Simply His Ch. 10-12


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A couple of seconds went by while I kept hearing him growl and shake. Then it was silence and I started to cry. He was not human, I believed that now, but what had he become I wasn't sure I was ready to see. I heard the grass around me move, something was walking around me not too far. I knew it was him, or it, but I was scared. Then silence again; I had my body shivering as the wind seemed colder, then I felt his presence behind me, it was radiating heat. I felt something wet on my neck and I flinched. I heard it whimper and my eyes shot wide open. I still wasn't able to see what it was but it's whimper felt like an alarm. I remained still and felt it move back away slowly, then started to approach from my left.

At first what I saw was a big shadow; then as I tilted my head slightly I started to see it. It was huge, something out of this world. It was a wolf but its size tripled any normal one I had ever seen. It moved slowly towards my front and then stopped once it faced me directly. Moving one step closer it sat in its back legs and lifted its head up high. It howled and I shivered again, goosebumps covering my body. Then it lowered its head and the rest of its body, its front paws almost touching my feet. It whined and put its head between its front legs, I was biting my lips and remained still. Each whimper made my heart shrink in sadness.

It remained still, breathing slowly, small whimpers seemed to escape every now and then. It took me a while to get used to its presence, but it was more due to the shock and surprise than fear. Laying there in front of me, it's size continued to amaze me. It was bigger than me, it's fur was of a dark grey and around the neck it seemed to have like a mane, making its figure even scarier. But no, I wasn't afraid anymore. Slowly, I kneeled and looked at it. "Ca... Caleb?" I managed to whisper and its paws moved slightly, revealing grey eyes that were afraid. It drew me to him. Yes, it was... no, "he" was Caleb.

As I was kneeling, I moved closer slowly and He remained still, His head steady half hidden between His paws. I reached Him and he finally lifted His head not moving His body from His pose. He just leveled His head to see me, His eyes never leaving mine. Now I was face to face to Him and I extended my hand to touch Him, stopping a few inches away as I looked for His permission. He moved His head under my touch, and I felt electricity as we made contact. His fur was deliciously soft and He smelt the same, my Caleb. I caressed His head and He closed His eyes. I moved to His side as I caressed his mane and scratched Him under, digging my fingers in His fur. I felt His heart racing just like mine.

This was Caleb's secret, he was a mythological wonder revealed to me, and I wasn't afraid. I knew even though he looked menacing and deadly, he wouldn't hurt me. I laid against his side, and he laid his head on my lap, we both intertwined in this pose comfortably. I didn't need to say anything, he neither. We remained silent as I closed my eyes and caressed his soft fur. He was a werewolf, he was real, and he was with me.

At some point I felt asleep, and when I woke up I almost thought it was all a dream. But he was there, resting his head on his paws, guarding me while I rested. I felt so tiny next to him.

I looked around and saw the sunset approach. I slowly started to get up and he turned around helping me, gently pushing me up with his head. I smiled at him and whispered "Thank you."

Once I was up, he lifted himself next to me. Standing in his all fours he was as tall as me, his head at my own level. I reached to brush his mane with my fingers and he nuzzled me making me giggle. He then licked my face and I smiled. "Stop it! I don't have any way to clean myself!" He kept licking me and then finally stopped. I hugged his neck tight and buried my head in his fur; he was so warm and soft, he felt safe. Then he pulled back a few steps and I understood he was going to change again. I turned around and gave him my back, kneeling on the blanket while I gave him privacy, although I think he never seemed to mind me looking at him. I sat there waiting, while I thought on everything it meant him showing his animal nature at me. I heard movement near me and I was relaxed knowing it was him. He laid next to me and put his arm around me, I looked down and smiled at his human hand. He buried his nose on my neck and kissed me, making every part of my body tingle. "Thank you." I finally heard him speak.

"What for?" I asked. He rubbed his nose on me then kissed the sweet spot again, and I bit my lip shivering. Did he just found an unique sensitive area I never knew I had?

"For not running away, nor scream... for giving me a chance..." He said and I smiled. He squeezed me tightly. "I am still digesting this, and I have many questions, but for now, I will only ask... what did you mean by me believing in destiny?"

He sighed and pulled me slowly to his side, making me face up as he remained sideways. "Please don't freak out..." He said with concern and I perked a brow. "For us, everything is under control; when we shift, when we fight, who we fight, where we go... we control what we do. It is not like the movies or stories where we change under a full moon. We know what we are, and embrace it... There is one thing though, that is left completely away from our choice, and that is who we are destined to be with..." He paused as his eyes burned in me. I felt the depth of his words even before he finally said them. "We only have one soul to find during our lifetime, one person, human or were like us, with whom we are bound to spend our lives with... We can't control how nor where we will meet that person, it just happens. And you Meadow... you are that to me..."

I held my breath as he stared at me, his grip now lose, fear in his eyes as I stared back at him with disbelief. No, he wasn't lying, as what he said made completely sense to what I saw him express to me always. But what he meant was that I was the person destined to be with him, and that seemed to scare me greatly. Mostly, because I felt like I wanted it. I turned my head to the side, under his gaze I wasn't able to concentrate in anything. "You always have a choice. You can chose to never see me again, or just remain friends. If you allow me to be near you I promise I will be happy with that. You can chose whatever you want to do, you are not forced to accept this in any way." As he tried to convince me of the freedom I supposedly had, the more I felt I hadn't any at all.

I know it will be impossible for me to stay away from him long; I've felt it since the start. Did this magical destiny he spoke worked both ways? I remember feeling like I only wanted to be close to him since the moment he laid eyes on me.

"Please say something..." He pleaded and I turned my head to look at him, gasping as I saw a tear threatening to leave his eyes. "Caleb... I am not going anywhere..." I assured him and his smile brightened his face. "Just... be patient with me, please?"

"I will give you all the time in the world. Thank you Meadow!" He sighed with relief as I brushed his tear away with my thumb, he rested his forehead against mine and smiled. "Can I?" He asked shily. I looked at him confused. "Can you... what?"

"Kiss you..." He asked and I pulled his head towards me kissing him with passion. This half man, half wolf was everything to me now, and I wasn't going make him suffer as long as he gave me what I needed, and right now, I just needed him.


Chapter 12

"There is pain when one waits"


She accepted us, and both my wolf and I are happy. My wolf is howling to the moon and wants to tear some enemies apart so we can go back to her fast. I am driving from the airport towards Smithson's land and I am dying to sink my teeth into some rogue's flesh.

I left her with Cara at my hotel, I wasn't going to take any chances with Gideon on the loose, and I am personally going to take that matter into my own hands when I return. When we said goodbye, she struggled to let me go and it made it so much difficult to turn and leave. She needed time to see what the pack life was, and I couldn't bring her to battle right after I showed her the truth. No, we still needed time, to get to know each other better and hope she will chose us.

As I open the window I smell battle and blood. I hit the accelerator and drove straight to the residence. Alex was in wolf form alert as he kept looking around worried. When I got down he mind linked me the updates. 'I am worried this might be a distraction for them to hit our land, Alpha.' His thoughts already crossed my mind. 'Yes, Alex, it crossed my mind too. I made Craig prepare for an attack and he has doubled forces. I am going to talk to Demark and Smithson, then we are out for blood, brother.' I said as I ran inside the house.

There was not much to be said, Demark got up as soon as I walked into the room and the Smithson kid was in bed angry and upset. He wanted to make his pack proud, the poor pup was just young and inexperienced. "Order your warriors to follow my order, and I will eliminate the threat to your land once and for all." I promised.

He looked at me with wide eyes, afraid and confused. His beta was an old wolf and he leaned close to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. What ever he told him in their own frequency, made him accept the need to combine forces to defeat the imminent threat. He closed his eyes and howled. Outside, his warriors howled in response.

Now as I run through these unfamiliar woods, I let his warriors guide me and become my eyes. We are coming for blood, we are coming for revenge.



I snuggle in his bed and pull the pillow to me as I take a deep breath and take in his scent. I understand slowly what he meant when he said he wanted me here while he was gone. Gideon has been out of his apartment according to Cara, and with no trace of him at all I didn't felt safe. If he was going to try something against me here, it would be insane and dangerous for him. That and Cara was right next to me, he would have a heart attack facing her in her wolf form, which she refused to leave.

At first I was shocked when Caleb left and Cara started to strip. She looked at me and said "I won't leave you alone, I will just be here as my wolf and this way I can smell Gideon faster if he ever comes near." After that, I saw her bend over to remove her pants and I quickly turned around to face something else. When she changed, she was quiet and laid next to the balcony, looking outside. I took it she was sad and lonely, she missed Alex. Her golden fur was beautiful under the moonlight.

When my phone rang I pick it up quick, smiling as I hear Caleb at the other side. "I already miss you..." where his first words to me and I felt myself blush. "I miss you too." I said back.

It has been two hours since that and I think I am finally calmer and will be able to fall asleep. Before I do, I go to the living room and Cara lifts her head to look at me, I smile and wave at her. "I am just going to get something to drink, do you need anything?"

She just shook her head and returned to her pose. It was sunday night, and I didn't know how to bring the subject, but tomorrow was going to be hard as I needed to go back to work. I made my way to the small kitchen and got a bottle of juice, then I noticed some raw meat waiting at the bottom. If anything I know for sure, is that animals such as wolves and dogs, love to eat. I pulled out the meat and looked around for a pan. Dropped a tiny bit of oil then waited for the heat to make it ready, while I put the meat on the microwave to defreeze. Once it started to show small bubbles I put the pieces of meat and started to cook it. I didn't know much on how Cara liked her food but I found the condiments and started to experiment. I was always good at the kitchen, so it wasn't hard to make it look good. I peeked towards the window to the balcony and saw Cara looking towards me with her nose up.

I finished the meat and looked for some plates, and since I couldn't find one deep enough for water, I cleaned a big ashtray from the counter table and used for the same purpose. I walked towards her and she lifted half her body when she saw me kneel next to her. "You need to be strong if you are going to be my guardian Cara. And I take care of my guardians." I said with a smile as I left both food and water next to her. I pulled my bottle of juice with me and I sat on the floor near her, looking outside to the sky as I laid my back against the sidearm of the big couch. "I miss him so much, it hurts. But you and Alex are already together and for so much longer... I can't imagine how hard it must be." I said looking up at the moon. I heard her whimper softly and I looked at her, she nodded.

"I have to go to work tomorrow Cara... I know he won't like that probably... but my life needs to continue spinning, I need to do my things. I have bills to pay, work to do." She huffed and I avoided to look at her, staring up at the moon. "I know I will be safe with you there close." It was true, I knew she will be near.

After some time, I reached her head to pet her softly then said goodnight. This waiting was going to be hard. My world was slowly shifting centers and now I needed to adjust.

Next morning I woke up hitting my phone's alarm clock and when I sat on the bed, I rubbed my eyes trying to remember how I got there. The moment I did, I felt such sadness as I missed him. I took a shower and put my outfit on, thankful that I had my mind in the right place when I accepted to come here, and went to pick up a change of clothes. If I was going to be staying here, I would need to go pick up more things from my apartment. It would be easier for me to stay there, but I was aware of Gideon's state of mind and I would be causing stress on Caleb if I did. I wasn't going to add to his worries.

Morning was easy back at work, and my nemesis was nowhere to be seen. At our morning meeting my boss asked me how I was feeling and I said I was much better. He asked me what plans I had to put my strategy into motion and I was caught by surprise. I hadn't been preparing for a fast application, so I asked him for time and he gave me one more week to finish the insertion plan and set it into motion from next monday on. I was Ecstatic; this meant I had a go into the chance of showing my potential. Now if only I could stop thinking on Caleb all the time, it would help me concentrate.

Since Gideon was a no show today, I was asked to do several of his duties. I led a meeting of the main office staff and finally I was free for lunch. Cara was waiting for me in her human form in front of the building; she was smiling, but without Alex there was a spark missing, I could tell.

"Alpha asked me to take you to the little place you went once at the corner." She said guiding the way. "After that, I managed to arrange a meeting with your boss."

"Wait, what?" I said as I stopped. "I managed to get the security tape from friday and there is evidence of Gideon acting against you and the daughter of your boss. Alpha asked me to show this evidence and I pretend to follow his orders to the dot." She said to me with a grin. "Come on, I can hear your tummy growl, let's feed you.

I followed her in silence, still processing her words. She ordered me a chicken sandwich and orange juice then sat in front of me looking outside. "And he is nowhere near the building, I would have smell him if he was."

"You call him Alpha." I asked as I took the sandwich and started to eat it.

"Yes, we only called him 'boss' while you were unaware of his real identity. There is much of our culture you need to learn in order to understand how we behave and why. But basically, we wolves are used to living in packs. A pack is a large number of wolves and they all follow a leader, a head who gives orders and looks after us. That head of our pack is Caleb, and He is called Alpha. It comes natural for us to call him that way, even if we are angry or sad or upset at him, he is our Alpha, he has won that place a long time ago and no one would dare to challenge him for it."

"Alpha... the first one... the one on top. Somehow calling him that makes it more important, more relevant."

"Yes, it really does." She said nodding.

"Are they in great danger?" I asked a little afraid of the answer, she smiled at me tenderly and that made me relax.

"Meadow, he is one of the strongest and more powerful Alphas in the entire continent, and my husband is his Beta, second in command. They will be fine, the others should be afraid."

I was ok with knowing this, the enormity of his importance became second place for now; I was happy he was safe and he knew how to take care of himself. I could live with that for now.

We remained silent for another few minutes before I spoke again. "So you made a meeting with my boss, and you have the tape. What will happen?"

She grinned. "I will be nice, trust me."

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thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
Next chapters please

Well when is something going to know like them mating ,or Caleb killing the bad guys .....Don't hurt Alex either

Stephen J

FaireSansaFaireSansaover 8 years ago
Very good story

I am enjoying this story very much. There are mistakes, of course, in grammar and spelling, but given the information you shared about yourself, that was expected so not nearly as jarring as it might be if English were your primary language.

Please take the following as constructive criticism, as that is how it is meant; a bit of information to hopefully help you develop as a writer, not only for this story but also in future writing endeavors.

You use the word "seen" a lot in the place of the word "seeing." "Seen" and "seeing" aren't interchangeable, even though they mean similar things. "Seen" is the past tense of the word "see." And "seeing" is the tense used while someone is in the process of doing that action. "Seeing" may also be used in a more abstract way, for example: "Seeing as though the night was still young, he decided to take her to a place she'd never seen before." See what I did there? I used both and used "seeing" in the more abstract way than the literal one. It could also be used in the abstract by saying simply "Seeing that the night was still young..." And to use it in the literal way, "She watched him shift, not yet fully certain she believed what she was seeing."

Paying attention to the tense of the verb used is important even in English. We don't have as many tense variations as some languages, but it still helps to keep them separate.

The only other thing I would note for this set of chapters is that the use of bold font for Caleb's dialogue in those two places is distracting. Please be sure to just keep each character's dialogue separate from the next. A line break between each character's dialogue, plus identifying pronouns or names from time to time is all that is necessary for dialogue, but taking the extra step of adding descriptions as they talk is great and you're doing an excellent job of that.

Overall, though, you're doing great. Please continue writing and continue learning. You are clearly improving and that makes all the difference as you move forward. :)

almeriaalmeriaover 8 years ago

next chapter please :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Keep it coming

I'm really enjoying this story. I love how consistent you are, keep it coming!

Crazycat14Crazycat14over 8 years ago

I am really enjoying this story, and find myself looking forward to future instalments. Please keep the story going!

loumey1loumey1over 8 years ago
Voting :)

Stopping by to vote on here as well as on Watt :)

redheadedangel6769redheadedangel6769over 8 years ago

I'm finding out how impatient i am lol can't wait for the next chapters!! Loving this story! thank you!

WillowRequiemWillowRequiemover 8 years ago
Keep em coming!

I found your secret! I got the erm... secret thing on your profile :P

LOVE this story! The characters are so real, they behave real. keep the good work :)

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 8 years ago
Fantastic story.

Still one of the very best in this genre. I'm enjoying every second reading it and can't wait for the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapters

RedDawn003RedDawn003over 8 years ago

Can't wait for the next ones

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