Special Ring Ch. 09


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I asked the voice who she was and why she was sealed in a crystal and then buried in the wall like that.

Voice: My name is Alesian. I am what you would call a dragon, but not in the form you have seen in your books. I have seen tapestries of the dragons of legends so in that term I am not a normal dragon. The reason I was sealed and locked in the wall was because the king feared for his life after my mother was killed. So he had his Celtic druids seal me away to protect himself. I would have never hurt him, though he still feared me.

Scott: I am very sorry, but why have you been stuck in the castle for so long.

Alesian: I was stuck there because everyone thought I was an evil spirit. Every time I tried to make contact with people, they all ran out screaming. You and the girls with you were the first people that were not scared of me. I was even more surprised that you were able to actually see me as well as you did.

Scott (laughing): My girls and I were blessed with magic and as such I have special abilities that allow me to see astral forms.

Alesian: Well, in any case, I am glad to be out of there. I just wish I could be free of this crystal.

Scott: I will try everything in my power to free you, but I do not know how long it will be before I can.

Alesian: I'm not sure if you can free me since this crystal was created by ancient druidic magic. But do me one favor, please. Just wear my crystal as a necklace or something. At least that way I will not feel confined in a dark place. Being in the light again is so wonderful. The light is so beautiful when it passes through my crystal.

Scott: It will be my pleasure. (looked over at Emmy) I wish for the crystal to be made into a necklace.

Emmy: Your wish is my command, Master. (Her eyes glowed for a moment, and then the crystal was put into a frame and attached to a secure chain.) There, Master. It is done.

I put the crystal around my neck and heard Alesian's voice again.

Alesian: Thank you! I can see light through the crystal and I can feel the warmth coming off your body as well as hear your heart beat.

Scott: You are welcome and I promise I will figure a way of getting you out of the crystal.

Alesian: I thank you, but as I said, the seal is created by druidic magic, so unless you can find a druid or learn druidic magic, it's useless.

At that moment I had an idea. I asked Emmy if she could give me, or one of the girls, use of Druidic magic.

Emmy: The only way I could grant that kind of magic is if the person's ancestors were druids and knew the magic. As with all magic, its memories are passed down through the bloodline. So unless you or one of the girls are Irish and have druidic ancestry I cannot grant that.

I told her not to worry about it. We will figure it out sooner or later. The driver knocked on the divider. I rolled it down.

Driver: We are almost to our destination; only about 10 more minutes. Are you going to stay for a while or should I drop you off and come back later?

Scott: We are gonna look around the property and decide whether we are gonna buy it or not. I will be happy to give you some cash so you can go eat while we look.

Driver: Thank you, Sir! I will take you up on that offer. Just give me a call when you are ready. Your luggage can stay in the limo.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the house. The girls all loved what they saw already. We hopped out of the limo and started looking around the front yard. I handed the driver some money to go eat while we toured the house. After he pulled out we looked around yard and the outside of the house. It was one of those colonial type houses; huge with English Ivy from the ground up to the top of the house. I checked my watch. We still had an hour, at least, before the owner showed up. We decided to go into the backyard and look around. When we got out back, there was a lake with water so clear you could see all the way to the bottom.

Emmy (smiling): Just the outside is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see the inside of the house.

Fumée: Master, this house is very secluded. I do not see any neighbors at all. This would be a great place to fish or swim naked.

Scott (chuckling): I was already impressed with the house as well. Once we see the inside, even if we don't like it, we can always use Emmy's magic to make it how we like it. Even if it is perfect, there will be some magical additions anyway.

Emmy: It will be my pleasure, Master. I love remodeling our houses.

Alesian (voice in my head): Just to let you know, I am sensing someone coming this way. They will be here soon.

Scott: Thank you, Alesian. Everyone, Alesian senses someone coming down the road. It's probably the owner of the house.

They all nodded their heads and we walked back around to the front of the house. Just as we got back out front, a little old lady drove up and got out of her car and walked over to us.

Lady: You must be the people James said would be coming by today. My name is Stephanie. I am currently the owner of this house, but I am getting too old to live here alone, so that's why it is for sell.

I made the introductions between her and all the girls and told her we all liked the outside of the house; especially the wide open backyard and no neighbors in sight.

Stephanie (smiling): Yes, that is a good thing. The nearest neighbor is about 15 miles away. The reason it is so far to the nearest neighbor is because of the amount of land they own, not the amount of land that comes with the house. My husband and I used to love the privacy and no one bothers you all the way out here. Please follow me inside and I'll show you the house. It's been completely redone on the inside. That includes the plumbing and the electrical. It's even got a central heating and cooling system. It's got 6 bedrooms, 5 1\2 baths, an attic, and a huge basement that my husband made into a home bar. It also has a huge chef's kitchen with lots of counter space. All hardwood flooring and the master bathroom has a huge bathtub. It is all fully furnished except for appliances and TVs.

We walked into the house and started looking around. The girls all loved how the house looked. After we finished looking around we all sat down in the living room and started talking.

Stephanie: Well, what do you think of the house?

Emmy: It is beautiful. I can tell you put a lot of love into this house.

Lisa: I love the kitchen; especially the marble countertops. They are beautiful.

Stephanie: Yes, my husband and I put a lot of care into this house over the years. We raised four kids in this house before my husband died and my kids moved out and went to college.

Erica: This house is incredible.

Stephanie: Well, do you want to buy the house? If so... (her voice trailed off as she looked at the crystal around my neck) ummm, excuse me, Sir. That crystal is beautiful, where did you get it?

Alesian (voice in my head): This woman is a descendant of a druid. She can sense the seal and I think she can hear me.

Stephanie: Yes, I can hear you and I know who you are and I know where you are supposed to be. But my question still stands, where did you get that crystal, Sir?

I asked her if she knew Druidic magic and if so did she believe in Djinn's?

Stephanie: I am a descendant of a druid high priest. I still know Celtic magic and yes I do believe in Djinns. I have seen a few in my life but they were not pure. They were tainted by the dark wishes their masters made. I can sense their contamination.

Emmy (smiling): Ma'am, what do you see in me?

Stephanie: Incredible, you're a Djinn. And you are incredibly pure. I wonder why I did not see it before. Now I understand where you got the crystal, but why are you carrying it around with you? Why would you remove it from Leap Castle?

Scott: I can see taint and purity in magic items and beings and this crystal showed nothing but pure white light.

Stephanie: So the stories about the crystal were false. The king that had the druids seal her away said she was pure evil that she just wanted to kill everyone.

Alesian: No, I never wanted to kill anyone. The old king knew that. The druids killed my mother and they convinced him that I wanted revenge on him, so he told them to seal me away. The druids that killed my mother, and their entire line of descendants, are all long dead now. So, even if I wanted revenge, there is no one left to satisfy it.

Stephanie (tears running down her face): You poor girl! If I would have only known, I would have tried to free you. The seal on the wall would have taken me years to break. How did you manage to break that seal anyway?

Lisa: That was my doing. I am a descendant of ancient vessel crafters, so I know how make a seal and break them. I can't however break the seal on the crystal since it was done by ancient druidic magic.

Stephanie (smiling): The seal on the wall was Wiccan magic which I could not break easily. The crystal, and the associated seal, was created by Druidic magic. They are very hard to break. The idea behind using two different and distinct practices was that they very rarely worked together. Anyone wanting to remove her from the crystal would have to get one of each. I can start the process, if you truly wish to break the seal, to release her. But if I do, you have to promise one thing.

Scott: what kind of promise?

Stephanie: It is actually a promise I need you and the dragon in the crystal to promise. Since she is a dragon, once the seal on the crystal is broken, she has to be bound to someone in order to live; otherwise I would just be freeing her to die.

Scott: Alesian is that true or not? If it is true do you want to be bound to me or would you rather we find someone else.

Alesian: It is true that if I am freed from the crystal, I have to be bound to someone in order to live. That is part of the curse of the crystal. If I was ever to be released or somehow escape, I would be dead within hours. Even though I crave my freedom, I would gladly be bound to you. From what I can tell, you are a very good person and you love each of these girls with all your heart. And they love you right back just as much.

Stephanie (smiling brightly): So that is a definite yes from her. Now, will you give this young dragon a life and a place to live?

Scott (smiling): Yes and I consider it an honor. She will be welcome to come and live with all of us for as long as she wants.

Stephanie: Ok, hand me the crystal. (Took the crystal from my hand) I also need you to put two drops of your blood on the crystal.

I poked my finger with a pin Stephanie gave me and dropped my blood on the crystal.

Stephanie: Now, once I break the seal, she will not be able to come out right away. She has to absorb your blood in order to be bound to you. The whole process will take three days to complete and when it does, you really should be somewhere secluded, because her sudden appearance could scare any people that see her. This house would be an ideal place for her to come out of the crystal. Since I know you all are interested in it, and you all are helping me right a wrong that was done to this dragon girl, the house is yours free of charge. I am too old to worry about the money anyway and my kids disappeared from my life after my husband died. So if you all promise to take care of this house and the dragon I will be happy to give it to you.

Scott: We love the house and will be glad to take it, but you have to let us pay you something.

Stephanie (smiling): Ok, how about paying half the price of the house and land, since you all are helping me right a wrong. How does $200k sound?

Scott (smiling): That is a good deal, but I wouldn't feel right paying less than the full asking price.

Stephanie: Do you have that much right now?

Scott: Not on me, but I can go to the bank and get it or I can have Emmy make the money appear here out of my account.

Stephanie: How about just half of it, since you are also doing me a favor.

Scott: Very well. Emmy, please take $200k out of our bank account.

Emmy: Your wish is my command, Master (her eyes glowed for a moment then $200k appeared in her hand) Here you go, Master. I made it look like we withdrew it from a few different ATM's (handed the money to Stephanie) here you go; $200k.

Stephanie smiled and signed over the deed to me.

Stephanie: Now, please everyone, be quiet for a few minutes, breaking this seal will take a lot of concentration. (Put the crystal on the table in front of her and started chanting)

...To be Continued

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compnerdcompnerdover 7 years agoAuthor

Drevan do not worry about 1 person talking about it he is one person out of 1000s that have read my story you cant stop people from badmouthing a story just let them talk it does not bother me so just sit back relax and read away

DrevanDrevanover 7 years ago

Anonymous i can understand why you dont use a signed in name i bet alot of people have given you negative feedback so what if a few errors are made in a story if you dont like it then dont read it if you want people to take you serious sign in to your actual account instead of posting anonymously

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

That's a pretty lame-ass excuse for the lack of continuity. Most writers writing a multi chapter paper would have a chart with each character listed, noting all events, dates and history for each that are important to the time lines and back story. I would think it would be your priority to keep things straight and not be lazy about it or blame your editors. It is your story and no editor should make changes that screw things up. And if they do, you should have the sense to reread the changes before it is published and make the appropriate corrections.

If you want your writing to be taken seriously you must be more diligent.

DrevanDrevanalmost 8 years ago

Cant wait to see the next chapter and the prologue end.

This has been a great story so far but i really cant wait to see how you take the story

compnerdcompnerdalmost 8 years agoAuthor

i submitted Chapter 10 last night

I am currently working on Special Ring: The End

gotta write alot of stuff into it to end the prologue and i will be putting the new titles at the end of the last part to get the readers votes on which title you all want to see on the new series/continuation

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Excellent work

compnerd, as before, excellent work.

Unlike others, I have no problem with the pot usage. It is a much better method to make the main character more relate-able than nicotine or excessive alcohol consumption.

An University of Michigan study found nearly five percent of college student used Marijuana frequently while nearly half had used an illicit drug at some point in their life (Marijuana was also found to be the most frequently used illicit drug).


Other than my small rant, excellent work with the last two chapter, and I eagerly await the tenth chapter to see what you have for the real story behind this prologue.

May the words continue to fly from your fingertips


compnerdcompnerdalmost 8 years agoAuthor

kind of sorry about the issues you stated it is kind of hard to keep some stuff straight with the beginning chapters since i first started this story i have had 3 different editors before the one i have now. Each of them has changed certain parts of the story so it gets kind of flubbed up. when i start the new series the issues will be worked out because my current editor is very good at helping me both with continuation and before he makes changes asks permission.

notsooldpervertnotsooldpervertalmost 8 years ago
Continuity issue and lawbreaking

There is a continuity issue in this chapter. The whole timeline of the story has only been about a month. In the first chapter he had two months to go before school even started, but in this one he's on an undocumented leave of absence from the school. It even introduced a character that he helped with schoolwork pre-Emmy (which couldn't be if school hadn't started yet). Also his dad is part Irish, go ahead and see if he can learn druid magic.

I'm not a fan of the drug and alcohol usage. At the beginning he was set up as a goody two shoes, nerdy type; now all of a sudden he has a pot craving and owns a pipe for it? And just why is every restaurant serving so much alcohol to an 18 yo? For that matter, who poops champagne just after breakfast?

Overall, though, good story. The first couple of chapters reminded me of Joe Brolly's Genie Chronicles which were excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I think the other Anons problem

Isn't with the weed itself just with giving money to drug dealers and cartels. If they were growing it themselves or getting it magically I'd definitely have no problem

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yeah, about the "weed"...

The Founding Fathers did not consider hemp to be a "weed" or a heinous drug, in fact they all grew it as a cash crop! Of course, they used it for the fiber, but it was also considered medicinal (and continued to be listed in the US Pharmacopae until it was declared illegal). It didn't become illegal until Congress decided to declare it so because they wanted to make criminals out of a bothersome gang of Mexicans down in South Texas that were known to be big "reefer" smokers, and besides, there was this whole "Federal Agent" (can you say "Elegant Mess?...) thing going (left over from Prohibition) that they didn't want to collapse and put all the poor agents off the payroll, plus cannabis was competing with tobacco and the newly-re-legalized alcohol. The criminal element only came into play after it was banned and could not be obtained legally anymore (what did they expect? Look how well Prohibition had worked...snicker, snicker!).

Now DEA is saying they CAN'T take it off the Schedule 1 list because it has no "recognized medicinal uses" and the FDA refuses to change that. Not only that, but there is another agricultural product that is HIGHLY addictive (cannabis is NOT), kills 400,000 people every year (cannabis itself has never killed anyone), and has ABSOLUTELY no medical value but it is NOT on Schedule 1 and SHOULD BE...I'm talking about tobacco.

Somebody is getting a huge payoff somewhere. Congress made the mistake 80 years ago, only they can fix it now, and until they do the illegal drug dealers will continue making huge profits off of a product that anyone can grow but would get arrested (or worse...) if they get caught. (end rant)

compnerdcompnerdalmost 8 years agoAuthor

Weed is a natural grown plant in the world i do not think it should be illegal so if smoking it makes the characters not pure to your eyes sorry

if it was a manmade drug it would not be in my story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

i love this story but the idea of them all smoking weed kinda ruins the point of them being pure and whatnot as somewhere along the line they are supporting criminals

compnerdcompnerdalmost 8 years agoAuthor

chapter 10 is with my editor but to finish up the prologue there will be 2 parts to chapter 10

Chapter 10


Special Ring The End

which will lead into the new title that i have not decided on yet i will be leaving it upto the readers after they read the first and second parts of chapter 10 i will be accepting feedback from the site to take votes on 4 titles. I will tell those titles at the end of Special Ring: The End

Superchef4255Superchef4255almost 8 years ago

Your writing is definitely getting better I found this chapter interesting because I am of Irish descent I give this chapter 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter.

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