Slave Lunas Ch. 01-04


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A cock was shoved into my mouth and I went to work on it, fighting back the gag at the smell and taste. Our guards unclipped us from each other so we could better tend to the needs of their Pack, and soon hands pulled me to my feet before someone drove into my pussy. Both men were primed and ready, and shot their loads within a minute. Their places were quickly taken by others who either didn't want to wait for the main attraction, or figured they could get it up again before the line got back to them.

I could hear the other Lunas being used, lines began to form for us and they obscured the view of Kirsten's nightmare. Higher ranking wolves who had already had their fun were allowed to cut back in any of the lines for more. Unmated warriors were taught that we were spoils of war, theirs for the taking, so they did. The worst were her former Pack members, who took particular glee in being in control over their former Luna. The gang rape continued for hours and hours, lasting well past midnight, before the last provisional Pack member blew his load over Kirsten's ass. The booze and drugs would continue back at the Pack House until dawn.

I got my first good look at Kirsten, she had passed out again but this time they could not wake her up with a bucket of ice water or a smack across the face. One of the guards stabbed her butt with his knife, and she didn't react. She wasn't dead, I could see her chest slowly rising and falling, but her mind was gone. It had gone to that secret place deep inside where no one could touch her, and it wasn't coming back anytime soon.

I was glad she had disconnected. I looked at my girls, we had all be used hard and stank of sweat, cum and piss. Yes, a few would do that, yet another humiliation to pile upon us. One of the guards pulled me to my feet and uncoupled the clip between my wrist cuffs, allowing my hands to be free. "Carry her back to the basement and tend to her," he said as he uncuffed us all.

I shook my arms, trying to get circulation back in them as Vivian and I went to the rock. The guards removed her shackles, and we carefully rolled her onto her back. She didn't move, and we weren't going to get a stretcher or any help. I had Tandy help us move her into a fireman's carry and we started to move. Tandy and Sheri would alternate with us when we got tired, while the others helped the ones who could barely move. Nancy and Mary were very popular, and because of that were in the worst shape after Kirsten.

It took us half an hour to make the trip back to the basement, swapping out four times along the way as we got tired. Kirsten never moved or made a sound; by the time we reached our room, the other girls had already started their showers. We were all naked except our collars, so we moved under the shower head and turned on the cold water. Tandy took over for Vivian, who moved in with a washcloth. She gently cleaning the sticky mess from her abused body. Tears were falling down her eyes as she took in the bruises and cuts her friend had endured. "She's no worse than you were," I told her.

She nodded, then went back to cleaning her legs. "We will have to see how she is when she wakes up." It took some doing, but the girls got her clean and bundled her off into bed as we finished cleaning up. We both used the enema attachment to flush out the remains of the night.

I thought we would be left alone, but the two guards on duty were miffed they had missed the fun. Lance came down and grabbed the twins, taking Sheri to service Charlie in the control room while he took Tandy into the fuck room next door. We could hear the whip hit her backside as he took out his frustrations on her. After everything that had happened to us tonight, they couldn't even leave us alone to collapse into our own beds.

When both girls returned, I called them all over to me as I checked Kirsten's progress. I didn't want the video to show something unusual as we met. "I've got an idea," I said. "It may not work, it may kill us all, but we could take all these bastards with us."

"Count me in," Mary said. "I don't know if I'll survive another night like this. I'd gladly die just to take one of these bastards out."

"We could get rescued," Tandy said.

Vivian shook her head. "You heard what the Alpha said? The Alliance failed, the Packs are too scared and fractured to take Kendrick on. He's too big, too ruthless. If you were an Alpha, would you risk your Pack and you mate for this? No, rescue isn't coming until Kendrick is dead."

"And I want that fucker dead," Nancy said. "I have no future, no family. I'd have done it myself, except for what they would do to all of you. How are you going to keep them from retaliating?"

I smirked. "First, we have to agree on something. What I am planning will likely result in our deaths, but at our own hands and own terms. But... it would kill every person in this House." I could see the gears churning in their heads. The Pack house held the Alpha and Beta quarters on the top floor, the Gamma and Delta quarters below that. An entire floor held the unmated warriors. Taking out the whole house would decapitate the Pack, leaving it ripe to be taken over. I looked each of them in the eyes; behind the pain, the loss and the heartache lay a deep desire to kill the fuckers who did this to them. I put my hand out in front of me, over Kirsten's shoulder. One by one, the girls put their hands on top of mine.

It was decided.

"We have to wait until the party is done. They've drank a lot, so there will be lots of hung over wolves sleeping late, that's part of the plan. We can't do anything to tip them off that something is going on. Vivian, you stay here and keep an eye on Kirsten. Sheri, Tandy, Mary and I will go out to do our normal cleaning of the rooms. We need to lull them into thinking nothing is wrong. After twenty minutes or so, I'll head into the storeroom like I'm getting cleaning supplies. When I'm in there, you guys make your way back to the room and stay near your beds. When I do it, I'll run out of the storeroom and back into ours. When I yell, everyone get into the back corner. Grab your mattresses, get low and cover yourself with them. If I'm lucky, I'll join you."

"And if not?" Mary looked at me.

"Then I don't make it. Eleven years is long enough." I looked at them again. "Get some sleep, we'll wake at eight to start this."

We went back to our beds and I tried to sleep, but the pain and nervousness wouldn't let me. I wanted badly to talk to my wolf, I missed her, and would never have a chance to say goodbye. I hoped she was at least proud of me in the end.

The shift changed at eight, and a still-drunk Carl came down the stairs to wake us up. "Come on, Lunas, it's a work day for you. Up and at 'em."

I was already out of bed, so I was standing at the door when he opened it, my eyes down. "Your instructions, sir?"

He looked past my shoulder where Vivian was still taking care of Kirsten. "She wake up yet?"

"No sir, she hasn't made a sound since we left the stone."

He nodded. "Send Mary to me in room three, and clean this place up. It stinks."

"Yes sir." Mary pushed past me and followed him down to the room, she would keep him distracted for five minutes, he could never last long. We left our room and headed out to the closet, grabbing our supplies and making busy. I was scrubbing a stain under the St. Andrew's Cross in the main room when Carl smacked my ass on the way by. I kept my ears open, waiting for him to start up the stairs. The other guard would have to leave the monitors to go let him out, and that was my chance.

I slipped away to the supply closet, nodding to the other girls as I went by. I opened the door just as I heard the first door open upstairs; as long as they didn't count the girls on camera, I had a shot. This closet had no cameras in it.

I moved the supplies off the shelving, quietly setting it on the floor. Standing on a chair, I looked at the exposed piping running horizontally across the floor joists before turning vertical to go up to the kitchen. Two were water, but one was liquid propane to fuel the large kitchen ranges and ovens above. The pipe itself was an inch in diameter, copper piping with sweated fittings. I found the screwdriver one of the workmen had left behind, I had hidden it well. I removed the pipe hangers that supported the weight of the horizontal run, plus the one for the vertical.

I was running out of time, the longer I stayed in here the more likely it was for a guard to notice me missing. I reached up as high on the vertical pipe as I could, then jumped off the chair and jerked down as hard as I could.

It didn't work, but I did hear the pipe straining. Gathering my feet, I did it again, and heard something break free as I dropped almost six inches down. The gas was pouring out of the break above, I could smell it filling the room so I held my breath as I shoved the pipe up a little then jumped off the chair.

"NOW," I yelled as I pulled the door open and raced for our room. I made the turn, seeing the group huddled in the corner and raising their mattresses as I ran. I was halfway there when there was a bright flash and it felt like the hand of God hit me in the back, and blackness took over.

Ch 3

The sting on my cheek pushed through the fog in my brain. I opened my eyes, seeing Vivian leaning over me. I was on my back, on the floor in the center of the room, and everything was fuzzy and spinning. Her lips were moving, but I couldn't hear anything. She grabbed my arm and Tandy took the other, between them they pulled me to my feet. I could barely keep my feet in contact with the ground.

They started pulling me towards the door, where I saw the other women gathered. They were backlit by the flames, smoke coming in the top of the room. My plan worked, and the thing that saved us from the explosion was the very structure used to contain us. Alone among the rooms in the basement, the room we stayed in had concrete walls and ceiling, meant to keep us in. What was meant to control us, saved us.

Nancy and Sheri were supporting Kirsten just in front of me, and Mary and Nancy were up front. All looked to have survived the explosion well, the mattresses did their job. Kirsten looked half dead, but she looked that way when we brought her back. Mary led the way into the burning basement, we had no choice, staying here we would die within minutes from the smoke.

As soon as I got to the door I could see the enormity of the explosion. The rooms were no more, the house had exploded and collapsed down in many places into the basement. I started to get my feet under me, and they led me carefully around and over the fallen and burning debris. We all ignored the pain of the broken glass and wood that cut into our feet, we were used to pain, we would get past this. The smoke was getting thicker as we approached where the stairway used to be.

It had collapsed, and what was left was a jumble of debris. The girls were frantically looking for a way out, and not finding it. Nancy was trying to scale the fallen walls and floors, but the building collapse had cut everything off.

Meanwhile, the fire had moved in behind us. I looked back with Vivian, burning debris now blocked our retreat, there was no getting back to the room. We all looked around for a way out, not finding anything. We huddled together near the stairwell, yelling for someone, anyone to help before the smoke and heat ended our lives.

"I'm sorry," I said to the other girls as we clung to each other, our bodies heated by the fire and lungs aching from the smoke. "I love you all, at least we took them out first." The other girls were saying things to me, I tried to read their lips but the smoke was stinging my eyes and things were still a little blurry for me. We moved as far away from the fire as we could, I started praying to Luna that she would make our end quick.

I looked up when some debris started to fall onto our huddled backs. LIGHT! There was a sliver of daylight, and then it got bigger as something was shoved aside. A few moments later, the smoke was venting and a manhole-size opening was made above us. I could see a man's head and shoulders, and the arms of another as they furiously tried to make a space. His eyes lit up as he spotted us, and he put his upper body into the hole, his arm reaching down for us.

Nancy and Sheri moved first, climbing with Kirsten as high as they could before Kirsten's hand could reach his. He was a strong werewolf, and had no trouble lifting her up and through the opening. They pushed me forward next, and a few moments later I was pulled into the daylight. I was carried to a clear spot in the grass, coughing and limping, as I struggled to get down. I didn't want to leave, I had to make sure my girls were out, but his arms were like steel bands. When he set me down, I tried to get up but he shook his head no, mouthing "I'll get them all" before he ran back. Kirsten was shuddering with sobs, so I moved over and pulled her to my side as I watched the rescue. Vivian came out next, followed by Mary and Nancy. Only the twins were still there.

I put my hand to my mouth as the house shifted, more areas falling into the burning basement as additional floors and supports collapsed. The smoke and dust obscured the opening, where the two men were hovered over the hole. I cried tears of relief when one man carried Tandy, followed by the second man helping Sheri. They all collapsed next to us, our faces and bodies covered in soot and burns, miraculously alive. I moved from one to the next, hugging them and crying as we watched the Pack House burn, our tormenters still inside.

A man ran up, he had a raw neck from a slave collar that was gone, and was bruised and beaten. He embraced Luna Kirsten, then used the long boltcutter he was carrying to cut the back of her collar. His gloved hands pulled it apart easily and he tossed it aside. He moved to the next girl, each time snapping the silver and leather collars before bending it enough to get it off. When he got to me, I ignored the pain and the burn of the silver, that would heal. Moments later the silver was gone from my neck for the first time in over eleven years.

With the silver holding her back gone, my wolf surged forward in my mind- and she was PISSED. I could feel her power surging into my body, finally released to heal and strengthen. My cuts and burns started to heal, and with a loud POP my ears could hear again. The sounds of the fire, of screaming wolves dying in agony, of rescuers desperate to reach them, the cries and words of my sister Lunas, I could hear it all now. I stood to my full height, my dominance as an Alpha Female pushing off me into the surrounding wolves.

It was like a sonic boom of dominance to the wolves gathered around, mostly those of low or normal ranks. They and their wolves had been lost, their Alphas, Betas, Gammas, even many of the warrior ranks had been killed and their wolves didn't know what to do. When they felt my Alpha, their wolves grabbed on to the dominant wolf in the area.

They submitted to me.

One by one they knelt and bowed their heads, accepting me as their Alpha. I looked around, my wolf demanding the rest submit. I was shocked as my fellow Lunas also knelt before me. "What are you doing," I asked Vivian as she bared her neck to me.

"You are our leader, you have been for years," she said. "None of us would think of challenging you for Alpha." I smiled and pulled her up into a hug. "I will be your Beta, though."

"I'd like that," I said as the others gathered around. The remainder of the Pack was pulled inexorably towards me, almost all of them getting a smile and a touch as they submitted. I hugged the two men who rescued us tightly, they were from Kirsten's pack, and were now mine. They had refused to submit, refused to denounce her, and had proven themselves to me. "What happened," I asked them as I let them go.

"When the explosion occurred, the loss of their Alpha and Betas sent them to the ground in pain," the first one said. His name was Craig, he was a Pack Warrior. "We overwhelmed the guards and broke into the closet where they kept the tools. We cut the locks off our collars, then ran here." Only the Lunas had welded collars, the normal slaves had hinged silver collars held closed with a keyed padlock.

David picked it up. "We had to try and save our Luna, so a few of us ran here while the others went for the buses. We figured if nothing else, we could use the distraction to escape. We heard your yells, we managed to find you, and now you're here."

"And thank Luna you're all right," Craig said. I nodded, we all looked back as another section collapsed into the basement.

My wolf had her mind link back, and all those who had submitted to me were able to hear me now. "Everyone meet around me at the front of the house. Chain up and bring anyone who refuses to submit with you." I turned to David. "Go back to the slave barn and bring chain and collars, as many as they have." He touched Craig's arm and they both ran off to get the stuff.

A teenage girl, clearly an Omega, came up to us with a stack of clothes. Her head was down and she was shaking as I took them and handed the summer dresses out to my girls. I pulled on the cotton print dress, the first clothing I had been allowed in over a decade. "Come here," I told her as I grabbed her hand gently. I pulled her into my arms, kissing her hair as my wolf and I comforted her. "You're safe now, I won't allow anyone to hurt you again." When I let her go, another took her place, and soon we were surrounded by new Pack members, all getting hugs from their new Alphas and Betas.

There were about a hundred new Pack members gathered around, I asked them to sit as I looked at the smaller group, now silvered and bound, herded into a group to our side. I looked at my girls. "What do you want done with them," I asked as I looked over at the group in disgust. Among them were the sadists, the rapists, those who enjoyed our suffering. Some were cowed, others defiant, but all would feel my justice.

Kirsten spoke, the first time she had spoken in more than a whisper since she arrived. "If they raped, they die," she said. "It is the Law in my pack. If they hurt us, they become rogue." The other girls nodded, that was the Law in their Packs, as it had been in mine.

"And so it shall be." We walked over to the group, the stronger males in our Pack with us. We separated them into two groups, about a dozen in one, three dozen in the other. I looked at the rapist group in disgust, every one of them had taken me again and again, and they hurt my girls as well. "These men have committed the crime of RAPE against a she-wolf. There is no mercy to be found for them." I stared the men down. "Throw them into the fire."

The men started to scream and struggle, but with their hands bound behind their backs and their werewolf strength bound, they were helpless to stop what was going to happen. One by one, a pair of large men picked them up and dragged them to the still-burning house. They tossed them into the flames, their screams ringing out for a few seconds until death took them. It was far too quick, and a part of my wolf wanted them to suffer more, but it was effective. None who watched justice being carried out would ever doubt a price had been paid.

One of the men handed me a silver knife. I walked to the others, and as the men were held still I carved a large 'R' into their right cheek. The silver burned as it cut, the wound would not heal quickly and would leave a prominent scar, the same kinds of scars that covered MY body. The 'R' marked them as rogue, indicating their Alphas had kicked them out of their Pack for serious crimes. No place would be found for them at another Pack, they would live at the edges of our society, always looking over their shoulder. When the last was done, I handed the knife back to the man and turned to David. "Have them loaded into a truck and taken to neutral territory before letting them go. If they resist or come back onto my land, kill them."
