked crestfallen and I felt sorry for him. He looked as if he wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. I thought to myself that it was such a shame that the man had finally taken a chance, and then was betrayed in such a horrible fashion.

We were kept on deck for another half hour. The Dramamine wore off and I started to lose that feeling of excitement. I started to feel queasy. I tried to shut my eyes and will the feeling away, but I couldn't hold it back for long. I puked all over the deck for what seemed like several long minutes. After I was finished I felt better, but the pirates were all laughing at me and asking Stephi if she wanted to try a real man instead of one who couldn't hold his stomach.

I was proud of Stephi for not responding. I couldn't respond and the vomit in front of me was making me feel sick again. Finally, a pirate came out of the cabin and told the ones guarding us to bring us inside. We were marched through the cabin and into one of the sleeping berths, which the pirates had emptied. They made sure our hands were still tied tight, and then locked us in the room.

"We have to get out of here," Steven whispered when we were alone.

"Why?" I asked. "Shouldn't we wait and see if our ransom is paid, or the U.S. Navy finds us?"

"No," he answered. "We won't live that long."

"How do you know that?" Stephi asked.

"Kemia," he answered. "She's with them and now we know it. If they had any intention of keeping us alive they would have at least tried to hide that fact. We know too much about her to let us live, and if we can lead the authorities to her it could expose their whole operation."

I understood, but I was hardly in any position to attempt any kind of escape and I explained that to Steven.

"All we have to do is get untied and on the deck," he said. "We're close enough to that island to swim for it. I don't think they'll look for us too hard, and if we can get away undetected, they might not notice until morning that we're gone."

I couldn't disagree with his logic and Stephi didn't have any arguments against what he was saying either. "Why don't you think they'll look for us?" I asked.

"They haven't found the ship's transponder yet," he answered. "It's broadcasting our location. They must know I have one. It's the reason we haven't moved. If they take us anywhere that's close to wherever it is that they hide, they could get discovered. If they don't find it by morning, they might abandon the yacht all together, and they certainly won't stick around to look for us, especially if they think we died trying to escape."

"Why would they think that?" Stephi asked.

"The ocean's rough," he explained, "and we aren't that close to the island. They'll be able to convince themselves that we died trying to make it there if they don't find any evidence of our coming ashore."

"How are we going to make sure we don't die?" I asked very seriously.

"Easy," he said. "There are some PFDs in a hidden closet in this room," he said.

"Convenient," I remarked.

Steven shrugged. "I have a similar closet in all the rooms," he said. "One I first got the yacht, I was a little paranoid about drowning, but I wanted everything to look as neat and clean as it did when I bought it. I never thought I'd be using them for this though." He looked despondent and we tried to reassure him. He said he was all right. "Turn around and I'll get to work on your hands," he told me.

We both turned so we were back to back and I could feel Steven's hands feebly working at the knot around my wrists. "This is going to take forever," I complained.

"It doesn't matter," he said. "We can't go anywhere until it's dark anyway. We just have to hope that they don't come for any of us before then." He looked at Stephi pointedly when he made his last statement.

It took him several minutes to untie my hands. I was surprised that no one came to check on us, but it sounded like the pirates were having some kind of party or celebration on the yacht. We had to stop a couple of times so that I could throw up in the corner. Luckily, there wasn't any food left in my stomach so it was mostly bile and water.

Once my hands were free, I went to work on Steven's. It took me quite some time to free him as well. By the time I finished untying him, the sun was beginning to sink in the horizon. I went to work on Stephi's hands while Steven went for the life jackets.

The sun went down and the three of us were ready. Unfortunately, we could still hear the pirates being loud and obnoxious in the cabin and on the deck. "I don't think we'll make it undetected," I commented.

"I think you're right," Steven agreed.

"Can we get out that window?" I asked, pointing at the porthole. Both Steven and Stephi laughed.

"Of course not," Stephi said. "It doesn't open, silly."

"We'll have to wait," Steven said, "and see if they quiet down. Hopefully they're drinking."

The three of us sat down to wait. It seemed like forever, but eventually the noises died down. Steven cautiously tried the door. There was a guard outside but he was snoring. An empty bottle of rum was clutched to his chest. We quietly headed up the stairs. The cabin was empty but we could see a couple of the pirates milling on the deck while one of them stood by the helm. Steven motioned for us to follow him toward the back of the cabin.

I had never noticed the second door in the back but was thankful it was there. We opened it quietly and made our way to the rail. Steven and I lowered Stephi down with the rope we had been tied up with, and then he lowered me down. Steven came last, and lowered himself down. When he was in the water, he pulled the rope in after himself.

We tied our PFDs together so that no one would get lost in the dark, and then started swimming for shore. I tired quickly since I was weak from all the vomiting, but Steven and Stephi helped me out. As we got closer to the island we could see that it actually had a small beach and plenty of trees.

After a struggle, we finally hit sand. Steven warned us about leaving footprints, so we waded in the water until could climb out of the water on some rocks. Once out, we quickly headed for the cover of the palm trees.

My mouth was dry, and I was dizzy, but I wasn't sure if that was from the exertion or dehydration. Steven and Stephi both seemed better off, but they hadn't thrown up all of their food and fluids. We were too nervous to do anything but remain awake. Stephi huddled next to me for warmth and comfort during the night.

In the morning, we heard one of the speed boats heading our way. After a few minutes it landed on the beach and we could hear the pirates giving a halfhearted look for any sign of us. They were about to start searching the trees when two shots rang out from the water. It was some sort of signal and the pirates got back in their boat and headed back towards the yacht. Shortly after, the yacht and the two speed boats started heading away.

"They must have found the transponder," Steven said. "The yacht's worth more to them than any of us and I'm sure they think we drowned last night."

Stephi and I were so elated that it seemed like the worst was over. "So we'll be rescued soon?" Stephi asked.

"That depends," Steven said. "No one will notice I'm missing for three days, when I'm supposed to contact my financial consultant about some investments. How about you?"

"No one will notice us until we miss our flight," Stephi responded, "unless the hotel staff realizes we haven't slept in our bed after a few nights."

"Not likely," Steven said. "A lot of vacationers don't spend the night in their own beds."

He would know better than us, so we believed he was right. That left us several days before anyone would start looking for us. I needed water badly, and that became our first priority along with building an ignitable tower we could use to signal any passing ships or planes.

Steven said he would build the tower of sticks and logs since that seemed the most strenuous task and my strength was already flagging. Stephi and I headed off into the brush to look for water. We thought the trees would help block the sun and perhaps give me a few more hours of usefulness before I became too weak from dehydration.

Disaster struck while we were looking for water. We could hear a small waterfall or rough stream ahead of us and I started running towards it. Stephi warned me to be careful but I was so thirsty that I ignored her. The next thing I knew, I was tumbling down a drop off that had been obscured by the low bushes. I felt my leg break first, then my arm and ribs on the second impact as I tumbled down. I hit my head so many times I lost count. Thankfully I don't remember hitting the bottom.

When I regained consciousness, I was laying on some kind of cot Steven had constructed just inside the trees near the beach. I was in a small, improvised shelter. My arm and leg were in makeshift splints which had been tied to the cot. I guess I had been thrashing around in delirium earlier. Stephi was with me, dribbling water into my mouth. She told me Steven had helped bring me here, and that she thought she had lost me. Her face looked sad and scared, and I knew I must look as awful as I felt. I tried to smile at her and she smiled back and kissed my forehead. I think I passed out again shortly after that.

The next time I woke it was dark out. It scared me at first because I thought I might be blind, and then I realized that it was just so dark because there was no ambient light and the stars were hidden by the large palm tree leaves overhead. I tried to call out but my throat was so dry my voice wouldn't work. Except for the waves on the beach, it was very quiet. Then I began to hear a noise on top of the sound of the water. It took me a moment to realize it was moaning.

At first I thought Stephi or Steven might be in trouble, but then I realized I could hear both of them and the rhythmic clapping sound of two bodies as they collided together during sex. If I had had enough fluid for tears they would have flooded my eyes. How could my sweet Stephi betray me like this? In a rage, I attempted to get up off the cot. I didn't even remember that my body was broken terribly. The immense pain I felt as I shifted shocked me and caused me to pass out again.

I didn't wake up until the following morning. Stephi was by my side using a palm leaf to pour water down my throat. She smiled at me when my eyes opened. Her eyes seemed too happy to see me awake that I thought I must have imagined what I heard during the night.

"I'm so glad you're awake," she said happily. "You scare me every time you sleep for a long time."

I looked into her eyes and saw no sign of deception; nothing but joy that I was still alive and as well as could be. I thought that I must have been foolish, that there was no way Stephi would ever consider having sex with another man as long as I lived.

"I have to go and get some more water," she told me. "Steven is trying to spear some fish. He's been so helpful." Somehow the last part of what she said bothered me even thought I had decided I hadn't really heard what I thought I heard the night before. She bent down and kissed me lovingly. "I never want to lose you," she whispered to me.