Sorority Party 1955 Ch. 03


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With a final tug on a nipple with his lips he began to move his kisses lower on her body. He felt her trembling in anticipation, and decided to forge ahead. She combed her fingers through his hair as he kissed her lower lips, and she sighed. When he sucked gently on her labia she began to squirm, and when he sucked hard on the upper part, drawing the clit out to its fullest to be teased with his tongue she cried out. One hand slid into the crease and fingers entered her. His other hand wandered back up to a breast.

She clamped her hands on his head to move him where she wanted him as she thrust against his mouth. He felt warm fluid bathing his lips and tongue. With a final thrust of her hips and push down on his head she climaxed, long and hard.

When she was finished he kissed her breasts again and she ran her fingers through his hair once again. He needed relief, and retrieved a condom from where he had tossed them earlier. She eagerly helped him on with it and guided him in when he knelt between her knees.

His need drove him to hard thrusting and she matched him, crying out with each stroke. When he emptied himself in her she wrapped her legs around him, grinding against him until she gave a loud cry and climaxed once more, almost violently. Her head lifted and dropped, banging against the ground, and she raked his back with her fingernails.

At last they lay against each other, limp and panting heavily, covered with sweat.

"Wow, Joel. Will never made me feel like that. I think I am lucky to be rid of him. Now I know what to look for!"

"I feel the need for a another quick dip. Coming?"

They waded out a short ways and sat in shallow water to rinse each other off, and then returned to their makeshift bed to dry.

They dozed off, but seemed to awaken simultaneously and she drowsily asked "What time is it?"

"Quarter after two."

"Really? I should be getting back before they send out a search party."

They quickly dressed, cleaned up their trash, drove out to the road, closed the gate and headed back to campus.

As they approached campus they noted a dull orange glow on the horizon, and encountered crowds of students and townspeople heading toward the glow. Further along they saw flashing lights, and were forced to park on a street off campus and walk toward the glow with the masses.

"There must be a fire," he noted.

"Ohmygod! It's the Delta House!"


Butch stormed upstairs, still muttering, and eventually the music started again and conversations picked up once more.

In a few minutes Margaret came down and made her way over to the group. "Thanks, Frank. I'm glad to be rid of him, and hope he leaves Lisa alone from now on."

"He was really pissed, Margaret. Do you think he'll cause any trouble?"

"I don't think so. He couldn't get away with anything anyway - everyone knows him. After tonight I doubt we'll be seeing him around again. Where did Lisa go, Frank?"

"She met her roommate and hurried back to their dorm before curfew. I watched them. They should be safe."

"I hate that there was any unpleasantness during my first party."

"You handled it well, Margaret. You saw a potential problem and came up with a solution. I think you were right. Butch said he had big plans for Lisa tonight. If you had gone over to them Lisa would have taken off with him, and there could have been a real scene. As it is he was unhappy but left peaceably."

"I can't thank you enough, Frank."

Frank grinned and stroked his chin. "I'll think of something."

Margaret winked at him and turned to go back upstairs. "I bet you will. I might be able to come up with something, myself."

Frank and Eddie turned their attention back to the four girls. "Anyone need a refill?"

Joyce stood up. "I'm ready, but I think I'll go sample another one of Cookie's sandwiches before they're gone."

Eddie went with Joyce while Frank nursed his beer. Robin leaned over towards him. "Ready for another dance? The band is going to wrap things up in a few minutes. We only have them until twelve-thirty."

Frank gulped down the remainder of his beer and took Robin's hand to lead her out to the dance floor.

When the set was over the band packed up the drum kit and other instruments, and a couple of the girls helped take down the lights the band used. Frank and Eddie helped the band carry the equipment out and load it into their station wagon.

After the band left they went back in through the front door, looking for Joel. Not seeing him they assumed he had finally had some success and gone off with a girl, probably to the arboretum. They ran into Doris and she confirmed that she had seen Joel leaving with a girl, although with only a brief glance she couldn't tell who the girl was.

"I tell you, guys. I'm frustrated here. I'd love to be downstairs partying with you, but Margaret has had me here guarding the stairs to make sure no girls sneak up with a guy."

Eddie laughed "The fox is guarding the henhouse eh?"

"Yeah. I'd really like to be sneaking upstairs with you, myself."

"So you sneak around, do you?"

"Who? Me? Sneak? Well, maybe on occasion. Unfortunately tonight isn't one of those occasions. Maybe after the party is over we can think of something sneaky and interesting to do."

"If it's interesting to you it must be really interesting. I look forward to that!"

Downstairs they found the four girls sitting around waiting for the pair to return.

Adele said "Well, fellas, the dancing is done and it's getting late. Anyone have any ideas?"

Frank said "we could go for a walk. I hear there are some...ahem...nature areas we could visit on campus."

"Great idea," Robin said, "except the gates are closed at two."

Catherine suggested "there is still some liquid refreshment. Personally I am getting tired of sitting on those chairs, and the smoke is kind of thick. Maybe we could at least go out back on the patio."

For lack of a better idea the six topped off their drinks and went out the back patio door. The couples who had been sitting around earlier had left, so they had the entire patio to themselves. They sat at a picnic table, three on a bench on each side - Frank between Joyce and Adele, Eddie across from them between Robin and Catherine.

Robin seemed to have consumed the most alcohol and rubbed her leg against Eddie's under the table.

The group told jokes and amid the laughter felt rather cozy with each other. Eddie looked over at Frank and cut his eyes from side to side while holding his hands palms up in front of him, silently asking 'where do we go from here? We each have two.'

Catherine got everyone's attention with her suggestion. "Let's play a game or something."

Joyce asked "What kind of game?"

Catherine got a sly grin. "Why boys, wouldn't you like to be like Richard at the beach? We could play strip poker!"

Adele audibly gasped and Joyce snickered. "You've had too much to drink, Catherine. And so have you, Robin."

Robin said "Well, maybe I've had a few, but wouldn't you like to know how it felt to play strip poker? I mean, Doris is a wealth of information, and I don't think she exaggerates too much. She has no need to embellish. She said they did it, and Margaret said it was true, too. Betty even played! Bashful Betty!"

"Well," Joyce said, "they were in a house and we are outside where anyone could see us."

"The possibility of being discovered makes it even more exciting!"

Adele added "we don't have any cards and we don't have a place to play, even if we wanted to."

Eddie was amused at the turn in the conversation and thought to prod it along a bit to see where it might lead. "If we don't have any cards we could play the napkin game."

Robin said "Huh?"

"You know, the game where you put a quarter on a napkin over a glass and burn holes in the napkin until the quarter falls. In the bar the loser buys the next round of drinks. Here, instead, the loser could pay some sort of forfeit."

Both Frank and Eddie were taken aback that the four girls exchanged looks. "Excuse us, fellas. We need to talk."

The four girls got up and huddled over by the side of the patio.

Frank said "What did you bring that up for? Are you nuts?"

Eddie grinned. "Just wanted to see their reaction, pal. I really don't think this is going anywhere, it's just having a little fun with them."

The girls returned and resumed their seats. Their decision left Frank and Eddie with open mouths.

"Okay, we agree," Catherine said. "Now we just have to think up appropriate forfeits. How daring do you want to make it?"

Eddie said "Hold on, there. We weren't really serious. It was just a little fun."

Joyce put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her folded hands. "We're calling your bluff. Put up or shut up."

Eddie considered and said slowly "suppose we do something like that. What do you have in mind?"

"Well," Catherine said "I think the idea of removing an article of clothing is top notch, but I agree it would be rather awkward if someone came around the corner and barged in on us. Therefore I propose we do forfeits with our clothes on, holds barred! Any kind of physical contact is fair game - kissing, touching, whatever."

"Who does what to who? There will be one loser and five winners."

Robin said "I've been thinking about that. Here's what I propose."

The five others leaned in to hear what Robin had to say, with Joyce muttering "Uh, oh. Here is the alcohol talking."

"Suppose one of us girls loses. Both Frank and Eddie could have an allotted amount of time to do whatever with the loser. Kiss, touch anywhere on the body - anything. Maybe even include some under the clothing touching. Maybe for a little more daring, the winning girls could do a little touching, too."

Adele exclaimed "What!? That would be or something."

"I'm not saying they would HAVE to, just that the possibility is open. We're not lesbians, but just think of the chance to do something really daring and different in the context of a game. It doesn't mean we want to do it for real. It's just part of the forfeit. Do it or not. Up to you."

"I like the idea," Catherine said. "Maybe we could have a rule that first time is only over clothes, but a second loss could involve under."

Joyce said "I can't believe we are even talking about this."

Catherine countered "Come on, Joyce. Wouldn't you like to have Eddie's big strong hands wandering around under your sweater?"

Joyce blushed, but didn't answer.

Frank and Eddie looked at each other with amazement, wondering if the girls were serious or merely teasing them in return.

"Now," Robin continued, "the next question is what happens if Frank or Eddie loses."

The two of them sat with arms crossed, amused at the conversation they assumed was for their benefit.

"Well, the same rules could apply. All the girls could do the touching. Same thing - first outside the clothes, then...well anything goes."

Catherine smirked at the expression on Frank and Eddie's faces, but threw more fuel on the fire. "If a girl loses a third time she could have to sit on one of the guy's laps, facing him and they could have a little...shall we say, action."

"No, no, no," Robin said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Prude," said Catherine.

"I don't mean don't do it, just that it's not fair to the guy who is also a winner. I think the girls could do whatever to the loser as far as feels, but the winning guy would get the action from another one of the winners. Of course, we'd have to have a way to choose who goes with him. We can determine that if we ever get to that point."

Catherine said "Okay, girls. All in favor of the proposal raise your hand."

Robin, Catherine and Joyce were quick to raise their hands. Adele thought for a moment, looking at Frank and Eddie before turning to the other girls and slowly raising her hand.

Catherine crossed her arms and stared at Eddie. "Okay Eddie. Frank. Your turn. What do you say? Are you in?"

Both heads nodded, but Frank said "Okay on one condition. You've all probably heard of Richard's Rules. Adele was a little hesitant, and maybe someone else will be sometime during the game. I'll summarize. Rule 1 is any expression of 'no,' 'don't' or anything like that means whatever is going on stops. No questions asked. Rule Two is that nobody has to do anything they are uncomfortable with. The rules apply to everyone. Even us. Everything done as a forfeit has to be agreed on. That's the only way to keep it fun."

Adele was quick to respond. "Oh, we've all heard about the rules from Betty, Margaret and Doris, although I can't imagine Doris saying 'no' to ANYTHING. Betty admits to doing things she never thought she would. You know Margaret is not exactly hot to trot, but some of the things she has said made me wish I had been there. I think I feel better about this with the Rules in place." The other girls nodded in agreement.

Robin said "Let's all get a refill and grab the paper napkins we will need. I'll run up to the kitchen and grab a real glass. I don't think the paper napkin would stick to the rim of a paper cup. Last chance for potty break before the game begins!"

All six headed inside. Frank leaned over to Eddie as they walked. "Do you think they are serious?"

"I still think they are stringing us along, but who knows? If we don't get a girl for the night we still may be able to cop a few feels. Maybe a couple will drop out and we'll each have one to ourselves after all."

About five minutes later the group reassembled around the picnic table. Before they started Robin and Joyce pulled the table around behind some shrubbery to where it was out of the direct light from the building. Everyone sat as they had before,

Robin wet the rim of the glass and stretched the napkin over it. Eddie fished around in his pocket and came up with a quarter, which he placed in the center of the napkin.

Everyone except Adele and Joyce was already smoking, so cigarettes were readily available.

Adele said "I think one of the guys should start and then we'll take turns clockwise around the table."

Frank took a drag on his cigarette and burned a hole in the napkin. Each of others successfully burned a hole. By the time Frank's turn came again the napkin looked like Swiss cheese. He studied what was left and burned between two other holes. Adele made a poor choice and almost dropped the quarter. Robin found a strand to burn, as did Eddie. The quarter was perched precariously. Catherine stared at the strands left to support the quarter, and chose one to burn. The quarter fell into the glass with a clink.

Robin said gleefully "We have our first loser! Who wants to do what to her? Frank? Eddie?"

Catherine noted the hesitation of the two and urged them "Come on. I'm a big girl. You can't do anything I haven't done before." That was met with gales of laughter from the three other girls.

"Come on," Catherine said impatiently. "Which of you wants to be first?"

Eddie, sitting next to her leaned over to kiss her and she met his kiss with some tongue.

Frank came around the table and approached Catherine, who said "I've already been kissed. How about something different. Go ahead."

Frank leaned over and kissed her while fondling a breast through her clothes.

"That's more like it! Any of you girls want a turn? No? Chickens!"

Joyce started the next game. The girls began to get competitive, trying to leave the next one nothing to burn. Robin took her turn and the quarter was suspended perilously. Just as Eddie started to reach for the glass the remaining web of paper twisted and the quarter slid off. Catherine clapped her hands in delight. "Almost got Eddie! Okay guys, have at her!"

Eddie kissed her, and brushed his hand over a breast.

"Jeez. What a bunch of cowards. Come on, Frank. Let her have it!"

Frank looked at Robin, who turned towards him as he came around the table. She smiled sweetly up at him. He decided to be bolder, so kissed her and gave her breast a good feel. "Mmmmm."

"That's the way to go!" Catherine said. "It looks like I will have to break the ice for us girls, though. I've always wondered what your boob felt like, Robin. I mean, it's so nice and round."

Catherine got up and walked behind Eddie to stand behind Robin. Catherine reached both hands around Robin's chest and gave each breast a lengthy examination. There was no protest from Robin, but Adele gasped.

Next round Frank lost. All four girls surrounded him at once. Adele kissed him, Joyce rubbed her hand on his chest, Robin grabbed his butt, and Catherine felt around the leg of his pants, squeezing her prize when she found it. "Ooh. Look what I found!" All the girls laughed and Frank said "I don't know how much more attention like that I can take!"

The next two rounds were lost by Joyce and Adele.

Catherine said to Robin "You need to find a way to make Eddie lose. I need to do a comparison." Eddie blushed and the girls noticed and laughed.

Robin tried, but Eddie found a strand that left the quarter hanging. Catherine made it fall.

"Oops. My second loss. You can do more than last time, you know. Come on, don't be shy. I'm certainly not. Here, I'll give you a hint," she said as she unbuttoned her blouse.

Eddie wasn't about to miss an opportunity this time. He reached in and explored her bra-clad breast as he kissed her. Catherine sighed. Frank said as he approached "You've been an instigator here. Do you really mean ANYWHERE?"

Catherine grinned in answer and Frank perched on the end of the bench next to Catherine. He kissed her, put his hand on her knee and worked it up under her skirt. Joyce's eyes got big and she put her hand over her mouth. Catherine moved her knees apart so Frank could reach the damp fabric. "Oh, boy. I can't wait to lose again!"

When Frank and Eddie withdrew their hands Catherine said "anyone else?"

"Shit, you've done me. I might as well return the favor." Robin came behind Catherine and reached inside the open blouse to feel what was there.

"Now we're getting somewhere girls. Anyone else?"

Adele slowly arose and went to Catherine. She pushed the open blouse open even more, studied Catherine's chest and played her fingers over the exposed bra. "I've always wondered what it feels like to a guy when he does that to me."

"Joyce? Do you want a turn? We're all friends here and it will probably never happen again." Joyce shook her head.

Eddie finally lost and Catherine was able to make her comparison. "Both very nice. We'll have to give them a visual inspection next time."

Adele lost for a second time and Frank was a little hesitant to go all the way up her leg, so settled for caressing her thigh. Eddie unbuttoned the blouse and felt a lacy bra covering smallish breasts. Catherine came over to give a more complete feel.

Catherine's third loss gave her a great delight. Frank suspected she was losing intentionally. This time she reached back inside her open blouse and unclasped her bra as an invitation.

Eddie had no second thoughts about handling what was before him, and decided that since the game had veered off in that direction he would take advantage. He kneaded a breast and rubbed his thumb over a nipple. As Frank came over Eddie dipped his head and nibbled on a nipple. While Eddie was withdrawing his hand Frank boldly slid his hand up to her underwear, over the surface and thrust it down inside the waistband for exploration. "Oh, yes! Now we're really getting someplace! I'm starting to tingle. Gosh, I hope I lose again. Anyone else while the door is open, so to speak?

Robin somewhat timidly put her hand on the panties, over where Frank had just vacated. Adele studiously examined an exposed breast. "Come on, Joyce. Join the party!" Joyce still hung back.