Spider-Man: Cautionary Tail


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Kitty worked her mouth up and down on Peter's prick with true devotion. Sucking noises escaped her mouth.

Slurping was coming from where Peter was working as well. His tongue was diving into the fiery opening of her pussy, drilling for her intimate juices. The wetness rolled out for him and he sucked them into his mouth. He palmed her wide ass as if he'd never felt anything so fine.

There were no words between the two. They knew each other too well. Knew the responses and what they meant, and knew just what area to concentrate on to slow things down or speed up the excitement. They communicated by caress and response. They didn't need words.

Peter took time out from his cunt-sucking to move his tongue on her clit with heavy, quick, circular motions. Kitty gasped laughingly and cooed knowingly, wise to what he was up to. She wrapped a hand around his cock and jerked him off quickly. They were agreeing that it was time for a come.

Thoroughly enjoying themselves, Kitty and Peter attacked each other's pleasure. Sheer enjoyment was written all over their faces as they avidly sought one another's climax. Their bodies swam against each other on the bed, their passions reaching a fever pitch.

Kitty aimed his cock at her open mouth, and Felicia watched in fascination as the first streams of his cum came jetting forth. Kitty closed her lips on the spasming end of his prick and swallowed. Her hand continued pumping up and down on his climaxing manhood.

Rising to meet Peter's orgasm was Kitty's own. Her cries were muffled by his cock and his cum, but the intensity of her release was apparent in her spuming, convulsing body.

Felicia shivered deep down, knowing just how it felt. She was envious. Not jealous, as she'd first thought.

Peter lapped at the outer folds of Kitty's pussy as she shuddered with orgasm. Reciprocating, the curvy woman affectionately chewed and sucked at his shrinking member. The last liquids were drawn out and the last shudders of total pleasure drifted away. But there was the pleasure of just being intimate with one another.

For long minutes, Felicia felt forgotten. But then Kitty's eyes came to her. The woman looked pleased but Felicia was concerned, unsatisfied. There was more in store.

Kitty rolled off of Peter to the far side. He lifted onto his elbows and she twisted around, kissing his lips. She paused to lick at them where they were damp with her.

"I'm sorry," Felicia said. "I won't bother you again! Now let me go!"

Peter and Kitty looked at her.

"In due time," Kitty said.

"God, what now?"

"We'll think of something."

"I'll stop trying to kill you! Isn't that enough?"

"Not quite," Kitty said, "is it, darling?"

"Nope!" Peter smiled.

Felicia turned her eyes away.

"Go on then," she said. "Have your fun! Get your jollies! See if I care!"

"Well, you heard her, darling," Kitty said. "Shall we fuck?"

"Love to, but as you can see, I'm not quite prepared."

"Remember how she used to fix that?"

"Remember? I'm dreaming of it."

Kitty shifted around. She lay down on her back, parallel with Felicia. She spread her legs wide, and Peter moved into a fuck position between them.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Felicia's attention turned to the couple. She couldn't resist the possibility of seeing her own history with Spider reenacted.

Kitty's feet lifted into the air as she drew her legs farther back to either side of Peter. She reached dawn between their bodies, one hand grasping his limp cock and the other prying open her cunt.

With gentle fingers and knowing hands, she tucked Peter's cock into her passage. She set his limp prick in a straight line with her inner womanhood, starting right at the base.

That accomplished, Peter dropped onto both elbows over her. Kitty's legs lifted higher, her knees angling back to his shoulders. She drew his tongue into her mouth in a succulent kin. Her open hands moved down his back.

Felicia's eyes followed them. She had no way of knowing what Kitty planned to do.

Kitty spread her hands on Peter's asscheeks and dug her fingers in. She pulled his ass forward, making him push against her cunt. When she let go, he remained still, his mouth still glued to hers.

Kitty extended the tip of a middle finger and touched it to the small of his back. She slowly slid it forward toward the crack of her man's ass.

Felicia watched the tip of the finger, and then the finger itself disappeared into Peter's deep asscrack and she swallowed, anticipating what would happen next.

Kitty probed at the tight ring of Peter's asshole. His knees parted. She curled her finger and pushed the tip in. It pushed past his resisting ring and entered his asshole. She pushed on, fucking her finger into him as thoroughly as his cock was embedded in her cunt.

Peter groaned and Kitty moaned, and as they continued kissing, they shared a wicked look. Peter's body undulated and she squirmed under him.

"I just felt a surge," Peter said to her.

"I felt it too. You just got bigger."

"Good stuff, huh?"

"It was always good, lover."

"Yeah! It was!"

Kitty cocked her head to one side. "Better than Felicia?"

"Oh, you're cruel," Peter said, and kissed her to shut her up.

Felicia felt entranced. She was watching Kitty's hand moving, working her finger in and out and around inside Peter's anus. The way he was squirming, and the way. Kitty was moaning and twisting under him, he had to be getting hard. It was a neat trick.

"Oooooh!" Kitty moaned wantonly. "That was a good one! You grew almost an inch that time! Or a foot! It's holding me back!"

"You're so tight!"

"Just trying to keep you from giving too much, too soon," she said.

Peter rocked his hips from side to side above her upturned ass, shifting his cock for greater comfort inside the steamy clasp of her cunt. "I'll give you too much, too soon," he said playfully, and Kitty rolled her head back with a soft, gurgling laugh.

Envy lifted through Felicia again. It was making her so horny too, watching like she was. She pressed her thighs together and tried to squeeze thrills out of her clit. She ached to be with them. Being cut off was torture.

"Oh God!" Kitty gasped. "I do believe you're ready to fuck!"

"Gonna leave your finger in my ass while I get started?" he asked.

"I wouldn't want you to stall."

Grinning with her, Peter hoisted his ass and thrust forward. Holding her legs back and up, Kitty rotated her hips to greet his cock inside her with more friction. She held her finger deep in his ass and fucked him with short, quick strokes.

"Nnnnhhhh!" she gasped, taking her finger from his asshole. "I better take it easy with you!"

"I guess I missed your cunt," he said. Lifting his ass higher and higher; he fucked her with his hot, hard prick.

"Nnnnnn, and I missed your cock!" she groaned. "And your fucking! You've kept in shape, haven't you?"

Then he lifted himself onto straight arms and drove his arched body at her with tireless enthusiasm. Kitty gasped for breath and her head rolled dizzily.

Felicia tore her eyes away, wondering why she was torturing herself by watching. She was only helping them make her suffer.

But the increasingly enthusiastic fucking went on, with Peter's hips slapping down on Kitty's ass and his cock fucking into the depths of her fiery cunt.

Groaning sounds rasped out of Kitty's throat. And Peter was starting to sound like a rutting animal. Felicia tried not to listen, but couldn't fend it off. She wanted to cry with frustration.

Kitty's raised heels started to kick, her legs flexing tautly. Her whole body was spuming as climax seized her fevered mind. And above her, Peter's head was pulling back, a look of total rapture on his face as he fucked out the surging energy of his own orgasm.

Felicia turned eyes to them again and watched them go soft together. They nuzzled and kissed, and finally Peter shifted off to lie on his back.

Felicia chanelled her own disappointment and longing into anger, as she'd become adept at doing. "Alright, you've had your fun! You've made your point! Now let me go!"

"Not just yet," Peter said. He got up to rip Felicia's bonds away, but when she scrambled to make a break for it, he easily caught her by the scruff of the neck and hauled her over to the bed. He threw her down on her belly and just webbed her in place again, spread-eagled next to Kitty.

"That looks fun!" Cindy commented, still nuzzled up against Gwen. Felicia had entirely forgotten about her, but knowing that someone else had enjoyed the 'private show' Peter and Kitty had put on, as well as her own distress. God, had all four of them enjoyed having her trussed up and flustered? Was she, even now, working them into a frenzy with her unwilling arousal? The guest of honor at an orgy she couldn't even fucking join in on?

"Maybe we should try pissing off Peter sometime," Gwen suggested.

"Say Barbara Gordon is the best Batgirl," Peter told them. "You see, Cat, it's not just me you've pissed off. You've caused a lot of trouble all around the city. In fact, your men nearly killed poor Spider-Woman."

"Like I give a shit!" Felicia hissed, now determined not to give any more ground. She knew they wouldn't really hurt her, none of them had the guts. They'd just put her in prison, and she could get out of there easy enough. She just had to put up with their bullshit a little while longer and then she'd kill them all.

"You might want to," Peter offered. "Because she's here now and—there's no easy way to say this—she's taken her belt off."

Felicia screamed as she felt a long, leather weight descend upon her bare buttocks.

"I have to say, usually I don't like these street-ready costumes," Peter commented, getting out of Jessica's way as she cocked her arm again. "But they do seem to have their advantages."

"If you think the belt's nice, you should see what I have in my pockets," Jessica teased. She brought her belt down again. Felicia yowled.

As the furious brunette whipped Felicia's naked ass with vicious lashes of the belt, Peter moved to spoon her gorgeous body and then thought better of it. Jessica looked wildly obscene and desirable in her fury. Her creamy tits quivered and her eyes blazed and her gorgeous ass bounced in time to her punishing lashes. On the bed, the platinum blonde's screams had become painful gasps as her naked ass turned into a glowing crimson, mass. Sweat covered Felicia's silky flesh, giving it a gloss that enhanced her ripe, trembling curves.

Felicia might disagree, but Peter found it a lot of fun to watch.

Jessica uncoiled the belt from her fist and tossed it aside, panting with effort. She'd worked most of the rage out of her system, and now she was madly aroused. She wallowed in the feeling of power she felt, knowing that Felicia was utterly helpless and at her mercy.

"Now you're really going to see what you've been missing," she told Felicia, who shook with her sobs.

Jessica took a vibrator out of her pocket and switched it on. She hunched down between the girl's spread legs.

Beneath her burning ass-cheeks, Felicia's hot pink cunt clenched eagerly. The whipping had a strange effect on her. While the pain was agonizing, she'd gotten feverishly horny, too. Her cunt smoldered along with her tender ass, and when she felt the quivering vibrator slip into her pussy, she whimpered and eagerly wriggled her hips.

Jessica began fucking the sobbing girl, gently at first. She moved in lewd strokes, working the long plastic cock into the platinum blonde's sucking cunt with twists and wriggles that made her cry out with excitement. The brunette showered kisses on Felicia's burning ass at the same time, soothing kisses at first. The kisses became hotter, wilder until Jessica was nipping the luscious hills with her teeth, her own pussy starting to throb intensely.

Jessica's ass was hovering in the air, her knees folded under her as she fucked the cock faster in Felicia's helpless cunt. Peter went to the foot of the bed, his long prick looming out. He clutched Jessica's hips.

"Yes!" cried Jessica, her ass shuddering with urgency. "Fuck me, Peter! Shove it all in! Every inch!"

Standing behind her, he ripped down her pants and slipped his giant knob inside her feverish cunt-lips. Groaning at the fiery suction, Peter began lunging steadily, fucking Jessica's boiling pussy to a powerful rhythm.

On the bed Felicia rubbed her sweating tits into the mattress and trembled feverishly beneath the blazing pressure in her cunt. She was starting to come in violent spasms, biting her lips to keep from shrieking. The savage whipping had left her maddeningly sensitive to any kind of touch, fucked the humming vibrator in deeply and lustily, twisting and grinding it in her engorged pussy until the platinum blonde thought she would burst.

Much of Felicia's excitement came from being helplessly tied down. She didn't like it when Peter bound her—she told herself she didn't—but Jessica was deliciously sexy and commanding. The brunette hadn't made a coy game out of punishing her. She'd whipped her ass brutally and, deep down, Felicia sensed this was exactly what she needed... as if Jessica knew harsh discipline would temper some of Felicia's arrogance.

"No more!" wailed the platinum blonde, shuddering wildly as she came in unwanted spasms of excitement. "Jessica, no! I can't—oooooo—can't stop coming! Unnnngh!"

Her tears and cries only spurred Jessica on. With the massive feel of Peter's member fucking in her cunt, Jessica's lust was running completely out of control. She slammed the vibrator in deeper and harder, giving it a full rotating turn to make Felicia scream with excitement.

"Then don't stop coming, bitch," panted the brunette, wiggling the long prick from side to side, then sharply up and down. The thrills that ripped through the platinum blonde's cunt pushed the breath from her lungs and made her mind spin. She was so deliriously aroused, she slammed back to meet the fucking rod, battering her own slit against it. Her wrists and ankles were chafed raw from straining, but Felicia barely felt that. She wriggled her ass lewdly in front of Jessica's face, hoping the brunette would kiss and bite her ass. She wished Cindy or Gwen were closer, so she could crush her hot mouth to a juicy little cunt at the same time Jessica was ruthlessly fucking her. She'd even take Kitty. She would go fuck herself if they let her...

Peter hung onto Jessica's slippery hips tightly as he pistoned his cock in fierce thrusts. All three of them were sweating profusely, making their body contact much more exciting. As he stood behind the bed, fucking her, Peter could see every obscene detail of the punishment—Jessica pumping the vibrator furiously in Felicia's tiny pink pussy, the platinum blonde's silken ass trembling and quivering madly beneath the onslaught.

Jessica's cunt boiled and sucked with wanton power on his prick, hugging his cock so tightly that when she spasmed he winced in pain. She squirmed her ass wildly as she started climaxing, streaming her honey over his mad erection. Jessica began inflicting a series of bites on Felicia's juicy ass. Not nips, but brutal, greedy bites that made the crying platinum blonde yelp.

As shocked as he was by Jessica's obscene behavior, Peter couldn't really blame her. Not just because of all the crimes Felicia had committed, but because Felicia's sleek body was so ripe and sexy, she brought out his fiercest urges.

Jessica swung her hips faster, fucking Peter's cock deep in her erupting cunt. Her whole body shook with excitement, with the depraved bliss of this orgy. The fact that the boy was a vigorous, well-hung Spider-Man, and the girl was a passionately hot young supervillain in need of discipline increased her lust tremendously. And the thrilling knowledge that Felicia was totally helpless as she fucked her—tied down securely—brought out the very worst in Jessica.

She suddenly eased the vibrator out of Felicia's spasming cunt. The girl moaned with relief and collapsed on the mattress, twitching. A moment later, Felicia felt the humming tip of the rod tickling her asshole. She froze in horror.

"No!" she begged. "Oh, Jessica, no! Please—Aaaaaaagh!"

Seething with vengeance, Jessica sent the vibrator hurtling up Felicia's silken ass, fucking her shocked asshole. The girl moved her lips, but couldn't find the breath to scream. The white-hot agony in her ass made her desperately try to faint, without success. As the panting brunette fucked the rod inside her ass, Felicia suddenly found—to her amazement—she was beginning to come again!

The platinum blonde had had so much feverish sexual stimulation, her loins were exploding from any contact. The searing mass of fire up her tender ass sparked a wild orgasm in her cunt, making her come in fiery gushes all over the mattress. She was being viciously fucked in the ass with a vibrator, and she was getting off on it, getting off more the worse she was punished.

"Yessss!" she cried triumphantly, wriggling her burning ass. "Faster, Jessica, I'm—Ooh, Christ!—I'm coming! Ooooo, fuck my ass harder! Eeeeee!"

Behind Jessica, Peter was starting to come, too. He pumped rapidly, groaning when Jessica clasped his prick convulsively in her cunt. All three of them began coming in a wild medley of moans and cries, Peter feverishly fucking Jessica's dripping sex while Jessica furiously ravished the platinum blonde's sexy ass.

As soon as Jessica had milked his spurting cock dry, Peter slipped his prick out and hastily grabbed Jessica's wrist. "That's enough, Jess," he told her firmly. "You're hurting her."

"No shit!" Jessica gasped. But she eased the vibrator out of Felicia's soft, trembling ass.

The platinum blonde whimpered and writhed on the mattress, still twitching and coming.

Kitty rolled limply toward Felicia, pulled herself up on the bed, and cut the webs holding the girl's wrists in place. The fact that she was using her clawed gloves with cum dripping out of her naked cunt aroused Felicia, painfully so. It hurt to think of going through all that again, no matter how much she shuddered with wanting to do so.

Kitty slid down to free her double's ankle. "Now Felicia," she said, sitting up, "I want you to go home and think about what happened here. If you come to any conclusions, let us know."

With a sunken heart, Felicia pushed herself from the bed. She picked up her clothes and went out, not looking back. But she could hear all five of them piling onto the bed, her mind irresisiblty drawn to wondering if it could possibly hold one more.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Hot details

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