Stand for Love Ch. 16


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While seated on the couch, seething and thinking about the possibilities, Nicholas' body and his mood were changing. His body got hotter to the point where he was sweaty all over... his breaths became harsh and painful... his heart pulsed, making him feel like poisonous blood was being pumped to the rest of his body... his body trembled in fear, pain, anger and hatred... his hands began trembling terribly, dying to strangle someone and... his mood changed from anger to rage.

With those myriads of emotions taking control of his body, Nicholas groaned and then quickly got up, abruptly rushing to the door. He was walking as fast as he could, ignoring the shouts coming from behind him. He had only one goal, to find Adrian. He wasn't gonna rest till he finds him.

As he reached outside, he got the car keys from his pocket and drove off like a mad man. He was going to Jake's house and he was gonna take hell with him. He didn't care whether they were involved or not. All he wanted was to warn them and tell them his mind.

"Nicholas!" George hollered. But it was too late as Nicholas had already driven off.

"Let him go," Granny whispered, feeling the pain come back to her. "None of us can understand how he is feeling."

"But what if... "

"I know my grandson will be fine." Granny muttered. "He will not rest until he finds Adrian. I just hope... " She paused when she felt tears building in her eyes. "I just hope that Adrian can come to us soon."

George looked at granny and he couldn't stifle the tears that were building in his eyes. The old woman was like the pillar of them all and seeing her like that was doing him badly. He didn't want her to be in that mood she was in. He wanted her to be strong and believe Adrian was gonna come back to them.

"Please," George said as he rubbed his tears. "Don't think like that. Adrian will return safely to us."

"Whoever did this will not be in peace," Granny cursed, pointing towards the heavens. "I swear that person shall suffer for doing this to an innocent boy. He or she shall live the rest of his life in suffering."

Without even asking the question, George knew that Victoria was involved in it, if at all Adrian was kidnapped but how would they catch her. If he was not mistaken, Nicholas was even headed there. He was just hoping the old bitch would go away for good, die somewhere, never to be heard from again. That was all he was wishing for her at that very time.

"Let's go in." Emily said softly. "He might just call us."

The rest of the family members went back inside with their faces dropped. Who could have thought that something like who befall on them? It was really painful especially the thought of not seeing Adrian for a whole day.

George sighed and then turned to go inside but he stopped when he saw John seated on the floor, tears flooding his face. His heart broke further as he had grown to like the boy even though they had only met.

George went and sat by his side. Then he wrapped his arms around him and brought his head to his chest for an embrace. The boy's sobs intensified and George's eyes became glassy with tears.

"I don't get it," John cried. "Why would someone do that to him? He is a nice boy and he is... he is more than a brother to me. I just want him to come back that's all."

"Don't worry." George's voice sounded different, harsh. "I'm sure that he'll come back. Nothing bad will happen to Adrian because he is a good boy and... " He paused and sobbed. "... our love shall protect him from evil people. Let's just keep on praying and hoping. His love for his husband shall bring him back to us."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Then the sobs and the cries could be heard from John. George was getting heartbroken with each passing second.


Adrian's mood had gone from pain to heartbreak to regret to anger to hatred to pain again and then vice versa. He had really cried a lot. His eyes were red... and swollen. He had a terrible headache and the emotional pain that was in his heart was terrible. He didn't have a watch but he could tell that he had cried for close to two hours. He was just hopping Nicholas was doing well.

After gathering the little confidence that he had left, Adrian raised his face and stared at Drake who had a chair close to him, playing with his phone. Looking at him actually made him angry... it made him fume and he had no idea how his anger had turned out like that. But he couldn't do a thing to execute that anger of his. After all, he only had a few hours.

"Do you remember those times in high school?" Adrian gave a loud laugh of pain.

Drake raised his face and frowned. "What?" His voice sounded angry and he didn't like that Adrian had disturbed him.

"Do you remember those times in high school when we used to be friends?"

"What are you trying to say?" Drake moved his chair and came closer to Adrian. "And why are you trying to bring back the past?"

"No reason at all." Adrian chuckled softly. He just wanted to see just how evil Drake had turned out to be, probably make him remember those wonderful times for the last time.

"Do you want us to remember about the past?" Drake asked hoarsely, folding his arms on his chest while wearing a serious face. "Alright then, how about we talk about the time when you got me expelled from school or the time when you had the principle beat me or the time when you totally avoided me or even the time when you insulted me." Drake was more than mad. Adrian could clearly hear it from his deep voice. "If I were you, I'd shut up my mouth and... just enjoy the little time that I have left."

"I know," Adrian sighed. "I know I did all those things to you but it wasn't my fault. You used to manipulate young boys into sleeping with older men for money. You also used to do it without anybody's permission and... "

"I loved you." Drake's voice had just turned into a loud growl. Adrian was scared. "I loved you so much and yet you couldn't see past that love."

"Love?" Adrian asked, angry. "You didn't love me. You almost got that old man to rape me while you watched. If not for the pen that in had in my pocket he would have raped me brutally and now you stand there and tell me you loved me. I only did what I did for your own benefit."

"Well, I'll never forget what you did to me."

"Is that why you teamed up with my uncle's family and my mother in law?" Adrian was talking angrily to Drake because he wanted to get to him, probably seduce him.

"Why I teamed up with them is none of your business."

"Of course," Adrian shouted. "It is my business because I am the victim here. I am about to die in... only God knows how many hours I have left." He rolled his eyes and chuckled with pain. "I just wanna know why you hate me to... "

"Shut up!" Drake finally rose, growling and panting like a wild beast. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He was fuming and Adrian might have gotten a hint of just how much he hated him. "If you don't shut your trap I'll kill you right here before they do. Just shut up and never... "

"What happened to the driver I was with?" Adrian sounded like he was demanding rather than asking.

"And why should you be concerned about... "

"Because I care," Adrian yelled, slightly extending his head. "I'm not like you who do not care about people. I actually treat everyone really nice and I value them unlike you."

"Well, I don't know about the driver." Drake said furiously. "All I know is that I was assigned to look after you. Now that you've got your answer shut your ass up or I'll have this phone down your throat." He pointed out a phone at Adrian.

Adrian was not scared of Drake at all because he knew the guy was all talk and no action. He knew him very well because they had actually been friends for a long time before they... separated and Drake made himself Adrian's enemy.

"By the way, I had a phone with me." Adrian said, looking at the pocket where he had put his phone. "Where have... "

"You mean this?" Drake got out his phone and showed it to him. "Actually I am gonna be using it for... "

"Won't your conscience bother you?" Adrian asked. "Can you live your life knowing that you've killed someone?"

"I don't care about that," Drake yelled. "Now you shut up and wait for your time. I might just give them a call and... " He paused and started dialing a number. Adrian knew he might have been taking things too far so he needed to stop him.

"No!" Adrian gave out a low cry. "I'll not say anything. Please don't call them."

"That's good," Drake gave a mocking laugh. "If I hear one more word... "

"I hear you." Adrian cried. "I'll remain quiet and enjoy the little painful time that I have left."

Adrian saw Drake go back to his chair and then began playing with his phone. By then tears had already started pouring down his face. He was in pain again and maybe a quick death would put him out of his misery.

"I hope my death will take all your hatred and you'll start over." Adrian whispered and then dropped his eyes to the dirty floor and cried. To his surprise, Drake didn't respond. Adrian cried again as he felt the pain creeping back into him.


Nicholas reached Todd's gate and he was already fuming. Without even bothering to switch off the engine, he got out of the car, abruptly rushing to the huge gate. Then like a mad man, he began banging on the gate loudly. He was mad... he was in fury... he was in rage and he was in the mood to kill. He didn't care who got in his way but he was ready to kill anyone.

He continued banging on the gate till he heard the gate opening. Then like a mad man, he pushed the guard and began running inside. He reached the door and began pounding on it. Then in just a matter of minutes, the door opened and his mother came out.

Nicholas stood there, panting and growling. He had his fists clenched and his whole body was trembling. His whole body and clothes were wet from the amount of sweat that had poured from his skin. He was shaking really badly and wanted to kill his mother.

Victoria on the other hand was happy. Her son had come to visit her but he knew why he had come. But either way, he had come and that was what was important to her. She quickly wore a smile as she closed the door behind.

"Nic... "

"Where is he?" Nicholas roared, his jaws trembling in anger. "Where did you take him?"

"Uh," Victoria rolled her eyes, pretending not to know what he was talking about. "Where is who?"

"Don't you fucking pretend not to know or... I'll kick your teeth in."

Victoria slightly moved at the sudden rage of her son. She couldn't believe he had just tried to hit her. How dare he?

"What are you trying to do?" Victoria gasped, shielding her face.

"Didn't you hear me?" Nicholas was ready to kill the woman he once called his mother. He hated her even more than the word itself. He hated every fiber of her being. "Where the fuck is Adrian?"

Victoria's hands went to her mouth. She covered it shut as she gasped and tried to avoid the beast that was in front of her. That was not her son. He was a beast and she was scared because if she wasn't careful, he would kill her.

"Please son."

"Oh, maybe you want me to call your accomplices uh," He yelled, his face glowered and he growled. Then he moved away from his mother.

"Todd!" Nicholas yelled at the top of his voice. "Todd! Bring your ass out here, you coward." He yelled. "Todd, you fucking cunt, come out."

Then as he was about to shout out one more time, he heard the door opening and he diverted his eyes to Todd who was moving out of the house. Then quickly as his legs could carry him, he rushed to Todd who seemed mad at him.

"How dare you... " But it was too late. Nicholas was coming in close and he had his fists clenched. He made sure that they were as hard as iron. Then reaching Todd, he swung his fist in the air and punched him so hard on the nose. It sent him flying to the door, banging his head so hard he winced as he fell to the floor.

Reaching the floor, Todd gave out a loud scream of pain as he touched his aching nose. There was so much blood coming out and he thought that Nicholas had broken his nose in half. It was really painful especially for a man his age. He couldn't help but give out a low cry of pain.

"Nicholas!" Victoria quickly leaned down and held on to Todd. "What's wrong with you? Have you totally lost it? Don't you know the tradition of respecting your elders?"

"Elders my ass," Nicholas fumed, giving his mother beast eyes. "He's nothing to me and of course I know about the traditions and that man deserves nothing but to be treated like a whore. He's such an asshole."


"Don't you shout at me?" Nicholas bellowed, angrily pointing at her. "You are not my mother. You're nothing to me. Now tell me what I want to know or you'll be the next one."

"What... "

"Where is Adrian?"

"How am I supposed to know where that... "

Hearing where his mother was about to go with her sentence, Nicholas swung his fist in the air and headed for her head. But he withdrew before he could reach her. Then he looked at her in fury, panting and growling. He was ready to kill in that mode that he was in. He didn't care what happens later.

"Now I ask again, where is he?"

"We don't know." Todd yelped, covering his nose while he cried out in pain. "What business do we have with... "

"I know the extent you can go just to keep things to yourself." Nicholas yelled. "I know you somehow knew he was going to meet with the lawyer and you kidnapped him before he could reach there."

"Which lawyer?" Todd winced, trying to cover his nose. "I don't know what... "

"Oh don't you act smart with me." Nicholas yelled, trembling as he furiously got closer to Todd and Victoria. He just wanted to kill them. "I know you know about Equilinias. You didn't get it so you tried to... "

"Why would I do that? I haven't heard from Adrian since months ago." Todd cried out in pain. "I didn't even get to... "

"Now listen to me you sick fucker," Nicholas warned, leaning forward. "I'm giving you twenty four hours to bring back Adrian to me. Failure to do... " He gave out a bitter laugh that scared the shit out of Victoria and Todd. "... I'll make sure I kill all of you. I'll kill you slowly and painfully. You just knew me as a weak boy but trust me... you're gonna wish you had never crossed my path."

"I don't know where he is." Todd yelped.

"Well then I guess you better start your search because whether you kidnapped him or not... I'll fucking blow your brains out."

Nicholas hissed and then stormed out to his car, leaving his mother and Todd stunned. He didn't care what they were thinking but what he had issued was not a threat. It was a promise and he was gonna fulfill it to the end. He was gonna kill them all without any hesitation.

Reaching the car, Nicholas quickly climbed and buckled his belt. Then the anger he had felt a few minutes ago started evaporating, leaving him feeling weak and in pain. He couldn't take the headache that he felt... he couldn't take the heartache that he felt... he couldn't even take the thoughts that were slipping in his mind. Each moment he took to think about Adrian was actually torture. He couldn't take it anymore. He felt like the more he tried to concentrate, the more the pain slipped through till he couldn't take it anymore.

Nicholas gripped the driving wheel and then buried his head in it. Tears then started coming out of his eyes, flooding his face. He just wanted to find Adrian and take him home to the people that were suffering because he was not home. He needed to find him for the sake of his heart. He was gonna leave Todd to the police but he needed to continue his search.

Nicholas cried for several minutes, feeling the pain of missing Adrian. When he eventually realized that he might have been wasting more time, he quickly rose and rubbed his tears even though the pain was unbearable but he couldn't just sit there and cry. He had to start looking for him.

He removed his shaky hands from the driving wheel and slipped them through his pocket. Then he got out his wallet and opened it. At the sudden opening of that wallet, more tears flooded his face when he saw the wonderful picture of Adrian which was in the wallet. He was looking really handsome with a wonderful smile, piercing blue eyes and wonderful hair.

Nicholas brought his hand further and rubbed the little picture in his wallet. Then he gave a painful smile as he missed Adrian so very much. He wanted that boy by his side. He wanted him in his bed and on his chest. He was not ever gonna sleep until he finds Adrian.

"I'll not rest until I find you my love." Nicholas' voice sounded painful, even to his own ears. "I'll find you and we'll be together forever."

Nicholas brought the picture close to his heart and then held it tightly, imagining he was embracing Adrian. He then slipped it back to his pocket and put his hands together, looking towards the heavens.

"Save the boy that I love so much." He prayed earnestly. "Keep him away from harm. Let me be a better husband to him. Give me that chance and I'll never let go of it."

Nicholas then took a moment of silence, just clearing his mind but nothing was working. Adrian's memories kept on finding their way into his mind and he couldn't do anything. He just accepted that they were a part of him which he couldn't resist. He also realized that they were his driving force.

Still trembling in fear and with the hope of finding his Adrian being the greatest passion, Nicholas began moving his car. His search for Adrian had begun.


The people in the house had started panicking once again. They had neither slept nor had anything to eat since morning. They had their phones close to them, waiting for any phone from either the inspector who had his men searching the city or from Nicholas who had left in the morning and had not bothered to return.

"This is really killing me." Arianna sobbed, as tears began rushing down her face. "Why is it taking them so long? We are supposed to have some news by now right? Then why have they... "

"Please calm down." Emily's voice was weak and vulnerable. She couldn't still accept the fact that Adrian had gone missing. "Nicholas will come back with him... I am certain."

Then there was another moment of silence in the whole living room. They were just happy Gabriel was kept in his room by a maid or it would have been really bad for all of them. Now the only person they were worried about was Adrian.

Looking at the time, George could see that it was almost 8 in the evening. There had been no news of any kind from the inspector but they all knew that a search was currently going on. They were all just hoping for some good news to come to their ears. Until that happens, they were not gonna rest.

George had never had a day as bad as that one. He just sat in the living room, waiting for some news until now. He had his face on his palm, trying to calm himself down. He was sleepy. He wasn't hungry. He just wanted Adrian and that was it.

"Fuck," George swore as he raised his face just in time to see Nicholas slowly entering the house.

"Nicholas!" George hollered, quickly getting up. Then he rushed to him and his heart broke into pieces. Nicholas' face was blank... his breaths were harsh... there was no life in his eyes... his movements were slow and painful and he had red and swollen eyes.

"Nic," George muttered. He couldn't utter any word. Just the look on his friend's face was enough to tell him what he needed to hear. Nothing could be more painful than what his friend was passing through. He didn't even want to think about losing someone that he loved... but he had lost someone he loved so much and it was even more painful.

Even in pain, George had to be with his friend. He couldn't just let him be alone at that particular time.
