Starlight Gleaming Ch. 17


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Mother broke the silence first. "Ranji, I know you want to wait until your father is here before you tell us your adventures. But surely you can solve one or two mysteries for us? Who is this Marrin woman? Why were her ashes sent here? And why is your hair dyed black?"

Thinking of Deedee, some of my ebullience faded. "The hair is easy. It was part of my pathetic attempt to disguise myself. Rana, I'm truly sorry you and your boys were deprived of Bilan's presence, but he was busy saving my sorry--" I saw Sisi listening to me -- "Er, Bilan was busy saving me from a bad situation. He is a true and loyal brother."

Rana gave her husband a look of adoration. After kissing him, she settled into the crook of his arm, beaming with pride. My mother and the women around me, though, were alerted by my declaration, and I could tell by Janetta's look that a much more detailed accounting by me would be required later.

"As for Lieutenant Deedee Marrin," I continued, "Well, she was my second while I was away on my training deployment. She saved my life several times, and died saving me and three other men. Her ashes are here because her family disowned her for joining the Ground Service. If you can believe it, her father was actually pleased to hear of her death, and suggested that I throw her ashes into the garbage. So I brought her here."

Rana and my mother both looked horrified that any parent would be happy to hear about the death of their own child. Everyone waited a few seconds for me to add more, but I let it lay there for the time being.

Clearing her throat, Mother announced, "We will be honored to provide your friend a final resting place. Where will you bury her, Ranji? We have no graveyard close by."

"I was thinking she would have liked the view on the trail by the waterfall on the southwest ridge. There's a big flat rock there, next to several shade trees."

"I don't know the place, but I'm sure it's perfect. When will you hold her service?"

"We already had a full military funeral for her, but there's a fellow nurse, a Senior Lieutenant Beytindl stationed at Paxilman Hospital that Deedee considered to be her friend. I'd like to offer her a chance to be here to say goodbye. Two, maybe three days?"

"Let me know when you decide, Ranji. I wish to be there, too. She saved my son's life. I should pay my respects as well." Calling for a servant, food and drink were brought to Bilan and me. Snacks were offered to everyone, but were declined due to the lateness of the hour. Drinks, however, were accepted.

I'd been hungry before, but thinking again of Deedee, and my own stupidity in her death, the thought of food no longer appealed to me. My traitorous stomach, however, let out a growl.

Janetta glowered at me. "Your body is hungry, Ranji. Eat. There's more to your tale, which we will hear later, won't we." No question there at all.

I nodded. "I want Bilan to hear, too, and Styen, if he's around." I took a bite. As the food hit my mouth, my hunger flared back to life. I quickly wolfed down the sandwich.

"What's that you're saying there, Ranji?" my mother asked.

Calia answered, "He's asking about Styen."

Nodding, my mother said, "Styen's with your father, Ranji, acting as his personal guard. There have been a few attempts on your father's life recently. Bilan here has been turning my home into a fortress. But considering all of what's happened this past year, I'm grateful for Bilan's efforts to protect my husband and my grandchildren."

"Thank you, Lady Kandikan," Bilan replied. "I am honored to be of service."

"Ranji calls you his brother, Bilan. Indeed, the last time Ranji was here, you helped save us. If you will allow it, I would name you beta, which means son, and Rana as my beti, my daughter. For truly I consider that I have four grandchildren, not two, with a fifth one on the way."

Seeing Rana wiping her eyes, Bilan replied, "Thank you..." He glanced inquisitively at me.

"Amaji," I supplied, giving him the Vedan word for mother.

"Thank you, Amaji," Bilan amended.

"Achha. Ranji, your father tells us there were alien ships that tried to shoot us down, and that you got us safely to the hospital. I have no reason to doubt your father, but did that really happen? Were there really aliens that tried to attack us?"

"I'd like to hear that tale myself," Janetta added pointedly.

For those who hadn't heard the full tale, I recounted the events of my arrival home, our breakfast, and the discovery of not one Vedan agent, but three -- and one of them a draconian! I stressed the efforts of Bilan in helping save my life, and Styen's saving of my father and his aid to my mother.

Even Bilan listened closely, and he'd been there for the first part of it. I believe the next part was new to him, and he leaned forward to hear the story.

I did my best to describe the events. All of us hurrying to the Sunskipper, giving Bilan my pistol and guards trying to stop our launch, and the steps I took to get us airborne. The harrowing flight low over the trees while I tried to convince Sentry War Base not to shoot us down. Following the river, sometimes less than a hundred feet above the water. Then the sudden appearance of the draconian ships, and how one seemed to -- well, if it didn't teleport, it moved incredibly fast and took the hit meant for us. There were a few intakes of breath at that part. Janetta, ever the interceptor pilot, listened attentively to every description I gave, following the tale intently.

When I described how the second draconian ship fired on the first, there were several surprised looks. I spoke then about the draconian agent at the naval hospital who had intervened when I was strapped to a hospital bed, killing both of the two draconian assassins attempting to kill me.

Then I described how the Air Service interceptors flew to protect us, our landing, and how my father had held my mother during the entire flight, telling her he loved her. How he carefully carried my mother into the ambulance, refusing to leave her side. My mother wiped her eyes at that, giving me an emotional smile.

"As for the draconian ship that protected us," I said, "I can only speculate."

"Then I suggest you speculate," Janetta growled.

I nodded. "Well, we know the draconians are allies to the Aesir-Vedan Alliance. Mother, I've already told you what happened to Sisi, and how we found Mina."

Ixma glanced back at the girls, and Zinja squeezed my hand.

My mother nodded grimly. "A truly disturbing tale."

I continued. "Apparently, there is a group of draconians opposed to the main government. They believe humans should be treated with respect. They call themselves the Order of Quetzal. I suspect the ship that defended us is part of their group."

"Ranji? Why were you in the hospital, strapped to a hospital bed?" my mother asked.

"Yes, why were you?" Janetta glared at the memory.

"Someone tried to kill Ranji," Calia supplied. "They shot him in the leg. He didn't get it treated. It became infected and had to be lanced."

"Why were you shot, son?"

"Because of the Unit Protection Orders, Mother." I saw Sisi looking at me, worried. Leaning forward, I held out my hands. "Come here, Sisi."

Scooting off the couch, she ran across the room to me. Calia and Cholan made room for her to get by as she climbed into my lap.

Standing on the cushion and wrapping her arms around my neck, she asked, "The draconians tried to hurt you, Tenant?"

"They tried. But I'm here and I'm okay, Sisi." I had to remind myself not to squeeze her little body too tightly.

"What's your name?" Zinja prompted her.

"Sisi Topkoransa Ba'lanchicotl Kandikan," she declared proudly.

I blinked. That was a mouthful, and my girl said it perfectly.

"Very good, Sisi," Zinja praised. "How come you have such a long name?"

"Because you wanted me, Mama Zinja. You and Tenant. And Ixma wanted Mina."

"That's right. Who rescued you and Mina?"

"The 'Manders... I mean, the commanders and Tenant." Sisi smiled indulgently at Zinja. This was obviously a well-practiced set of questions.

"Who loves you?"


I chuckled at that, as did most everyone else. Even Janetta smiled at her.

Sisi turned to me, her eyes big. "Do you love me, Tenant?"

"Yes, Sisi," I assured her. "Very much."

"Do you love Mina, too?"

"I love you and I love Mina-beena, too. You and Mina are my daughters. No matter what happens, Sisi, I will love you and Mina, and I will do my best to take care of you and to keep you safe."

"I love you, Tenant." Then she hugged me again.

Cholan and Ixma grinned up at me, and Calia said, "That's so sweet!"

"Why don't you sit on my lap, Sisi?"

"Okay." Without ado, she settled against my chest, closing her eyes.

I yawned. "Rana, you are looking positively radiant. Congratulations are in order. Do you know what you and Bilan are going to have yet?"

"We haven't asked the doctors yet, but with all the kicking, I'm sure it's a son," she replied, rubbing her round belly as she smiled. "I'm pretty sure that's all my husband knows how to make."

Bilan kissed her temple affectionately.

I yawned again, feeling the day's exertions catching up with me. "I'm sorry. Bilan and I have both done a lot of traveling in the past two days. Can we resume visiting tomorrow?"

My mother cleared her throat. "As a gesture to the women in your household, Ranji, your daughters will stay with me tonight." She carefully stood up, holding the still-sleeping Mina. "I will be at the dining table at nine tomorrow morning. I would very much appreciate seeing you at breakfast, my son."

"Yes, Mother." Mindful of Sisi, I rose up. "I'll carry her and follow you."

Janetta and the others stood up. "We'll meet you in the bedroom, Ranji," Janetta said, striding out of the room. Zinja, Ixma, and Calia kissed the girls, then Zinja and Ixma followed after Cholan and their captain.

Calia went over to Bilan and Rana, offering to help with getting their boys to bed. Rana was too gravid to easily carry even Mika easily. Gratefully accepting, Bilan picked up his eldest son, Powan, and Calia scooped up Mika. After making sure everyone was ready, Rana led the way to their suite.

A servant appeared and began collecting dishes.

I followed behind my mother toward my parents' set of rooms, carrying my precious bundle in my arms. It felt good to carry my daughter, and I resolved to repair my relationship with Mina as soon as possible. With a sigh, I knew I couldn't force it. What it would take was time. Time showing her that I loved her, and spending time with both girls as their dad. I reminded myself that it was not enough to provide food and a place to sleep. Being a dad means being there with your child, making them the focus of your attention, whether it's teaching them the wonders of the world, just having fun together, or correcting them. By watching us, they learn how to act and interact with others.

I had many such memories with my parents, both together and separately. All those times, even when I was being disciplined, served to make me the man I was. Such had led me to where I was now, carrying a little girl who gave me magic hugs, called me her Tenant, and dozed peacefully in my arms.

Once in my parents' bedroom, I was surprised when Mother pulled back the blankets on her bed and laid Mina down. I had expected there to be a separate futon or a divan for them to sleep on.

"You are letting them share your bed?"

She nodded. "She and Sisi sleep better together, and Mina seems to need having an adult to cuddle up to. Ixma is her mama, and the last time Ixma was away, Mina ended up needing to be held before calming down."

Their short ordeal, when both were caged and scared, and faced with their murderous draconian captors still haunted Mina. That Mina had so quickly responded to her new grandmother bespoke of the great strides that Ixma and Calia had made with her.

I laid Sisi beside Mina. The girls automatically scooted together, Mina not even opening her eyes and Sisi draped her arm protectively around her. I pulled up the blankets over them, giving each a kiss on the forehead.

Mother perched on the end of the bed. "I admit I was resistant to how the girls were being treated, thinking Mina was being coddled. Calia helped set me straight. Your Janetta, too, had words with me. She let me know in no uncertain terms that their care under Zinja, Ixma, and Calia was exemplary, that they had your complete trust with your daughters, and that the girls were loved by everyone in your household, including their Aunty Cholan. Even Sisi looks out for Mina. Your Janetta told me that Ixma was doing just fine as Mina's mama, and that if I didn't like it, I had a choice of getting a punch in the nose or slapped silly. Her exact words, Ranji."

If Janetta had said everyone loved my girls, then she, too, had become attached to them. Unable to help myself, I grinned like a fool.

"Ranji, why are you smiling?" she demanded. "Your girlfriend threatened to do violence on me!"

"Oh, you're right, of course. She shouldn't do that to you. I'm just happy to learn that Janetta cares for my girls. She was quite angry with me for adopting them, though in part, that was my fault as I sprang them on her without any discussion beforehand."

"I see. Well, she's obviously changed her mind. I suppose it's better that she chooses to protect them. While I don't appreciate being threatened, I can understand her actions. The girls love their adoptive mothers a great deal, and they all respect your Janetta." She sighed. "Ranji, I am proud of the things you've done and all that you are trying to accomplish. Bilan called me yesterday morning from Mohingo War Base. He told me you were seriously injured, but were expected to make a full recovery. I was worried before about your career choice, but now I'm becoming afraid for you. How many times were you hospitalized while you were gone?"

"I'm afraid I've lost count," I admitted.

Her hand flew to cover her mouth, her eyes wide.

"Remember those Protection Orders, Mother? The fight I spoke to you about before has begun. Many women will embrace this change, but though they will benefit from this, there are some women who will oppose us."

Mother nodded. "We women are taught to preserve relationships, to focus on our families. Change brings uncertainty, and that might mean danger to their family."

"Yes, people are trying to kill me. If I am struck down, I can only hope enough people will be inspired to pick up where I left off. This fight is for you, for Janetta, Calia, Zinja, Ixma, Cholan, and for Rana, too. It's even more of a fight for my daughters."

I looked at my girls curled together, sleeping peacefully. "I was blessed by the love of two wonderful parents. I only had a short time to start being their dad before I had to leave, but I tell you those memories helped me endure being away as much as the love of my family. I want my daughters to have opportunities to learn, to be safe, and to be happy. Imagine a world where their feelings and voices aren't dismissed because they are women! When they grow up, I want them to have a say over their own bodies, to have the right to say no. And maybe, just maybe, women can vote, and have equal rights under Imperial law."

Tears spilling, she nodded at me.

"You're partly to blame," I told her.


"Of course! You, Father, and Calia all had a hand in shaping my views on women. For which I cannot thank you enough. I grew up seeing the respect and love between you and Father. I am doing my best to treat the women in my life the same way. Janetta once told me that such respect and kindness helped win her heart. I know what the rest of the world should know as a given truth -- women are the equal of men. We aren't the same. We can't be. And we are affected by our biology. But socialization has an even bigger role. I want a better world for my girls, and all the other girls out there."

"How can a mother say no to such as that? I am so proud of you. Please promise you will continue to take care." Rising up, she hugged me, sniffling. After a long moment, she leaned up and kissed my cheek. "You should go now. They're all waiting for you. Good night, my son. I will see you in the morning."

I hugged her back. "Good night, Mother."

Exiting the suite, I headed toward my own set of apartments. Along the way, I passed a pair of guards quietly on patrol. After checking me out, they moved on with their rounds. Again, the card reader reported that my ID needed to be updated. The guards politely encouraged me to attend the matter as soon as possible.

I was sad that we needed armed men at all, much less moving about within my parents' home. I was already resigned to the fact that when we returned to High Guard War Base, I would need guards to protect my family. Styen may or may not be able to be with me. While I would relish his presence at High Guard, I wanted my father to be protected.

Entering the darkened front room of my suite, I closed the door behind me, and headed on the bathroom. After doing my business, I washed my hands, taking in the fact there were a lot of jars and brushes and the like on the counters. Beside the trays for the toothbrushes was a fresh one, still in a wrapper. Calia, no doubt. I quickly cleaned my teeth, and headed for my bedroom.

And halted at the sight of five naked women chatting quietly in repose on the bed. All of them turned to me.

"There you are!" Janetta declared, sitting up against the headboard. "Took you long enough! Get naked, Kandikan. Otherwise, I'll let them have the pleasure of stripping you. You have ten seconds, so don't dawdle."

"Can we start the count at five, Captain?" Cholan asked cheekily.

"I second Cholan's motion," Ixma added with a grin. Calia laughed.

Even Zinja looked interested in helping. Doing my best to suppress my own laughter, I unbuckled my weapon and laid it on my dresser. Then I rapidly shed my clothes.

Janetta instructed me to lay down near her. I noted that Calia made sure there were at least two towels under both my head and my butt. At Janetta's direction, a very flushed Ixma lowered her nether lips for me to plunder with my mouth. Running my hands over her smooth skin, I welcomed the opportunity to renew my intimate relationship with her. While I was occupied with that, Zinja, Cholan, and Calia slowly masturbated while taking turns playing with my balls and cock.

Ixma didn't last long, shuddering under my tongue as she flooded my mouth with her tangy sweetness. One of the first things I noticed was that her pussy was no longer completely bare. The lips were just as smoothly shaved, but the light brown hair on her mound above her cleft had been allowed to grow back.

Despite their attentions, having already performed so well in the hangar, I was content to enjoy giving them pleasure.

Cholan was next, and she didn't last long either. Calia was so worked up, that she came in less than a minute on my face. I noticed that while Cholan and Calia had retained the hair on their mounds, they were shaved like Ixma.

Zinja, I noticed, was trimmed but retained a full bush. She lasted the longest of the four women, doing her best to raise her pleasure while not reaching her peak. When I felt the tension building in her legs again, I slipped one arm around her to hold her in place, then plunged two fingers into her leaking lips. Found that soft, spongy spot just inside and gently rubbed it. Arching her back, Zinja gasped, wriggling about in my firm grasp. My thumb found a place at the base of her clit and moved it circles. Zinja made guttural sounds while she writhed about.

Cholan and Ixma giggled.

"Captain," Calia asked archly, "Is he checking her engine?"
