Starlight Gleaming Ch. 17


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"So the rumors are true. I understand now why some people are determined to kill you, Commander."

"Yet here you are, with your troops."

What I didn't say was that she and her troops had to be there with the approval of someone in the Imperial household, if not the Empress herself.

"You threaten to shake the Empire to its foundations, if not tear it asunder," Tsocotchi insisted.

"The Empire has strong foundations. It will not only survive, it will grow stronger. Are you done testing me then?" I demanded.

"I am done," Tsocotchi answered grudgingly.

"Good. You are allowed to defend yourself. But if you ever attempt to attack me without warning again, I will not be so lenient, Captain."

"I do not have to answer to you, Commander. As a member of the Empress' Personal Household Guard, I am outside your command structure."

"Warrior to Warrior, Captain. Consider yourself warned."

"I have offended you. I had my orders to test you, to determine if this venture was a trap designed to impugn the honor of the Empress. I frankly doubted the truth of the claims made on your behalf."

Janetta handed me back the letter, her face thoughtful.

I returned it to my pocket. "Captain, deal with me honestly and we'll get along fine."

Something nagged at me. Going over to the window, I looked out. Sentry War Base should have been the last stop on our trip to High Guard. We didn't seem high enough. "Excuse me."

I made my way to the cockpit at a brisk stride.

Janetta was on my heels. "What's up, Ranji?"

"We aren't high enough."

"We're four, maybe five rads up. I should think that's plenty high enough," she replied.

"Not for a Condor if it gets hit by an EMP weapon. Without the electrics, it flies like a brick. If we get hit at this height, we will crash."

I gave two raps on the hatch, then opened the cockpit. Both pilots were slumped in their seats. And the flight engineer was on the floor. He looked up at me, his eyes bleary.

"What the fuck!" Janetta said.

"Go get Doyya and that captain. I need them both up here."

While Janetta was gone, I unbuckled the captain from his seat and pulled him out of the way, laying him on the floor beside the engineer. Half eaten food containers, and a sandwich on the floor. We were on autopilot.

Janetta came back, both women behind her.

"Tsocotchi, do you have any medicos with you?"


"I don't know if they are poisoned or just drugged, but get all three of them out of here. Try to get them to vomit. It may save them. Get someone up here to bag up their food and thermoses, too."

Tsocotchi left.

Next, I unbuckled the co-pilot and removed him from the seat.

"What do you want me to do, Commander?" Doyya asked.

I stood up and scanned the panels where the engineer normally stood. The Master Breaker was clearly marked, and I showed it to her. "I hope we don't need it, but if we get attacked, we'll need you to use both hands and pull this switch down. Then count to sixty, and pull it back up. Repeat it back to me."

She did.

"Good. When the Greys attack, there will be a bright flash. As soon as that happens, push that switch into the downward position. Count sixty seconds, then pull it back up."

Janetta looked at me. "Ranji? I know you've done this before. How many hours have you had in a Condor?"

"All told? About three."

"Gods of North and South, Ranji. That's not a lot of air time with this big bastard. But I have zero."

"You're the combat pilot," I told her. "You have the better reflexes. With the electrics, it moves like a lumbering boat. Look how quickly you picked up on the Sunskipper. You are the better pilot. I'll take co-pilot."

Janetta nodded, moving to the pilot's chair. Slipping on her seatbelt, she scanned gauges. "Ranji, we're only at five point two rads. How high should we be?"

"At least eight, preferably eight and a half rads." I buckled into the co-pilot's seat. "I meant it about the power. When the electrics go, it will take both of us to keep us in the air long enough for the avionics to reboot."

Janetta entered a new height command into the autopilot, and we slowly began to climb.

Doyya asked, "What do you think happened to the crew?"

"One eats bad food, that's an accident," I replied. "Three? Someone doesn't want us to reach High Guard. I don't know if this is aimed at us, or just trying to sabotage the aircraft and we happened to be the lucky draw. Could be either, but it doesn't change our situation."

Tsocotchi came back. "What else can I do?"

Several guards came in, carefully removing the three crewmen.

"Make sure your people are buckled in unless they need to use the latrine. Stand next to Doyya. When the Greys show up, they will use their EMP weapon. When they do, there will be an extremely bright light, and we will lose all power, including engines. Doyya might need a hand moving that switch. Our lives will depend on that switch moving to the off position, remaining there for sixty seconds, then being moved back to the online position. Until that happens, our engines won't restart."

"Got it."

"Janetta," I said. "When the Greys show, turn on the autopilot, and keep your hands off the stick."


"Because the EMP generates an electrostatic charge from all the components strong enough to injure you. We will lose avionics and electrics. It will take everything we have to pull on the elevators, to keep us from coming down too fast." Then I instructed her on the engine re-start sequence.

Janetta checked the autopilot. "Passing seven point seven rads now."

For several minutes, Janetta and I familiarized ourselves with controls. Then, we were finally ready to disengage the autopilot.

While Janetta tested the aircraft's controls, I searched for the logbook, then initiated a call to Sentry War Base.

"This is Sentry Control, Flight 137. Identify yourself and the reason for the communication."

"This is Ranji Kandikan, Imperial Air Service, serial one-two-four-chan-kay-seven-seven-qwa-mun. All three members of the flight crew are incapacitated at this time. I am declaring an emergency. Repeat, all crew are incapacitated. This is an emergency. Request switch to Emergency Radio Control Channel Two."

"Roger, Flight 137. Status confirmed. Switching to Em-R-Con Two at this time."

I flipped the dial to the new frequency. "Sentry, we expect that visitors will attempt to throw us a party. High Guard needs to know our status. But do not, repeat, do not notify High Guard of my presence aboard this aircraft."

"Roger, Flight 137. High Guard will be notified, per your request. Central Air Defense Command also notified. Please maintain a radio check every ten minutes until we pass you on to High Guard. Safe flight and safe return, Flight 137. Sentry clear."

"Thank you. One-Three-Seven, clear."

"What will Central Air Defense Command do?" the guard captain asked. She moved right next to me, to more easily talk to both of us.

"Probably initiate satellite tracking."

"Is that it? What about sending up some jets to keep the aliens away?" Tsocotchi persisted.

"Because that won't do anything but get good pilots killed," Janetta snapped.

"The EMP weapon the Greys use will disable any aircraft sent up to attack them," I explained. "It will also destroy any missiles. We're on our own here."

"So what's the point, then?"

"High Guard is a huge base, and while a lot of supplies are purchased from the Seven Nations, there is a lot of military supplies that are needed on a daily basis. A reduction in the air traffic has an impact, one that can build over time."

"So what do we do?"

"If the Greys show up, we'll know it was Atlantis. If it had been Minister Supay, we wouldn't even be talking, because he'd use a bomb, like he did last time."

"Blowing up military aircraft? That's treason!" the guard captain protested.

"He's done it before. Like selling children as food to draconians. Knowing it and proving it are two different things. Janetta, what do you think? If necessary, can you land us?"

"Should be able to do so. Let's go over the control locations again, then step me through the restart sequence, and the landing."

Between radio checks with Sentry, we spent the next hour going through the steps, with me answering questions for Janetta. As I expected, she picked up everything needed right away.

When the time came to head north, Janetta did so, quite smoothly. We talked about the differences between the Condor, her Lightning, the Sunskipper, and the Albatross. It helped to pass the time. Naturally, I preferred the Albatross because I was more familiar with it. For Janetta, it was no contest. The Sunskipper was ultra-fast, but the Lightning could shoot back. Being a Warrior, she liked having teeth when meeting enemies.

When there was a lull in the conversation, I said, "You know, one of the other pilots said he'd put in a good word for me if I wanted to fly Condors."

"Rather late for that now, don't you think?" Janetta gave me a smirk.

"Probably. On the plus side, I'd get a lot more air time."

"And?" she prompted.

"Well, the overnights away from High Guard wouldn't be so good."

"Besides," she added. "Unless you wanted to be busted a few grades, you'd end up on a desk job, and not likely one to get your own command. That would be a dead-end career move for you, Ranji. And likely to get you re-assigned to another base."

"Good points."

There was a pause while Janetta fiddled with some switches. "If that's what you really wanted, Ranji, we would adjust."

"Even if it meant cutting back on spreading the Protection Orders?"

"I'd be disappointed, sure," she admitted. "Take the stick a moment so I can re-tie my hair back. Thanks. It will no doubt help spread the idea if you stay with it. But people are thinking about it now. I don't know if it's enough, but if you wanted to step back, I wouldn't blame you. You've already done so much, and most of the time, I really do like having you around."

I grinned at her.

"Besides," she continued. "As much trouble as you get into while you're around me, you seem to get into even more trouble when you are away from me. You need me around to keep you from doing stupid shit."

I heard Doyya behind me snicker, try to suppress it, then fail miserably as she busted out laughing.

Captain Tsocotchi gave me a funny look. "Your Second is laughing at you, Commander."

Feeling the heat on my cheeks, I nodded. "So I see."

"You allow her to be so disrespectful?" The guard captain frowned, and Doyya quickly mastered her mirth.

"She's not being disrespectful. The Lieutenant is laughing because Captain Tlacotli teased me, and as much as I hate to admit it, both of them are right. I've seen Doyya in a combat situation before, and she was all business. Making her my Second was the second best thing I did once I got my own command."

"You almost act like family instead of warriors," Tsocotchi observed.

"Close. Rather, we're a family of warriors," I corrected. "I don't have a problem with people having a good time as long as the work is done, people stay safe, and we look out for each other. Doyya spent time as a sergeant, and she's used to quick assessments, and telling things as they are. I don't want anyone who works for me to hide things that I need to know about, and Doyya is honest with me. She does her job quite well."

Before I could ask Doyya about her promotion, the proximity klaxon began blaring.

"Autopilot engaged!" Janetta snapped out.

Leaning over, I looked at the gauge. "Eight point three-four rads--"

There was a bright flash, filling the cockpit with light too intense to see by, immediate pain in my arm, and then I faded into darkness.

* * * * *

When I came to, a medico had smelling salts under my nose. I coughed, then hissed at the burn on my hand.

Janetta, struggling in her seat, was pulling on the yoke and the floor controls, trying to keep our nose up.

The medico quickly slapped a Nu-skin onto my palm.

"Doyya, what's the count?"

"... Forty-four, forty-five, forty-six..." she responded.

Grabbing my own yoke, I dug in, adding my strength to Janetta's.

"Passing below the two-rad mark!" Janetta grunted out. "Come on! Fly, you damned piece of junk!"

Speaking louder, Doyya counted out, "... Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty! Closing breaker!" I heard Doyya and Tsocotchi grunting, followed by a loud click.

"Beginning engine restart," Janetta called out, "Inner set... mark!"

The engines coughed and then began to spin up. Lights on the dash flickered and came on. The electrics began to work, and the controls responded easier.

"Under one rad!" Janetta informed us.

Up ahead of us, the blue water of the ocean rippled. Surprisingly, I saw that we were fast approaching a ship.

"Center engines, on three, two, one, mark!"

The second set of engines fired to life, and we stopped our descent.

Suddenly, Janetta rolled us to port just as I spotted a jagged line of water erupting into the air. There was a pat-pat-pat-pat, and our center starboard engine died.

We were being fired upon!

"Outer engines, mark!" Then she banked us starboard, weaving back and forth.

We were nearly upon the ship. Blue and white pennant. Atlantean. It was small. Maybe a corvette? A guess -- because I don't know ships very well at all.

Unbuckling, I got up and moved over to the engineer station. "We're being targeted. Do you see the chaff button?"

"Got it!" Janetta acknowledged.

I scanned the radar. "They have missile lock!"

"Chaff away!" Janetta called out, banking us again. "Firing second burst!"

Three missiles shot toward us, then passed on by. We were buffeted by the explosions behind us.

We wove through the air, and then as we shot over the ship, Janetta added, "Third chaff burst away! Fourth!"

There was more loud explosions behind us.

"Targeting ended," I announced, returning to my seat and buckling in.

"Uh, one of the engines is on fire," Doyya said, staring out the window.

"Oil pressure in number two engine dropping rapidly. Cutting power." Janetta said calmly. Flipping a switch, she turned off the damaged engine.

Remembering the last time this happened, I looked above the radar screen and saw that the broadcast beacon light showed red.

"Doyya, push that button there. Yes, that's the one."

The beacon light turned green.

I turned on the radio. "High Guard Control, this is Flight 137, come in, please."

"Flight 137, we read you. You are below your expected flight path. What is your status?"

I turned and looked at Tsocotchi. "How are the flight crew?"

She shook her head. "Dead. Appears to be poison."

"High Guard, we are inbound, ETA twenty minutes. Entire flight crew are dead. We have sustained enemy fire from an Atlantean warship. Repeat, crew are dead and we have sustained enemy fire. Engine two is out. Leveling out at fifteen hundred feet. Please advise."

"Flight 137, we read you. Are you able to land aircraft?"

"High Guard, that's affirmative. Captain Tlacotli of 233rd Interceptor Group of High Guard is piloting."

"Flight 137, Captain Tlacotli as pilot, confirmed. Runway one-one-two being cleared for your arrival. Repeat, approach runway one-one-two."

"Roger, High Guard, runway one-one-two, confirmed."

I turned to Tsocotchi. "Captain, you should return to your troops. Have your people ready to exit as soon as we land. Can you scan a document and prepare it for encrypted transmission?"

"We have a C and C vehicle with us, yes."

Taking out my orders, I handed them over to her. "I'll want that back, please. When we land, a copy of those orders should go to Ground Security at High Guard. We may need their assistance before we're through."

"Yes, Commander."

"Do your troops have stunners?"

"We have both stunners and lethal weaponry. Commander, as soon as we land, we'll load up onto our vehicles, so that when the ramp goes down, we'll be ready to depart." She left to prepare her troops.

"What about me and Sowitwee?" Doyya asked.

"Go find a seat. We'll be landing soon. When we land, both of you are to stay with us. And, good job, Doyya. We wouldn't have made it without your help."

"Yes, sir."

There was silence for a few moments. I checked gauges and screens. Our starboard tank was much lower than it should be. Which meant we were leaking fuel. "Have you seen our fuel supply?"

"I have," Janetta replied. "Twelve thousand pounds in port tanks. Six-and-a-half thousand in the starboard tanks. Better let High Guard know we'll be spilling fuel on the deck."

I did.

High Guard simply said, "Flight 137, acknowledged. Emergency vehicles already on scene. Once you land, remain where you are until the fuel spillage is contained."

For the next fifteen minutes, Janetta and I focused on getting us to High Guard War Base.

When the time came, Janetta lined us up, and began our descent.

The ground rushed up, and then the sudden jolting reduction in speed as we bounced twice, then began rolling along the airfield. Janetta throttled down and I reversed the engines to slow down our speed. I couldn't help grinning at her, and catching my smile, she gave me a wink before returning her focus to keeping us under control.

Once we were down to a crawl, both of us started laughing, letting loose the tension we'd been feeling.

"That was a perfect landing. May you should consider a transfer, Captain," I teased.

"Hah hah, Kandikan. I am a highly trained combat pilot, so go fuck yourself."

"Despite the circumstances, I did enjoy flying with you. And with the Sunskipper."

"Are you trying to get into my pants, Commander?"

"Every chance I get, Captain."

"Good," she replied. Janetta slowly taxied us off the runway.

I looked out the window. Yeah, we were dumping fuel. Several gallons a minute.

Heading back to the cargo area, I went in search of Captain Tsocotchi. She and her people were collecting their gear.

Putting hands on her hips, she barked out, "Third Company, release and uncover your rides. Prepare to mount up!"

Four lieutenants and a dozen sergeants began yelling orders, and soldiers moved with efficient purpose. Canvas tarps were pulled down and tossed aside. Restraining cables were unhooked.

As I followed the guard captain from front to rear, I saw that they had a Tortoise armored troop transport. Next, I counted eight ChoCacs. A mobile command unit, a cargo-carrier ambulance, four all-wheeled types with machine guns in bubble turrets (M-types), and two of the half-track anti-vehicles (G-types).

I was not prepared for the lead units. One squad of four MZ-34 Ocelot light tanks, and a support squad of two MZ-56 Sabre-Tooth tank destroyers, and a pair of MZ-80 Peccary mobile artillery. The Peccary could provide artillery support, anti-air protection, or work as an anti-tank unit. There was also an MM-160 Ox, also known as a "juice-wagon," for electric recharging in the field. Accompanying the Ox were two MM-150 Centipedes -- fast vehicles designed to carry and swap out battery arrays in the field, so forward units could keep moving.

"I thought you were a mobile infantry unit," I exclaimed.

"We are whatever the Empress needs us to be. Get your gear aboard, Commander. Once we're on the ground, we will be on the move. If anyone gets in our way, we will clear a path for you. Third Company, for the Empress!"

Almost three hundred women echoed back as one. "Ha! Karana so eko kahn, Prosan Chaya!"

I didn't recognize the language, but turned to the tasks at hand.

Doyya and Sowitwee helped, and our gear was quickly stowed aboard the Tortoise. I noticed that off to one side within the armored carrier were three bodies under sheets.
