Stand for Love Ch. 16


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"Please," Noah begged.

"I need to go and find him." Nicholas gave a low cry of pain. "What if... "

"Nothing has happened to my grandson." Granny said, trying to suppress a groan. "He's coming back and I know that for sure."

"Granny is right," George quaked, trying to put his hand on his friend's back. "Get up and let's go and wait for him in the living room."

Nicholas raised his face to his family and gave them a whimper. Then from all the words of encouragement that he had heard, he got up and rubbed his tears off. Then he moved his hands up and fixed himself up, drying every tear and getting rid of all the negative energy.

"You're right," Nicholas said in a trembling voice. "Adrian will come back."

"That's the spirit." George said, chuckling nervously. "I'm sure he hasn't come back because the meeting didn't end. You told us that there was a lot to do. I'm sure he's in a hotel somewhere sleeping. He didn't call us because his battery probably died. Wait and see," he chuckled. "Adrian will be coming through this door by tomorrow morning." He smiled.

Nicholas smiled and then began heading for the living room. He sat on the couch close to granny and buried his face in his palm, waiting, hoping, wondering and desiring. He was not gonna sleep until Adrian comes right through that door. He didn't even have any feel of doziness so he was gonna stay awake till his Adrian makes a grand entrance at the door.

George stared at his friend and he couldn't help but stifle a groan. He loved his friend a lot and he loved Adrian as much. Both of them meant everything to him and he didn't want anything to happen to any of them. Should that ever happen, he'd definitely die because Adrian was like a younger brother to him even though he loved him more than that?

He was really hoping Adrian would come through the door just like he had prophesied a few minutes. He was gonna stay awake till Adrian comes rushing through that door. Then he was gonna hug him even in front of Nicholas.


The light was bright... the day had started... it was morning... Nicholas was wide awake, resting his head on his palm. He had stayed awake all through the night without even his eyes closing a bit. He was tired and he wasn't gonna sleep. All he wanted was for his Adrian to come home and then he was gonna take him to the room and be with him. He wasn't gonna leave him.

From the look of things, no one was sleeping but they were all quiet. No word had been uttered and they had stayed like that throughout the night. No one even bothered to talk to him even when it was sunrise. He had his eyes on the clock and it was already 7 in the morning and no sign of Adrian.

Nicholas stayed like that, missing Adrian a lot. He had never missed him that much. Even his head was hurting when he actually thought about him. But he couldn't just sit like that and wait. He had to make some effort to find Adrian.

Quickly rising from the couch, Nicholas took out the phone from his pocket. He then dialed Adrian's number and he got the same response. He dialed again and threw the phone on the couch.

"Fuck!" Nicholas cursed, furiously gripping his hair. Then he began kicking the couch so hard, his feet began hurting.

"Nicholas!" Granny called weakly. "Please calm down... "

"Calm down," Nicholas yelled. "I thought he was... " Nicholas trailed off when he heard his phone ringing. His heart began racing and he began panting like a wild animal. Then his muscles contracted, making his whole body to shudder in fear. He just watched as the phone rang, gasping while a smile hit his face. He was sure it was Adrian calling and from everyone's looks he was confident it was Adrian calling. After so long, he'd finally speak to Adrian and tell him to come back home or go and pick him up.

Nicholas furiously gripped the phone from the couch and looked at it. It was an unknown number but he didn't give a fuck. As long as it was from Adrian he was okay with it. He quickly pressed it and answered.


"Hello!" The deep manly voice from the other end of the line answered. "Is this Mr. Nicholas Miller speaking?"

Hearing that question, Nicholas shuddered in fear and then gulped.

"Yes," He said in a trembling voice, quivering. "This is Nicholas."

"Thank God," The voice said. "This is Jason Killian and I am the lawyer from Equilinias. You're Adrian Wilson's husband, so I was told."

Nicholas breathed violently as his heart pounded deeper in his chest, causing some sort of pain.


"Sorry but I got this number from Mr. Bailey." The lawyer said in an impatient voice. "I was just helpless and I needed to call you. I am really desperate here."

Hearing what the lawyer was actually telling him had Nicholas at his worst. He somehow got a bad vibe with everything and just wanted what he felt not come true. He was more scared that he had actually been. If the lawyer had actually met with Adrian then why was he desperate?

"What do you mean?"

"I called Adrian yesterday to meet with him." The lawyer continued. "I even gave him the place where we would meet and I waited but I didn't see him. I don't know what had happened but can you please tell him to meet me today at the same place because his number is... "

Nicholas' heart shuttered, breaking to a billion pieces... his heart began pounding in his chest, almost ripping out. His breaths became pants and tears immediately formed in his eyes, dropping to his face... his body trembled in fear and pain... His body lost its strength, none was left. His hands began shaking and he couldn't hold the phone anymore. It slipped from his hands and felt hard on the floor even though he knew it didn't break.

Then more strength left him and he fell on his knees, shaking terribly as hot tears left his eyes and burned his skin. He was in pain that he lost consciousness of his environment. The next thing he heard was people asking him what had happened but he couldn't hear a thing.

Seeing Nicholas on the floor, weak and crying after speaking on the phone made George's eyes to water. He knew whatever Nicholas had gotten couldn't be good. He even got worried and couldn't even move a muscle even as the family members asked what was going on. It was too painful to see.

As he tried to look away, George noticed that the phone was still on and the call was going on. He went to the phone and quickly picked it up.

"I'm sorry," He tried to sound confident. "What was that?" He heard as the lawyer repeated everything. Before the lawyer even finished what he had been telling him, George's face was filled with tears. His heart was pounding deeper in his chest, causing him intense pain. He felt like he was gonna have a heart attack. His breaths had turned into pants and he was suddenly shaking like a leaf. What he had suspected had been confirmed. Adrian had gotten lost.


"Err... Adrian is not here." George lied, trying to stifle his sobs. "We'll inform you."

Then he cut the call and he found himself on the floor, crying. He cried of pain and regret. Maybe he shouldn't have allowed Adrian to go yesterday. What if something had happened to him? No, he didn't want to think about it so he just cried.

"What's with you two?" Granny asked, looking at the both of them. "Is there anything wrong? What did you find out? Please talk to us." Granny begged, putting her hands together. Wasn't it enough that she was worried sick over Adrian? Did those two guys have to remain silent when she was asking them a question?

"Granny," George gasped, feeling a lump in his throat. The pain that he felt was just too much. "Adrian... " He paused and then gave a low cry of pain.

"What is it?" Granny yelled. She felt like she wanted to slap him so that he could tell her everything.

"It was the lawyer," George breathed, trying to get a hold of the pain. "He called and... " He gulped, shaking. "... he said that he didn't meet with Adrian yesterday."

Granny's heart felt like it had busted. She felt a really sharp pain unlike before. He eyes watered and her strength left her. She slowly knelt down on the floor, trying to make her strength come back. She knew Adrian was lost but she wasn't gonna think anything bad had happened. Adrian was probably safe somewhere. Nothing had happened to her grandson.

"So what," Granny said softly. "Is that why you are crying?"

"But granny... "

"Nothing has happened to my grandson." Elena said confidently, rising from the floor. "All of you might think badly of the situation but my Adrian is safe and sound."

Nicholas was convinced that his Adrian was safe. Nothing had happened to him but he wasn't gonna take any chances. Quickly rubbing his tears, he gathered the little strength that he had left and got up. Then he slowly started moving towards the door. He was gonna look for his Adrian and nothing was gonna stop him.

"Hey," Noah said in sad voice. "Where are you going?"

"I am going to look for my Adrian." Nicholas said in a weak voice.

"Wait!" Noah said, rubbing his tears. "Please wait. We cannot do this alone. Please stay... "

"What do you want me to do?" Nicholas yelled at his brother. He suddenly got his energy back and began panting. His whole body was in heat and he had no idea what to think anymore. "My Adrian is missing since yesterday and only God knows where he is. Please let me go." He begged. It was followed by a tear.

"I don't mean it like that." Noah said as he quickly got to his brother. "Please let's involve the police in this. We'll find him faster if we leave it to the police."

"Noah is right," Emily said. "Please call the police."

"I'll call the inspector." Noah said as he slid his shaky hands in his pocket. He got his phone out and began calling the inspector. In just a matter of minutes he was done.

"Please sit down." Noah said, touching Nicholas' shoulder. "The police will be here. We just need to wait a little longer."

Nicholas looked at his brother angrily and then looked on the floor. He had no idea why he was feeling that way but he had a really bad feeling. He didn't want to think anything badly but then again he couldn't help himself. No wonder he had been feeling uneasy yesterday. Had he been with Adrian none of that would have happened.

Taking one last glance at his brother, Nicholas slowly walked to the couch and sat on it. Then he buried his face into his palm and impatiently waited for the police to arrive. He was really impatient... he was angry... he was shaking terribly... he was in pain... his heart was pounding... his head was pulsing and he was missing Adrian a whole lot. He just wanted him by his side. The very thought of his Adrian being kidnapped or even something worse had him at his weakest. He had never felt as weak as he was at that time.

Everyone sat on the couch waiting for the police to arrive. Some were in shock others were crying while others were in pain. It was like a huge storm had hit them. Where was Adrian? That was the question which rang in everyone's mind. They were all just praying for him to be alright. Adrian was a really good boy. Why would something bad happen to him?

After almost an hour of waiting, a door bell was heard. Nicholas quickly got up and rushed to the door, hoping it was the inspector and his crew. Upon open the door, he was relieved when he saw the inspector at the door.

"Please come in." Nicholas said impatiently.

He led the police to the living room and he didn't even offer them a seat before he started speaking.


Adrian suddenly woke up, moving his head weakly while a short of pain made him completely awake. He no longer had the headache but he could clearly feel that something was not right. As he slowly opened his eyes he couldn't see clearly but something was definitely wrong. Sure the place was a little brighter but it wasn't home. Adrian moved his head to the other side, trying to see if he could get a clear view but it was the same. He couldn't see clearly. He had no choice but to stay like till his vision got clear.

As he sat there for about a minute, his vision started clearing and he was able to see where he was. He was in an old and if he was not mistaken it was an abandoned building. There were old things everywhere and it was a little darker.

Then his heart started pounding deeper in his chest making him even more scared than he was... his breaths became short and quite painful... He was trembling and tears filled his eyes. He wanted to scream for help and he couldn't do it. Only a muffled scream came out because he had a duct tape on his mouth.

That's when it hit him. He had been kidnapped while going to meet with the lawyer. Realizing what exactly had happened to him brought so many questions to his mind, making him to be filled with more tears. He wondered who could have done it and for what reason. Just the thought of being kidnapped had him in fear. He couldn't do anything but pray that he would be saved.

Adrian tried to move but he couldn't do it either. His hands were tied behind a chair that he sat on and his legs were also tied to the chair that he was seated on. He tried to move but he only moved with the chair and that was all. His hands were tied tightly and he couldn't even move them.

Adrian tried everything including removing the duct tape from his mouth but it was tight on his mouth. He had no choice but to sit and wait to see who it was that had kidnapped him and what they wanted from him. Without even thinking a lot about it, Adrian could guess who kidnapped him but he wasn't sure. Many people would kidnap him for money.

As he sat on that chair trying to figure out who might have kidnapped him, he heard some footsteps coming near him. Then he looked straight ahead and could see a man coming near him even though he couldn't see his face. What he saw was only a blue shirt, folded onto the sleeves and a hat. He had no idea who the man was but he was gonna find out soon.

As the man got near, Adrian began seeing his face and then he saw him completely, in the flesh. Then his eyes widened and his breaths became violent. Had his hands not been tied he would have definitely punched the man, Drake. How could drake do this to him?

Getting closer, Adrian could very well see that Drake had a smirk on his face, teasing him with it. Then he removed his hat and knelt down in front of Adrian, caressing his cheeks. Adrian felt irritated and then moved his face away. He couldn't have someone like Drake to touch him. He would have spat in his face had it not been for the duct tape on his mouth.

"Did you miss me?" Drake chuckled loudly, passing his finger on Adrian's lips.

Adrian was so irritated that he wanted to curse Drake if not for that tape which was covering his mouth. He hated Drake with all that he was made of and wanted nothing to do with him. Why would he do this after almost ruining his marriage?

"I missed you too." Drake said, leaning upwards. He then cupped his cheeks and planted a kiss on his forehead.

Adrian wanted to scream 'fuck you' but all that came out were muffled cries which didn't even make sense at all. His anger and his hatred was intensifying and he had no idea how to express it so he cursed Drake in his muffled cries and didn't care whether the guy heard him or not. As his muffled cries increased, Drake's manic laughs increased as well.

"What?" Drake put his ear on Adrian's mouth. Then he put his hand on it and pretended he didn't hear anything. If only he could bite that ear off then he'd be the happiest guy on earth but thanks to that idiot he wasn't even able to move.

"I can't hear you." Drake laughed out loudly, giving a teasing chuckle which brought nothing but pain. "Oh, sorry," Drake said in mock astonishment. "Let me remove the tape."

With an evil grin on his face, Drake held the tape at the end and then ripped it off with all his might. Ouch! Adrian's mouth hurt but the good thing was that he was at least able to speak and could tell Drake what he wanted to tell him.

"Why did you bring me here?" Adrian asked angrily, hissing at Drake. "How dare you bring me here? Where you the one who kidnapped me,"

"Too many questions," Drake chirped, getting up from the floor. "I thought you were about to tell me you missed me."

"If this is a joke," Adrian yelled. "Then it's not funny at all. Just let me go. I'm sure that my husband is... "

"Your husband," Drake yelled. "Why should it always be about your husband? Can't you have a little fun with me?"

"Drake!" Adrian yelled. "Let me go. I have a lot of important things to do. If it is the money that you need then you'll get it. Just let me go and the money will... "

"None of that is happening," Adrian heard a really familiar voice fill the whole building. That voice, Adrian thought as he tried to remember who it was. But it hit him so hard that the pain he felt was unbearable. The voice he had been thinking of was none other than Victoria's. But why did she kidnap him?

Adrian closed his eyes when he felt footsteps getting near. He could hear high heels and other shoes which meant that she was not alone. He got scared when he thought of who could have accompanied her. Of all people that had to kidnap him, why did it have to be Victoria, his worst enemy?

The footsteps kept getting nearer until he couldn't hear them anymore. He was really scared and almost began crying but he got confident as fear took over him. Then with a deep breath, he opened his eyes and they widened at what he saw.

Right there, in front of him, dressed like movie stars were Victoria, Jake, Todd, Jane and Cynthia. He was more scared than he had even been before. His heart felt like it was gonna bust out of his chest. Then he felt his body get warmer and he began trembling, taking short painful breaths that made even his chest hurt. Of all people why did those have to kidnap him, Adrian cried in his heart, trying to think only positive things. But what could come out of those people?

"Hello, Adrian!" Victoria chirped, crossing her arms on her chest. She had her hair tied and her whole face glowed with an evil grin.

Just by looking at her, Adrian could tell that she had something really bad planned for him. This was not just about the money, it was also about revenge. The fact that Victoria had promised to avenge on him gave him chills.

"Mother," Adrian gasped, trying to swallow the pain he felt on his throat. "What... what... "

"Mother," Victoria chuckled, repositioning her arms on her chest. "Did you just call me that?"

"Please," Adrian begged, tears forming in his eyes.

"So you can actually beg?" Jake said angrily. He hissed and then began panting.

When Adrian directed his eyes on Jake, the guy had a few bruises on his face. He had stitches almost all over his face and there were black marks from where Nicholas had beaten him. Hmm, Nicholas had beaten him harder than Adrian had actually thought.

"I have waited for this moment for so long." Todd snapped. "I'm going to enjoy seeing you suffer for everything that you have done."

Just the words from Todd were able to make Adrian shiver. He had no idea what Todd meant but he was sure that what they had planned for him couldn't be good.

"Why did you bring me here?" Adrian asked confidently. "I haven't done anything to you so please let me go. And where is my driver?. My husband is... "

"Shut up!" Jake yelled, pointing his finger angrily at Adrian. "Stop calling Nicholas your husband because he belongs to me. You stole him away from me and now I am going to make sure that you pay for everything that you have done to me. Look at my face." Jake angrily pointed to his bruised face. "Just look what you did to my handsome face."

To say Adrian was surprised would be an understatement. He was angry and his hatred for Jake grew even stronger than before
